

  • rkit03
    rkit03 Posts: 280 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    cake21 wrote: »
    My confession is that I was so hungry today I ate mouldy grapes :open_mouth:

    I have (fortunately) never been that hungry.
    I have taken out moldy cheese, cut off the mold and eaten it (the clean parts, not the mold).


    Yes ^^^
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    bw_conway wrote: »
    I actually enjoy planning and setting up the Elf on a Shelf each night...but I make it seem like a burden when I discuss it with my wife...shhhhhh....


    @rungirl1973 this picture still cracks me up.

    I must live in a bubble. First time I ever saw/heard of Elf on a Shelf was in Target last year. I have to say, I thought it was a bit creepy. Not as Creepy as this picture though.

    Haha! I had only heard of it because of Facebook. I always thought it was creepy and was always so glad my kids were too old for it!
    That's one more thing I would have failed at.
  • marissafit06
    marissafit06 Posts: 1,996 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    bw_conway wrote: »
    I actually enjoy planning and setting up the Elf on a Shelf each night...but I make it seem like a burden when I discuss it with my wife...shhhhhh....


    @rungirl1973 this picture still cracks me up.

    I must live in a bubble. First time I ever saw/heard of Elf on a Shelf was in Target last year. I have to say, I thought it was a bit creepy. Not as Creepy as this picture though.

    Haha! I had only heard of it because of Facebook. I always thought it was creepy and was always so glad my kids were too old for it!
    That's one more thing I would have failed at.

    We don't do it for the reasons above.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    bw_conway wrote: »
    While waiting in line to pay for my coffee every morning at our work cafeteria, I look at you, I look at what you are buying to eat, and I judge you...but silently, and then I move on...

    I like to look at and secretly judge people's shopping carts while in line a the grocery store :innocent:

    The only time I judged someone while being a cashier was a lady who bought around $300.00-$400.00 on Easter Candy with their Food Stamp card. Normally I couldn't careless what people buy with their Access cards, but that ticked me off! That money could've went to people who were desperately in need for more nourishing meals & some junk food. If she would've bought a reasonable amount of candy I wouldn't have thought anything of it, because her kids could then get a special treat.

    I like to look at people's carts too, but at the same time I know people look at mine haha when I buy 3-4 ice creams.

    I have that if my 9 year old is with me when I buy ice cream, I get less judgmental looks from people. I did have a woman ask me how I eat ice cream and stay skinny not too long ago. "if I get one bowl before my teenagers find it, it's a miracle," I said.
    It's the 4 bags of chips that I buy weekly for the boys' lunches that really get me the judgmental looks though. One woman even said something about them. The manager was running a register, looked at her and said, "not that her food is your decision, but she has 4 kids and none of them like the same flavor." I have been shopping there for a long long time for the cashiers to know that...

    Edit: " I have FOUND that..."

    I always secretly laugh to myself when I buy 6 bags of carrots, 10 bags of animal crackers, 6 cans of progresso soup, a bunch of water and then maybe a card or something. Or last night when I bough 20 bags of starlight mints at target. Yes, 20. Its hard to find those big bags and the horses go through a LOT of mints!

    <3! Your one horse wanted to eat the whole bag :D.

    All 20 of them if I let them!

    I love that they eat mints & animal crackers. Is there any food that they turn their nose up to?

    Depends on the horse. Some like bananas, some like banana peels, Phoebe won't touch her treats if I have just fed the dog her dog treats (I give treats to ALL the animals in the barn) because of the smell of meat. They typically won't eat meat (but of course some will try it). Oberon stopped liking apples after I spent 3 months giving him apple sauce AM and PM to get antibiotics down his throat for Lymes disease. They are all different just like people. Some won't eat the peppermints either. Tex won't eat muffins (so now I give him an old fashioned donut).
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    peleroja wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    I confess that I really hope TK gets me a romantic and meaningful Christmas (and birthday for that matter) gift. I don't have anything specific in mind, just something that he put some thought into that shows he cares. He did well last year with a necklace and earrings. I also confess that I don't know if I should remind him my birthday is coming up or not. I will not but it may come up when talking about our day - the kids and I will celebrate it while TK is traveling.

