

  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    We're having a heat wave in the UK. Not only is it over 30C which is pretty rare for us, but it's super humid and I can't cope. Crap sleep, sticking to the sofa, can't get comfy. And now I have super sexy heat rash spots all over my fingers (always happens when I get too hot for too long) which itch like crazy so I have to cover them with plasters.

    I've eaten a lot of ice cream. It was medicinal. So there...
  • Glinda1971
    Glinda1971 Posts: 2,328 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    For those in the US and the Brits celebrating the 4th along with us what are your weekend plans?

    I am going to my mom's in Long Island and getting 2 long rides in to Montauk on my bike and at least one swim. My sister and her husband are visiting from Seattle too. I may cook Saturday if I can fit it in. Back at barn to work Sunday. Anyone have any fun things planned?

    Those sound like great plans. If it ever warms up here I'm going to add some swimming into my routine. But right now the river is still too cold.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    spamarie wrote: »
    We're having a heat wave in the UK. Not only is it over 30C which is pretty rare for us, but it's super humid and I can't cope. Crap sleep, sticking to the sofa, can't get comfy. And now I have super sexy heat rash spots all over my fingers (always happens when I get too hot for too long) which itch like crazy so I have to cover them with plasters.

    I've eaten a lot of ice cream. It was medicinal. So there...

    Ice cream makes everything better!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    I added extra water to my protein shake to make it last longer. It's gross. I won't be doing that again.
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member

    Here is a perfect example, when I was 11 years old I choked on pizza and it lodged into my lung and I spent a couple of weeks on life support, and several months in the hospital. My sister was a couple hours away at school, and my mother never called and told her. She just happened to call home one day to check in and that is how she found out. Even though she rushed up to see me, I still have those weird doubts in my mind.

    That is crazy! From the sibling's point of view, I would be furious at my mother if something like that happened to one of my brothers and she didn't bother telling me. I'm also a couple of hours away from the family, it's no excuse. I hope you have a good relationship with your sister despite your mother's actions. Enjoy your family time!

  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    Last day at work until next Tuesday! Bad news: my eating has caused the scale to go from 137 to 145 this morning :s:# Ah can't change the past can only go forward. Which is what I'm going to try to do!

    As for the 4th, here in Columbus they have an event every year called Red, White, and Boom so I'll go to that tomorrow (after sleeping in and a hard workout) with the family! Then Saturday and Sunday I'll probably head home to Dayton to see my other siblings and relax. Family dinner on Sunday then I'll head back to Cbus so I can enjoy my day off from work on Monday ahhh can't wait!! Hope everyone else has a great Fourth, yayyy for being an American! <3
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    @Italian_Buju, I'm so sorry for all of your struggles. Weight loss is tough for taking medication(s) that cause a gain is definitely not going to make it any easier. That's tough! Have you gone to or considered therapy for your OCD? The way your Dr. described it makes it much easier to understand. Most people think being a germophobe and needing things clean means you're OCD...nope. Again, sorry! Sleep is so important to weight loss and just general well being (I struggle with sleep too) so it stinks that you can't get that part taken care of. I know for me, like today, I make very poor food choices when I'm low on sleep. I know you have a ton of other stuff keeping you busy...but is there any way to squeeze in a little time for food prep/using your scale? Like, dedicate one of your days off to just prepping a crap-ton of food for the week? I really don't know...just grabbing at straws(that's an expression, right?).
    Good luck with your upcoming appointment...hopefully things can start looking up by then (no more bikes being stolen, problems with your SO, etc..) and you can show your Dr. that you have made some progress! Hang in there. We're all here...even just to listen when you need to vent. <3

    Sorry that I'm horrible with advice and using my words. :(

    I was thinking the same thing. There was that girl who posted about all the food prep she does back at the beginning like weighing our her cereal and stuff for the week. If I had the space I would completely do this.
    Also I think words are needed with the SO about the food portions. He needs to understand you can't eat that much. If that's not a possibility (it took mine a significant amount of time to understand this) I know it is a waste of food and money, but throw or give it away. Or just be like "Phew I can't eat anymore, you have it" After you have eaten the correct portion size.

    and also this
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    @Italian_Buju I wish I had a magic wand. Take baby steps and we will cheer you on.

  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    annette_15 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Okay, it arrived. I admit I ordered the small thinking that was appropriate for women...its a tad bit tiny (only in 2nd hole) but thinking that is a good reminder to keep weight off! Losing weight in my wrists was definitely a plus. I love seeing my wrist bones. :)

    Charging now.

