
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    I feel like I can join you lifting gals, even though I'm nowhere near lifting the weights you do. I've been at it 4 weeks and I'm really enjoying it. I've found a good trainer, who makes me do reps of 24x20x20x20 and increases the weights on each set. I'm quite proud of what I've achieved so far, but my arms/shoulders definitely need more work!

    I was in the gym for 4 hours yesterday (unintentionally). I went to have a run, then chill out before circuit class, but my trainer grabbed me during my run and said we were going to do arms (didn't have a session booked), so went straight from running, to weights, to a circuit class and finished off with aqua aerobics (ok i treat that as a stretch and relax session). But today I am hungry!! I have already eaten my measly lunch. There is torrential rain stopping me heading out for something else (i'm thinking chicken) to eat.

    Ha ha same! It hasn't stopped all day! We were saying in the office, it feels like November, not August! And I would get the chicken, your body wants protein. After all that work you did yesterday it needs protein to recover. Or cheese. I just had half a mozzarella ball (75g) and it had 14g protein for 191 calories. You can get a low fat version, but I don't know what the stats are for it.

    Edit: 25x20x20x20 I would DIE if that was heavy lifting! He is going for the low weight - high rep option which is still fine as others will tell you, but don't expect to do heavy lifting with those rep counts. It's stronglifts 5x5 because its 5 sets of 5 reps, heavy weight. Keep going though your doing a-maze-ing!

    Yeah, that's what he said. I said I didn't think 50-60kg was all that low, but whatever :D

    I did dash out, the bottom half of my trousers are soaking (Now they don't stay around my waist, the bottoms drag on the floor. I went to get a packet of chicken from M&S, but all sold out. I ended up with a chicken roll from greggs :(

    not looking forward to my drive home tonight.

    WHAT?! That's my squat weight! You must be super woman! You sure it's not in lbs?

    nope definitely kg. Believe me, i checked!

    ETA: Thats the weight for squats/calf raises. i'm still only on 30kg for deadlifts and 20kg for OHP (which i like).

    You know what, I was about to say, I have gym today and I'm give it a go when I squat. But I genuinely don't think I'll get through the first set. It's deadlift day so I'll have time to try.
    The DOMS will definitely be strong with this one after this...

    Edit because you Deadlift less than you squat? I've never heard of this. I Squat 50kg (It got lowered because I had a week off :disappointed: ) and Deadlift 65Kg but it is only one set, so I may have just answered my own question...

    I dunno, i just do what I'm told. My trainer sets the weight at what he thinks I can manage, and puts it up if it looks too easy, so the top weights are only for the final set of 20.

    For comparison, for tricep extensions (i think - dumbell in hand behind head, then straight arm up in air) i can just about manage 5kg.

    Ha ha I say that at work!

    Oh he builds it up each set! That makes more sense! I was going to say, you must be hella strong to be able to do all that as a beginner! :lol: By my 5th set I'm nakered after doing 5 reps, let alone 20!

    Don't do anything that fancy I'm afraid. lol
  • Glinda1971
    Glinda1971 Posts: 2,328 Member
    Going to go check out the hotel gym near my work tomorrow. If it looks as good as I think it will, I'm going to join.

    I only have to drive my nephew for one more week (he's our summer student at my work) then I'll be free to go in the mornings and work out before work.

    Getting excited!! They have a pool too!
  • misskarne
    misskarne Posts: 1,765 Member
    The weather here is beyond vile. Its is so dark outside and the clouds are pretty much sitting on top of the houses. Very heavy rain, but still quite warm and humid.

    So of course, my mood is affected. Feeling a bit icky and low. I want to go to the gym but can't quite find the motivation to go. Or do anything really. I have ordered a set of dumbells from amazon, they should be delivered tomorrow.

