

  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    Oh gosh - forgot to say @Tubbs216 - You must be so proud of your oldest for going through with such a grown up interview! I hope he gets the job.

    Great news that your daughter's tests came back normal! Excellent!

    I must admit that the name "clotted cream" makes me gag. I have this horrible aversion to milk specifically because it gets all clumpy and sooooo groooosssss when it starts to spoil. So "clotted cream" translates into "rotten nasty milk" for me.

    The worst part is that I've never actually tried clotted cream, as it's not a thing here in the US. I bet I'd LOVE it if I tried it elsewhere AND if they didn't tell me that's what I was eating. Just call it... ummm... buttery pudding... or sweetened cream.... or... well, anything but "clotted". Hee hee

    I wish I could send you all some clotted cream

    I have never had a desire for clotted cream. ..sounded disgusting. When I am in London next year I now vow to try it.

    Oh yes you will! If I can persuade you down to Devon for s couple of days, I will take you for the best cream tea ever at ny favourite café on the cliffs.

    I WANT to go to Devon! I want to meet Charlie and yet to be named baby girl and go to the zoo and check it all out! I have to get a Scotland/England guidebook and start reading up.

    We will put Devon on the itinerary, and anywhere else you want to go. And you Can meet my babies and.we'll take them to the zoo. And Windsor Castle tower of London, Hampton Court, Highclere house (Downton abbey) Covent garden,

    I want to come I want to come!!! We didn't get to go to Hampton Court and that was one of the places I wanted to go realllllly bad! I may be living over there by that time :)
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    Oh gosh - forgot to say @Tubbs216 - You must be so proud of your oldest for going through with such a grown up interview! I hope he gets the job.

    Great news that your daughter's tests came back normal! Excellent!

    I must admit that the name "clotted cream" makes me gag. I have this horrible aversion to milk specifically because it gets all clumpy and sooooo groooosssss when it starts to spoil. So "clotted cream" translates into "rotten nasty milk" for me.

    The worst part is that I've never actually tried clotted cream, as it's not a thing here in the US. I bet I'd LOVE it if I tried it elsewhere AND if they didn't tell me that's what I was eating. Just call it... ummm... buttery pudding... or sweetened cream.... or... well, anything but "clotted". Hee hee

    I wish I could send you all some clotted cream

    I have never had a desire for clotted cream. ..sounded disgusting. When I am in London next year I now vow to try it.

    Oh yes you will! If I can persuade you down to Devon for s couple of days, I will take you for the best cream tea ever at ny favourite café on the cliffs.

    I WANT to go to Devon! I want to meet Charlie and yet to be named baby girl and go to the zoo and check it all out! I have to get a Scotland/England guidebook and start reading up.

    We will put Devon on the itinerary, and anywhere else you want to go. And you Can meet my babies and.we'll take them to the zoo. And Windsor Castle tower of London, Hampton Court, Highclere house (Downton abbey) Covent garden,

    I want to come I want to come!!! We didn't get to go to Hampton Court and that was one of the places I wanted to go realllllly bad! I may be living over there by that time :)

    Of course you can come! Hampton Court is a day trip and easy to get to.

    I've only got a little flat in Devon but everyone is welcome as long as you can cope with camp beds and air beds.

    Yesssss! If I'm not living there already I can just stay with my SO! He can drive me to meet up with y'all!

    Yay! We have three now, and I think eithe Julie or Lois was thinking of joining us too!

    I have never seen Downton Abbey, I guess I better watch before July 2016. I remember the Tower of London, that was cool. I haven't been to Hampton Court. I can't wait!

    Laura are you going to join us on the mountain climb?

    I'm happy to tag along! :smile: I'll bring Danny kicking and screaming as well if he is invited?

    Yes! That would be fabulous. Nicci. .. we're going to need a bigger boat (cottage). :)

    In scotland? No problem! We'll roll call early next year and I'll organise something. Everyone welcome, whether they're mountain climbing or not!

  • Glinda1971
    Glinda1971 Posts: 2,328 Member
    Morning all!

    So I went for my walk and just got a creamsicle at the end of it. Why? Because halfway to the store I started craving meatball subs. That is a very weird craving for me but I couldn't stop thinking about having one.

    When I got to the store - she had just finished making meatball subs. How weird is that?

