

  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Okay, it arrived. I admit I ordered the small thinking that was appropriate for women...its a tad bit tiny (only in 2nd hole) but thinking that is a good reminder to keep weight off! Losing weight in my wrists was definitely a plus. I love seeing my wrist bones. :)

    Charging now.

    I believe that while you are exercising you are suppose to wear it half way up your forearm to get an accurate HR and calorie burn.

    That is why I could not get one, the L fit my wrist, but would not fit my forearm.

    You might be OK with a large @Italian_Buju, depending on where on your forearm you tested. The instructions say just two or three fingers above your wrist bone when you're working out (one finger above at other times), and it's supposed to be tighter during workouts, too. You don't want to hurt blood flow, but it is supposed to be tighter during exercise. I usually don't adjust the strap when I work out, I just shove it up higher and figure that will deal with the increased tightness that is supposed to happen.

    this is what I plan to way could i get this on my forearm!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    bkhamill wrote: »
    bkhamill wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    @pofoster21 yay for the fitbit. My email is posted in tne thread in tbe batcave if you want to add me.

    Also the shoes from yesterday were fab!

    I got a few people but added my email too at the end. If I missed you let me know. I didn't necessarily get everyone and may have added some not even in this thread! I stole Brenda's friend list. :)

    I hope you did not take my hubby, he will be weirded out by that

    David, Steven, Susan and Amber on my friends list are not on here.

    Ok, i stayed away from the boys, but may have added the girls... but they haven't accepted. :)
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    bkhamill wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    @pofoster21 yay for the fitbit. My email is posted in tne thread in tbe batcave if you want to add me.

    Also the shoes from yesterday were fab!

    I got a few people but added my email too at the end. If I missed you let me know. I didn't necessarily get everyone and may have added some not even in this thread! I stole Brenda's friend list. :)

    I hope you did not take my hubby, he will be weirded out by that

    i did accidentally get a guy named Kelly (i think its a guy, looks like a boy ghost)... he can delete me if that is him!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    So, I failed at the grocery store...I'm way over goal already and haven't had dinner yet. Oh well, whatever.
    But anyway, after I ordered our half pound of cheese at the deli, my son politely asked the woman working, "Can I get 3 pounds of kittens, please"??? OMG, everyone in line busted out laughing, including me! Where does he come up with this stuff?

    OMG that is SO sweet......or gruesome, depending on what he meant :p

    That was my first reaction.... was he planning on eating kittens? :)
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    (((HAPPY DANCE))) My home loan/assumption is approved as of today. Paperwork still ongoing but I'm approved all by my lonesome self all on my own to take over the loan that my ex and I took out. Now my little fixer-upper is allllll MINE! (soon). :smiley::smiley:B)

    ETA: Snoopy dancing happy!

    Good Stuff!
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    So not sure if I should put this here or in the batcave - so maybe I'll do both since this page gets crazy fast - but here's my fitbit charging tip: Leave your charging cable in the bathroom! I have the ChargeHR, and just plug it in when I get in the shower. I've never run out of battery and you aren't supposed to wear it in the shower anyways.
    Thank you for listening to my Public Service Announce, now back to your regularly scheduled confessions.

    Good tip. I hate the charger for the Fitbit Flex (I have to rubber band the piece into the charger or it won't charge). Did they improve it for the ChargeHR? I asked for one for my birthday but now I may have to buy it myself. I think this is a clever idea though!

    I don't understand how it charges enough to last just during a shower? Also, doesn't that ruin the battery? I always wait until my Flex tells me it is low and then I charge it a few hours until it is full......
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,369 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    So Monday I went to the urgent care after my physical therapy and I have a tooth/gum infection. I'm on antibiotics and she also gave me some pain pills. I felt so terrible yesterday that I called in from work. My tonsils and lymph nodes were so swollen. I'm already feeling better thanks to the antibiotics. I didn't get home until 8:30 on Monday. It was a long exhausting day. I'm very afraid of doctors so you know it's serious if I actually go. At least I should be okay by my birthday (Saturday).

    Things are still bad on the relationship front. I'm very frustrated. I'm finally at the point where I think we are going to end things which sucks.

    I have a bunch of responses to posts coming up so I apologize in advance. I finally got caught up.

    Glad you got some medical attention, that infection wasn't going to get better on its own!

    And... about the relationship... FWIW, I think you're making the right decision. Based on what seems to be lackluster effort on his part, I'm not sure anything is salvageable. It takes a LOT of work to get past cheating.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    RIP Nicholas Winton, who saved hundreds of children from the Nazi holocaust. He's just died aged 106, but this little clip is from a while ago. Sniff.

