
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member update on me.

    We're inching closer to adopting a dog. They're calling my references now and if all goes ok, then mid July they will be bringing her up for a meet n greet with my kids/us. I'm very happy about this, DH is on board but still a bit of a Negative Nancy about it. He did admit that he was being unfair to me about it. Everyone here knows I will be doing 95% of the work for the dog. If I'm ok with it then it's not an issue.

    I also had another woosh yesterday, so now I'm 6.4 lb from goal (Tubbs, I'm comin for ya! ;) ) This is my pattern though- huge wooshes for like 10 days, stuck for 10 days, gain a bit for 10 days, repeat. Overall I'm still losing at a decent clip, so I'll take it.

    Bought some pants online and a new blazer for work. I went from a 14 in blazers (I have a giant chest) to a 10, and from 12 in work pants to a 6/8 depending on style. Hoping to end up back in a 4/6 for pants, because I have a bunch in my closet from back in the day *cough*4yearsago*cough* that I'd love to wear.

    Another dental appointment tonight for 3 fillings (*grrrr*). I have to take half a Xanax before I go bc I get panicky. I've had so much work done and the anesthetic ALWAYS wears off halfway through, so every time I go in it's painful. The dentist last time said he gave me enough for a 300 lb man and couldn't give me any more. It lasted 60 mins then wore off :(

    Awsome for you!! I am so glad to hear that DH is willing to compromise on the dog. Congrats on the Whoooshh!! too!! I am starting to inch back downward again. This weekend will be a struggle for me because I dont' want to see it go back up but we will be out of town all weekend and I need to keep an eye on my intake. Good luck on the dental appointment. They arent' quite the scary things they used to be.
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    Ok, I am just gonna gab for a bit if that is alright. This is mostly about crappy health stuff, so if you are not interested just skip on by, but I felt that I have some friendships here that might be the best support I have for this particular issue.

    I wish I could help you more. I know my words probably won't come out the way I want them to (I seem to never know what to say even though I have a lot of sympathy for what you are going through).

    I don't have full blown OCD but I do have bipolar disorder and anxiety so I have a lot of days where I'm already having a bad day and one little thing will set me off and stress me out. I think that is why I have a tooth/gum infection right now too (as an example). I woke up this morning clenching my jaw so hard that everything was back to hurting again. So, I know what stress can do to someone and their body. I also TOTALLY understand needing a good nights sleep. I know that when I have trouble sleeping I get stressed, moody, mean and depressed.

    First, I know you are super busy but is there any way you can pack your own lunch so that your SO isn't giving you so much? Or maybe splitting the lunch between two days? Or maybe let him know that you don't need so much lunch? Can you maybe talk to your daughter without having to have snacks in the room? I'm not trying to be mean or anything but I think that may help. You may have to start with little changes like that so you aren't overloaded.

    The one good thing is that you've been able to lose weight before so I know you can do it again. I have a lot of days where I want to eat everything because of stress etc but I know that I want to get down to a healthier weight so most of the time that helps to stop me. I try to make sure I'm logging every single thing I eat and I want to make sure that I'm in the green. Maybe you can let us know if you are having bad cravings or tell us when you are doing well so that we can help/praise as needed. :)

    Anyway, I hope that you feel better soon! <3
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    Oh my gosh, I am so mad. My sister (as I have briefly mentioned before) is a mess... she is at this point basically a homeless criminal who goes around getting into trouble. Anyway, today I got a call from the Idaho prosecutor's office. They said I had a subpoena to appear in court next week. I was very confused when they told me I was being called as a witness to a crime at a casino, since I haven't been to a casino in over 10 years. Turns out my sister was the witness - all her friends got arrested, and because she has warrants up the yang, she used my name and gave my mom's phone number. Now I'm worried that this wasn't the first time. I can't believe her nerve.

    Wooooow, that's pretty bad. I don't even know what to say. That would really get to me. :( Hopefully this doesn't cause you too many problems...
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    Sorry I am so heavy today, lol. Hopefully you guys all know I am normally not such a drag, but this last couple of weeks life has chewed me up and spit me out! I know things are getting better soon.....with the exception of having to deal with my son's bike situation I really feel like the worse is behind me.

    Haha this is how I feel. I'm usually not so down but it's just been one of those years. I hope that things do get better for you soon.

    That is a scary story about being on life support too. I can't imagine how scary that would have been. That's sad that your mom never called your sister. I hope that the visit with your sister goes okay.

    That was so cute that that lady gave you money for your son's bike. That is really nice.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,370 Member update on me.

    We're inching closer to adopting a dog. They're calling my references now and if all goes ok, then mid July they will be bringing her up for a meet n greet with my kids/us. I'm very happy about this, DH is on board but still a bit of a Negative Nancy about it. He did admit that he was being unfair to me about it. Everyone here knows I will be doing 95% of the work for the dog. If I'm ok with it then it's not an issue.

