

  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    bkhamill wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    Thanks to you all for the well wishes. I am hoping that a couple of beers tonight will dull the ache in my palm. I am keeping it cleaned and dressed for the moment.

    I think you need some Blue Bell therapy to get over this one!

    I think you might be right!!
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    abatonfan wrote: »
    I need a moment to vent. I haven't even started my first day of class, but I'm beyond annoyed at one of my nursing professors. She already assigned us something to complete for TOMORROW'S 9AM class, but she only told us about it a few minutes ago. It's giving me the impression that she wants me to drop everything immediately and tend to her class regardless of if I have other obligations.

    Gah. I want to curl into a corner and cry -her class seems super high demanding, and it's ticking me off to no end that I'm paying such high tuition for half of the classes to be online videos.

    I applaud all the hard work you had to do to get into nursing school!! I hope it isn't too rough on you, at least, all of your professors are not like that one. Good luck to you!!
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »
    bkhamill wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    Thanks to you all for the well wishes. I am hoping that a couple of beers tonight will dull the ache in my palm. I am keeping it cleaned and dressed for the moment.

    I think you need some Blue Bell therapy to get over this one!

    I think you might be right!!
    My Krogers only had vanilla and cookies and cream pints in stock, and I am sick to death of BB cookies and cream. I hope you had better luck with them!

  • MissKalhan
    MissKalhan Posts: 2,282 Member
    peleroja wrote: »
    We leave for Peru on Saturday!

    I think I posted this on my feed as well, but I think I'm more excited about not having to run stairs anymore than I am about travelling right now :lol: 2 more stair runs and 5 more sleeps until we go!!

    Our den has been my staging area for weeks already, where I've got all our gear and everything stored/laid out, and I'm starting to get it all organized and double-checked and into our bags now. I'm a fairly meticulous packer and organizer, so I've got each of our bags packed with extra-large Ziplocs storing everything (one for socks, one for cold-weather tops, one for rain gear, one for first aid, etc etc.) with spares for stuff that can be worn again and stuff that is dirty.

    Because of this, my husband doesn't have a clue what he's bringing (nor does he intend to find out until we're already travelling)...I'll wake him up on Saturday morning, hand him his duffle and his daypack, and tell him to make sure he has his wallet and his phone and charger. Then all the way to the airport he'll say "Do I have a water bottle? Do I have some Benadryl? Do I have my Swiss Army knife? Did you pack my flip-flops? What about Kleenex? Where did you put my iPad? Do I have a toque? How many pairs of socks did you bring me? What time do we get back again?" Invariably, because he's a creature of habit and I can pack him a bag in five minutes flat if necessary, he's got everything he needs...but there is a part of me that is shocked that he doesn't do it himself. I could NEVER let him pack for me, I can't even imagine what I would end up with. Yet he just blithely assumes everything is fine. It's exactly like when you have a four-year-old and you get everything ready and then tell them to pick out one toy to bring (except the one toy is his phone.)

    This happens every time we travel, lol.

    He also has no idea what I've booked or even what cities we'll be in, I'm pretty sure, although I keep telling him and have sent him copies of all my bookings. I'm kind of terrified security is going to ask him questions and he's going to be like "Uhhhhhh...hiking....somewhere....?" and they're going to think he's hiding something because he hasn't got a clue what he's doing in Peru. We went to see his mom over the weekend and she was asking us questions about what we've got planned and he kept just looking at me helplessly.

    The man is a ton of fun and a good travel buddy and all and he's obviously very go-with-the-flow and trusts me and all (and I was a travel agent so I guess he assumes I always just know what I'm doing) but sometimes I just have to laugh at him a bit.

    You SO and I would get along great! I am a super go with the flow kinda person even when it comes to travelling and well pretty much life, whereas mancreature is uber must be super organized. This past camping trip he realized I can't be "trusted" and will inevitably realize I forgot something, case and point the poles to our tent.... I was totally okay with it, him not so much.