    My other strange coincidence is that I decided to charge up my kindle that I haven't used in about 4 months on Tuesday night, and a book that I've had on hold for 6 months finally became available this morning.

    I wish my third coincidence could be that I my lottery ticket had the right numbers. ;)
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    AND he's drinking soda all night because he's got one of those built in court mandated car breathalyzers. now don't get me wrong, a designated driver is totally something i need in my life, and baby jesus knows i could easily be stuck in that situation given my shenanigans, but this dude was just not it.
    You cannot criticise someone for drinking soda if they're driving, they damn well should be, as should you!

    I am concerned about your attitude to drink driving and find it offensive. I know the culture in the UK is a bit different, there are very few people I think who would consider it anything but unacceptable. So many people get killed or suffer life changing injuries at the hands of drink drivers and it's so avoidable.

    I apologise for going against the spirit of this thread, but I couldn't not say it. Just drink coke if you need to drive.

    I don't think she was criticizing his decision to drink soda while driving. She was pointing out he had clearly already been in trouble for drink driving since he had a court mandated car breathalyzer. I'm with you in that I find drink-driving wholly unacceptable too, so I wouldn't be too impressed if someone required a breathalyzer in order to obey the law. Someone I'd steer clear of too! Hopefully that's cleared that up. Correct me if I'm wrong @KylerJaye.
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    edited August 2015
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    AND he's drinking soda all night because he's got one of those built in court mandated car breathalyzers. now don't get me wrong, a designated driver is totally something i need in my life, and baby jesus knows i could easily be stuck in that situation given my shenanigans, but this dude was just not it.
    You cannot criticise someone for drinking soda if they're driving, they damn well should be, as should you!

    I am concerned about your attitude to drink driving and find it offensive. I know the culture in the UK is a bit different, there are very few people I think who would consider it anything but unacceptable. So many people get killed or suffer life changing injuries at the hands of drink drivers and it's so avoidable.

    I apologise for going against the spirit of this thread, but I couldn't not say it. Just drink coke if you need to drive.

    I absolutely agree with this.

    If you need to drink, leave the car at home. If you need the car, don't drink.

    And surely a first date is better sober?
  • girldownsouth
    girldownsouth Posts: 920 Member
    spamarie wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    AND he's drinking soda all night because he's got one of those built in court mandated car breathalyzers. now don't get me wrong, a designated driver is totally something i need in my life, and baby jesus knows i could easily be stuck in that situation given my shenanigans, but this dude was just not it.
    You cannot criticise someone for drinking soda if they're driving, they damn well should be, as should you!

    I am concerned about your attitude to drink driving and find it offensive. I know the culture in the UK is a bit different, there are very few people I think who would consider it anything but unacceptable. So many people get killed or suffer life changing injuries at the hands of drink drivers and it's so avoidable.

    I apologise for going against the spirit of this thread, but I couldn't not say it. Just drink coke if you need to drive.

    I don't think she was criticizing his decision to drink soda while driving. She was pointing out he had clearly already been in trouble for drink driving since he had a court mandated car breathalyzer. I'm with you in that I find drink-driving wholly unacceptable too, so I wouldn't be too impressed if someone required a breathalyzer in order to obey the law. Someone I'd steer clear of too! Hopefully that's cleared that up. Correct me if I'm wrong @KylerJaye.

    I'm not going to say any more, but it was more than that.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    I follow a few lost pet pages on Facebook and someone found a dog that looks almost identical to my dog I had euthanized in October. It is making me feel odd, and actually a little sick. :disappointed:

    ETA: the dog looks like it's a stray or been abandoned for some time and I think seeing a dog that looks like Emery in that condition is what's bothering me.

    That would bother me too. Lost/stray pets tug at my heart at the best of times.
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    spamarie wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    I'm annoyed with my job today. Can you tell?

    It doesn't show. ;)

    I'm rather fond of bananas, in almost any stage of ripeness other than the extremes, and wouldn't eat more than one or two a day.

    I have been known to mush one up in a bowl and just eat mashed banana, as a snack.

    Now I'm craving banana. May have to swing by a grocery store on my walk and grab a bunch.

    I like bananas, but only in the ripe, starting to freckle stage. Yum. I haven't had any in a while though since I was supposed to be following a nutrition plan with low-ish sugar (she says after eating ice cream last night).

