

  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Ok. I ate cherry cheesecake. But I had strawberries and blackberries with it, so that's good, right?

    Also, date night tonight for early anniversary dinner. I will be way over calories today. Back to it tomorrow.

    I am totally making cheesecake for the 4th of July bbq! So many reminders on this thread!

    Confession: I got myself some cheesecake after I made myself go to the urgent care on Monday. I forgot to tell you guys! I got the one with cherries on it because of this thread. :)
    Post medical care sweets are always the best :wink:

  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    Thanks for the birthday wishes guys. No one other than family usually remembers my birthday because of the holiday it's on (they are planning their own celebrations-which I totally understand).

    I hope you guys all have a good 4th (no matter where you live). :)

    We get to leave at 3 today. Yay
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    For those in the US and the Brits celebrating the 4th along with us what are your weekend plans?

    I am going to my mom's in Long Island and getting 2 long rides in to Montauk on my bike and at least one swim. My sister and her husband are visiting from Seattle too. I may cook Saturday if I can fit it in. Back at barn to work Sunday. Anyone have any fun things planned?

    LOVE Montauk. My friends and I used to go all the time; just drive out for the day so we could eat lobster rolls and walk around.

    I thought this earlier but wanted to comment on it. Every time I see the word Montauk I always think of that Montauk monster picture that went around years ago (that weird thing they found dead on the beach).

    Me too!

    Glad it isn't just me. :)

  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Ok. I ate cherry cheesecake. But I had strawberries and blackberries with it, so that's good, right?

    Also, date night tonight for early anniversary dinner. I will be way over calories today. Back to it tomorrow.

    I am totally making cheesecake for the 4th of July bbq! So many reminders on this thread!

    Confession: I got myself some cheesecake after I made myself go to the urgent care on Monday. I forgot to tell you guys! I got the one with cherries on it because of this thread. :)
    Post medical care sweets are always the best :wink:

    They are. Plus since my mouth was hurting, I figured that would be something soft I could eat. No regrets!
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    @Italian_Buju wow that really is so messed up! Thank God the lady understand that you were clearly in the right.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    So, I failed at the grocery store...I'm way over goal already and haven't had dinner yet. Oh well, whatever.
    But anyway, after I ordered our half pound of cheese at the deli, my son politely asked the woman working, "Can I get 3 pounds of kittens, please"??? OMG, everyone in line busted out laughing, including me! Where does he come up with this stuff?

    HAHAHAHAHA!!! This is AWESOME. He's hilarious!

    Thanks! :) And seriously I know that kids are funny...but I could never imagine that a 3 year old could be as sarcastic, creative, and hilarious as he is! Cracks me up all day, every day. He's my best little bud! I'm dreading this fall when he starts pre school...I'll be lost without my sidekick!
    Edited because HE'S starting pre school, not ME. Where's the coffee?

    And he looks super cute too!
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    Still trying to catch up, but totally want to share this (not sure I'd call it an NSV, but anyway...)

    Last night my husband and I went to the gym. It was deadlift day for me and I had told him that I managed to knock out 225 pound deadlifts on my last deadlift day. So, I load up my deadlifts with 225 pounds and I notice that my husband is intently watching me. I knocked out my 225 pounds, five reps, totally nailed it. And my awesome husband literally gave me a standing ovation, in the middle of the gym! It seriously brought tears to my eyes. I <3 him!

    Sweet!! I need a squat rack as don't have one and have reached the level, I need help putting the weight on my back. So he has to help me or I get my 17 yo son to do it. Not up to 225 for DL yet but on my way. Very impressive!! And your husband is super great!
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    Too tired to post today. My ex decided at 1:43 AM that would be a good idea to start texting me drunken garbage.

    I would keep all those case you need them in the future. Sorry he's so difficult! Has he always been like this? Didn't you say you've been sober for quite awhile?

    Yep I forward then all to my e-mail. This has been going on for nearly 3 years now and to be honest it gets very tiresome. For the most part I have learned to ignore it and not fan the flames but some days it is really really tough. He has been diagnosed with depression and as being bi-polar so I try to cut him some slack but I just wonder if I am going to have to live with this for the rest of my life. That thought makes me want to just sit down and cry!