    Yay for your upcoming dog adoption!! :) And good for you for standing up for what you wanted. Congrats on the whooshes too... awesome progress!

    So a couple little NSVs for me related to lifting. I always feel like I'm not a "real" weight lifter because I'm not pushing around the amount of weight that some MFP posters report but my SO thinks I'm a real powerhouse, lol.

    I usually set up the barbell for next morning's lifting the evening before and he happened to come downstairs when I was doing this, asked me to do a squat, which I did -- he was more interested in seeing how I used the power rack, since he bought it for me. The next day he told me he'd tried picking up my bar and said it was "really heavy" (it's not, really it's not).

    Yesterday was Upper Body Day and he came down to talk to me in the midst of my workout -- I normally don't let him watch because an audience and/or conversation can really throw off my focus and form. I was just finishing up a lat pull set and moving on to upright rows when he was there. He stood behind me watching both lifts for a few minutes, then blurted out, "Holy *kitten*, you look like you're ALL muscle!" Then he offered to take pics of me so I could see what my back looked like.

    Nice to know he's so impressed.
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    Call me crazy, but I get so confused when I have a qualified doctor telling me to do a low carb diet instead of CICO because some bodies react to carbs differently to others and this might work better for me, and then this kind of thread appears

    and I start to question everything. But then I think, well, these are random people on the internet, no qualifications, possibly trolls just wanting to confuse the situation, but they are all saying the same thing so it can't be UNtrue. But do I then question the validity of my doctor? Low-carb is a way of life for people with certain conditions so it's not unhealthy but it just frustrates and confuses me when a group of people are so adamant that their way is right and everything else is wrong (this can be applied to sooooo many other things in life). This is almost playground bullying, their way is right an no-one should say anything or even suggest something different.
    I get to a point where I feel so helpless, CICO hasn't worked for me and funnily enough it isn't working for my mum and my nan struggles with her weight as well, so it could be a genetic thing that carbs just don't sit well (or maybe too well?!) with our bodies and limiting it is the solution.
    Either way, I'm going ahead with the low-carb plan and my mum said she is going to do it as well, and if we lose weight where before we couldn't, then I think this should be something that is taken into consideration for obese and overweight people.

    Sorry rant/moan/verbal diarrhea over.
  • festerw
    festerw Posts: 233 Member
    I went for a 4.5 mile run this morning then immediately had about 48oz of coffee, a donut, chicken wings and a cereal bar for breakfast. I'm still starving and lunch can't come fast enough.
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    For those in the US and the Brits celebrating the 4th along with us what are your weekend plans?

    I am going to my mom's in Long Island and getting 2 long rides in to Montauk on my bike and at least one swim. My sister and her husband are visiting from Seattle too. I may cook Saturday if I can fit it in. Back at barn to work Sunday. Anyone have any fun things planned?

    Tonight we are (hopefully) going to see fireworks. It is kinda cloudy/rainy right now so hopefully it'll clear up later tonight so we can go.

    The 4th is my birthday and we always have a family bbq with lawn games and we play apples to apples or cards against humanity (kinda corny but really fun). We are having s'mores and cake too (my mom is making me a cake <3 ) then we will see more fireworks. I'm excited. :)

    I think you are going to the beach (Montauk?) but I'm not 100% sure. If you are, I'm jealous. I wish I could go to the beach too. Have fun!

    Hopefully we get out a little earlier today. It is dead at work at the moment. Then I probably won't be on much this weekend.
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    My legs are amazingly not really sore today. Those were the most steps I've taken since I got my Fitbit (like 12,000 more).

    I remember when I first started walking that if I did a mile they were sore and a mile felt like a long ways. So that's progress.

    Thanks for the well wishes.

    That is awesome that you beat your best on steps yesterday. :) Be proud but also take some time to rest if needed.
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    Yesterday was Upper Body Day and he came down to talk to me in the midst of my workout -- I normally don't let him watch because an audience and/or conversation can really throw off my focus and form. I was just finishing up a lat pull set and moving on to upright rows when he was there. He stood behind me watching both lifts for a few minutes, then blurted out, "Holy *kitten*, you look like you're ALL muscle!" Then he offered to take pics of me so I could see what my back looked like.

    Nice to know he's so impressed.

    Always nice to hear compliments! Especially from someone you love!

  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Last day at work until next Tuesday! Bad news: my eating has caused the scale to go from 137 to 145 this morning :s:# Ah can't change the past can only go forward. Which is what I'm going to try to do!