    I was reading an article on this the other day. We've had a very foggy winter in my city, with very little sunlight in the mornings (sometimes the fog merely thins around midday before thickening again in the evening). There's a link between sunlight and mood - I can't remember exactly what, but they were saying there was a definite correlation between the foggy winter and the general mood of the people who live in the city. Something to do with vitamin D, I think. I noticed it myself recently - if it's super-foggy, cloudy, my mood will generally be worse, than today for example, when I was really tired (sleep problems last night) but really happy and upbeat because the sun was out and shining with some warmth.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I've just gotten back to the seaside house and managed to explode my stuff everywhere. I don't know how I do it. I am clearly gifted at making a mess.

    I have eaten loads this afternoon and a bit over target, but not overly worried, due to yesterday's burn.

    Have so much to do tomorrow - including making jelly lego, animal biscuits, dinosaur jellies and a train cake for Charlie's birthday. Goodbye calories!

    Happy Birthday Charlie!!!!Take lots of pics of your goodies!! I am also gifted at making messes.

    What is jelly logo? And I am a disaster when I am home. I basically just drop things everywhere. Then wonder why I can never find anything... Sigh. Have a great time with Charlie! Definitely post lots of pics!

    Its jelly (jello for Americans), with added gelatin, set in silicone lego molds. When its set it'll look like proper lego, but have a rubbery consistancy the kids can play with it, build with it. its a bit of fun.

    :o Its not edible? :disappointed: I'll just have cake then.

    I thought the same thing!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Hmmm, talking to myself it seems :lol:


  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    Its my one day off a week, to lie in and snooze. So of course, I am wide awake very early *sigh*

    The weather here is beyond vile. Its is so dark outside and the clouds are pretty much sitting on top of the houses. Very heavy rain, but still quite warm and humid.

    So of course, my mood is affected. Feeling a bit icky and low. I want to go to the gym but can't quite find the motivation to go. Or do anything really. I have ordered a set of dumbells from amazon, they should be delivered tomorrow.

    Just ugh!

    Turn on some lights and try to occupy your time with party things. Those jelly legos sound like fun!!
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    I confess that I am SO OVER this back injury. Dude, just GET OUT OF HERE. *grumpgrumpgrump*

    I hate that I can't post regularly anymore because my ability to use my laptop is limited and my tab stinks for typing. And I hate that we might not get to drive to Bahrain to watch Inside Out at the theater because I can't sit for 3+ hours. And I hate... everything. Just everything. :sweat:

    *pitiful whine over*

    @Susieq_1994's back you better cooperate so she can watch her movie! What's your favorite snack(s) to eat at the movies?
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    Going to go check out the hotel gym near my work tomorrow. If it looks as good as I think it will, I'm going to join.

    I only have to drive my nephew for one more week (he's our summer student at my work) then I'll be free to go in the mornings and work out before work.

    Getting excited!! They have a pool too!

    Woo! I hope it is everything you dream of and more :lol:
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    I'm gonna be busy at work for a while so I'll catch up a little bit later.

    I'm honestly not sure how I feel about therapy. I have always found it to be pretty pointless (from my past experience). We're going to go to this guy one more time (next Thurs) to see how it goes. I get 5 free sessions a year so I will try someone else if needed.

    I got "in trouble" for snooping on his phone. I know that was wrong too but sometimes I just get that feeling and have to know. He is the type that says that we shouldn't look at each others phones. So I got kinda mad and was like "So that makes everything he was doing okay?" and they both said no of course not. I was frustrated because my boyfriend tried to downplay some stuff so I would speak up if I felt like I needed to.

    I let the therapist know that I feel like I'm not important, I need more time with my boyfriend (the therapist agreed and said it's going to be hard to work things out if we aren't even going to see each other), need more communication (this has been an issue for a LONG time-he never lets me know what is going on in general-never know when I'll see him/not see him etc so sometimes I'm sitting at home waiting for him to come home and then he never shows up but he never told me not to expect him either). The therapist made some good points to my boyfriend but I don't feel like we really learned how to deal with stuff yet but that's why we are going to go again and see if round two gives us more to work with.