    Me too! I'm very picky about my bananas- they can't be too green and they can't be too mushy- they have to be juuuust right. I'm like the Little Read Riding Hood of bananas!

    Do you mean Goldilocks?

    I did!! Whoops, nice catch!
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    Oh gosh - forgot to say @Tubbs216 - You must be so proud of your oldest for going through with such a grown up interview! I hope he gets the job.

    Great news that your daughter's tests came back normal! Excellent!

    I must admit that the name "clotted cream" makes me gag. I have this horrible aversion to milk specifically because it gets all clumpy and sooooo groooosssss when it starts to spoil. So "clotted cream" translates into "rotten nasty milk" for me.

    The worst part is that I've never actually tried clotted cream, as it's not a thing here in the US. I bet I'd LOVE it if I tried it elsewhere AND if they didn't tell me that's what I was eating. Just call it... ummm... buttery pudding... or sweetened cream.... or... well, anything but "clotted". Hee hee

    I wish I could send you all some clotted cream

    I have never had a desire for clotted cream. ..sounded disgusting. When I am in London next year I now vow to try it.

    Oh yes you will! If I can persuade you down to Devon for s couple of days, I will take you for the best cream tea ever at ny favourite café on the cliffs.

    I WANT to go to Devon! I want to meet Charlie and yet to be named baby girl and go to the zoo and check it all out! I have to get a Scotland/England guidebook and start reading up.

    We will put Devon on the itinerary, and anywhere else you want to go. And you Can meet my babies and.we'll take them to the zoo. And Windsor Castle tower of London, Hampton Court, Highclere house (Downton abbey) Covent garden,

    I want to come I want to come!!! We didn't get to go to Hampton Court and that was one of the places I wanted to go realllllly bad! I may be living over there by that time :)
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    Oh gosh - forgot to say @Tubbs216 - You must be so proud of your oldest for going through with such a grown up interview! I hope he gets the job.

    Great news that your daughter's tests came back normal! Excellent!

    I must admit that the name "clotted cream" makes me gag. I have this horrible aversion to milk specifically because it gets all clumpy and sooooo groooosssss when it starts to spoil. So "clotted cream" translates into "rotten nasty milk" for me.

    The worst part is that I've never actually tried clotted cream, as it's not a thing here in the US. I bet I'd LOVE it if I tried it elsewhere AND if they didn't tell me that's what I was eating. Just call it... ummm... buttery pudding... or sweetened cream.... or... well, anything but "clotted". Hee hee

    I wish I could send you all some clotted cream

    I have never had a desire for clotted cream. ..sounded disgusting. When I am in London next year I now vow to try it.

    Oh yes you will! If I can persuade you down to Devon for s couple of days, I will take you for the best cream tea ever at ny favourite café on the cliffs.

    I WANT to go to Devon! I want to meet Charlie and yet to be named baby girl and go to the zoo and check it all out! I have to get a Scotland/England guidebook and start reading up.

    We will put Devon on the itinerary, and anywhere else you want to go. And you Can meet my babies and.we'll take them to the zoo. And Windsor Castle tower of London, Hampton Court, Highclere house (Downton abbey) Covent garden,

    I want to come I want to come!!! We didn't get to go to Hampton Court and that was one of the places I wanted to go realllllly bad! I may be living over there by that time :)

    Of course you can come! Hampton Court is a day trip and easy to get to.

    I've only got a little flat in Devon but everyone is welcome as long as you can cope with camp beds and air beds.

    Yesssss! If I'm not living there already I can just stay with my SO! He can drive me to meet up with y'all!

    Yay! We have three now, and I think eithe Julie or Lois was thinking of joining us too!

    I have never seen Downton Abbey, I guess I better watch before July 2016. I remember the Tower of London, that was cool. I haven't been to Hampton Court. I can't wait!

    Laura are you going to join us on the mountain climb?

    I'm happy to tag along! :smile: I'll bring Danny kicking and screaming as well if he is invited?

    Yes! That would be fabulous. Nicci. .. we're going to need a bigger boat (cottage). :)

    In scotland? No problem! We'll roll call early next year and I'll organise something. Everyone welcome, whether they're mountain climbing or not!