    Nothing wrong with that :) I confess I'm hoping for something romantic and meaningful from SO as well <3

    My husband is not really good at that kind of gift giving. Last year I got new pots and pans and the year before it was a Keurig. Appreciated gifts for sure, but romantic gestures they are not.

    Mine bought me a KitchenAid mixer the other day. I said, oh good and early Christmas gift. He told me he knew better than to get me anything like that for Christmas, even if I asked for it.

    Ha! That's cute!

    Maybe it's because I really enjoy cooking, but I totally think pots and pans or a mixer is a romantic gift.

    A couple of years ago my husband bought me the glass bowl for my Kitchenaid for Christmas after our roommate accidentally smashed mine and I nearly cried, I was so happy to stop having to use the stainless one I hated, and I thought it was really sweet of him to pay attention and know that I missed my glass one.

    I love this! I try really hard to listen to what people want and to get them something they won't get themselves, but really really want. I sometimes wish the folks in my life would do the same for me. I actually feel a bit hurt when people get me something I have no need for and would never want...that says you don't know me at all!

    I love jewelry but with the barn and running, etc. I never wear it anymore except for a few key items that never come off so its kind of a waste now too. I have mostly learned to just buy for myself anything I want, so I am not disappointed when people don't get me something I really want (but I usually still am...).
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    misskarne wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    misskarne wrote: »
    I had a stupid camera sad moment yesterday. I had a picture taken with one of my favourite skaters last week, and even though he looks quite tall and well-built on the ice he's actually shorter than I am and so slender my hand could almost span his waist. (It was like having my arm around a concrete pole, though. Rock-solid muscle.) Until now I've been really happy with what I've been seeing in the mirror every morning. When I open this picture I just want to cry, because I look so horrible in it, huge :'(

    And even though it's dumb and he was so nice I can't help but think he must have wondered about this creepy fat woman who wanted to get a picture with him.

    He sounds tiny, not that you are big. You are a skater, you can't be very large!

    I'm 173cm (5'8") and 98kg (I don't know the exact conversion but it's still over 200lbs). His official height measurement on his ISU bio is 173cm also (but elite skaters lie a lot about their heights for some reason) and his listed weight is 63kg. The difference was...noticeable. (Of course, Logical Brain is busy telling Emotional Brain "he's an elite athlete, bozo brain! An Olympian! Stop comparing!" Emotional Brain isn't listening.)

    Anyway, I did have a positive moment while watching last week. During the adult competition I saw a lady who was much bigger than me landing doubles. This made me happy and a little bit inspired! I feel bad for the lady though because my brain literally went: "She's so much bigger than me! If she can do it, I can too!"

    I totally get that...elite runners and elite triathletes are sooo tiny...and I often have that feeling too when I am in a competition...oh I can beat that person, she is MUCH bigger than me! (of course then that person beats the pants off me, size is NOT an indication of fitness!)

    This happens to me all the time! That girl will beat me, she looks so fit... NOPE
    I'll definitely be ahead of her... NOPE.

    You really can't judge by size.

    Nope, especially in tri's, sometimes that size can be an advantage in swimming and biking.
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    Confession, day 2 of 369 days until my marathon, I did nothing. I went to bed early with a cold and didn't work out at all. I did take copious amounts of zinc (thinking of Kelly).

    Today is supposed to be day 2 of my half marathon training plan. I'm going to end up skipping it because I've had real work to do today, I have a holiday get together tonight, and it smurfing gets dark at 5 PM!

    ETA: I forgot all about the birthday celebration I'm decorating for after work today!

    Have fun at the birthday celebration!


    Also, I think it's funny that people think of me when talking about Zinc now! :)
    I've never even tried the stuff but the word reminds me of you! ;)
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    I confess that I really hope TK gets me a romantic and meaningful Christmas (and birthday for that matter) gift. I don't have anything specific in mind, just something that he put some thought into that shows he cares. He did well last year with a necklace and earrings. I also confess that I don't know if I should remind him my birthday is coming up or not. I will not but it may come up when talking about our day - the kids and I will celebrate it while TK is traveling.

