

  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    I have been fudging my calorie total since October due to candy.

    Halloween candy?

    You could always take the leftovers to work & put it in the break room.

    I confess I've ate like a fat pig the past two days (Saturday/Sunday) & have gained a crazy amount of water weight. I'm mad at myself, but will get back to it today.

    I still think one of my biggest triggers is eating too early in the morning. I think I'm going to start eating around 11:00 AM for my first meal (the time might fluctuate based off my work schedule) & then eat my later meal around 7-8 at night. This way I figure I can cut down on mindless snacking & at the same time include mini snacks with my main meals.

    My trigger is vacation. I was off the last two days and ate so bad. :( I'm going to be up about 5 lbs again! :/

    You'll lose it quick when you get back on it, it's not real weight! :)<3
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    CosmoTI wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    *ahem* that might be a good one too, I know I've seen that before.

    Yeah, I may have been involved in that original confession.

    No judgement, cream cheese frosting is one of the most delicious things on earth IMO.

    I ate a whole bag of white chocolate morsels the other day.

    Today I am officially kicking my butt back into gear!

    For Lent this year I have made up my mind & will

    1. Give up eating ice cream (I still want to try the Target Cake My Day. If I find it I'll use it as a reward & eat it the day after Lent)
    2. Not buy more processed snacks (I have a ton of protein bars, protein cookies, & ingredients to make my own snacks. There's no excuse).

    I was going to say give up soda too, but I need my Diet Mountain Dew to get through my workday.

    I've only just found out Lent starts next week. I always give up crisps & chocolate. Going to have to find a way to fit them into my calories for the next 5 days before I have to wave them goodbye!

    I was going to give up wine too,but I don't want to push myself too far...

    Good luck! I tried to give up chocolate for Lent once (not Catholic, just talked into it by a co-worker). Lent is LONG!!!

    I haven't given up anything for lent in years. Should we do a lent challenge?

    My lent this year is candy. I was thinking of doing most sugary stuff (cake, cookies, donut) just because I've been off track lately but I dunno. :)
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    Now that I've seen the bingo card....


    1 - 2 -3 GO!

    That doesn't count....

    You're so stingy with the bingo, POF!

    How bout this... I HAVE actually snorted pixie stix when I was a teenager.

    It burned.

    ...and GO!

    These are cracking me up!
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Rosie O'Donnell was just saying on The Talk that she tips 100% on a bill because she is in a position where she can do that......I love her but this just made me really smile and love her just a little bit more!
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    CosmoTI wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    *ahem* that might be a good one too, I know I've seen that before.

    Yeah, I may have been involved in that original confession.

    No judgement, cream cheese frosting is one of the most delicious things on earth IMO.

    I ate a whole bag of white chocolate morsels the other day.

    Today I am officially kicking my butt back into gear!

    For Lent this year I have made up my mind & will

    1. Give up eating ice cream (I still want to try the Target Cake My Day. If I find it I'll use it as a reward & eat it the day after Lent)
    2. Not buy more processed snacks (I have a ton of protein bars, protein cookies, & ingredients to make my own snacks. There's no excuse).

    I was going to say give up soda too, but I need my Diet Mountain Dew to get through my workday.

    I've only just found out Lent starts next week. I always give up crisps & chocolate. Going to have to find a way to fit them into my calories for the next 5 days before I have to wave them goodbye!

    I was going to give up wine too,but I don't want to push myself too far...

    Good luck! I tried to give up chocolate for Lent once (not Catholic, just talked into it by a co-worker). Lent is LONG!!!

    Funny how I never think so. I am praying over what to sacrifice. I am not sure yet...


    Lent is serious business over here too. I have never cheated on a Lental sacrifice.....I do not even struggle with it for the most part because it is just totally off limits, there is no maybe involved.

    This is how I am too. I take it seriously. I did make that one mistake last year (ate a piece of candy) but I realized after and felt so bad.