    I am super super super excited for you guys and cannot wait to see all the pictures! I may try to convince the mancreature we should do this for our next trip :smiley:
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    edited August 2015
    @kelly_c_77 I said 'I really L' not 'I'm really in L' so that's good clarification wise.
    My mommy and I were sharing the wine at 8 o'clock in the morning. Because we're cool like that. :sunglasses:

    I don't think she ever anticipated I would pick up my phone and text someone...let alone SSP.
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    @lilaclovebird If it were me I would not bring it up again. Just let it sit for now. It has been said and an explanation given. Give it time (a month or two or three or more) and see. If this is love and this is mutual love then there is no hurry and waiting *can* make it better if either side has any issues. When I realized I loved SO I almost said it so many times but I held myself back and really examined my motives. When I realized and was sure that I wanted to say it no matter what the response or result, well that was when I said it. I told SO that I have really enjoyed my time with him, how fun and warm and caring he is. I told him that I wanted him to know that I have realized for awhile that I love him and that I felt he should know it. I told him I was not saying it to hear it back, that I didn't need to hear it back. I also at the same time told him that if he realized at some point that he could "never" say it back that he needed to let me know so that I could move on because I deserve to have a man who loves me in my life. It was probably 6 weeks later that when I told him goodnight and I love you that he said, I love you too. I know others here have shared similar stories. For me personally in this relationship it was important to wait. For SO, too, he pondered and thought about it for a long time before he said it. He was thinking about it before I said anything.

    Hugs to you. Follow your heart. Take the advice that makes sense to you or take non at all. <3

    @nonoelmo I will be taking this advice. I'll probably bring it up again in several months after he's back from New York. He leaves in November and comes back December 10th.
    Now that I'm looking back, I realized there were times where I almost said it and held it back. I guess when I got the wine in me I couldn't hold it back.

    ETA: For now, things will stay playful and fun. I will continue to take it day by day and if he brings it up, I might talk about it. If not, then I wont stress or worry about it.

    There is an app that will lock out your phone from sending texts/making calls until you solve a math problem or something. I once considered getting it when I sent some gibberish texts whilst drinking over the course of a few weeks. But, I'm really good at math, so I figured I'd just have to figure something else out. LOL

    Haha, that's awesome!

    Congrats on no ice cream, Laura!!

    Oh Patriciaaaaa, guess what I'm making for dinner toniiiight???? SPAGHETTI SQUASH! Muahahahhaa!!!!!
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »
    bkhamill wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    Thanks to you all for the well wishes. I am hoping that a couple of beers tonight will dull the ache in my palm. I am keeping it cleaned and dressed for the moment.

    I think you need some Blue Bell therapy to get over this one!

    I think you might be right!!
    My Krogers only had vanilla and cookies and cream pints in stock, and I am sick to death of BB cookies and cream. I hope you had better luck with them!

    Ours next to my work has Homemade Vanilla, Dutch Chocolate and The Great Divide. I am going back to see if I can find Cookies and Cream. I haven't had that since long before the recall.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    *post date update*

    first date #14

    interacting online and via text, things were pretty cool.
    good, fun interactions, actual conversations that moved past the "hi, how's your day going?" type thing.
    but despite fun convo, dude kinda seemed like he was never going to actually ask me out, so on friday, i was like hey, if you wanna hang out let me know! so then we ended up going to a local place that evening.

    in person, it was....awkward?
    he was really quiet and withdrawn. which, i get the whole nervous first date type thing, but usually after a few hours, that lightens up a little. only it didn't. he just didn't seem very interested, and that's totally fine. but it still feels weird. so after a few hours, a few beverages, my filter ceases to exist, and upon saying good night (no attempt at a kiss or even a hug), the phrase "you poor boy" slipped out. eep.

    que the ensuing text argument wherein any chance of a second date was destroyed. so despite what appeared to be a total lack of all interest, dude says he had a good time. but of course at this point, i'm all angsty and annoyed and say as much in regards to his stand-offishness, to which he does the fine, it's all me whatever, thing.

    done and done.

    i miss mr.jerkface more than i care to admit :(

    ETA: i fully realize now that the poor dude is just introverted and my lame butt should be a bit more understanding. i couldn't relate the very fluid texting interactions with the in person differences. i really should try a bit harder....

    I keep hoping that Mr. Jerkface realizes his big whopping mistake and shows up suitably grovelling and begging.

    My father (76) is much more witty and amusing via text than in person, he's the stereotypical socially awkward scientist guy. I get along much better with him after buying him a cell and teaching him how to text. :p
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    peleroja wrote: »
    We leave for Peru on Saturday!

    I think I posted this on my feed as well, but I think I'm more excited about not having to run stairs anymore than I am about travelling right now :lol: 2 more stair runs and 5 more sleeps until we go!!