    I'm so sorry you're dealing with this. My kids' father was a real piece of work. When my kids were 6 and 7, he stopped bothering at all. Haven't seen or heard from him since (about 15 years). Best thing he ever did for me and for them.
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    Omg. @Italian_Buju That is unconscionable. I have no words. You are such a strong person to have come out on the other side of that as well as you have. Hugs to you!
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    Yay!! I caught up!

    Happy early birthday, @FroggyBug

    Nashville is reportedly having the biggest fireworks show IN THE COUNTRY this year, so I shall go check it out.

    Colonoscopy was this morning. All clear! Woot!
    And, the prep left me -5.4 lbs this morning. Wish it would stick!
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    It's getting closer to time to leave for the weekend. I hope I can at least log in, but probably no chance of keeping up. Spending the weekend at the beach and weather looks good!! I have my sun screen, bug spray and some portable shade so I am ready.
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    Yay!! I caught up!

    Happy early birthday, @FroggyBug

    Nashville is reportedly having the biggest fireworks show IN THE COUNTRY this year, so I shall go check it out.

    Colonoscopy was this morning. All clear! Woot!
    And, the prep left me -5.4 lbs this morning. Wish it would stick!

    Great news on the all clear!! Enjoy the fireworks!!
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Hey, @lilaclovebird I found this, you need to share it with Sgt. SP! (BTW, my hubby is a sergeant at the local SO, and I was a Lt. before I went to work for the Atty Gen Office in November.)

  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Thanks to everyone for the kind words.

    This is why when people that were not around when my mother was alive (as in people I met afterwards), are sometimes shocked when I tell them the years she has been dead have been the most peaceful years of my life. When I tell them a few stories they kind of understand, those that knew her, have always understood.

    I am glad she was never able to poison my son the way she did me. Because believe me when I say that is not the only terrible thing she did to me, it was just the last, as she died several months after that.

    Sometimes I tell my DR that I get frustrated with myself because of how much my OCD tends to limit me, and she always tells me to be thankful I am as good as I am, because I could just be a drug addict or something, given what I have been through. She always says she is amazed I actually do not suffer from some sort of depression.

    My sister and I get on well, and I am excited to see her. She truly understands how I feel. She is a very big business woman, a strong leader etc, and my BIL told me once years ago, that even a phone call from my mother would disturb her sleep for several nights.

    I made sure that I did not follow in my mother's footsteps, and when I had children of my own, I could not understand how she behaved the way she did. I would kill someone if they did to my children some of the things my own mother did to me, like literally murder them.

    Ok, enough of this downer crap.

    @Susieq_1994 - you are rocking it today! Good Stuff!!

    @rungirl1973 - yeah I do not understand why parents want to divide their children. My daughter is adopted (as I have mentioned), and because I could not have more than one bio child, I have explained to her how important it is to me that they continue to be close,, even after I am gone. Also, glad your test went good!

    @crosbylee - hope you have a great sunny weekend! I can't wait to go swimming! Pools opened last week but I have not had time yet!

    @ythannah - I remember you saying you had a crappy home life too, I totally understand.....thankfully you were able to get out when you did!

    @xLoveLikeWinterx - I ask myself that question all the time....I told my sister our mother could have just eaten us when we were young like an animal and saved us a lot of grief!

    @quiksylver296 - I was wondering where you were...glad to see you on today! Good Stuff on the lifting!

    I am feeling much better today than yesterday and the last few days.....I did not make it to the gym because I slept like crap and had a few too many things to do today before my sister gets here tomorrow, but I am gonna make it a bigger priority. I got a call this morning that my kitchen floor is finally being replaced on Monday, and while it causes me stress in the moment, it really needs replacing so I am thrilled.

    I reworked my budget for this month so that I am able to give my son a good chunk of money towards another bike. While the whole situation just burns my *kitten* and I could use the money for other things, I really want to help him out so I am glad I was able to do that. Hopefully going to pick one up this weekend so he doesn't have to walk much longer......he is walking to work right now and it is so hot outside and it makes me feel sad for him, esp having just bought that bike last week.