    As for the 4th, here in Columbus they have an event every year called Red, White, and Boom so I'll go to that tomorrow (after sleeping in and a hard workout) with the family! Then Saturday and Sunday I'll probably head home to Dayton to see my other siblings and relax. Family dinner on Sunday then I'll head back to Cbus so I can enjoy my day off from work on Monday ahhh can't wait!! Hope everyone else has a great Fourth, yayyy for being an American! <3

    If it helps you feel better, you and I are at nearly identical stats currently. :)

    I've got half an inch less in height and one extra pound, but close enough! We shall prevail!
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    For those in the US and the Brits celebrating the 4th along with us what are your weekend plans?

    I am going to my mom's in Long Island and getting 2 long rides in to Montauk on my bike and at least one swim. My sister and her husband are visiting from Seattle too. I may cook Saturday if I can fit it in. Back at barn to work Sunday. Anyone have any fun things planned?

    LOVE Montauk. My friends and I used to go all the time; just drive out for the day so we could eat lobster rolls and walk around.

    I thought this earlier but wanted to comment on it. Every time I see the word Montauk I always think of that Montauk monster picture that went around years ago (that weird thing they found dead on the beach).
  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    Too many posts to reply to, so I'll blanket respond:

    To all the negative stuff - That's terrible, I'm sorry, and things are/will be better!

    To all the positive stuff - Great job! Weeeeeeeee!

    Confession: I'm getting really tired of people giving me crap for "dieting" as though it somehow inconveniences THEM that I eat smaller portions if they make a calorie-heavy meal, or make "better" choices if we go out. This is a lifestyle change, not a temporary fix to drop a few pounds, peeps. I'm in this for the long haul, so getting in the habit of "cheating" because it makes them feel better isn't part of my game plan. Sorry, not sorry.
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    I got my Modcloth dress order in and I hate both of them, I think. The polka-dot dress makes me feel like Minnie Mouse and is all awkward, hits me at a weird place at the hem, and makes my waist look wide...


    And the peacock one (sorry it's still so wrinkly and weird in the skirt in the photo, it came all squished in a little bag) hits in that same weird spot above my knee plus it's too big around the waist and makes the embroidery sit all folded up because of all the extra fabric:


    It's frustrating to always look so much bigger than other people wearing the same size. Like...both of those dresses are the smallest size they even came in on the website but I certainly don't look it. I hate the way clothes fit me.

    So that was a fail and the return process is a real pain from Canada, so I guess I'll be trying to pawn these off on a friend or something. And I still have nothing to wear for the wedding apart from my old black bartending cocktail dresses, which is...not ideal.
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member update on me.

    We're inching closer to adopting a dog. They're calling my references now and if all goes ok, then mid July they will be bringing her up for a meet n greet with my kids/us. I'm very happy about this, DH is on board but still a bit of a Negative Nancy about it. He did admit that he was being unfair to me about it. Everyone here knows I will be doing 95% of the work for the dog. If I'm ok with it then it's not an issue.

    I also had another woosh yesterday, so now I'm 6.4 lb from goal (Tubbs, I'm comin for ya! ;) ) This is my pattern though- huge wooshes for like 10 days, stuck for 10 days, gain a bit for 10 days, repeat. Overall I'm still losing at a decent clip, so I'll take it.

    Bought some pants online and a new blazer for work. I went from a 14 in blazers (I have a giant chest) to a 10, and from 12 in work pants to a 6/8 depending on style. Hoping to end up back in a 4/6 for pants, because I have a bunch in my closet from back in the day *cough*4yearsago*cough* that I'd love to wear.

    Another dental appointment tonight for 3 fillings (*grrrr*). I have to take half a Xanax before I go bc I get panicky. I've had so much work done and the anesthetic ALWAYS wears off halfway through, so every time I go in it's painful. The dentist last time said he gave me enough for a 300 lb man and couldn't give me any more. It lasted 60 mins then wore off :(

    SUPER JEALOUS about you getting a dog. I have a cat and frogs but I really want a dog. I just can't get one at the moment because of where I'm currently living. :( I hope that everything goes well!

    Congrats on the weight loss. I used to lose weight a similar way. It would be about two weeks between losses. I haven't lost anything in the last two weeks though. Boo...

    I'm SO sorry that you have to go to the dentist. I do not like going to the dentist. Hopefully everything is pain free for you tonight.
  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    edited July 2015
    peleroja wrote: »
    I got my Modcloth dress order in and I hate both of them, I think. The polka-dot dress makes me feel like Minnie Mouse and is all awkward, hits me at a weird place at the hem, and makes my waist look wide...

    And the peacock one (sorry it's still so wrinkly and weird in the skirt in the photo, it came all squished in a little bag) hits in that same weird spot above my knee plus it's too big around the waist and makes the embroidery sit all folded up because of all the extra fabric:

    It's frustrating to always look so much bigger than other people wearing the same size. Like...both of those dresses are the smallest size they even came in on the website but I certainly don't look it. I hate the way clothes fit me.