    This is going to be a blast!! Fingers crossed I can afford it!!
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    neldabg wrote: »
    On the second week of my lifestyle change, I went over to a friend's house for a sleepover, and I had a tall piece of cake with lots of frosting on each day that I stayed there. I wasn't completely honest with the calorie count for those days. Haha. In the end, I still lost 10 pounds in the first month alone. I *do* exercise for two-four hours a day (90% light, 10% intense), and I make a point of walking everywhere within three miles, and I ALWAYS take stairs, so maybe this off set the weight gain. Since then, I've fostered a potent armor of will power, discipline, and self-control, so that'd never happen again.

    How much do you have to lose? What do you do when you exercise two hours?

    Be careful with exercising too much, because it can weaken your immune system (I just got over a bad sinus infection from exercising way too much).

    With how much exercise you said you do eating a few desserts will not hinder your progress so don't get in the habit of beating yourself because it's not worth the misery.

    +1 cake is a pleasure occasionally. (I say this as someone who makes her own because of celiac.) As often as you exercise, two pieces of cake are nothing to feel guilty about.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    My niece did something so hilarious today that made me think of this thread.

    My youngest niece came over to her mom today & asked for Chocolate Milk. My sister went over & got the milk & the powder & my niece threw the hugest fit. What did she want? She just wanted the powder in the glass & then threw herself on the floor & had a huge fit. Needless to say she didn't get her own way.

    I was happy that today I fit in Chipotle (steak burritos yum) & a whole pint of frozen yogurt.

    Ha! That's awesome!!
    And I LOVE Chipotle!! I haven't had it in well over a year though! Not sure why...we just never think to go there when we get food. That should change soon!! Awesome job fitting that AND frozen yogurt!! Winnnn!!!!!!

    I love Chipotle too. Mmmmm mmmmmm.

    Chipotle is a huge reason I got fat buuuut I still eat it! Just not in such large quantities anymore! Haha <3

    It really is so good. I wish there was one close to where I work, because I would go there at least once or twice a week.

    I confess, I have no idea why people even like Chipotle, let alone lust after it. Just doesn't do it for me. ;)

    Qdoba is my Mexican quick-serve of choice, but I also quite enjoy Moe's Southwest Grill. Really though, Mexican food is so easy, I'd rather just make it at home.

    And use twice the amount of cheese. No judgment.

    I love Moe's! And Chipotle too though. I want another trip to America! But, I don't like cheese that much and always asked them to put less, half the time they didn't understand and tried to put more. I think it just didn't make sense to them that anyone would want less cheese than they were entitled to!

    I have one thing to say to this... Country music marathon

    So, who all is going?

    So far me, Nicci and my friend and her daughter are definitive. You in?

    I'm going to do my best to be there! I may not be able to actually run, but I plan on cheering everyone on! :)

    Hoping to come cheer. Definitely not running.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    MissKalhan wrote: »
    Update: I have finished writing all of my reviews. Said reviews will take place over a few days next week.

    I was supposed to have dinner with a friend, but she had to cancel, so now I have no idea what to do with myself tonight.

    So go outside and enjoy the weather (If it's nice?) Winter is coming! :smile:

    I was actually considering taking my run outside today. But I'm supposed to lift, so it seems silly to go to the gym AND run around outside.

    I still might do it!

    I have run to the gym, lifted and gotten my husband to drive me home. LOL!

    Nice! I would do that if the gym wasn't in the opposite direction to him...

    I knew he was coming to lift anyway and it was the last day I had time to run before the last 5k I ran in May. I don't
    run that often. ;-)
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    I love bananas. I could probably eat a whole bunch in a day easily.

    And I just weighed myself and had to gape at the scale. It said I was down seven pounds from last night. I repositioned the scale, got back on, and now I'm seven pounds up again. The weight slides back on SO easily. :lol:

    That darn scale! I say you should take a hammer to it :D.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    *post date update*

    first date #13

    yet ANOTHER dude that has pics posted, that upon meeting in person, were VERY out of date.
    the funny bit being that he says to me, wow, you look just like your pictures!
    WHAT?!?! isn't that the point? and i flat out say to him, you look absolutely nothing like your pics!
    his reply? yeah, they're pretty old. *smh*

    have a few beverages, pretty average basic conversation, dude was nice and all but seemed a lil toooooo laid back. like he had this grin on his face like 100% of the time and his eyes were never fully open. so after a few beverages i'm finally like what the hecks this dude's deal? so i simply ask him, dude, are you stoned? to which he starts laughing and he's like no no, i don't smoke pot. and i'm like dude, are you sure about that?? he laughs a bit more and says, well like klonopin and xanax...yeah. greaaaaaaaat.