    This is always tough... Do you tell him to ensure he doesn't forget...but he shouldn't forget!!! You will start getting batcave birthday cards so if he goes to your house you may not need to. :)

    He seems pretty thoughtful, hopefully he will come up with something nice....

    He brought it up out of the blue last night. I will be out of town for your birthday but you pick whatever restaurant you want for your birthday dinner the evening I am back. :smiley:

    YES! He is a keeper!
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    I confess that I really hope TK gets me a romantic and meaningful Christmas (and birthday for that matter) gift. I don't have anything specific in mind, just something that he put some thought into that shows he cares. He did well last year with a necklace and earrings. I also confess that I don't know if I should remind him my birthday is coming up or not. I will not but it may come up when talking about our day - the kids and I will celebrate it while TK is traveling.

    Nothing wrong with that :) I confess I'm hoping for something romantic and meaningful from SO as well <3

    My husband is not really good at that kind of gift giving. Last year I got new pots and pans and the year before it was a Keurig. Appreciated gifts for sure, but romantic gestures they are not.

    Mine bought me a KitchenAid mixer the other day. I said, oh good and early Christmas gift. He told me he knew better than to get me anything like that for Christmas, even if I asked for it.

    Ha! That's cute!

    Maybe it's because I really enjoy cooking, but I totally think pots and pans or a mixer is a romantic gift.

    A couple of years ago my husband bought me the glass bowl for my Kitchenaid for Christmas after our roommate accidentally smashed mine and I nearly cried, I was so happy to stop having to use the stainless one I hated, and I thought it was really sweet of him to pay attention and know that I missed my glass one.

    I love this! I try really hard to listen to what people want and to get them something they won't get themselves, but really really want. I sometimes wish the folks in my life would do the same for me. I actually feel a bit hurt when people get me something I have no need for and would never want...that says you don't know me at all!

    I love jewelry but with the barn and running, etc. I never wear it anymore except for a few key items that never come off so its kind of a waste now too. I have mostly learned to just buy for myself anything I want, so I am not disappointed when people don't get me something I really want (but I usually still am...).

    This makes me worry that I'll get you something you hate! I'm a REALLY bad gifter, even when I wrack my mind for hours over people I've known forever. I don't know why, but I'm just horrible at it! :-/
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    Confession, day 2 of 369 days until my marathon, I did nothing. I went to bed early with a cold and didn't work out at all. I did take copious amounts of zinc (thinking of Kelly).

    Today is supposed to be day 2 of my half marathon training plan. I'm going to end up skipping it because I've had real work to do today, I have a holiday get together tonight, and it smurfing gets dark at 5 PM!

    ETA: I forgot all about the birthday celebration I'm decorating for after work today!

    Have fun at the birthday celebration!


    Also, I think it's funny that people think of me when talking about Zinc now! :)
    I've never even tried the stuff but the word reminds me of you! ;)

  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    I confess that I really hope TK gets me a romantic and meaningful Christmas (and birthday for that matter) gift. I don't have anything specific in mind, just something that he put some thought into that shows he cares. He did well last year with a necklace and earrings. I also confess that I don't know if I should remind him my birthday is coming up or not. I will not but it may come up when talking about our day - the kids and I will celebrate it while TK is traveling.

    Nothing wrong with that :) I confess I'm hoping for something romantic and meaningful from SO as well <3

    My husband is not really good at that kind of gift giving. Last year I got new pots and pans and the year before it was a Keurig. Appreciated gifts for sure, but romantic gestures they are not.

    Mine bought me a KitchenAid mixer the other day. I said, oh good and early Christmas gift. He told me he knew better than to get me anything like that for Christmas, even if I asked for it.

    Ha! That's cute!

    Maybe it's because I really enjoy cooking, but I totally think pots and pans or a mixer is a romantic gift.

    A couple of years ago my husband bought me the glass bowl for my Kitchenaid for Christmas after our roommate accidentally smashed mine and I nearly cried, I was so happy to stop having to use the stainless one I hated, and I thought it was really sweet of him to pay attention and know that I missed my glass one.