    Lol I saw this, and literally ordered one 5 minutes later.. I've been wanting one forever, cant wait!

    Yay for another Fitbit user:D.

    I was going to do some Zombies Run today & again wasn't feeling it so quit after a few minutes. My sister is coming up & I'm sure I'll get a ton of steps chasing all her kids around.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    (((HAPPY DANCE))) My home loan/assumption is approved as of today. Paperwork still ongoing but I'm approved all by my lonesome self all on my own to take over the loan that my ex and I took out. Now my little fixer-upper is allllll MINE! (soon). :smiley::smiley:B)

    ETA: Snoopy dancing happy!

    Yay, congratulations!
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    Ok, I give up!

    Seriously, I GIVE UP!

    I had an important appointment today that I thought was at 3pm, turns out it was at 2pm. I am not even sure how that happened because that is very unlike me.

    Then, just now, my son texts me, to tell me that HIS NEW BIKE THAT HE JUST BOUGHT LAST FRIDAY JUST GOT STOLEN FROM HIS PLACE OF WORK. Are you kidding me?? Not only is that two bikes in seven days, but he just spent nearly $300 FIVE DAYS AGO, and it is gone! He is a 17 year old kid, that is a lot of money to him.....sadly, it is a lot of money to me too, so I am not even sure how much I can help him out.

    And he needs a bike to get to work, it is not like he is riding it for fun. He literally uses it for transportation to and from work! Now, he is gonna have to walk the 35 minute walk again for who knows how long until he gets another bike.

    I feel terrible for him, I am truly gutted.

    does his workplace have cameras??
    did he report it? that's so crappy :/

    I am gonna give him money towards a new bike this time, and also gonna talk to the people at the bike shop and find out what the best lock he can buy is. The boss also told him he could lock in on a gas pole or something that is in clearer view. But it still doesn't make the situation suck any less.

    I don't know about in America but in England you can get GPS trackers that fit under the seat. You register it online and if it gets stolen the code is given to the police or something. I briefly looked into it when I thought about getting a bike, but then decided it's too dangerous cycling in London and abandoned the idea. I think it would be worth looking into some sort of tracker device.
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    Ok, I give up!

    Seriously, I GIVE UP!

    I had an important appointment today that I thought was at 3pm, turns out it was at 2pm. I am not even sure how that happened because that is very unlike me.

    Then, just now, my son texts me, to tell me that HIS NEW BIKE THAT HE JUST BOUGHT LAST FRIDAY JUST GOT STOLEN FROM HIS PLACE OF WORK. Are you kidding me?? Not only is that two bikes in seven days, but he just spent nearly $300 FIVE DAYS AGO, and it is gone! He is a 17 year old kid, that is a lot of money to him.....sadly, it is a lot of money to me too, so I am not even sure how much I can help him out.

    And he needs a bike to get to work, it is not like he is riding it for fun. He literally uses it for transportation to and from work! Now, he is gonna have to walk the 35 minute walk again for who knows how long until he gets another bike.

    I feel terrible for him, I am truly gutted.

    does his workplace have cameras??
    did he report it? that's so crappy :/

    I am gonna give him money towards a new bike this time, and also gonna talk to the people at the bike shop and find out what the best lock he can buy is. The boss also told him he could lock in on a gas pole or something that is in clearer view. But it still doesn't make the situation suck any less.

    I don't know about in America but in England you can get GPS trackers that fit under the seat. You register it online and if it gets stolen the code is given to the police or something. I briefly looked into it when I thought about getting a bike, but then decided it's too dangerous cycling in London and abandoned the idea. I think it would be worth looking into some sort of tracker device.

    That is an awesome idea! I have no idea if we do this over here but if not we definitely should!
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    Hi everyone. I haven't really responded to any posts today because I've been really depressed and spent my entire day in bed, only getting up to pray and then going right back. My app wouldn't let me access the forums either, so I couldn't even catch up until I dragged my sorry carcass out of that bed (with coaxing from the ever-supportive Mr. Susie, who bribed me with a trip to the supermarket. I *really* love the supermarket.)