    I could not get the clip to play, but that is really sad! R.I.P. Sir Hero!!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    (((HAPPY DANCE))) My home loan/assumption is approved as of today. Paperwork still ongoing but I'm approved all by my lonesome self all on my own to take over the loan that my ex and I took out. Now my little fixer-upper is allllll MINE! (soon). :smiley::smiley:B)

    ETA: Snoopy dancing happy!

  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    So not sure if I should put this here or in the batcave - so maybe I'll do both since this page gets crazy fast - but here's my fitbit charging tip: Leave your charging cable in the bathroom! I have the ChargeHR, and just plug it in when I get in the shower. I've never run out of battery and you aren't supposed to wear it in the shower anyways.
    Thank you for listening to my Public Service Announce, now back to your regularly scheduled confessions.

    Did yours come with a plug? I only got the USB piece?
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Okay, it arrived. I admit I ordered the small thinking that was appropriate for women...its a tad bit tiny (only in 2nd hole) but thinking that is a good reminder to keep weight off! Losing weight in my wrists was definitely a plus. I love seeing my wrist bones. :)

    Charging now.

    I believe that while you are exercising you are suppose to wear it half way up your forearm to get an accurate HR and calorie burn.

    That is why I could not get one, the L fit my wrist, but would not fit my forearm.

    You might be OK with a large @Italian_Buju, depending on where on your forearm you tested. The instructions say just two or three fingers above your wrist bone when you're working out (one finger above at other times), and it's supposed to be tighter during workouts, too. You don't want to hurt blood flow, but it is supposed to be tighter during exercise. I usually don't adjust the strap when I work out, I just shove it up higher and figure that will deal with the increased tightness that is supposed to happen.

    Um, maybe I should look into this again.....I really really wanted that HR, I saved up for a bit and was so excited and waited weeks and weeks for them to tell me I could not get one.....
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    So Monday I went to the urgent care after my physical therapy and I have a tooth/gum infection. I'm on antibiotics and she also gave me some pain pills. I felt so terrible yesterday that I called in from work. My tonsils and lymph nodes were so swollen. I'm already feeling better thanks to the antibiotics. I didn't get home until 8:30 on Monday. It was a long exhausting day. I'm very afraid of doctors so you know it's serious if I actually go. At least I should be okay by my birthday (Saturday).

    Things are still bad on the relationship front. I'm very frustrated. I'm finally at the point where I think we are going to end things which sucks.

    I have a bunch of responses to posts coming up so I apologize in advance. I finally got caught up.

    Sorry you not feeling well and I think ending things is the right move (so speaks the woman who has never met either of you so take that with a grain of salt). Feel better and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    So not sure if I should put this here or in the batcave - so maybe I'll do both since this page gets crazy fast - but here's my fitbit charging tip: Leave your charging cable in the bathroom! I have the ChargeHR, and just plug it in when I get in the shower. I've never run out of battery and you aren't supposed to wear it in the shower anyways.
    Thank you for listening to my Public Service Announce, now back to your regularly scheduled confessions.

    Did yours come with a plug? I only got the USB piece?

    I just have the USB piece as well, but there are cheap outlet/usb port adapters just about everywhere.
  • riderfangal
    riderfangal Posts: 1,965 Member
    edited July 2015
    @nonoelmo Big big congratulations. That is really a big deal. Doing a happy dance with you!
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    Hi everyone. I haven't really responded to any posts today because I've been really depressed and spent my entire day in bed, only getting up to pray and then going right back. My app wouldn't let me access the forums either, so I couldn't even catch up until I dragged my sorry carcass out of that bed (with coaxing from the ever-supportive Mr. Susie, who bribed me with a trip to the supermarket. I *really* love the supermarket.)

    Anyhow, my thoughts are with all who are going through bad times, and big YAY to those who are having great times, and a big "HAVE A SUPER GREAT TIME" to all who are going on vacation. Patricia, that Fitbit looks awesome! My husband considered all of your posts and asked me if I want him to really buy it now; after some thought, I told him not to, because the earning of the Fitbit by my birthday has given me some motivation and drive to "earn" it, and I don't want to lose that so soon, since I've been struggling SO MUCH lately. A few posts that stuck out in my mind today:

    @kelly_c_77 Sorry that you couldn't resist the grocery store munchies. Tomorrow is another day, don't lose hope!
    @Italian_Buju You're really having a terrible run of luck. So sorry about the bike and everything else that's going on right now.
    @nonoelmo Too bad about the sword, and I hope you feel better soon; but a big YAY about the loan. :)
    @FroggyBug Glad to see you checking in, and it stinks that your relationship isn't working out. I hope you feel better by your birthday so you can celebrate. :) I agree that life seems to have gone downhill since February for a lot of people... Not a very good year for me, either. As for your question about soreness--my legs aren't sore at all. Weirdly, I never seem to get DOMS in my legs, ever, no matter what I've done to them. Walking, exercise bike, 30DS, five million stairs... They never seem to get any worse than just a little stiff. A blessing, I think.