    I was a little ticked off because for about 10 mins the therapist was stuck on me being bipolar and whether or not I was even diagnosed correctly etc. I was like, what does this have to do with anything? This is the biggest reason I didn't like my last medical doctor. I'm not there to talk about me and bipolar disorder...

    I know I'm not the easiest to love/deal with but I know it's not just me/my disorder that is the problem so focusing on it for so long was grating on my nerves. Hopefully I don't sound whiny/stupid right now. :-P

    But we did go out to eat afterwards and walked around the mall and got some shoes so that was fun. We haven't really hung out like that in a long time. :) Plus there was an amazing thunderstorm when we left therapy too.
  • TigerNY128
    TigerNY128 Posts: 763 Member
    It's finally Friday! Yay! I'm working a half day. Hitting the gym this will be the first time going by myself. Mr. NY is at a bachelor party this weekend and he left this morning. He gave me two routines to do while he's gone, so I should be fine. I'm looking forward to a nice, relaxing weekend! I hope everyone has a super great day.
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    @FroggyBug sounds like you are off to a start, no matter how shaky. I do agree that they should not focus on the bipolar part. That is not what brought you in there, shouldn't be the focus. Hope the next round is more productive for you both.
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    My Friday includes hitting my son's first scrimmage of his senior year. Love to watch him play football. He has been a football (American) player since he was five years old. I hope I don't cry this year.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    edited August 2015
    Guess I should shave my legs. My dear son jas leaning up against my leg and turned around and rubbed it and informed me that it felt like spikes.
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    I'm gonna be busy at work for a while so I'll catch up a little bit later.

    I'm honestly not sure how I feel about therapy. I have always found it to be pretty pointless (from my past experience). We're going to go to this guy one more time (next Thurs) to see how it goes. I get 5 free sessions a year so I will try someone else if needed.

    I got "in trouble" for snooping on his phone. I know that was wrong too but sometimes I just get that feeling and have to know. He is the type that says that we shouldn't look at each others phones. So I got kinda mad and was like "So that makes everything he was doing okay?" and they both said no of course not. I was frustrated because my boyfriend tried to downplay some stuff so I would speak up if I felt like I needed to.

    I let the therapist know that I feel like I'm not important, I need more time with my boyfriend (the therapist agreed and said it's going to be hard to work things out if we aren't even going to see each other), need more communication (this has been an issue for a LONG time-he never lets me know what is going on in general-never know when I'll see him/not see him etc so sometimes I'm sitting at home waiting for him to come home and then he never shows up but he never told me not to expect him either). The therapist made some good points to my boyfriend but I don't feel like we really learned how to deal with stuff yet but that's why we are going to go again and see if round two gives us more to work with.

    I was a little ticked off because for about 10 mins the therapist was stuck on me being bipolar and whether or not I was even diagnosed correctly etc. I was like, what does this have to do with anything? This is the biggest reason I didn't like my last medical doctor. I'm not there to talk about me and bipolar disorder...

    I know I'm not the easiest to love/deal with but I know it's not just me/my disorder that is the problem so focusing on it for so long was grating on my nerves. Hopefully I don't sound whiny/stupid right now. :-P

    But we did go out to eat afterwards and walked around the mall and got some shoes so that was fun. We haven't really hung out like that in a long time. :) Plus there was an amazing thunderstorm when we left therapy too.

    I am glad you had some fun hanging out. I am going to keep my comments about therapy to this: Relationship therapy is not about one person's medical issues.

    ETA: What in Hades is my phone copying quotes from pages back into this reply for? And now I wont let me take it out. GRRR...
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    It's finally Friday! Yay! I'm working a half day. Hitting the gym this will be the first time going by myself. Mr. NY is at a bachelor party this weekend and he left this morning. He gave me two routines to do while he's gone, so I should be fine. I'm looking forward to a nice, relaxing weekend! I hope everyone has a super great day.

