
  • CosmoTI
    CosmoTI Posts: 42 Member
    *peeping head back out from under aforementioned rock... Just to say thanks that you regular posters are so welcoming to newbies. Even creepy stalker types like me. In fact, your responses lifted my mood so much last night that despite being horribly hungover (due to unexpected week night drinking caused by boyfriend losing his job) I moved my fat backside down to the spare room and got my weights done. Admittedly not the best workout I've ever done - and I did eat a bag of crisps afterward- but it's at least a half-win surely?!
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    CosmoTI wrote: »
    *peeping head back out from under aforementioned rock... Just to say thanks that you regular posters are so welcoming to newbies. Even creepy stalker types like me. In fact, your responses lifted my mood so much last night that despite being horribly hungover (due to unexpected week night drinking caused by boyfriend losing his job) I moved my fat backside down to the spare room and got my weights done. Admittedly not the best workout I've ever done - and I did eat a bag of crisps afterward- but it's at least a half-win surely?!
    Totally a win. Yay!!
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    CosmoTI wrote: »
    *peeping head back out from under aforementioned rock... Just to say thanks that you regular posters are so welcoming to newbies. Even creepy stalker types like me. In fact, your responses lifted my mood so much last night that despite being horribly hungover (due to unexpected week night drinking caused by boyfriend losing his job) I moved my fat backside down to the spare room and got my weights done. Admittedly not the best workout I've ever done - and I did eat a bag of crisps afterward- but it's at least a half-win surely?!

    As long as it was washed down with a glass of water, total win! Any movement is good movement
  • CosmoTI
    CosmoTI Posts: 42 Member
    I agree that weight lifting is really interesting to me. I love all the results the ladies around here are getting! What's stopping me is anxiety... I just cannot bring myself to wander into the weight section with all those big men. I'm thinking about making my own, relatively cheap weights at home. Has anyone done this?

    Also you guys have done a good job at making me crave bananas. Especially a cold banana smoothie...

    I am also scared of the weight room. But I was fed up of letting this put me off , so I sourced some relatively cheap basic equipment to start me off. Barbell, a few dumbells etc. I do my weights in my spare room where no one can see me and I check my form on the many you tube videos you can find on the subject. Hopefully I'll eventually progress to the gym as I don't have room for loads of equipment but doing it this way means I'm at least making some progress. And I have to say, I am loving it so far. Early days for me still but hopefully the love continues. I think what I like most is the feeling of achievement by realising what my body is capable of lifting even in the early stages. That and also, the other day I had my 7 yr old niece round. She looked at my barbell and said' Can you really lift that Aunty Cosmo (not my real name!) and when I responded that I could, she said' Wow, you must be really strong' I felt awesome! One of the reasons I am trying to get fit is to set a good example for my 4 nieces. They have bad examples from elsewhere and I want them to know you don't have to starve yourself or spend 3 hours a day on the treadmill in the gym to be healthy. (sorry for the epic post - seems now I've started I just can't shut up)
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    peleroja wrote: »
    So, can anyone tell me what flavour candy corn is supposed to be?

    I've eaten a single piece in my entire lifetime and don't want to repeat the experience, but I'd like to know what it's supposed to taste like, haha.

    I've tried it once. I have no idea. Like diabetes, I would assume. :wink:

    I like the candy corn flavored Hershey bars they have last year (mostly they were just white chocolate with food coloring), but can only eat one or two pieces of actual candy corn & I am done.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    CosmoTI wrote: »
    *peeping head back out from under aforementioned rock... Just to say thanks that you regular posters are so welcoming to newbies. Even creepy stalker types like me. In fact, your responses lifted my mood so much last night that despite being horribly hungover (due to unexpected week night drinking caused by boyfriend losing his job) I moved my fat backside down to the spare room and got my weights done. Admittedly not the best workout I've ever done - and I did eat a bag of crisps afterward- but it's at least a half-win surely?!
    Totally a win. Yay!!

    Agreed! You're a rock star.
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    ejb060793 wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    ejb060793 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Whyyy would someone want to eat 30-50 bananas a day? Or even a week? WTH?

    Or even in a lifetime..bananas for me ..yuck!!