    AND he's drinking soda all night because he's got one of those built in court mandated car breathalyzers. now don't get me wrong, a designated driver is totally something i need in my life, and baby jesus knows i could easily be stuck in that situation given my shenanigans, but this dude was just not it. plus he smokes a pack and a half a day. no, no thank you.

    first date #12 - update!
    after our super quick first date, he texts me and asks when we're going to watch documentaries together (i've previously confessed a love of all the docs on netflix). so i say, "well unless it's in a theater it's going to be a while. *stranger danger!*" and he replies, oh, ok, have you lost interest? and then anytime this dude texts me and i don't respond within an hour or so he'll send me another msg asking if i've lost interest. it's a bit irritating. i'm not seeing a second date.

    whomp whomp whoooooooomp

    Ohhh, a tranqued out chainsmoking guy with a DUI who misrepresents himself. Dream Guy.

    And perhaps you should point out to #12 that, after one date, your interest isn't like super high to begin with, and he's kicking it down a notch every time he asks if you've lost interest so it's rapidly approaching a negative value.

    Glad you're keeping your sense of humour about all this!
    I love bananas. I could probably eat a whole bunch in a day easily.

    And I just weighed myself and had to gape at the scale. It said I was down seven pounds from last night. I repositioned the scale, got back on, and now I'm seven pounds up again. The weight slides back on SO easily. :lol:

    This happens a lot because my scale is in my carpeted (ewww!) basement bathroom and tends to slide towards the wall, where it gets hung up on the bottom edge of the baseboard, giving a lower reading. This is how my SO manages to lose 8 lbs overnight.

    He once lost 13 lbs overnight and was just thrilled. Suspicious me, I got on the scale the next morning and saw I was 9 lbs lower. That didn't seem right so I jumped on holding a 10 lb dumbbell. My weight didn't go up 10 lbs. While he was away at work I changed the battery without telling him... he regained his 13 lbs.

    What did your SO say after he gained the 13 pounds back?
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    nuffer wrote: »
    Back in the '80s I had a lot of bandanas.

    I confess that I when I read this the first time, I thought it said "bananas" and wondered why you stopped eating them. LOL!

    Didn't everyone have a lot of bandanas in the 80s?

  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    I started my fitness journey about 3 weeks ago. My initial weight was 215 lbs. and I am now at 203 lbs. I follow a strict Low-Carb diet ( 1500 calories) and a 25-minute fitness program. I want to reach 160 lbs. in the next 3 months. Any fitness and health advice are welcome and a special person to be my inspiration. :blush:

    Congrats on the weight loss so far.

    A few questions:

    1. Do you have a medical condition to eat low carb?
    2. Why do you want to reach 160 pounds in 3 months?

    My advice is if you don't have a medical condition to eat low carb then don't do it. Most people who eat low carb think they're losing weight since they're limiting their carbs when in reality they're eating less overall than they're burning thus creating a deficit to lose weight. Most once they're down to their desired weight go right back to the way they were eating before & gain weight from eating over their deficit. I always try & tell people to eat in a way that will be sustainable for life. Do you see yourself always limiting carbs once you reach your desired weight?

    Why are you only eating 1,500 calories a day? Do you weigh your food on a food scale? If not then you could be eating way more than you think. Since you're a 34 year old male I am sure you would need a lot more than 1,500 calories a day. You should look up Scooby's accurate calorie calculator & input your numbers in there & see what it tells you to eat.

    Why do you have to reach 160 pounds in 3 months? Event coming up?

    Some people do better on low myself. I feel better, I sleep better...I think everyone is different.

    Ditto. I haven't had pasta, rice or a sandwich in 7-8 weeks and I really don't care. I allow myself some potato every now and then. Some people adapt to low carb quite well, and I do think I could do this for the rest of my life. I miss fruit the most, but once I reach my goal weight I can lift it up to 100-150g carbs a day and easily squeeze in fruit :smile:
    I say don't knock it til you try it.