    To all who have spoken of assault, it horrifies me that it seems to be so common and so few speak of it. Glad that many of you have gotten the help you needed and didn't let it rule your lives. I admit that I'm still terrified to death of strange men due to my own experience, and I can't stand to let any male (except my husband) stand behind me, no matter how far away he's standing.

    The transformation pictures were amazing. Great job to both of you who shared them, and AWESOME on the three years of logging, Ceci (can't remember your exact username. Oops.)

    @Glinda1971 Super great job on your steps; you can totally hit the 25k mark. :)

    ... I know this post is super long, but to update everyone on my progress today: Despite being horribly depressed, after being dragged out of my bed I went grocery shopping, did some food prep, cleaned up the kitchen, and did my exercise. I came nowhere near my calorie goal, because eating felt like a chore today--I helped it out with a bit of ice cream, but I admit that the oatmeal I logged in there is totally a lie. That's just the next day's pre-fast meal. Didn't do any stairs today; but hey, I got out of bed, right?
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    edited July 2015
    Ok, I am just gonna gab for a bit if that is alright. This is mostly about crappy health stuff, so if you are not interested just skip on by, but I felt that I have some friendships here that might be the best support I have for this particular issue.

    Yesterday I went and saw my chronic disease nurse practitioner, whom I see every eight weeks. She gives me my shot, and I get an hour block to discuss any problems that might crop up etc.

    In January when she weighed me, I was at 395lbs, my all time heaviest. I take three medications that cause weight gain, and while she has never seemed concerned before, she was worried about me hitting, and surpassing, the 400lbs mark. She told me that she got a note from my GP saying that she would like me to lose about 50lbs, so that I was at least out of the 'danger zone', so to speak.

    The thing is, I have a LOT of heath issues, mostly cause by long term diabetes. I only have one kidney, obviously I am insulin dependent, I have uterine tumors that the shots I get barely control, I have some nerve damage in my left foot, I have degenerative arthritis in my right hip that is really painful, plus I have had carpel tunnel for 18+ years, tennis elbow and trigger thumb in both arms/hands. I have chronic disease anemia, which not only causes me to have low hemoglobin all the time, causing fatigue and shortness of breath, but for some reason unknown right now, I do not produce enough red blood cells. I also have to take medications that may lead to other problems down the I am on three medications right now that my NP said yesterday she is worried may lead to osteoporosis, even though I am on a crap load of vitamins etc.

    On top of all this, I have a pretty bad case of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Now, I know a lot of people say they have OCD about this or that, but I mean I have actual OCD that causes me to require a LOT more down time than the average person or I will not sleep at all....I have to have enough time to have done all my rituals AND have some down time to relax, so several hours. For example, if I have to work at 7am, I literally need to be home by about 5pm for the night, or there is no way I am making it. And if I skimp on sleep, I get dizzy spells because of the low red blood cells.

    I literally meticulously plan everything, because of the time contrasts I live with. One last thing on that, I get a full blood panel done every three months like clockwork, and other than the low red blood cells, I am on target for everything.

    Ok, I may have gotten a little off topic, back to the first thing.......

    I have never really tried to lose weight much before, like I would have a random DR mention it or something, but never really bothered. I always stay active, I have had my Y membership for over 20 years, not just recently since being told that or anything, because at my size you HAVE to stay active or you are done for. So, I batted down and lost 20lbs, and then my SO came home from being away, and he feeds me like I am a small literally if he packs my lunch for work I am scared to open it in front of people cuz it looks like I am staying for the weekend. And then my daughter came home from school after her first year away, and she is a night hawk, so I spent several weeks staying up late gabbing with her, eating junk food and sleeping through my gym time.

    I am right back to where I started, and I have adjusted my scale thing here to show.