    I love this! I try really hard to listen to what people want and to get them something they won't get themselves, but really really want. I sometimes wish the folks in my life would do the same for me. I actually feel a bit hurt when people get me something I have no need for and would never want...that says you don't know me at all!

    I love jewelry but with the barn and running, etc. I never wear it anymore except for a few key items that never come off so its kind of a waste now too. I have mostly learned to just buy for myself anything I want, so I am not disappointed when people don't get me something I really want (but I usually still am...).

    This makes me worry that I'll get you something you hate! I'm a REALLY bad gifter, even when I wrack my mind for hours over people I've known forever. I don't know why, but I'm just horrible at it! :-/

    I doubt this. Look at the dairy free chocolates you went through all the trouble to try to get for your friend!!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    edited December 2015
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    I confess that I really hope TK gets me a romantic and meaningful Christmas (and birthday for that matter) gift. I don't have anything specific in mind, just something that he put some thought into that shows he cares. He did well last year with a necklace and earrings. I also confess that I don't know if I should remind him my birthday is coming up or not. I will not but it may come up when talking about our day - the kids and I will celebrate it while TK is traveling.

    Nothing wrong with that :) I confess I'm hoping for something romantic and meaningful from SO as well <3

    My husband is not really good at that kind of gift giving. Last year I got new pots and pans and the year before it was a Keurig. Appreciated gifts for sure, but romantic gestures they are not.

    Mine bought me a KitchenAid mixer the other day. I said, oh good and early Christmas gift. He told me he knew better than to get me anything like that for Christmas, even if I asked for it.

    Ha! That's cute!

    Maybe it's because I really enjoy cooking, but I totally think pots and pans or a mixer is a romantic gift.

    A couple of years ago my husband bought me the glass bowl for my Kitchenaid for Christmas after our roommate accidentally smashed mine and I nearly cried, I was so happy to stop having to use the stainless one I hated, and I thought it was really sweet of him to pay attention and know that I missed my glass one.

    I love this! I try really hard to listen to what people want and to get them something they won't get themselves, but really really want. I sometimes wish the folks in my life would do the same for me. I actually feel a bit hurt when people get me something I have no need for and would never want...that says you don't know me at all!

    I love jewelry but with the barn and running, etc. I never wear it anymore except for a few key items that never come off so its kind of a waste now too. I have mostly learned to just buy for myself anything I want, so I am not disappointed when people don't get me something I really want (but I usually still am...).

    This makes me worry that I'll get you something you hate! I'm a REALLY bad gifter, even when I wrack my mind for hours over people I've known forever. I don't know why, but I'm just horrible at it! :-/

    Don't worry about it...if you got me anything I would be truly appreciative. You don't see me day to day and listen to me day after day so I would never expect you to know I wouldn't like x but was really hoping for y and you bought me z because YOU thought it was cute.

    ETA: Sorry that probably didn't come out right in how I intended it so thought that needed some editing. You thought it was cute (but I would NEVER wear and nothing I own indicates I would wear it) or because you have one (but I would never want one). Like buying me a massage. I hate massages. I would never use that. Everyone knows I hate them. But because you think I should like them you buy me a gift certificate for one. Yes, sister, I am thinking of you.
  • CosmoTI
    CosmoTI Posts: 42 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »

    Don't worry about it...if you got me anything I would be truly appreciative. You don't see me day to day and listen to me day after day so I would never expect you to know I wouldn't like x but was really hoping for y and you bought me z because YOU thought it was cute.

    ETA: Sorry that probably didn't come out right in how I intended it so thought that needed some editing. You thought it was cute (but I would NEVER wear and nothing I own indicates I would wear it) or because you have one (but I would never want one). Like buying me a massage. I hate massages. I would never use that. Everyone knows I hate them. But because you think I should like them you buy me a gift certificate for one. Yes, sister, I am thinking of you.

    Haha, this reminds me of my best mate who once decided it would be a good idea to get spa vouchers for us all for Christmas so we could have a girly spa day together. Despite the fact that she knows me well enough (been friends for 26 years) to know that a) I don't do girly days & b) I really, really hate people touching me - always have. She was really pleased with herself for it too.
    I went and had hated every minute of it- (tried to pretend I enjoyed it but don't think I pulled it off- good point is she's never done it again!!)