    Edit, I'm a bit behind on this thread so apologies

    I think I'd miss fruit the most too. I'm happy it's working out so well for you!!

    I get sad when I go food shopping and have to walk past all the bright coloured fruit and just head for the veg. Courgette (zucchini I believe in America?) is my new best friend. :yum:

    Do you like spaghetti squash? Every now & then I will make that & put a little salad dressing on it or chicken.

    I've never heard of this! I've seen spaghetti courgette but not squash. Is it pre-spaghettied or do you have to do it yourself?

    I am bad at describing recipes so I'll post this

    Here's some recipes that I found on Pinterest (haven't tried any since I usually just use dressing & chicken)
  • kecmw25
    kecmw25 Posts: 2,743 Member
    lilawolf wrote: »
    I confess that I skip all of the political posts on Facebook and most of the news stories, not because I don't want to be an informed person, because I really do, but because I can't stand all of the negativity (on both/all sides). I wish that there was a way to get the honest facts about topics so that I could create an informed opinion. Instead, it's like panning for gold in a feedlot.

  • KylerJaye
    KylerJaye Posts: 861 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    *post date update*

    first date #13

    yet ANOTHER dude that has pics posted, that upon meeting in person, were VERY out of date.
    the funny bit being that he says to me, wow, you look just like your pictures!
    WHAT?!?! isn't that the point? and i flat out say to him, you look absolutely nothing like your pics!
    his reply? yeah, they're pretty old. *smh*

    have a few beverages, pretty average basic conversation, dude was nice and all but seemed a lil toooooo laid back. like he had this grin on his face like 100% of the time and his eyes were never fully open. so after a few beverages i'm finally like what the hecks this dude's deal? so i simply ask him, dude, are you stoned? to which he starts laughing and he's like no no, i don't smoke pot. and i'm like dude, are you sure about that?? he laughs a bit more and says, well like klonopin and xanax...yeah. greaaaaaaaat.

    AND he's drinking soda all night because he's got one of those built in court mandated car breathalyzers. now don't get me wrong, a designated driver is totally something i need in my life, and baby jesus knows i could easily be stuck in that situation given my shenanigans, but this dude was just not it. plus he smokes a pack and a half a day. no, no thank you.

    first date #12 - update!
    after our super quick first date, he texts me and asks when we're going to watch documentaries together (i've previously confessed a love of all the docs on netflix). so i say, "well unless it's in a theater it's going to be a while. *stranger danger!*" and he replies, oh, ok, have you lost interest? and then anytime this dude texts me and i don't respond within an hour or so he'll send me another msg asking if i've lost interest. it's a bit irritating. i'm not seeing a second date.

    whomp whomp whoooooooomp

    I really think it's time for a dating hiatus. The stars are not in alignment for you right now.


    well, now i have a sore throat (can't even begin to try to figure out where that came from. i'm going with one of the 1600 ppl in my building at work. i have to believe this, otherwise i'm gonna get really skeezed out).

    so i'm taking a lil break, you know, like a day or two... B)
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member

    Thought I would post this in case anyone wants to see if they have one of these stores near them.

    This is the bargain store I usually go to once a week.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    spamarie wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    @KylerJaye I can TOTALLY relate! Had some crazy, weird, and even fun first dates until I came across SO (who happens to live across the pond haha) I know I've said it before but we have to kiss a lot of frogs to get to the prince! So happy you posted, we've missed you! <3

    PS- I also couldn't understand why people put up pictures that don't look like them? Uhm, you're planning on meeting others outside of the internet right? C'mon we're not blind!!

    I don't get it either. I'm hesitant to put up pictures of me really done up because I don't feel it's a true representation of myself lol.

    Why my profile pic is what it is. lol

    @Italian_Buju My sister will only talk to ONE therapist that she has had before and she hasn't been able to find/get a hold of her and where he new practice is. My mother and my sister's fiance are working on that one. Hopefully, she'll start getting out more.
    The Freelee the banana girl thing was for the confessor who came in about eating 4 peaches in one sitting. Reminded me of Freelee. She will eat whole bowls of figs, peaches, pomegranates, or a half a watermelon in one sitting! I like her overall messages about how we need to stop poisoning our bodies with constant fast food consumption and we need to get fit and active. What I DON'T like is she has a very strong 'my way or the highway' attitude about it. She's a strict raw 'til 4 vegan who lives off of a fruit based diet. Works great for her but might not be so great for EVERYONE.