    Anyhow, my thoughts are with all who are going through bad times, and big YAY to those who are having great times, and a big "HAVE A SUPER GREAT TIME" to all who are going on vacation. Patricia, that Fitbit looks awesome! My husband considered all of your posts and asked me if I want him to really buy it now; after some thought, I told him not to, because the earning of the Fitbit by my birthday has given me some motivation and drive to "earn" it, and I don't want to lose that so soon, since I've been struggling SO MUCH lately. A few posts that stuck out in my mind today:

    @kelly_c_77 Sorry that you couldn't resist the grocery store munchies. Tomorrow is another day, don't lose hope!
    @Italian_Buju You're really having a terrible run of luck. So sorry about the bike and everything else that's going on right now.
    @nonoelmo Too bad about the sword, and I hope you feel better soon; but a big YAY about the loan. :)
    @FroggyBug Glad to see you checking in, and it stinks that your relationship isn't working out. I hope you feel better by your birthday so you can celebrate. :) I agree that life seems to have gone downhill since February for a lot of people... Not a very good year for me, either. As for your question about soreness--my legs aren't sore at all. Weirdly, I never seem to get DOMS in my legs, ever, no matter what I've done to them. Walking, exercise bike, 30DS, five million stairs... They never seem to get any worse than just a little stiff. A blessing, I think.

    To all who have spoken of assault, it horrifies me that it seems to be so common and so few speak of it. Glad that many of you have gotten the help you needed and didn't let it rule your lives. I admit that I'm still terrified to death of strange men due to my own experience, and I can't stand to let any male (except my husband) stand behind me, no matter how far away he's standing.

    The transformation pictures were amazing. Great job to both of you who shared them, and AWESOME on the three years of logging, Ceci (can't remember your exact username. Oops.)

    @Glinda1971 Super great job on your steps; you can totally hit the 25k mark. :)

    ... I know this post is super long, but to update everyone on my progress today: Despite being horribly depressed, after being dragged out of my bed I went grocery shopping, did some food prep, cleaned up the kitchen, and did my exercise. I came nowhere near my calorie goal, because eating felt like a chore today--I helped it out with a bit of ice cream, but I admit that the oatmeal I logged in there is totally a lie. That's just the next day's pre-fast meal. Didn't do any stairs today; but hey, I got out of bed, right?

    I am hoping you're feeling better today.

    I think it's wonderful that you set up a goal to earn your Fitbit, because that will make it all the more special.
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    (((HAPPY DANCE))) My home loan/assumption is approved as of today. Paperwork still ongoing but I'm approved all by my lonesome self all on my own to take over the loan that my ex and I took out. Now my little fixer-upper is allllll MINE! (soon). :smiley::smiley:B)

    ETA: Snoopy dancing happy!

    That's awesome news! Sorry about the sword!
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    @Italian_Buju, I'm so sorry for all of your struggles. Weight loss is tough for taking medication(s) that cause a gain is definitely not going to make it any easier. That's tough! Have you gone to or considered therapy for your OCD? The way your Dr. described it makes it much easier to understand. Most people think being a germophobe and needing things clean means you're OCD...nope. Again, sorry! Sleep is so important to weight loss and just general well being (I struggle with sleep too) so it stinks that you can't get that part taken care of. I know for me, like today, I make very poor food choices when I'm low on sleep. I know you have a ton of other stuff keeping you busy...but is there any way to squeeze in a little time for food prep/using your scale? Like, dedicate one of your days off to just prepping a crap-ton of food for the week? I really don't know...just grabbing at straws(that's an expression, right?).
    Good luck with your upcoming appointment...hopefully things can start looking up by then (no more bikes being stolen, problems with your SO, etc..) and you can show your Dr. that you have made some progress! Hang in there. We're all here...even just to listen when you need to vent. <3

    Sorry that I'm horrible with advice and using my words. :(

    I second this! Don't know what to say except we are here for you!
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    @Susieq_1994 - I hope today is a better day! You are very lucky that you don't get DOMS!
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member

    Thank you all for the kind words and acknowledgment of my really took a lot for me to put that out there, as I feared I might be seen as trying to gain sympathy for my health situation, which was not the case.......

    I am up way too late tonight, it is nearly 2am, but after this post I am just gonna check the batcave quickly and go to bed. Tomorrow I get to sleep in, and then I am going to have a nice protein packed breakfast and head to the Y. I only have one errand to run tomorrow, and then I plan to come home and spend a couple hours cleaning my place and cooking dinner etc, as my sister and her family are coming in from Indiana Friday to see us.

    We only see her once every few years, so it is always nice when they come. Then we are meeting up with her closest girlfriend and her family for dinner, whom I have not seen in 17+ years! Its gonna be a great day. Makes me nervous though, I cannot lie. My sister and I are about as different as you can get.