    So...does Mr. NY have a killer body? Inquiring minds want to know.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    I'm gonna be busy at work for a while so I'll catch up a little bit later.

    I'm honestly not sure how I feel about therapy. I have always found it to be pretty pointless (from my past experience). We're going to go to this guy one more time (next Thurs) to see how it goes. I get 5 free sessions a year so I will try someone else if needed.

    I got "in trouble" for snooping on his phone. I know that was wrong too but sometimes I just get that feeling and have to know. He is the type that says that we shouldn't look at each others phones. So I got kinda mad and was like "So that makes everything he was doing okay?" and they both said no of course not. I was frustrated because my boyfriend tried to downplay some stuff so I would speak up if I felt like I needed to.

    I let the therapist know that I feel like I'm not important, I need more time with my boyfriend (the therapist agreed and said it's going to be hard to work things out if we aren't even going to see each other), need more communication (this has been an issue for a LONG time-he never lets me know what is going on in general-never know when I'll see him/not see him etc so sometimes I'm sitting at home waiting for him to come home and then he never shows up but he never told me not to expect him either). The therapist made some good points to my boyfriend but I don't feel like we really learned how to deal with stuff yet but that's why we are going to go again and see if round two gives us more to work with.

    I was a little ticked off because for about 10 mins the therapist was stuck on me being bipolar and whether or not I was even diagnosed correctly etc. I was like, what does this have to do with anything? This is the biggest reason I didn't like my last medical doctor. I'm not there to talk about me and bipolar disorder...

    I know I'm not the easiest to love/deal with but I know it's not just me/my disorder that is the problem so focusing on it for so long was grating on my nerves. Hopefully I don't sound whiny/stupid right now. :-P

    But we did go out to eat afterwards and walked around the mall and got some shoes so that was fun. We haven't really hung out like that in a long time. :) Plus there was an amazing thunderstorm when we left therapy too.

    I have not had a good experience when I went to a therapist in high school (dermatologist told my mom I didn't have an acne issue... I was picking my face to death for 'other reasons' and that my acne would be fine if I would leave it alone) and I found it useless... BUT I know lots of people who have good experiences but you need to find the right one. This guy might not be for you.

    Glad you ended up having a nice evening. Post the shoes! I want to see!
  • TigerNY128
    TigerNY128 Posts: 763 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    It's finally Friday! Yay! I'm working a half day. Hitting the gym this will be the first time going by myself. Mr. NY is at a bachelor party this weekend and he left this morning. He gave me two routines to do while he's gone, so I should be fine. I'm looking forward to a nice, relaxing weekend! I hope everyone has a super great day.

    So...does Mr. NY have a killer body? Inquiring minds want to know.

    Lol! Yes, he does...he is like 8% body fat and all muscle...he's super disciplined with his workout and diet, and you can tell! I'm a lucky girl! :wink: :blush:
  • bkhamill
    bkhamill Posts: 1,289 Member
    Guess I should shave my legs. My dear son jas leaning up against my leg and turned around and rubbed it and informed me that it felt like spikes.

    Kids! They have no filter. LOL!
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    bkhamill wrote: »
    Guess I should shave my legs. My dear son jas leaning up against my leg and turned around and rubbed it and informed me that it felt like spikes.

    Kids! They have no filter. LOL!

    No, they don't! Danny's cousin gave birth to her second daughter a while ago, daughter 1 noticed her mum got fat before giving birth and so proceeded to ask me, in front of everyone, if I was having a baby as well.

    Ground, please open up and swallow me. :s
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Again, thanks for positive thoughts for my sister. It's very encouraging to hear of people who have had good results after the same injury. If anyone knows of bad outcomes, thanks for not telling me about them. :)

    She's still waiting for surgery, unfortunately. I don't know what's going on. They seemed pretty sure it was going to happen today, but everyone is very vague about it. (For US people - this is the price you pay for socialised health care! Yes, you don't pay for the surgery, but on the other hand, you have to be patient.) (A patient patient).