    I'm excited for lent though because I really need it to help curb my candy cravings! I don't know why it seems to help me so much.
  • Myles_104
    Myles_104 Posts: 91 Member
    For Lent 3 years ago I gave up meat. I only started eating tiny bits of it every so often since I had to go wheat free. Unless you love salads, there is hardly anything else out there wheat/gluten free in the restaurant world. I travel quite frequently with my kids dance troupe, so I decided that I was going to not stress about having meat, if that was the only option that I could have (besides lettuce and cheese.)
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    I have been fudging my calorie total since October due to candy.

    Halloween candy?

    You could always take the leftovers to work & put it in the break room.

    I confess I've ate like a fat pig the past two days (Saturday/Sunday) & have gained a crazy amount of water weight. I'm mad at myself, but will get back to it today.

    I still think one of my biggest triggers is eating too early in the morning. I think I'm going to start eating around 11:00 AM for my first meal (the time might fluctuate based off my work schedule) & then eat my later meal around 7-8 at night. This way I figure I can cut down on mindless snacking & at the same time include mini snacks with my main meals.

    My trigger is vacation. I was off the last two days and ate so bad. :( I'm going to be up about 5 lbs again! :/

    You'll lose it quick when you get back on it, it's not real weight! :)<3

    I keep telling myself that...but I'm not sure LOL. I did consume a huge amount of calories. :#
    I'm still in the 'EAT ALL THE CANDY BEFORE LENT' phase. But I ate it all. LOL only had about 2800 calories of mini eggs alone...
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    Rosie O'Donnell was just saying on The Talk that she tips 100% on a bill because she is in a position where she can do that......I love her but this just made me really smile and love her just a little bit more!

    I love hearing this too. I so would tip that much if I can (I'm pretty sure I have before). I usually do about 50%.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    CosmoTI wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    *ahem* that might be a good one too, I know I've seen that before.

    Yeah, I may have been involved in that original confession.

    No judgement, cream cheese frosting is one of the most delicious things on earth IMO.

    I ate a whole bag of white chocolate morsels the other day.

    Today I am officially kicking my butt back into gear!

    For Lent this year I have made up my mind & will

    1. Give up eating ice cream (I still want to try the Target Cake My Day. If I find it I'll use it as a reward & eat it the day after Lent)
    2. Not buy more processed snacks (I have a ton of protein bars, protein cookies, & ingredients to make my own snacks. There's no excuse).

    I was going to say give up soda too, but I need my Diet Mountain Dew to get through my workday.

    I've only just found out Lent starts next week. I always give up crisps & chocolate. Going to have to find a way to fit them into my calories for the next 5 days before I have to wave them goodbye!

    I was going to give up wine too,but I don't want to push myself too far...

    Good luck! I tried to give up chocolate for Lent once (not Catholic, just talked into it by a co-worker). Lent is LONG!!!

    Funny how I never think so. I am praying over what to sacrifice. I am not sure yet...


    Lent is serious business over here too. I have never cheated on a Lental sacrifice.....I do not even struggle with it for the most part because it is just totally off limits, there is no maybe involved.

    This is how I am too. I take it seriously. I did make that one mistake last year (ate a piece of candy) but I realized after and felt so bad.

    I'm excited for lent though because I really need it to help curb my candy cravings! I don't know why it seems to help me so much.

    If you make a legit mistake, you cannot feel bad about that. On many Lent Fridays over the year, I have eaten broccoli poppers, and did not realize they had bacon in them until a few years ago.....oops.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    CosmoTI wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    *ahem* that might be a good one too, I know I've seen that before.

    Yeah, I may have been involved in that original confession.

    No judgement, cream cheese frosting is one of the most delicious things on earth IMO.

    I ate a whole bag of white chocolate morsels the other day.

    Today I am officially kicking my butt back into gear!

    For Lent this year I have made up my mind & will

    1. Give up eating ice cream (I still want to try the Target Cake My Day. If I find it I'll use it as a reward & eat it the day after Lent)
    2. Not buy more processed snacks (I have a ton of protein bars, protein cookies, & ingredients to make my own snacks. There's no excuse).

    I was going to say give up soda too, but I need my Diet Mountain Dew to get through my workday.

    I've only just found out Lent starts next week. I always give up crisps & chocolate. Going to have to find a way to fit them into my calories for the next 5 days before I have to wave them goodbye!