    Our den has been my staging area for weeks already, where I've got all our gear and everything stored/laid out, and I'm starting to get it all organized and double-checked and into our bags now. I'm a fairly meticulous packer and organizer, so I've got each of our bags packed with extra-large Ziplocs storing everything (one for socks, one for cold-weather tops, one for rain gear, one for first aid, etc etc.) with spares for stuff that can be worn again and stuff that is dirty.

    Because of this, my husband doesn't have a clue what he's bringing (nor does he intend to find out until we're already travelling)...I'll wake him up on Saturday morning, hand him his duffle and his daypack, and tell him to make sure he has his wallet and his phone and charger. Then all the way to the airport he'll say "Do I have a water bottle? Do I have some Benadryl? Do I have my Swiss Army knife? Did you pack my flip-flops? What about Kleenex? Where did you put my iPad? Do I have a toque? How many pairs of socks did you bring me? What time do we get back again?" Invariably, because he's a creature of habit and I can pack him a bag in five minutes flat if necessary, he's got everything he needs...but there is a part of me that is shocked that he doesn't do it himself. I could NEVER let him pack for me, I can't even imagine what I would end up with. Yet he just blithely assumes everything is fine (ETA : until it's too late and we're already on the way.) It's exactly like when you have a four-year-old and you get everything ready and then tell them to pick out one toy to bring (except the one toy is his phone.)

    This happens every time we travel, lol.

    He also has no idea what I've booked or even what cities we'll be in, I'm pretty sure, although I keep telling him and have sent him copies of all my bookings. I'm kind of terrified security is going to ask him questions and he's going to be like "Uhhhhhh...hiking....somewhere....?" and they're going to think he's hiding something because he hasn't got a clue what he's doing in Peru. We went to see his mom over the weekend and she was asking us questions about what we've got planned and he kept just looking at me helplessly.

    The man is a ton of fun and a good travel buddy and all and he's obviously very go-with-the-flow and trusts me and all (and I was a travel agent so I guess he assumes I always just know what I'm doing) but sometimes I just have to laugh at him a bit.
    That's awesome! My dad is pretty disorganized when it comes to trips as well. Family trips growing up were always him yelling at us because he wanted to do everything at the last minute.

  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    I know it's still a bit away, but I'm super excited for you to go on your trip, @peleroja!! I'm sure the pictures will make me jealous but still excited for you!! :)
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    Hi Everyone!! I'm checking in from page 1513. I had a wonderful vacation, though didn't get to run/exercise like I hoped because there was a health advisory posted regarding the very high amounts of smoke in the air (from the wildfires). It was so hazy and weird the whole time! The health advisory basically said to stay indoors to avoid excessive exposure to the smoke. We did manage 2 walks/runs and a few hours of fishing at a river (well, Mr. Jenni fished while I played with our niece and nephew along the bank).

    I am up 3 lbs, dang it. I was definitely grumpy about that this morning, but I got on the exercise bike and started the process of losing it. Heh...

    I'll check in to the Bat Cave later! I hope everyone is doing well and that @FroggyBug also had a fabulous vacation!! Thank you for all the birthday cards and wishes, too!! Y'all are so SUPER GREAT!!
    I'm sorry to hear about the wildfires. It sucks that you had to miss out of some of the great outdoors. I'm glad you were able to have a nice time with your niece and nephew!

  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    abatonfan wrote: »
    I need a moment to vent. I haven't even started my first day of class, but I'm beyond annoyed at one of my nursing professors. She already assigned us something to complete for TOMORROW'S 9AM class, but she only told us about it a few minutes ago. It's giving me the impression that she wants me to drop everything immediately and tend to her class regardless of if I have other obligations.

    Gah. I want to curl into a corner and cry -her class seems super high demanding, and it's ticking me off to no end that I'm paying such high tuition for half of the classes to be online videos.

    The last-minute assignment is annoying enough, paying for online lectures would make me really mad. Makes me almost kinda glad that I'm old enough that my undergrad predated anything online, and grad school was such a small program that it was all face to face.
    peleroja wrote: »
    We leave for Peru on Saturday!