    Anyway, I saw her earlier and took her some stuff so she could shave her legs and dry shampoo her hair because a girl likes to look respectable before having surgery. I also ran around and picked up the after-surgery equipment she needs - this is stuff like a massage-table type bed arrangement and a chair that enables you to sit up while keeping the face tilted downwards. I hope that will help.

    I have been wondering. Thanks for the update. Sorry everyone is still in limbo and what a great sister you are to do that stuff for her

    Thinking of her. Hoping all goes well. I am behind and probably will just be able to skim and jump in from time to time over the next 7 days. <3
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    I've just gotten back to the seaside house and managed to explode my stuff everywhere. I don't know how I do it. I am clearly gifted at making a mess.

    I have eaten loads this afternoon and a bit over target, but not overly worried, due to yesterday's burn.

    Have so much to do tomorrow - including making jelly lego, animal biscuits, dinosaur jellies and a train cake for Charlie's birthday. Goodbye calories!

    Happy Birthday Charlie!!!!Take lots of pics of your goodies!! I am also gifted at making messes.

    Happy Birthday Charlie.

    @riderfangal have a great time this weekend!
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    I confess that I am SO OVER this back injury. Dude, just GET OUT OF HERE. *grumpgrumpgrump*

    I hate that I can't post regularly anymore because my ability to use my laptop is limited and my tab stinks for typing. And I hate that we might not get to drive to Bahrain to watch Inside Out at the theater because I can't sit for 3+ hours. And I hate... everything. Just everything. :sweat:

    *pitiful whine over*

    I know it can take awhile to heal a back. I hope your injury heals quickly.
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Again, thanks for positive thoughts for my sister. It's very encouraging to hear of people who have had good results after the same injury. If anyone knows of bad outcomes, thanks for not telling me about them. :)

    She's still waiting for surgery, unfortunately. I don't know what's going on. They seemed pretty sure it was going to happen today, but everyone is very vague about it. (For US people - this is the price you pay for socialised health care! Yes, you don't pay for the surgery, but on the other hand, you have to be patient.) (A patient patient).

    Anyway, I saw her earlier and took her some stuff so she could shave her legs and dry shampoo her hair because a girl likes to look respectable before having surgery. I also ran around and picked up the after-surgery equipment she needs - this is stuff like a massage-table type bed arrangement and a chair that enables you to sit up while keeping the face tilted downwards. I hope that will help.

    I have been wondering. Thanks for the update. Sorry everyone is still in limbo and what a great sister you are to do that stuff for her

    Thinking of her. Hoping all goes well. I am behind and probably will just be able to skim and jump in from time to time over the next 7 days. <3
    Thank you. I'm waiting for this morning's update. Last I heard was that the surgery was done, but for some reason they used a bubble of oil instead of the usual bubble of gas to stabilize the repair. From what I read, the outcome isn't as good, although the recovery is easier because it's not necessary to keep the head forward like you do with the gas. My BIL said he was taking her home late last night, and that she had to be back in for an early morning check today.
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    I've just gotten back to the seaside house and managed to explode my stuff everywhere. I don't know how I do it. I am clearly gifted at making a mess.

    I have eaten loads this afternoon and a bit over target, but not overly worried, due to yesterday's burn.

    Have so much to do tomorrow - including making jelly lego, animal biscuits, dinosaur jellies and a train cake for Charlie's birthday. Goodbye calories!