    I was going to give up wine too,but I don't want to push myself too far...

    Good luck! I tried to give up chocolate for Lent once (not Catholic, just talked into it by a co-worker). Lent is LONG!!!

    I haven't given up anything for lent in years. Should we do a lent challenge?

    I will give up coffee and alcohol. >:)

    That would be cheating. I have been thinking of trying going vegan again. And not gain 40 lbs like last time. Maybe this is the time?

    Can I add something for 40 days if it's a hardship instead of giving up? I am catholic but don't practice but I am sure this must be some loophole not often discussed... You practicing ladies is this possible?

    According to Father Mike, if doing something is a greater sacrifice for you than stopping doing something, then yes it's fine. he used the example of running or swimming - I am not sure that counts for you, my triathlete friend. I usually stop doing something and try to do something charitable. For instance, if I give up coffee shop coffee, then I would donate the saved money to Compassion International I stead of spending it on myself. does that help?

    Well making me do an hour of working out every day would be HARD!
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    The last six or so hours involved two hours at the doctor and driving to multiple pharmacies and spending all my disposable income this paycheck on ear drops.

    Son has a badly scratched ear canal and may or may not have a burst ear drum (we go back Friday, too much bleeding to see the entire ear drum today). He has a raging ear infection and a fever.

    But he will recover.

    Good and bad news. How did he do this?

    His ear was congested. It likely had an ear infection building. In the middle of the night it bothered him so he found a q tip (which I have hidden but daughter left out yesterday what are the odds really?) and scratched his ear canal. It has been bleeding all day. Doc can't see all of eardrum due to bleeding. Treating as if eardrum burst. Also treating ear canal. He has an ear wick (like a tiny tampon for ears) in that I put the drops on.


    Aw dang. THose q-tips.
    My son's eardrum thing happened when he was little q-tips and a trampoline. WHY?

    Hope he gets some relief from teh pain soon.
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I am severely addicted to peanut butter. Especially white chocolate wonderful peanut butter. I have ate 1/3 of the jar in one sitting before when craving something sweet.

    Join the club. I could eat my entire calorie allotment in peanut butter every day.

    Yes, a serving of PB is quite pathetic and sad.

    Agreed. My servings of PB are,about 1/2 a cup... but those calories are SCARY.

    I ate an entire jar the 2 days I was stuck at home with snow. A small jar but still...

    When Glen measured out his peanut butter and jelly sandwich, it was around 1,000 calories. He was eating one every night before bed on his bulk.
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    I'll eat all the chocolate that you are all giving up for Lent! :smiley:

    I'll help!
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    My lent. To give up saying negative things.

    I really like this one.

    I wonder if we could all commit to only saying nice things about ourselves for 40 days...
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    Rosie O'Donnell was just saying on The Talk that she tips 100% on a bill because she is in a position where she can do that......I love her but this just made me really smile and love her just a little bit more!


    I've done it, on a bill that's $5 or $10.
    I have a hard time tipping less than $5 or $10. But, I also don't go out to lunch every day like a lot of people in teh office.
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    CosmoTI wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    *ahem* that might be a good one too, I know I've seen that before.

    Yeah, I may have been involved in that original confession.

    No judgement, cream cheese frosting is one of the most delicious things on earth IMO.

    I ate a whole bag of white chocolate morsels the other day.

    Today I am officially kicking my butt back into gear!

    For Lent this year I have made up my mind & will

    1. Give up eating ice cream (I still want to try the Target Cake My Day. If I find it I'll use it as a reward & eat it the day after Lent)
    2. Not buy more processed snacks (I have a ton of protein bars, protein cookies, & ingredients to make my own snacks. There's no excuse).

    I was going to say give up soda too, but I need my Diet Mountain Dew to get through my workday.

    I've only just found out Lent starts next week. I always give up crisps & chocolate. Going to have to find a way to fit them into my calories for the next 5 days before I have to wave them goodbye!

    I was going to give up wine too,but I don't want to push myself too far...

    Good luck! I tried to give up chocolate for Lent once (not Catholic, just talked into it by a co-worker). Lent is LONG!!!