    On my way to my appt yesterday I was nervous that my NP was gonna weigh me and see that I made NO progress in six months.....but something weird happened....she was talking to me about my hip and brought up losing 50lbs again, like she never remembered she had told me that before. I played along because I did not know what to do. I know her pretty well, I have been seeing her every 6-8 weeks for years, so I am 100% positive she had no idea she brought it up before.

    The problem is I am having a really really hard time getting back on track. I bought myself a professional grade food scale, I have a good scale to weigh myself, a membership at the Y, all the tools I need, EXCEPT the ability to not over eat when I am stressed, and just having OCD makes me stressed most of the time. One doctor explained it like this: most people have a stress meter that is about half full at most times. So if you picture it like a glass of water, half full, and when stressful things happen, a bit of water is added each time,, and taken back away when resolved......but because of my OCD, my glass is always full to the brim, so anything extra over loads me right away.

    I find I do not use the food scale much, because I am always in a rush to eat or leave so I throw things in a bag and out the door. I do go to the gym a couple times a week, but do miss days because I have too many other things to do. I am at a loss.

    I feel that I really want to be able to show the NP that I made the effort. I do not see her again until the end of August, unless I need something. And I would like to make SOME progress by then. She did say that she understands how difficult it is to even just not gain while taking the three meds that cause it, but I know it is what I am eating, I am not stupid.

    It is not my activity level either, because I am on my feet all day at work, and am very active on my days off. Even yesterday, I was off work, and did not make it to the gym, but still made my 10K steps without extra effort just doing all the things I need to get done that day.

    Now that I am at the end of this post I am just sitting here staring at my screen because I do not know how to end this, lol, I do not really have a specific question or anything, I more feel like I just wanted to get this off my chest and feel you guys would listen/understand more then most of my people IRL.


    ETA - I only have OCD, sometimes it is coupled with depression or even social anxiety, so I didn't know if anyone would think that, but I am generally a very happy person and have no issue being in public, or even public speaking etc.
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    So, I failed at the grocery store...I'm way over goal already and haven't had dinner yet. Oh well, whatever.
    But anyway, after I ordered our half pound of cheese at the deli, my son politely asked the woman working, "Can I get 3 pounds of kittens, please"??? OMG, everyone in line busted out laughing, including me! Where does he come up with this stuff?

    OMG that is SO sweet......or gruesome, depending on what he meant :p

    That was my first reaction.... was he planning on eating kittens? :)

    Haha! He is just obsessed with kittens and cats. And he's just silly. But he knows that we're vegetarian and we "don't eat animals".... so, no. :)
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    edited July 2015
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    So Monday I went to the urgent care after my physical therapy and I have a tooth/gum infection. I'm on antibiotics and she also gave me some pain pills. I felt so terrible yesterday that I called in from work. My tonsils and lymph nodes were so swollen. I'm already feeling better thanks to the antibiotics. I didn't get home until 8:30 on Monday. It was a long exhausting day. I'm very afraid of doctors so you know it's serious if I actually go. At least I should be okay by my birthday (Saturday).

    Things are still bad on the relationship front. I'm very frustrated. I'm finally at the point where I think we are going to end things which sucks.

    I have a bunch of responses to posts coming up so I apologize in advance. I finally got caught up.

    Sorry you not feeling well and I think ending things is the right move (so speaks the woman who has never met either of you so take that with a grain of salt). Feel better and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

    @nonoelmo Big big congratulations. That is really a big deal. Doing a happy dance with you!

    And this!

    ETA: Hi @Susieq_1994! Thanks for checking in and wishing me luck tomorrow. I blame my bad day on the weather..and tomorrow is supposed to be I should be back to "normal".
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    HI @Susieq_1994 Glad to see you today! Sorry you are feeling so sad! Your hubby is so sweet! I am glad he takes such good care of you! Good job Mr. Susie!

    @FroggyBug I am sorry things could not work out for you and your SO, if you are sure that is what you want, make sure you stick to your guns! It takes a LONG time to get over a relationship that was that long.....try not to back step during a moment of weakness and each day it will get a little bit easier! We are all here when you need to talk it deserve someone that will treat you better than that, and he is out there, you just gotta find him!
  • riderfangal
    riderfangal Posts: 1,965 Member

    Ok, I am just gonna gab for a bit if that is alright. This is mostly about crappy health stuff, so if you are not interested just skip on by, but I felt that I have some friendships here that might be the best support I have for this particular issue.

    Yesterday I went and saw my chronic disease nurse practitioner, whom I see every eight weeks. She gives me my shot, and I get an hour block to discuss any problems that might crop up etc.