    She is almost ten years older than me, very slim and healthy, a business professional and world traveler with a stay at home hubby. My mother spent a lot of time when I was younger trying to convince me that she just tolerates me cuz I am her sister. Most of the time I know that is not true, but I cannot deny that I always remember that.

    Here is a perfect example, when I was 11 years old I choked on pizza and it lodged into my lung and I spent a couple of weeks on life support, and several months in the hospital. My sister was a couple hours away at school, and my mother never called and told her. She just happened to call home one day to check in and that is how she found out. Even though she rushed up to see me, I still have those weird doubts in my mind.

    Her and I are close in the sense that we talk regularly and such, but she does not REALLY know me or what goes on in my life. Every time I see them I cry when they leave because I love them so much but I feel like they are here, but not here, you know what I mean??

    Sorry I am so heavy today, lol. Hopefully you guys all know I am normally not such a drag, but this last couple of weeks life has chewed me up and spit me out! I know things are getting better soon.....with the exception of having to deal with my son's bike situation I really feel like the worse is behind me.

    On a nice side note, a lady that I was on parent council at my kid's school with dropped a card with $20 in it off at my work today to go toward my son's bike fund. I can't recall if I mentioned that before or not. She said she wanted to give him $10 and then when she got to my work she said her boyfriend gave him $10 also. So sweet.

    Ok good night all.....see you tomorrow!

    Ugh I am so sorry your mom was like that with you. Did she always try to make wedges between your sister & you?

    I am hoping that things will turn around for you health wise & will keep you in my prayers.

    That is so sweet that someone contributed to his bike fund.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    @berlynnwall don't feel left out! We all get behind sometimes but just jump back in we don't want to lose you! (Or anyone else for that matter! :()

    Thanks <3. I will jump in when I can!


    Ha! Awesome!!

    ETA: Love the new picture, @CountessKitteh !

    I think that Bender is my favorite character from that movie! B)

    Aw, I like Brian the brain.

    My favorites are Bender & Allison

    I love when they're eating lunch & Allison takes her bologna off & throws it at the statue so she can make a Cap'n Crunch/Pixie Stix sandwich.

    Haha, yes!
    Oh my gosh, I am so mad. My sister (as I have briefly mentioned before) is a mess... she is at this point basically a homeless criminal who goes around getting into trouble. Anyway, today I got a call from the Idaho prosecutor's office. They said I had a subpoena to appear in court next week. I was very confused when they told me I was being called as a witness to a crime at a casino, since I haven't been to a casino in over 10 years. Turns out my sister was the witness - all her friends got arrested, and because she has warrants up the yang, she used my name and gave my mom's phone number. Now I'm worried that this wasn't the first time. I can't believe her nerve.
    Oh my gosh, I'd be so mad. Hope it all works out..and you make sure she hasn't done this before! :(

    One day at work I want to make a sandwich like that just to see the reactions I get. I'm sure everyone would freak out & be like did you fall off the 'diet wagon'.
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    Oh my gosh, I am so mad. My sister (as I have briefly mentioned before) is a mess... she is at this point basically a homeless criminal who goes around getting into trouble. Anyway, today I got a call from the Idaho prosecutor's office. They said I had a subpoena to appear in court next week. I was very confused when they told me I was being called as a witness to a crime at a casino, since I haven't been to a casino in over 10 years. Turns out my sister was the witness - all her friends got arrested, and because she has warrants up the yang, she used my name and gave my mom's phone number. Now I'm worried that this wasn't the first time. I can't believe her nerve.

    Wow that is scary! Were you able to clear it up over the phone? Also, and I don't know much about the judicial system, you probably need to do some research to make sure that there isn't anything else on your record. The sooner the better since it's easier to prove that you're innocent closer to the event rather than going back years and years and trying to remember what you were doing on that day. Hugs and prayers!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    Ok, I give up!

    Seriously, I GIVE UP!

    I had an important appointment today that I thought was at 3pm, turns out it was at 2pm. I am not even sure how that happened because that is very unlike me.

    Then, just now, my son texts me, to tell me that HIS NEW BIKE THAT HE JUST BOUGHT LAST FRIDAY JUST GOT STOLEN FROM HIS PLACE OF WORK. Are you kidding me?? Not only is that two bikes in seven days, but he just spent nearly $300 FIVE DAYS AGO, and it is gone! He is a 17 year old kid, that is a lot of money to him.....sadly, it is a lot of money to me too, so I am not even sure how much I can help him out.