    I made the mistake of adding sliced bananas to my oatmeal the other morning.... thought that since bananas and cream oatmeal is good, homemade would be better... Mushy warm bananas are absolutely disgusting, just as an fyi. I know I overlogged calories for that day, since I couldn't actually finish breakfast =/

    Nooo you are wrong. In the depths of winter when I'm feeling a bit sorry for myself and need a quick fix, I microwave some sliced bananas with honey on top. I'll grant you, it does look disgusting, but it taste NOMMY!

    Maybe I just did it wrong then. I sliced the banana into little circle pieces, threw it in my oatmeal, added water, threw it in the microwave, then tried to eat it, and couldn't =/ Does it need to be mashed or sliced smaller or something ?

    Watery oatmeal is enough to make me bleurgh. I like my bananas sliced or mashed or any way really. Just don't eat them with your eyes because they do not look appealing at all.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    CosmoTI wrote: »
    I agree that weight lifting is really interesting to me. I love all the results the ladies around here are getting! What's stopping me is anxiety... I just cannot bring myself to wander into the weight section with all those big men. I'm thinking about making my own, relatively cheap weights at home. Has anyone done this?

    Also you guys have done a good job at making me crave bananas. Especially a cold banana smoothie...

    I am also scared of the weight room. But I was fed up of letting this put me off , so I sourced some relatively cheap basic equipment to start me off. Barbell, a few dumbells etc. I do my weights in my spare room where no one can see me and I check my form on the many you tube videos you can find on the subject. Hopefully I'll eventually progress to the gym as I don't have room for loads of equipment but doing it this way means I'm at least making some progress. And I have to say, I am loving it so far. Early days for me still but hopefully the love continues. I think what I like most is the feeling of achievement by realising what my body is capable of lifting even in the early stages. That and also, the other day I had my 7 yr old niece round. She looked at my barbell and said' Can you really lift that Aunty Cosmo (not my real name!) and when I responded that I could, she said' Wow, you must be really strong' I felt awesome! One of the reasons I am trying to get fit is to set a good example for my 4 nieces. They have bad examples from elsewhere and I want them to know you don't have to starve yourself or spend 3 hours a day on the treadmill in the gym to be healthy. (sorry for the epic post - seems now I've started I just can't shut up)

    That happens! And I agree on setting an example for your nieces. I try and so the same thing for my nieces and nephews. No one in my family is the least bit active I am always wanting to show them that is good to be in a sport and exercising. As an adult you don't just work and eat and drink. I don't really see myself as successful but maybe subconsciously it's rubbing of! :smiley:
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    CosmoTI wrote: »
    *peeping head back out from under aforementioned rock... Just to say thanks that you regular posters are so welcoming to newbies. Even creepy stalker types like me. In fact, your responses lifted my mood so much last night that despite being horribly hungover (due to unexpected week night drinking caused by boyfriend losing his job) I moved my fat backside down to the spare room and got my weights done. Admittedly not the best workout I've ever done - and I did eat a bag of crisps afterward- but it's at least a half-win surely?!
    Totally a win. Yay!!

  • Kuruschka
    Kuruschka Posts: 20 Member
    Girl Scout Cookies? I'm guessing a fund raiser like our "Bob A Job"?


    I am so glad that I don't live in the US and we don't have this "problem" in South Africa
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    I started my fitness journey about 3 weeks ago. My initial weight was 215 lbs. and I am now at 203 lbs. I follow a strict Low-Carb diet ( 1500 calories) and a 25-minute fitness program. I want to reach 160 lbs. in the next 3 months. Any fitness and health advice are welcome and a special person to be my inspiration. :blush:

    Congrats on the weight loss so far.

    A few questions:

    1. Do you have a medical condition to eat low carb?
    2. Why do you want to reach 160 pounds in 3 months?

    My advice is if you don't have a medical condition to eat low carb then don't do it. Most people who eat low carb think they're losing weight since they're limiting their carbs when in reality they're eating less overall than they're burning thus creating a deficit to lose weight. Most once they're down to their desired weight go right back to the way they were eating before & gain weight from eating over their deficit. I always try & tell people to eat in a way that will be sustainable for life. Do you see yourself always limiting carbs once you reach your desired weight?