    That came up fast! Have an AMAZING vacation!
  • girldownsouth
    girldownsouth Posts: 920 Member
    @kelly_c_77 I said 'I really L' not 'I'm really in L' so that's good clarification wise.
    My mommy and I were sharing the wine at 8 o'clock in the morning. Because we're cool like that. :sunglasses:

    I don't think she ever anticipated I would pick up my phone and text someone...let alone SSP.
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    @lilaclovebird If it were me I would not bring it up again. Just let it sit for now. It has been said and an explanation given. Give it time (a month or two or three or more) and see. If this is love and this is mutual love then there is no hurry and waiting *can* make it better if either side has any issues. When I realized I loved SO I almost said it so many times but I held myself back and really examined my motives. When I realized and was sure that I wanted to say it no matter what the response or result, well that was when I said it. I told SO that I have really enjoyed my time with him, how fun and warm and caring he is. I told him that I wanted him to know that I have realized for awhile that I love him and that I felt he should know it. I told him I was not saying it to hear it back, that I didn't need to hear it back. I also at the same time told him that if he realized at some point that he could "never" say it back that he needed to let me know so that I could move on because I deserve to have a man who loves me in my life. It was probably 6 weeks later that when I told him goodnight and I love you that he said, I love you too. I know others here have shared similar stories. For me personally in this relationship it was important to wait. For SO, too, he pondered and thought about it for a long time before he said it. He was thinking about it before I said anything.

    Hugs to you. Follow your heart. Take the advice that makes sense to you or take non at all. <3

    @nonoelmo I will be taking this advice. I'll probably bring it up again in several months after he's back from New York. He leaves in November and comes back December 10th.
    Now that I'm looking back, I realized there were times where I almost said it and held it back. I guess when I got the wine in me I couldn't hold it back.

    ETA: For now, things will stay playful and fun. I will continue to take it day by day and if he brings it up, I might talk about it. If not, then I wont stress or worry about it.

    There is an app that will lock out your phone from sending texts/making calls until you solve a math problem or something. I once considered getting it when I sent some gibberish texts whilst drinking over the course of a few weeks. But, I'm really good at math, so I figured I'd just have to figure something else out. LOL

    Me too, I think I'd figure them out. And my drunk texts are full of random thoughts that enter my head, really long and basically a stream of consciousness, but don't contain any more errors than when I normally text. People who know me can tell I'm drunk, but I don't think other people would.
  • KylerJaye
    KylerJaye Posts: 861 Member
    peleroja wrote: »
    We leave for Peru on Saturday!

    I think I posted this on my feed as well, but I think I'm more excited about not having to run stairs anymore than I am about travelling right now :lol: 2 more stair runs and 5 more sleeps until we go!!

    Our den has been my staging area for weeks already, where I've got all our gear and everything stored/laid out, and I'm starting to get it all organized and double-checked and into our bags now. I'm a fairly meticulous packer and organizer, so I've got each of our bags packed with extra-large Ziplocs storing everything (one for socks, one for cold-weather tops, one for rain gear, one for first aid, etc etc.) with spares for stuff that can be worn again and stuff that is dirty.

    Because of this, my husband doesn't have a clue what he's bringing (nor does he intend to find out until we're already travelling)...I'll wake him up on Saturday morning, hand him his duffle and his daypack, and tell him to make sure he has his wallet and his phone and charger. Then all the way to the airport he'll say "Do I have a water bottle? Do I have some Benadryl? Do I have my Swiss Army knife? Did you pack my flip-flops? What about Kleenex? Where did you put my iPad? Do I have a toque? How many pairs of socks did you bring me? What time do we get back again?" Invariably, because he's a creature of habit and I can pack him a bag in five minutes flat if necessary, he's got everything he needs...but there is a part of me that is shocked that he doesn't do it himself. I could NEVER let him pack for me, I can't even imagine what I would end up with. Yet he just blithely assumes everything is fine (ETA : until it's too late and we're already on the way.) It's exactly like when you have a four-year-old and you get everything ready and then tell them to pick out one toy to bring (except the one toy is his phone.)

    This happens every time we travel, lol.

    He also has no idea what I've booked or even what cities we'll be in, I'm pretty sure, although I keep telling him and have sent him copies of all my bookings. I'm kind of terrified security is going to ask him questions and he's going to be like "Uhhhhhh...hiking....somewhere....?" and they're going to think he's hiding something because he hasn't got a clue what he's doing in Peru. We went to see his mom over the weekend and she was asking us questions about what we've got planned and he kept just looking at me helplessly.