    And he needs a bike to get to work, it is not like he is riding it for fun. He literally uses it for transportation to and from work! Now, he is gonna have to walk the 35 minute walk again for who knows how long until he gets another bike.

    I feel terrible for him, I am truly gutted.

    does his workplace have cameras??
    did he report it? that's so crappy :/

    I am gonna give him money towards a new bike this time, and also gonna talk to the people at the bike shop and find out what the best lock he can buy is. The boss also told him he could lock in on a gas pole or something that is in clearer view. But it still doesn't make the situation suck any less.

    I don't know about in America but in England you can get GPS trackers that fit under the seat. You register it online and if it gets stolen the code is given to the police or something. I briefly looked into it when I thought about getting a bike, but then decided it's too dangerous cycling in London and abandoned the idea. I think it would be worth looking into some sort of tracker device.

    This is cool. I am going to look into this.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    edited July 2015
    pofoster21 wrote: »

    Thank you all for the kind words and acknowledgment of my really took a lot for me to put that out there, as I feared I might be seen as trying to gain sympathy for my health situation, which was not the case.......

    I am up way too late tonight, it is nearly 2am, but after this post I am just gonna check the batcave quickly and go to bed. Tomorrow I get to sleep in, and then I am going to have a nice protein packed breakfast and head to the Y. I only have one errand to run tomorrow, and then I plan to come home and spend a couple hours cleaning my place and cooking dinner etc, as my sister and her family are coming in from Indiana Friday to see us.

    We only see her once every few years, so it is always nice when they come. Then we are meeting up with her closest girlfriend and her family for dinner, whom I have not seen in 17+ years! Its gonna be a great day. Makes me nervous though, I cannot lie. My sister and I are about as different as you can get.

    She is almost ten years older than me, very slim and healthy, a business professional and world traveler with a stay at home hubby. My mother spent a lot of time when I was younger trying to convince me that she just tolerates me cuz I am her sister. Most of the time I know that is not true, but I cannot deny that I always remember that.

    Here is a perfect example, when I was 11 years old I choked on pizza and it lodged into my lung and I spent a couple of weeks on life support, and several months in the hospital. My sister was a couple hours away at school, and my mother never called and told her. She just happened to call home one day to check in and that is how she found out. Even though she rushed up to see me, I still have those weird doubts in my mind.

    Her and I are close in the sense that we talk regularly and such, but she does not REALLY know me or what goes on in my life. Every time I see them I cry when they leave because I love them so much but I feel like they are here, but not here, you know what I mean??

    Sorry I am so heavy today, lol. Hopefully you guys all know I am normally not such a drag, but this last couple of weeks life has chewed me up and spit me out! I know things are getting better soon.....with the exception of having to deal with my son's bike situation I really feel like the worse is behind me.

    On a nice side note, a lady that I was on parent council at my kid's school with dropped a card with $20 in it off at my work today to go toward my son's bike fund. I can't recall if I mentioned that before or not. She said she wanted to give him $10 and then when she got to my work she said her boyfriend gave him $10 also. So sweet.

    Ok good night all.....see you tomorrow!

    Hey, it sounds to me like your Mom did a number on you. I don't know why she would treat you vs. her older daughter that way but you should talk to your sister about your feelings. Get her perspective. Don't let what sounds like a messed up mother ruin your relationship with your sister. You'll feel better and it's possible your current feelings are tied up with the stress and underlying emotions of this past with your sister.

    And your friend was very sweet on the bike. :) there are good people in the world.

    Oh no, my sister was treated very poorly too. The main differences are that she had a father that got out when he saw what a nut job our mother was, and he had money and lived in the U.S. so he got her out of there as soon as she turned 18 also, and she was naturally healthy. My father was treated just as poorly as the rest of us right up until he died. I know I said in a post long ago that my sister told me that when my father died, she cried for a very long time, because he was a great man and treated her so well (he met our mother when she was like 3-4 years old), but she said the majority of her tears were because she felt terrible that he lived his life being treated that way.

    I love my sister, and I know she loves me, we are just in such different worlds that I feel I am not totally myself around her.

    ETA: My sister and I have discussed our mother at length over the years, and while she had to bad too, because of the age difference between us I did get it worse, from what we have learned things like that progress over the ten years between her and I made a difference as well.