    Awwww this sounds like fuuun, if I lived closer I would so drop by for a jelly lego and cake. :yum:

    My ex used to rave about jelly (aka jello) and ice cream. I never could see how the two went together.
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    Anyone heard from @KylerJaye? Hoping she's doing ok.
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    I confess that I am SO OVER this back injury. Dude, just GET OUT OF HERE. *grumpgrumpgrump*

    I hate that I can't post regularly anymore because my ability to use my laptop is limited and my tab stinks for typing. And I hate that we might not get to drive to Bahrain to watch Inside Out at the theater because I can't sit for 3+ hours. And I hate... everything. Just everything. :sweat:

    *pitiful whine over*

    I know it can take awhile to heal a back. I hope your injury heals quickly.
    Me too. Take care, Susie. Wishing you healing thoughts!
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    I've just gotten back to the seaside house and managed to explode my stuff everywhere. I don't know how I do it. I am clearly gifted at making a mess.

    I have eaten loads this afternoon and a bit over target, but not overly worried, due to yesterday's burn.

    Have so much to do tomorrow - including making jelly lego, animal biscuits, dinosaur jellies and a train cake for Charlie's birthday. Goodbye calories!

    Awwww this sounds like fuuun, if I lived closer I would so drop by for a jelly lego and cake. :yum:

    My ex used to rave about jelly (aka jello) and ice cream. I never could see how the two went together.
    Standard birthday party fare when I was a kid! That and various sandwiches with crusts cut off and a plate of fancy biscuits (cookies).
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    bkhamill wrote: »
    Guess I should shave my legs. My dear son jas leaning up against my leg and turned around and rubbed it and informed me that it felt like spikes.

    Kids! They have no filter. LOL!

    No, they don't! Danny's cousin gave birth to her second daughter a while ago, daughter 1 noticed her mum got fat before giving birth and so proceeded to ask me, in front of everyone, if I was having a baby as well.

    Ground, please open up and swallow me. :s
    Ohhh, sorry that happened. Kids can be brutal in their honesty.
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    edited August 2015
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    bkhamill wrote: »
    Guess I should shave my legs. My dear son jas leaning up against my leg and turned around and rubbed it and informed me that it felt like spikes.

    Kids! They have no filter. LOL!

    No, they don't! Danny's cousin gave birth to her second daughter a while ago, daughter 1 noticed her mum got fat before giving birth and so proceeded to ask me, in front of everyone, if I was having a baby as well.

    Ground, please open up and swallow me. :s

    Oh, that's awful! And - I'm sorry - but I laughed a little.

    A few Christmases ago I was at my aunt's house and playing a Wii game that involved lots of jumping and sprinting in place. My younger cousin informed me that my butt jiggles :unamused:
  • MissKalhan
    MissKalhan Posts: 2,282 Member
    I stayed up to late last night, didn't get my run in this morning and my Outlook is being an asshat.
    I am cranky and anxious to hear about the house offer.

    *hides under her desk* I don't wana adult today guysss!
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    I confess that I am SO OVER this back injury. Dude, just GET OUT OF HERE. *grumpgrumpgrump*

    I hate that I can't post regularly anymore because my ability to use my laptop is limited and my tab stinks for typing. And I hate that we might not get to drive to Bahrain to watch Inside Out at the theater because I can't sit for 3+ hours. And I hate... everything. Just everything. :sweat:

    *pitiful whine over*

    @Susieq_1994's back you better cooperate so she can watch her movie! What's your favorite snack(s) to eat at the movies?

    I always order the same thing--caramel-covered popcorn and a mixed (strawberry/lime, usually) slushie.

    Funny but true: The very first time Mr. Susie and I went to the movie theater (as newlyweds, no less!), I accidentally dumped an entire bucket of popcorn all over him right in the middle of the movie. We spent at least the next 30 minutes trying not to burst out laughing out loud while trying to pick all the popcorn off of him in the dark... Good times. :p At least it wasn't the slushie, right?!

    Confession: Mr. Susie and I walked to the 24 hour Tamimi market at 4.30 in the morning after no sleep at all (this is my excuse for encouraging bad choices :p) to buy ingredients to bake chewy speculoos spread cookies. My calorie intake is not pretty today.

    ... But those cookies were amazing.