    The man is a ton of fun and a good travel buddy and all and he's obviously very go-with-the-flow and trusts me and all (and I was a travel agent so I guess he assumes I always just know what I'm doing) but sometimes I just have to laugh at him a bit.

    how exciting!!!

    totally get the never in a million years could you turn the tables. my ex was the same way. i'd be terrified i'd get to peru and wouldn't have any pants to wear :D
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    We leave for Peru on Saturday!

    That came up fast! Have an AMAZING vacation!

    I was thinking the same thing! Have an amazing time @peleroja
  • kecmw25
    kecmw25 Posts: 2,743 Member
    peleroja wrote: »
    We leave for Peru on Saturday!

    I think I posted this on my feed as well, but I think I'm more excited about not having to run stairs anymore than I am about travelling right now :lol: 2 more stair runs and 5 more sleeps until we go!!

    Our den has been my staging area for weeks already, where I've got all our gear and everything stored/laid out, and I'm starting to get it all organized and double-checked and into our bags now. I'm a fairly meticulous packer and organizer, so I've got each of our bags packed with extra-large Ziplocs storing everything (one for socks, one for cold-weather tops, one for rain gear, one for first aid, etc etc.) with spares for stuff that can be worn again and stuff that is dirty.

    Because of this, my husband doesn't have a clue what he's bringing (nor does he intend to find out until we're already travelling)...I'll wake him up on Saturday morning, hand him his duffle and his daypack, and tell him to make sure he has his wallet and his phone and charger. Then all the way to the airport he'll say "Do I have a water bottle? Do I have some Benadryl? Do I have my Swiss Army knife? Did you pack my flip-flops? What about Kleenex? Where did you put my iPad? Do I have a toque? How many pairs of socks did you bring me? What time do we get back again?" Invariably, because he's a creature of habit and I can pack him a bag in five minutes flat if necessary, he's got everything he needs...but there is a part of me that is shocked that he doesn't do it himself. I could NEVER let him pack for me, I can't even imagine what I would end up with. Yet he just blithely assumes everything is fine (ETA : until it's too late and we're already on the way.) It's exactly like when you have a four-year-old and you get everything ready and then tell them to pick out one toy to bring (except the one toy is his phone.)

    This happens every time we travel, lol.

    He also has no idea what I've booked or even what cities we'll be in, I'm pretty sure, although I keep telling him and have sent him copies of all my bookings. I'm kind of terrified security is going to ask him questions and he's going to be like "Uhhhhhh...hiking....somewhere....?" and they're going to think he's hiding something because he hasn't got a clue what he's doing in Peru. We went to see his mom over the weekend and she was asking us questions about what we've got planned and he kept just looking at me helplessly.

    The man is a ton of fun and a good travel buddy and all and he's obviously very go-with-the-flow and trusts me and all (and I was a travel agent so I guess he assumes I always just know what I'm doing) but sometimes I just have to laugh at him a bit.

    Hope you have a great trip!!!

    One time, we were going on a canoeing trip with my husband's friends. I didn't really want to go so I told him it was his thing and he could do all the packing, planning etc. Never again.

    I am jealous of your organizational skills :)
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    MissKalhan wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    We leave for Peru on Saturday!

    I think I posted this on my feed as well, but I think I'm more excited about not having to run stairs anymore than I am about travelling right now :lol: 2 more stair runs and 5 more sleeps until we go!!

    Our den has been my staging area for weeks already, where I've got all our gear and everything stored/laid out, and I'm starting to get it all organized and double-checked and into our bags now. I'm a fairly meticulous packer and organizer, so I've got each of our bags packed with extra-large Ziplocs storing everything (one for socks, one for cold-weather tops, one for rain gear, one for first aid, etc etc.) with spares for stuff that can be worn again and stuff that is dirty.

    Because of this, my husband doesn't have a clue what he's bringing (nor does he intend to find out until we're already travelling)...I'll wake him up on Saturday morning, hand him his duffle and his daypack, and tell him to make sure he has his wallet and his phone and charger. Then all the way to the airport he'll say "Do I have a water bottle? Do I have some Benadryl? Do I have my Swiss Army knife? Did you pack my flip-flops? What about Kleenex? Where did you put my iPad? Do I have a toque? How many pairs of socks did you bring me? What time do we get back again?" Invariably, because he's a creature of habit and I can pack him a bag in five minutes flat if necessary, he's got everything he needs...but there is a part of me that is shocked that he doesn't do it himself. I could NEVER let him pack for me, I can't even imagine what I would end up with. Yet he just blithely assumes everything is fine. It's exactly like when you have a four-year-old and you get everything ready and then tell them to pick out one toy to bring (except the one toy is his phone.)