    Next week my boss is off work, so I am gonna be working extra again, but told her yesterday to be careful not to over load me because I am on edge. :#

    Hopefully I do not get too far behind in the next week or so.....cuz I do not think I could skip and jump back in....I am WAY too bother by things like that.....I will not watch a TV series if I miss a single episode, or even a movie if I miss the first few minutes.....everything I do has to be in it OCD :p
    But even if I get behind and it takes me a few days to catch up I will just read along as I go, as long as you guys don't mind me adding my two cents on situations well after they are posted about!

    I will be back on and off today, and tomorrow before my sister comes, but if that puts me behind, after the busy weekend and work week I have coming up, it might take me until this time next week to be back on track here, esp if I am gonna make sure I get my gym time in!!

    I love you guys! A lot of you have truly touch my heart!

    P.S. - Shrimp is delicious!!!!
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    Yay!! I caught up!

    Happy early birthday, @FroggyBug

    Nashville is reportedly having the biggest fireworks show IN THE COUNTRY this year, so I shall go check it out.

    Colonoscopy was this morning. All clear! Woot!
    And, the prep left me -5.4 lbs this morning. Wish it would stick!

    Thanks. :)
    Aww super lucky on the firework show. I love fireworks. I wish I could go to that show.

    Glad everything came out okay as well.
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    So, I failed at the grocery store...I'm way over goal already and haven't had dinner yet. Oh well, whatever.
    But anyway, after I ordered our half pound of cheese at the deli, my son politely asked the woman working, "Can I get 3 pounds of kittens, please"??? OMG, everyone in line busted out laughing, including me! Where does he come up with this stuff?

    HAHAHAHAHA!!! This is AWESOME. He's hilarious!

    Thanks! :) And seriously I know that kids are funny...but I could never imagine that a 3 year old could be as sarcastic, creative, and hilarious as he is! Cracks me up all day, every day. He's my best little bud! I'm dreading this fall when he starts pre school...I'll be lost without my sidekick!
    Edited because HE'S starting pre school, not ME. Where's the coffee?

    And he looks super cute too!

    Thanks! I should post a picture where you an see his eyes. They are BEAUTIFUL! Big and super dark brown. Definitely what he get compliments on the most. When he was younger, strangers always thought he was a girl (no matter how he was dressed) and their excuse after I would correct them was always, "but those eyes are so beautiful" if boys can't have beautiful eyes???
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    edited July 2015
    Yay!! I caught up!

    Happy early birthday, @FroggyBug

    Nashville is reportedly having the biggest fireworks show IN THE COUNTRY this year, so I shall go check it out.

    Colonoscopy was this morning. All clear! Woot!
    And, the prep left me -5.4 lbs this morning. Wish it would stick!

    Yay! Glad it went well..and nice loss..even if it's temporary.
    Have fun, @crosbylee !
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member

  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    Still trying to catch up, but totally want to share this (not sure I'd call it an NSV, but anyway...)

    Last night my husband and I went to the gym. It was deadlift day for me and I had told him that I managed to knock out 225 pound deadlifts on my last deadlift day. So, I load up my deadlifts with 225 pounds and I notice that my husband is intently watching me. I knocked out my 225 pounds, five reps, totally nailed it. And my awesome husband literally gave me a standing ovation, in the middle of the gym! It seriously brought tears to my eyes. I <3 him!

  • MissKalhan
    MissKalhan Posts: 2,282 Member
    Two weeks until camping and swimming which means a bikini! You guys are awesome and I adore this thread, so I'm putting my goals to paper (webspace? Whatever) someone kick my *kitten* into gear please?!
    1)Eat at or under goal.
    2) Keep stretching/rolling everyday.
    3) Lift at least 4 times within the next two weeks.
    4) Start running next week but listen to your body.
    5) Stop feeling sorry for yourself and get moving!
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    Thanks to everyone for the kind words.

    I made sure that I did not follow in my mother's footsteps, and when I had children of my own, I could not understand how she behaved the way she did. I would kill someone if they did to my children some of the things my own mother did to me, like literally murder them.

    I will be back on and off today, and tomorrow before my sister comes, but if that puts me behind, after the busy weekend and work week I have coming up, it might take me until this time next week to be back on track here, esp if I am gonna make sure I get my gym time in!!

    I love you guys! A lot of you have truly touch my heart!

    P.S. - Shrimp is delicious!!!!

    I'm sorry she was *that* broken. You are amazing. HUGS