    Mind you - it is hard to keep finding new things to buy people when you've been friends for so long without recycling the same ideas...

    In the spirit of Confession - Someone brought in a box of chocolates for the office today. Thought 'one won't hurt' Just counted the empty wrappers littering my desk....12 of them. I hang my head in shame.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    I love my waist length hair but I just made an appointment to get about six inches cut off. Torn thoughts

    You really are my long lost sister. I having been thinking about getting my hair cut for the first time in 9 years all day. I'll probably chicken out.

    Edit: I have been...good grief.

    I realized we are not "friends" officially. How did that not already happen? Invite sent.

    Eta. I am thinking of taking it from waist to center of the back. I think yours is curly right? Mine is stubbornly straight.

    Yes, mine is uncontrollably curly and next to impossible to get a comb through. When it's wet and I comb it out, it's halfway down my back. I didn't make the appointment yet, but I am going to talk to my friend who is a hairdresser and see what she thinks she could do.

    Request accepted

  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    edited December 2015
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    I confess that I really hope TK gets me a romantic and meaningful Christmas (and birthday for that matter) gift. I don't have anything specific in mind, just something that he put some thought into that shows he cares. He did well last year with a necklace and earrings. I also confess that I don't know if I should remind him my birthday is coming up or not. I will not but it may come up when talking about our day - the kids and I will celebrate it while TK is traveling.

    Nothing wrong with that :) I confess I'm hoping for something romantic and meaningful from SO as well <3

    My husband is not really good at that kind of gift giving. Last year I got new pots and pans and the year before it was a Keurig. Appreciated gifts for sure, but romantic gestures they are not.

    Mine bought me a KitchenAid mixer the other day. I said, oh good and early Christmas gift. He told me he knew better than to get me anything like that for Christmas, even if I asked for it.

    Ha! That's cute!

    Maybe it's because I really enjoy cooking, but I totally think pots and pans or a mixer is a romantic gift.

    A couple of years ago my husband bought me the glass bowl for my Kitchenaid for Christmas after our roommate accidentally smashed mine and I nearly cried, I was so happy to stop having to use the stainless one I hated, and I thought it was really sweet of him to pay attention and know that I missed my glass one.

    I love this! I try really hard to listen to what people want and to get them something they won't get themselves, but really really want. I sometimes wish the folks in my life would do the same for me. I actually feel a bit hurt when people get me something I have no need for and would never want...that says you don't know me at all!

    I love jewelry but with the barn and running, etc. I never wear it anymore except for a few key items that never come off so its kind of a waste now too. I have mostly learned to just buy for myself anything I want, so I am not disappointed when people don't get me something I really want (but I usually still am...).

    This makes me worry that I'll get you something you hate! I'm a REALLY bad gifter, even when I wrack my mind for hours over people I've known forever. I don't know why, but I'm just horrible at it! :-/
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    I confess that I really hope TK gets me a romantic and meaningful Christmas (and birthday for that matter) gift. I don't have anything specific in mind, just something that he put some thought into that shows he cares. He did well last year with a necklace and earrings. I also confess that I don't know if I should remind him my birthday is coming up or not. I will not but it may come up when talking about our day - the kids and I will celebrate it while TK is traveling.

    Nothing wrong with that :) I confess I'm hoping for something romantic and meaningful from SO as well <3

    My husband is not really good at that kind of gift giving. Last year I got new pots and pans and the year before it was a Keurig. Appreciated gifts for sure, but romantic gestures they are not.

    Mine bought me a KitchenAid mixer the other day. I said, oh good and early Christmas gift. He told me he knew better than to get me anything like that for Christmas, even if I asked for it.

    Ha! That's cute!

    Maybe it's because I really enjoy cooking, but I totally think pots and pans or a mixer is a romantic gift.

    A couple of years ago my husband bought me the glass bowl for my Kitchenaid for Christmas after our roommate accidentally smashed mine and I nearly cried, I was so happy to stop having to use the stainless one I hated, and I thought it was really sweet of him to pay attention and know that I missed my glass one.