    This happens every time we travel, lol.

    He also has no idea what I've booked or even what cities we'll be in, I'm pretty sure, although I keep telling him and have sent him copies of all my bookings. I'm kind of terrified security is going to ask him questions and he's going to be like "Uhhhhhh...hiking....somewhere....?" and they're going to think he's hiding something because he hasn't got a clue what he's doing in Peru. We went to see his mom over the weekend and she was asking us questions about what we've got planned and he kept just looking at me helplessly.

    The man is a ton of fun and a good travel buddy and all and he's obviously very go-with-the-flow and trusts me and all (and I was a travel agent so I guess he assumes I always just know what I'm doing) but sometimes I just have to laugh at him a bit.

    You SO and I would get along great! I am a super go with the flow kinda person even when it comes to travelling and well pretty much life, whereas mancreature is uber must be super organized. This past camping trip he realized I can't be "trusted" and will inevitably realize I forgot something, case and point the poles to our tent.... I was totally okay with it, him not so much.

    I am super super super excited for you guys and cannot wait to see all the pictures! I may try to convince the mancreature we should do this for our next trip :smiley:

    If I let him travel without me, he wouldn't make it to the traveling part because he'd procrastinate until it was too late to book, and then if he did manage to get that far he wouldn't pack until the morning he needed to leave and then sleep through his alarm and miss his flight anyway.

    He's never travelled alone, which is the problem, I think, because he's never had to actually be responsible for himself. He's always has his parents or his best friend or me to make sure he's booked, packed, and in the right place at the right time.

    I love the man and I like planning and organizing so it doesn't upset me or anything, but it's just such a foreign attitude...I would be PANICKING right now if we were leaving on Saturday and I knew nothing and had packed nothing.

    I'm okay being spontaneous once we're there and I don't necessarily plan everything down to the minute, and I'm happy to cancel our plans if we find something else to do, but I always like to have something in place at least for the big stuff (flights/ground transportation/accommodation.) Then if we change our minds, that's fine, but I prefer to always have a backup plan. I hate wasting time on vacations trying to sort stuff out, so I make sure I'm never stuck spending hours waiting for a train because I didn't make a reservation or taking a scary unlicensed cab because I didn't look into airport transfers or eating terrible meals because I can only find awful chain restaurants and didn't find some quality options or staying in a hotel in a bad neighbourhood or missing out on cool things to see because I didn't read ahead of time to know it was there.

    Reading this makes me sound like a nightmare but I promise I keep this stuff to myself. I just quietly plan everything to run super smoothly and then act all surprised when the whole vacation is flawless :wink: Hahaha.
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    I spent the morning making calls to set up an appointment general physician for some routine blood work, and I encountered some really rude receptionists, lol.

    One receptionist I called told me the doctor I had called for would not be able to schedule an appointment with me until the end of September, but that another doctor would be able to see me and rudely asked if I would like to schedule an appointment with him. I had tried to ask for the doctor's full name to look at online reviews and to make sure the doctor was in network with my insurance company. She raised her voice over the phone and told me, "He will be here on Thursday and Friday; would you like to schedule an appointment or not?"

    I just said I called the wrong number and hung up. An earlier appointment would not be worth the trouble of dealing with her.

    Also, people at Krogers really missed Blue Bell! One woman in the ice cream isle was saying she bought a new ice cream scoop on Saturday and had it waiting for today. I just picked up B & Js. The really good thing about the Blue Bell recall and MFP is that I'm a lot more open to different and better brands.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    peleroja wrote: »
    MissKalhan wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    We leave for Peru on Saturday!

    I think I posted this on my feed as well, but I think I'm more excited about not having to run stairs anymore than I am about travelling right now :lol: 2 more stair runs and 5 more sleeps until we go!!