    Why are you only eating 1,500 calories a day? Do you weigh your food on a food scale? If not then you could be eating way more than you think. Since you're a 34 year old male I am sure you would need a lot more than 1,500 calories a day. You should look up Scooby's accurate calorie calculator & input your numbers in there & see what it tells you to eat.

    Why do you have to reach 160 pounds in 3 months? Event coming up?

    Some people do better on low myself. I feel better, I sleep better...I think everyone is different.

    Ditto. I haven't had pasta, rice or a sandwich in 7-8 weeks and I really don't care. I allow myself some potato every now and then. Some people adapt to low carb quite well, and I do think I could do this for the rest of my life. I miss fruit the most, but once I reach my goal weight I can lift it up to 100-150g carbs a day and easily squeeze in fruit :smile:
    I say don't knock it til you try it.

    Edit, I'm a bit behind on this thread so apologies

    I think I'd miss fruit the most too. I'm happy it's working out so well for you!!

    I get sad when I go food shopping and have to walk past all the bright coloured fruit and just head for the veg. Courgette (zucchini I believe in America?) is my new best friend. :yum:

    Do you like spaghetti squash? Every now & then I will make that & put a little salad dressing on it or chicken.

    I've never heard of this! I've seen spaghetti courgette but not squash. Is it pre-spaghettied or do you have to do it yourself?

    It is a squash that when cooked, comes out of the cut half like spaghetti strands. It is a good replacement for actual spaghetti noodles. I use it quite a bit. The texture is more like al dente spaghetti, a bit crunchy but it works. Google it or if you have Pinterest, look it up.

    Its disgusting Don't do it.

    I think Nicci and I are the same person. I agree. It is disgusting. DON'T DO IT. I am going to judge here, I think the only people who like it are people who eat it because they think its healthy. Like people fool themselves into believing zucchini is good for them and tasty. Its an illusion. You are all nuts.

    I never eat things just because they're healthy--I'm way too picky for that. I enjoy zucchini and I LOVE spaghetti squash. SO THERE. ;)

    Note my comment about crazy people. Just sayin'

    I don't deny being nuts. It's a good thing! :p

    Well as a fellow crazy person I'll just have to agree to disagree on the epic of utterly disgusting squash spaghetti. And Zucchini. And Summer Squash. And horror of horrors....eggplant.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    peleroja wrote: »
    So, can anyone tell me what flavour candy corn is supposed to be?

    I've eaten a single piece in my entire lifetime and don't want to repeat the experience, but I'd like to know what it's supposed to taste like, haha.

    I've tried it once. I have no idea. Like diabetes, I would assume. :wink:

    I like the candy corn flavored Hershey bars they have last year (mostly they were just white chocolate with food coloring), but can only eat one or two pieces of actual candy corn & I am done.

    None of this candy corn chocolate sounds appealing to me. I do love candy corn. Until I get the sugar shock feeling. Hence not touching them any more when offered.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    All I have to say is thank goodness it's Friday! Sigh I better finish getting ready for work.
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    I don't know what candy corn is.

    I am waiting for my new dumb bells to be delivered so i can commence awesome arm workouts
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    I started my fitness journey about 3 weeks ago. My initial weight was 215 lbs. and I am now at 203 lbs. I follow a strict Low-Carb diet ( 1500 calories) and a 25-minute fitness program. I want to reach 160 lbs. in the next 3 months. Any fitness and health advice are welcome and a special person to be my inspiration. :blush:

    Congrats on the weight loss so far.

    A few questions:

    1. Do you have a medical condition to eat low carb?
    2. Why do you want to reach 160 pounds in 3 months?

    My advice is if you don't have a medical condition to eat low carb then don't do it. Most people who eat low carb think they're losing weight since they're limiting their carbs when in reality they're eating less overall than they're burning thus creating a deficit to lose weight. Most once they're down to their desired weight go right back to the way they were eating before & gain weight from eating over their deficit. I always try & tell people to eat in a way that will be sustainable for life. Do you see yourself always limiting carbs once you reach your desired weight?