    I love this! I try really hard to listen to what people want and to get them something they won't get themselves, but really really want. I sometimes wish the folks in my life would do the same for me. I actually feel a bit hurt when people get me something I have no need for and would never want...that says you don't know me at all!

    I love jewelry but with the barn and running, etc. I never wear it anymore except for a few key items that never come off so its kind of a waste now too. I have mostly learned to just buy for myself anything I want, so I am not disappointed when people don't get me something I really want (but I usually still am...).

    This makes me worry that I'll get you something you hate! I'm a REALLY bad gifter, even when I wrack my mind for hours over people I've known forever. I don't know why, but I'm just horrible at it! :-/

    Just buy her mints to give the horses,or good boot socks.

    ETA: Or make her a peanut butter pie.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    I confess that I really hope TK gets me a romantic and meaningful Christmas (and birthday for that matter) gift. I don't have anything specific in mind, just something that he put some thought into that shows he cares. He did well last year with a necklace and earrings. I also confess that I don't know if I should remind him my birthday is coming up or not. I will not but it may come up when talking about our day - the kids and I will celebrate it while TK is traveling.

    Nothing wrong with that :) I confess I'm hoping for something romantic and meaningful from SO as well <3

    My husband is not really good at that kind of gift giving. Last year I got new pots and pans and the year before it was a Keurig. Appreciated gifts for sure, but romantic gestures they are not.

    Mine bought me a KitchenAid mixer the other day. I said, oh good and early Christmas gift. He told me he knew better than to get me anything like that for Christmas, even if I asked for it.

    Ha! That's cute!

    Maybe it's because I really enjoy cooking, but I totally think pots and pans or a mixer is a romantic gift.

    A couple of years ago my husband bought me the glass bowl for my Kitchenaid for Christmas after our roommate accidentally smashed mine and I nearly cried, I was so happy to stop having to use the stainless one I hated, and I thought it was really sweet of him to pay attention and know that I missed my glass one.

    I love this! I try really hard to listen to what people want and to get them something they won't get themselves, but really really want. I sometimes wish the folks in my life would do the same for me. I actually feel a bit hurt when people get me something I have no need for and would never want...that says you don't know me at all!

    I love jewelry but with the barn and running, etc. I never wear it anymore except for a few key items that never come off so its kind of a waste now too. I have mostly learned to just buy for myself anything I want, so I am not disappointed when people don't get me something I really want (but I usually still am...).

    This makes me worry that I'll get you something you hate! I'm a REALLY bad gifter, even when I wrack my mind for hours over people I've known forever. I don't know why, but I'm just horrible at it! :-/
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    I confess that I really hope TK gets me a romantic and meaningful Christmas (and birthday for that matter) gift. I don't have anything specific in mind, just something that he put some thought into that shows he cares. He did well last year with a necklace and earrings. I also confess that I don't know if I should remind him my birthday is coming up or not. I will not but it may come up when talking about our day - the kids and I will celebrate it while TK is traveling.

    Nothing wrong with that :) I confess I'm hoping for something romantic and meaningful from SO as well <3

    My husband is not really good at that kind of gift giving. Last year I got new pots and pans and the year before it was a Keurig. Appreciated gifts for sure, but romantic gestures they are not.

    Mine bought me a KitchenAid mixer the other day. I said, oh good and early Christmas gift. He told me he knew better than to get me anything like that for Christmas, even if I asked for it.

    Ha! That's cute!

    Maybe it's because I really enjoy cooking, but I totally think pots and pans or a mixer is a romantic gift.

    A couple of years ago my husband bought me the glass bowl for my Kitchenaid for Christmas after our roommate accidentally smashed mine and I nearly cried, I was so happy to stop having to use the stainless one I hated, and I thought it was really sweet of him to pay attention and know that I missed my glass one.

    I love this! I try really hard to listen to what people want and to get them something they won't get themselves, but really really want. I sometimes wish the folks in my life would do the same for me. I actually feel a bit hurt when people get me something I have no need for and would never want...that says you don't know me at all!