    Our den has been my staging area for weeks already, where I've got all our gear and everything stored/laid out, and I'm starting to get it all organized and double-checked and into our bags now. I'm a fairly meticulous packer and organizer, so I've got each of our bags packed with extra-large Ziplocs storing everything (one for socks, one for cold-weather tops, one for rain gear, one for first aid, etc etc.) with spares for stuff that can be worn again and stuff that is dirty.

    Because of this, my husband doesn't have a clue what he's bringing (nor does he intend to find out until we're already travelling)...I'll wake him up on Saturday morning, hand him his duffle and his daypack, and tell him to make sure he has his wallet and his phone and charger. Then all the way to the airport he'll say "Do I have a water bottle? Do I have some Benadryl? Do I have my Swiss Army knife? Did you pack my flip-flops? What about Kleenex? Where did you put my iPad? Do I have a toque? How many pairs of socks did you bring me? What time do we get back again?" Invariably, because he's a creature of habit and I can pack him a bag in five minutes flat if necessary, he's got everything he needs...but there is a part of me that is shocked that he doesn't do it himself. I could NEVER let him pack for me, I can't even imagine what I would end up with. Yet he just blithely assumes everything is fine. It's exactly like when you have a four-year-old and you get everything ready and then tell them to pick out one toy to bring (except the one toy is his phone.)

    This happens every time we travel, lol.

    He also has no idea what I've booked or even what cities we'll be in, I'm pretty sure, although I keep telling him and have sent him copies of all my bookings. I'm kind of terrified security is going to ask him questions and he's going to be like "Uhhhhhh...hiking....somewhere....?" and they're going to think he's hiding something because he hasn't got a clue what he's doing in Peru. We went to see his mom over the weekend and she was asking us questions about what we've got planned and he kept just looking at me helplessly.

    The man is a ton of fun and a good travel buddy and all and he's obviously very go-with-the-flow and trusts me and all (and I was a travel agent so I guess he assumes I always just know what I'm doing) but sometimes I just have to laugh at him a bit.

    You SO and I would get along great! I am a super go with the flow kinda person even when it comes to travelling and well pretty much life, whereas mancreature is uber must be super organized. This past camping trip he realized I can't be "trusted" and will inevitably realize I forgot something, case and point the poles to our tent.... I was totally okay with it, him not so much.

    I am super super super excited for you guys and cannot wait to see all the pictures! I may try to convince the mancreature we should do this for our next trip :smiley:

    If I let him travel without me, he wouldn't make it to the traveling part because he'd procrastinate until it was too late to book, and then if he did manage to get that far he wouldn't pack until the morning he needed to leave and then sleep through his alarm and miss his flight anyway.

    He's never travelled alone, which is the problem, I think, because he's never had to actually be responsible for himself. He's always has his parents or his best friend or me to make sure he's booked, packed, and in the right place at the right time.

    I love the man and I like planning and organizing so it doesn't upset me or anything, but it's just such a foreign attitude...I would be PANICKING right now if we were leaving on Saturday and I knew nothing and had packed nothing.

    I'm okay being spontaneous once we're there and I don't necessarily plan everything down to the minute, and I'm happy to cancel our plans if we find something else to do, but I always like to have something in place at least for the big stuff (flights/ground transportation/accommodation.) Then if we change our minds, that's fine, but I prefer to always have a backup plan. I hate wasting time on vacations trying to sort stuff out, so I make sure I'm never stuck spending hours waiting for a train because I didn't make a reservation or taking a scary unlicensed cab because I didn't look into airport transfers or eating terrible meals because I can only find awful chain restaurants and didn't find some quality options or staying in a hotel in a bad neighbourhood or missing out on cool things to see because I didn't read ahead of time to know it was there.

    Reading this makes me sound like a nightmare but I promise I keep this stuff to myself. I just quietly plan everything to run super smoothly and then act all surprised when the whole vacation is flawless :wink: Hahaha.

    I am a bit like you when I am traveling on my own. When I go with my best friend, I let her plan everything...its just easier. I am pretty laid back about traveling with other people, as I find its easier to avoid arguments (this is a general statement not necessarily about my friend). But I am pretty active when I get there. I want to get up and get going (after checking work email!) and do things! If there is something specific I want to do, I am clear about it. :)
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    I really really don't want to work today. Can you tell?
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    We leave for Peru on Saturday!

    That came up fast! Have an AMAZING vacation!

    I was thinking the same thing! Have an amazing time @peleroja