    I haven't given up anything for lent in years. Should we do a lent challenge?

    I will give up coffee and alcohol. >:)

    That would be cheating. I have been thinking of trying going vegan again. And not gain 40 lbs like last time. Maybe this is the time?

    Can I add something for 40 days if it's a hardship instead of giving up? I am catholic but don't practice but I am sure this must be some loophole not often discussed... You practicing ladies is this possible?

    According to Father Mike, if doing something is a greater sacrifice for you than stopping doing something, then yes it's fine. he used the example of running or swimming - I am not sure that counts for you, my triathlete friend. I usually stop doing something and try to do something charitable. For instance, if I give up coffee shop coffee, then I would donate the saved money to Compassion International I stead of spending it on myself. does that help?

    Well making me do an hour of working out every day would be HARD!

    Yeah, I like this one, too.

    I'm certainly not Catholic, or religious in any way. I generally do nothing.
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    CosmoTI wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    *ahem* that might be a good one too, I know I've seen that before.

    Yeah, I may have been involved in that original confession.

    No judgement, cream cheese frosting is one of the most delicious things on earth IMO.

    I ate a whole bag of white chocolate morsels the other day.

    Today I am officially kicking my butt back into gear!

    For Lent this year I have made up my mind & will

    1. Give up eating ice cream (I still want to try the Target Cake My Day. If I find it I'll use it as a reward & eat it the day after Lent)
    2. Not buy more processed snacks (I have a ton of protein bars, protein cookies, & ingredients to make my own snacks. There's no excuse).

    I was going to say give up soda too, but I need my Diet Mountain Dew to get through my workday.

    I've only just found out Lent starts next week. I always give up crisps & chocolate. Going to have to find a way to fit them into my calories for the next 5 days before I have to wave them goodbye!

    I was going to give up wine too,but I don't want to push myself too far...

    Good luck! I tried to give up chocolate for Lent once (not Catholic, just talked into it by a co-worker). Lent is LONG!!!

    I haven't given up anything for lent in years. Should we do a lent challenge?

    I will give up coffee and alcohol. >:)

    That would be cheating. I have been thinking of trying going vegan again. And not gain 40 lbs like last time. Maybe this is the time?

    Can I add something for 40 days if it's a hardship instead of giving up? I am catholic but don't practice but I am sure this must be some loophole not often discussed... You practicing ladies is this possible?

    According to Father Mike, if doing something is a greater sacrifice for you than stopping doing something, then yes it's fine. he used the example of running or swimming - I am not sure that counts for you, my triathlete friend. I usually stop doing something and try to do something charitable. For instance, if I give up coffee shop coffee, then I would donate the saved money to Compassion International I stead of spending it on myself. does that help?

    Well making me do an hour of working out every day would be HARD!

    Yeah, I like this one, too.

    I'm certainly not Catholic, or religious in any way. I generally do nothing.

    As a non-Catholic (non-Christian) ex-Catholic-school kid I feel kinda like a fraud if I do Lent, so I stick with the lesser-known "No-Drink-November", "Sugarfree September" etc etc, hahaha. I don't mind if other people use it as a reason to do something like that for themselves but the guilt is real for me :lol:
  • rawroy
    rawroy Posts: 106 Member
    I party on the weekends and that usually involves vodka + 1/2 soda water + 1/2 pure cranberry juice Anyone want to join me!!!? lol
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    I'm no longer religious. My family so I continue Lent for their sake. Of course, I only continue it in front of them.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I am severely addicted to peanut butter. Especially white chocolate wonderful peanut butter. I have ate 1/3 of the jar in one sitting before when craving something sweet.

    Join the club. I could eat my entire calorie allotment in peanut butter every day.

    Yes, a serving of PB is quite pathetic and sad.

    Agreed. My servings of PB are,about 1/2 a cup... but those calories are SCARY.

    I ate an entire jar the 2 days I was stuck at home with snow. A small jar but still...

    When Glen measured out his peanut butter and jelly sandwich, it was around 1,000 calories. He was eating one every night before bed on his bulk.