    In January when she weighed me, I was at 395lbs, my all time heaviest. I take three medications that cause weight gain, and while she has never seemed concerned before, she was worried about me hitting, and surpassing, the 400lbs mark. She told me that she got a note from my GP saying that she would like me to lose about 50lbs, so that I was at least out of the 'danger zone', so to speak.

    The thing is, I have a LOT of heath issues, mostly cause by long term diabetes. I only have one kidney, obviously I am insulin dependent, I have uterine tumors that the shots I get barely control, I have some nerve damage in my left foot, I have degenerative arthritis in my right hip that is really painful, plus I have had carpel tunnel for 18+ years, tennis elbow and trigger thumb in both arms/hands. I have chronic disease anemia, which not only causes me to have low hemoglobin all the time, causing fatigue and shortness of breath, but for some reason unknown right now, I do not produce enough red blood cells. I also have to take medications that may lead to other problems down the I am on three medications right now that my NP said yesterday she is worried may lead to osteoporosis, even though I am on a crap load of vitamins etc.

    On top of all this, I have a pretty bad case of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Now, I know a lot of people say they have OCD about this or that, but I mean I have actual OCD that causes me to require a LOT more down time than the average person or I will not sleep at all....I have to have enough time to have done all my rituals AND have some down time to relax, so several hours. For example, if I have to work at 7am, I literally need to be home by about 5pm for the night, or there is no way I am making it. And if I skimp on sleep, I get dizzy spells because of the low red blood cells.

    I literally meticulously plan everything, because of the time contrasts I live with. One last thing on that, I get a full blood panel done every three months like clockwork, and other than the low red blood cells, I am on target for everything.

    Ok, I may have gotten a little off topic, back to the first thing.......

    I have never really tried to lose weight much before, like I would have a random DR mention it or something, but never really bothered. I always stay active, I have had my Y membership for over 20 years, not just recently since being told that or anything, because at my size you HAVE to stay active or you are done for. So, I batted down and lost 20lbs, and then my SO came home from being away, and he feeds me like I am a small literally if he packs my lunch for work I am scared to open it in front of people cuz it looks like I am staying for the weekend. And then my daughter came home from school after her first year away, and she is a night hawk, so I spent several weeks staying up late gabbing with her, eating junk food and sleeping through my gym time.

    I am right back to where I started, and I have adjusted my scale thing here to show.

    On my way to my appt yesterday I was nervous that my NP was gonna weigh me and see that I made NO progress in six months.....but something weird happened....she was talking to me about my hip and brought up losing 50lbs again, like she never remembered she had told me that before. I played along because I did not know what to do. I know her pretty well, I have been seeing her every 6-8 weeks for years, so I am 100% positive she had no idea she brought it up before.

    The problem is I am having a really really hard time getting back on track. I bought myself a professional grade food scale, I have a good scale to weigh myself, a membership at the Y, all the tools I need, EXCEPT the ability to not over eat when I am stressed, and just having OCD makes me stressed most of the time. One doctor explained it like this: most people have a stress meter that is about half full at most times. So if you picture it like a glass of water, half full, and when stressful things happen, a bit of water is added each time,, and taken back away when resolved......but because of my OCD, my glass is always full to the brim, so anything extra over loads me right away.

    I find I do not use the food scale much, because I am always in a rush to eat or leave so I throw things in a bag and out the door. I do go to the gym a couple times a week, but do miss days because I have too many other things to do. I am at a loss.

    I feel that I really want to be able to show the NP that I made the effort. I do not see her again until the end of August, unless I need something. And I would like to make SOME progress by then. She did say that she understands how difficult it is to even just not gain while taking the three meds that cause it, but I know it is what I am eating, I am not stupid.

    It is not my activity level either, because I am on my feet all day at work, and am very active on my days off. Even yesterday, I was off work, and did not make it to the gym, but still made my 10K steps without extra effort just doing all the things I need to get done that day.

    Now that I am at the end of this post I am just sitting here staring at my screen because I do not know how to end this, lol, I do not really have a specific question or anything, I more feel like I just wanted to get this off my chest and feel you guys would listen/understand more then most of my people IRL.


    ETA - I only have OCD, sometimes it is coupled with depression or even social anxiety, so I didn't know if anyone would think that, but I am generally a very happy person and have no issue being in public, or even public speaking etc.

    I don't really have any words for all this. I can't imagine how you get through every day and yet you do. On top of that you are here with us supporting and offering wishes and sympathies to others! It is a true testament to what a wonderful person you are. Please know that we all have your back and will support you anyway we can even if its only to read and try to empathize with how full your plate truly is,