    Why are you only eating 1,500 calories a day? Do you weigh your food on a food scale? If not then you could be eating way more than you think. Since you're a 34 year old male I am sure you would need a lot more than 1,500 calories a day. You should look up Scooby's accurate calorie calculator & input your numbers in there & see what it tells you to eat.

    Why do you have to reach 160 pounds in 3 months? Event coming up?

    Some people do better on low myself. I feel better, I sleep better...I think everyone is different.

    Ditto. I haven't had pasta, rice or a sandwich in 7-8 weeks and I really don't care. I allow myself some potato every now and then. Some people adapt to low carb quite well, and I do think I could do this for the rest of my life. I miss fruit the most, but once I reach my goal weight I can lift it up to 100-150g carbs a day and easily squeeze in fruit :smile:
    I say don't knock it til you try it.

    Edit, I'm a bit behind on this thread so apologies

    I think I'd miss fruit the most too. I'm happy it's working out so well for you!!

    I get sad when I go food shopping and have to walk past all the bright coloured fruit and just head for the veg. Courgette (zucchini I believe in America?) is my new best friend. :yum:

    Do you like spaghetti squash? Every now & then I will make that & put a little salad dressing on it or chicken.

    I've never heard of this! I've seen spaghetti courgette but not squash. Is it pre-spaghettied or do you have to do it yourself?

    It is a squash that when cooked, comes out of the cut half like spaghetti strands. It is a good replacement for actual spaghetti noodles. I use it quite a bit. The texture is more like al dente spaghetti, a bit crunchy but it works. Google it or if you have Pinterest, look it up.

    Its disgusting Don't do it.

    I think Nicci and I are the same person. I agree. It is disgusting. DON'T DO IT. I am going to judge here, I think the only people who like it are people who eat it because they think its healthy. Like people fool themselves into believing zucchini is good for them and tasty. Its an illusion. You are all nuts.

    I never eat things just because they're healthy--I'm way too picky for that. I enjoy zucchini and I LOVE spaghetti squash. SO THERE. ;)

    Note my comment about crazy people. Just sayin'

    I don't deny being nuts. It's a good thing! :p

    Well as a fellow crazy person I'll just have to agree to disagree on the epic of utterly disgusting squash spaghetti. And Zucchini. And Summer Squash. And horror of horrors....eggplant.

    I enjoy all of these. Except summer squash, because I have no idea what that is or what it tastes like. :p It seems to me that you dislike squash in general, though!
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    CosmoTI wrote: »
    *peeping head back out from under aforementioned rock... Just to say thanks that you regular posters are so welcoming to newbies. Even creepy stalker types like me. In fact, your responses lifted my mood so much last night that despite being horribly hungover (due to unexpected week night drinking caused by boyfriend losing his job) I moved my fat backside down to the spare room and got my weights done. Admittedly not the best workout I've ever done - and I did eat a bag of crisps afterward- but it's at least a half-win surely?!
    Totally a win. Yay!!

    Agreed! You're a rock star.

    Haha, I see what you did there...with the ROCK...
    But I agree! Nice job, Cosmo!
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    I eat zucchini almost every day. Just raw, sliced into coins, and dipped into spicy mustard!!! Nom nom nom.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member

    CosmoTI wrote: »
    *peeping head back out from under aforementioned rock... Just to say thanks that you regular posters are so welcoming to newbies. Even creepy stalker types like me. In fact, your responses lifted my mood so much last night that despite being horribly hungover (due to unexpected week night drinking caused by boyfriend losing his job) I moved my fat backside down to the spare room and got my weights done. Admittedly not the best workout I've ever done - and I did eat a bag of crisps afterward- but it's at least a half-win surely?!

    Definitely a win in the midst of the bad day. I hope your SO gets a new job quickly.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    All I have to say is thank goodness it's Friday! Sigh I better finish getting ready for work.

    I am already at work and should get to it, but I so totally resemble this remark.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    I don't know what candy corn is.

    I am waiting for my new dumb bells to be delivered so i can commence awesome arm workouts

    You don't know what candy corn is???? How is that possible? Well it is a Halloween staple in the US. I have no idea how common it is in other parts of the world. I can't think of how to describe it except it's basically pure sugar in like a pyramid shape and it's 3 stacked colors orange, yellow and brown. Hence the eating them in sections by color.