    So that was a fail and the return process is a real pain from Canada, so I guess I'll be trying to pawn these off on a friend or something. And I still have nothing to wear for the wedding apart from my old black bartending cocktail dresses, which is...not ideal.

    I tend to agree that the black one isn't ideal because the design gets a bit squashed ( :( ), but I don't think the pink one is a problem (at least in fit)! Maybe another color would feel less Minnie Mouse-ish?

    ETA: To remove pictures.
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    Too many posts to reply to, so I'll blanket respond:

    To all the negative stuff - That's terrible, I'm sorry, and things are/will be better!

    To all the positive stuff - Great job! Weeeeeeeee!

    Confession: I'm getting really tired of people giving me crap for "dieting" as though it somehow inconveniences THEM that I eat smaller portions if they make a calorie-heavy meal, or make "better" choices if we go out. This is a lifestyle change, not a temporary fix to drop a few pounds, peeps. I'm in this for the long haul, so getting in the habit of "cheating" because it makes them feel better isn't part of my game plan. Sorry, not sorry.

    I have been gluten-free, egg-free and basically dairy-free for more than 20 years (long before it was known). I've been both given crap and had people bend over backwards to help. SO is great about it. When not with SO or at home I plan ahead and eat what is right for me to eat. I laugh right back at the people giving me crap. Yup, that's right, this is how I eat. Yes it is weird but I'm happy and healthy. :wink: For most people it is just a way to make noise and for the socially inept it is a way they try to contribute to the conversation. It has never bothered me. I hope you get to that point. Yup, that's the way it is....(Big smile.)
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    Yesterday was Upper Body Day and he came down to talk to me in the midst of my workout -- I normally don't let him watch because an audience and/or conversation can really throw off my focus and form. I was just finishing up a lat pull set and moving on to upright rows when he was there. He stood behind me watching both lifts for a few minutes, then blurted out, "Holy *kitten*, you look like you're ALL muscle!" Then he offered to take pics of me so I could see what my back looked like.

  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    edited July 2015
    peleroja wrote: »
    I got my Modcloth dress order in and I hate both of them, I think. The polka-dot dress makes me feel like Minnie Mouse and is all awkward, hits me at a weird place at the hem, and makes my waist look wide...

    And the peacock one (sorry it's still so wrinkly and weird in the skirt in the photo, it came all squished in a little bag) hits in that same weird spot above my knee plus it's too big around the waist and makes the embroidery sit all folded up because of all the extra fabric:

    It's frustrating to always look so much bigger than other people wearing the same size. Like...both of those dresses are the smallest size they even came in on the website but I certainly don't look it. I hate the way clothes fit me.

    So that was a fail and the return process is a real pain from Canada, so I guess I'll be trying to pawn these off on a friend or something. And I still have nothing to wear for the wedding apart from my old black bartending cocktail dresses, which is...not ideal.

    I tend to agree that the black one isn't ideal because the design gets a bit squashed ( :( ), but I don't think the pink one is a problem (at least in fit)! Maybe another color would feel less Minnie Mouse-ish?

    ETA: To remove pictures.

    If I can get the black one to a tailor and the tailor can fix it so that the embroidery isn't folding up at the waist because it's too big, then that's really the only thing I can do, I think, because it's so expensive to do a return and get a different colour in the pink (have to pay for international shipping and then customs again unless I go through the whole claims process with the government.) Especially because of how weird the length is and how stocky it makes me. I look like I don't even have a waist at all in that dress, I think (and I do at least theoretically - I'm 34-25-35 right now...)
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    edited July 2015
    peleroja wrote: »
    I got my Modcloth dress order in and I hate both of them, I think. The polka-dot dress makes me feel like Minnie Mouse and is all awkward, hits me at a weird place at the hem, and makes my waist look wide...

    And the peacock one (sorry it's still so wrinkly and weird in the skirt in the photo, it came all squished in a little bag) hits in that same weird spot above my knee plus it's too big around the waist and makes the embroidery sit all folded up because of all the extra fabric:

    It's frustrating to always look so much bigger than other people wearing the same size. Like...both of those dresses are the smallest size they even came in on the website but I certainly don't look it. I hate the way clothes fit me.

    So that was a fail and the return process is a real pain from Canada, so I guess I'll be trying to pawn these off on a friend or something. And I still have nothing to wear for the wedding apart from my old black bartending cocktail dresses, which is...not ideal.

    The pink one is sassy and breezy and fun. You look great in it and I think your waist looks small in it. The black one is harder to tell. It looks like it would be itchy but you look good. BUT what I think is not as important as how you feel. I personally would keep the pink one for those fun light-hearted times but only if you feel good in it. It has so much personality and spark. You have a cute figure. I am getting in the habit of tailoring of having clothes tailored to me.