    And about Chipotle, it's 'okay'. SSP LOVES it but as for me, I'm half Mexican, I make my own burritos. :laugh:

    This is why I love you @Susieq_1994! Cheese IS life! I believe I confessed long ago about how I was suffering without cheese in my life because I thought it was affecting my skin. Well it wasn't, and I now have as much cheese as my calories will let me! Cheese is my one true love. :heart:

    I can't really stand the banana girl after she reckoned losing her period when she first went strict low fat vegan was a good thing. Um, no, that usually indicates there is a problem. Apparently it came back eventually so I'm not doubting her overall health (like you say, if it works for her then great for her), but to tell other young women that losing your period is fine is pretty bad advice in my book. I can imagine teenage girls getting some pretty damaging messages from that.

    The thing I find odd is how she says she eats 30-50 bananas a day. Right there would be around 3,000-4,000 calories in bananas alone.

    I thought I read that she suffered from either an eating disorder or disordered eating, but I might be thinking of someone else.

    The thing I find extremely damaging is the fact that normal people will try this diet thinking they will lose weight because they're eating healthier foods, & then wonder how they're gaining weight with eating healthier foods.

    Honestly, she's crazy. An absolute lunatic with no logic or science to back her up, and a nasty attacking attitude towards anyone who disagrees with her (regardless of how polite they are).

    She also works out like a crazy person, hours of cardio a day, and denies it because she insists that you don't need to work out to lose weight while eating a ridiculous amount of food.

    Confession: To be completely honest, anyone who mentions her in a way that puts her or her way of life in positive terms reduces my opinion of their mental capabilities significantly.

    ETA: Not knocking raw vegans in this post at all. Just the loony one.

    I agree completely. If she is eating 30-40 bananas a day she's either overexercising or throwing them up since 3,000-4,000 calories in bananas is ludicrous & that's not even including other food items.

    I watched one of her videos & shook my head when she called Cassey Ho fat. Cassey runs this site

    So I mentioned the Banana nuts woman to my husband who said, "30 bananas a day. That's enough to make her radioactive."


    After reading this last night I got this song in my head.
  • KylerJaye
    KylerJaye Posts: 861 Member
    spamarie wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    AND he's drinking soda all night because he's got one of those built in court mandated car breathalyzers. now don't get me wrong, a designated driver is totally something i need in my life, and baby jesus knows i could easily be stuck in that situation given my shenanigans, but this dude was just not it.
    You cannot criticise someone for drinking soda if they're driving, they damn well should be, as should you!

    I am concerned about your attitude to drink driving and find it offensive. I know the culture in the UK is a bit different, there are very few people I think who would consider it anything but unacceptable. So many people get killed or suffer life changing injuries at the hands of drink drivers and it's so avoidable.

    I apologise for going against the spirit of this thread, but I couldn't not say it. Just drink coke if you need to drive.

    I don't think she was criticizing his decision to drink soda while driving. She was pointing out he had clearly already been in trouble for drink driving since he had a court mandated car breathalyzer. I'm with you in that I find drink-driving wholly unacceptable too, so I wouldn't be too impressed if someone required a breathalyzer in order to obey the law. Someone I'd steer clear of too! Hopefully that's cleared that up. Correct me if I'm wrong @KylerJaye.

    yes, that's exactly what i meant! my problem wasn't the soda, it was why he *had* to drink soda.

    also, because i know in my state those things aren't *first time offender* mandated.
    so there's a history there, plus he was taking prescription drugs in order to still have a buzz/high because they don't register on the interlock device. and i also witnessed him pop a pill during a conversation like it was nothing. twice.

    *story update*
    narco dude sent me a text yesterday to tell me that he was in an accident and totaled his SUV. someone swerved in his lane, he completely lost control and slammed into a telephone pole. and my first thought was, well how many pills had you taken? which admittedly could happen to anyone, but there would always be that underlying issue with him.

    besides the fact that i wasn't really attracted to anything about him...