    I love jewelry but with the barn and running, etc. I never wear it anymore except for a few key items that never come off so its kind of a waste now too. I have mostly learned to just buy for myself anything I want, so I am not disappointed when people don't get me something I really want (but I usually still am...).

    This makes me worry that I'll get you something you hate! I'm a REALLY bad gifter, even when I wrack my mind for hours over people I've known forever. I don't know why, but I'm just horrible at it! :-/

    Just buy her mints to give the horses,or good boot socks.

    ETA: Or make her a peanut butter pie.

    Oooh great suggestions!
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    the word of the day is snot. As in dripping from my nose...ugh...

    And also because I forgot my watch.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    CosmoTI wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »

    Don't worry about it...if you got me anything I would be truly appreciative. You don't see me day to day and listen to me day after day so I would never expect you to know I wouldn't like x but was really hoping for y and you bought me z because YOU thought it was cute.

    ETA: Sorry that probably didn't come out right in how I intended it so thought that needed some editing. You thought it was cute (but I would NEVER wear and nothing I own indicates I would wear it) or because you have one (but I would never want one). Like buying me a massage. I hate massages. I would never use that. Everyone knows I hate them. But because you think I should like them you buy me a gift certificate for one. Yes, sister, I am thinking of you.

    Haha, this reminds me of my best mate who once decided it would be a good idea to get spa vouchers for us all for Christmas so we could have a girly spa day together. Despite the fact that she knows me well enough (been friends for 26 years) to know that a) I don't do girly days & b) I really, really hate people touching me - always have. She was really pleased with herself for it too.
    I went and had hated every minute of it- (tried to pretend I enjoyed it but don't think I pulled it off- good point is she's never done it again!!)

    Mind you - it is hard to keep finding new things to buy people when you've been friends for so long without recycling the same ideas...

    In the spirit of Confession - Someone brought in a box of chocolates for the office today. Thought 'one won't hurt' Just counted the empty wrappers littering my desk....12 of them. I hang my head in shame.

    Yep I hate people touching me too. I tried a massage once to keep an open mind. Hated every minute of it.

    As for the candy if I have one I'll eat 12 too.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    the word of the day is snot. As in dripping from my nose...ugh...

    And also because I forgot my watch.

    As least I am not doing that. My chest is killing me tho.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    I confess that I really hope TK gets me a romantic and meaningful Christmas (and birthday for that matter) gift. I don't have anything specific in mind, just something that he put some thought into that shows he cares. He did well last year with a necklace and earrings. I also confess that I don't know if I should remind him my birthday is coming up or not. I will not but it may come up when talking about our day - the kids and I will celebrate it while TK is traveling.

    Nothing wrong with that :) I confess I'm hoping for something romantic and meaningful from SO as well <3

    My husband is not really good at that kind of gift giving. Last year I got new pots and pans and the year before it was a Keurig. Appreciated gifts for sure, but romantic gestures they are not.

    Mine bought me a KitchenAid mixer the other day. I said, oh good and early Christmas gift. He told me he knew better than to get me anything like that for Christmas, even if I asked for it.

    Ha! That's cute!

    Maybe it's because I really enjoy cooking, but I totally think pots and pans or a mixer is a romantic gift.

    A couple of years ago my husband bought me the glass bowl for my Kitchenaid for Christmas after our roommate accidentally smashed mine and I nearly cried, I was so happy to stop having to use the stainless one I hated, and I thought it was really sweet of him to pay attention and know that I missed my glass one.

    I love this! I try really hard to listen to what people want and to get them something they won't get themselves, but really really want. I sometimes wish the folks in my life would do the same for me. I actually feel a bit hurt when people get me something I have no need for and would never want...that says you don't know me at all!

    I love jewelry but with the barn and running, etc. I never wear it anymore except for a few key items that never come off so its kind of a waste now too. I have mostly learned to just buy for myself anything I want, so I am not disappointed when people don't get me something I really want (but I usually still am...).

    This makes me worry that I'll get you something you hate! I'm a REALLY bad gifter, even when I wrack my mind for hours over people I've known forever. I don't know why, but I'm just horrible at it! :-/

    I doubt this. Look at the dairy free chocolates you went through all the trouble to try to get for your friend!!

    This <3!