

  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    CosmoTI wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    *ahem* that might be a good one too, I know I've seen that before.

    Yeah, I may have been involved in that original confession.

    No judgement, cream cheese frosting is one of the most delicious things on earth IMO.

    I ate a whole bag of white chocolate morsels the other day.

    Today I am officially kicking my butt back into gear!

    For Lent this year I have made up my mind & will

    1. Give up eating ice cream (I still want to try the Target Cake My Day. If I find it I'll use it as a reward & eat it the day after Lent)
    2. Not buy more processed snacks (I have a ton of protein bars, protein cookies, & ingredients to make my own snacks. There's no excuse).

    I was going to say give up soda too, but I need my Diet Mountain Dew to get through my workday.

    I've only just found out Lent starts next week. I always give up crisps & chocolate. Going to have to find a way to fit them into my calories for the next 5 days before I have to wave them goodbye!

    I was going to give up wine too,but I don't want to push myself too far...

    Good luck! I tried to give up chocolate for Lent once (not Catholic, just talked into it by a co-worker). Lent is LONG!!!

    I haven't given up anything for lent in years. Should we do a lent challenge?

    I will give up coffee and alcohol. >:)

    That would be cheating. I have been thinking of trying going vegan again. And not gain 40 lbs like last time. Maybe this is the time?

    Can I add something for 40 days if it's a hardship instead of giving up? I am catholic but don't practice but I am sure this must be some loophole not often discussed... You practicing ladies is this possible?

    According to Father Mike, if doing something is a greater sacrifice for you than stopping doing something, then yes it's fine. he used the example of running or swimming - I am not sure that counts for you, my triathlete friend. I usually stop doing something and try to do something charitable. For instance, if I give up coffee shop coffee, then I would donate the saved money to Compassion International I stead of spending it on myself. does that help?

    Well making me do an hour of working out every day would be HARD!

    An hour a day would be hard, but a short run or swim 3x/week wouldn't be hard for you.

    No but for me "lent" I may combine vegan with an hour a day workout. I have been trying and failing at that goal for months

    I started to say that finding an hour a day would be hard for me and then remembered that most days, I walk on my 30 minutes of lunch break, so I would only be looking for 30 more. The vegan part would get mw though, because I am allergic to coconut and soybeans in addition to having celiac. If I couldn't have Greek yogurt or meat, I would get no protein.
    Father Mike specifically said if you take up running or swimming 3x/week and you haven't been doing it, it will be a sacrifice of your time and energy in order to care for your body and make it more useful to God. That's what Lent is for -- making yourself more useful to God.

    Ok my list will officially be

    No Ice Cream
    No to buying more processed snacks (that will be hard with all the Easter goodies)
    Workout for 45 minutes a day

    Great goals!

    Of course I stocked up on treats at Trader Joe's today, but you can't blame me since I've never stepped foot in one :p. Since it's not Lent yet it's all good.
  • Myles_104
    Myles_104 Posts: 91 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Myles_104 wrote: »
    Given my current week and my terrible eating habits, I'm going to give up chips and chocolate for lent. I'm not Catholic, but I like to follow some of their practices, because they make sense to me.

    I had a really rough day yesterday and I'm wondering if a lot of it has to do with the no running thing. I know I'm a happier person when I am able to get my running in, treadmill walking doesn't cut it. I ordered new walking boots, and I'm hoping they come asap so I can take my walking outside. I think that might help a ton.

    I really think you should try the pool running.

    I googled it, and I did one of the suggested beginner programs. It was interesting for sure. It just doesn't replace the mind clearing that I get when running, I have to think too much. It may be different after the first time.

  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    CosmoTI wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    *ahem* that might be a good one too, I know I've seen that before.

    Yeah, I may have been involved in that original confession.

    No judgement, cream cheese frosting is one of the most delicious things on earth IMO.

    I ate a whole bag of white chocolate morsels the other day.

    Today I am officially kicking my butt back into gear!

    For Lent this year I have made up my mind & will

    1. Give up eating ice cream (I still want to try the Target Cake My Day. If I find it I'll use it as a reward & eat it the day after Lent)
    2. Not buy more processed snacks (I have a ton of protein bars, protein cookies, & ingredients to make my own snacks. There's no excuse).

    I was going to say give up soda too, but I need my Diet Mountain Dew to get through my workday.

    I've only just found out Lent starts next week. I always give up crisps & chocolate. Going to have to find a way to fit them into my calories for the next 5 days before I have to wave them goodbye!

    I was going to give up wine too,but I don't want to push myself too far...

    Good luck! I tried to give up chocolate for Lent once (not Catholic, just talked into it by a co-worker). Lent is LONG!!!

    I haven't given up anything for lent in years. Should we do a lent challenge?

    I will give up coffee and alcohol. >:)

    Huh. Think you'll be able to make it, @MoHousdon?

    I'll give up alcohol and Cadbury mini eggs. Oh, wait...

    I don't know. The alcohol is looking more and more appealing with each passing day. We're having a company get together tomorrow at a hockey game (the owners of the stadium are treating us to their box) and they are providing a bunch of free food (my favorite of all foods) and drinks. If alcoholic drinks are included, I might just have to have 1. If they're not included, I will stick with my love, DP.

    Please don't judge my diary tomorrow. :#

    I'm going to judge it hard and send you messages about it just to be a *kitten* :)

    Hahahaha! We'll only judge you if you drink an off brand Dr. Pepper.

    I had Mr. Pibb at Chipotle last Saturday, but only 1 cup and that was ONLY because they don't have DP and I didn't want Coke Zero. Please don't judge me too much. :#

    You ate at Chipotle so it's all good :). Steak burritos *drools*
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Speaking of soda knock-offs, I love that the Hannaford version of Dr. Pepper is Dr. Perky and their Mt. Dew is Mt. Lion! Ha!

    Mt. Lion lmao!

    Dr. Perky sounds like it should be a TV character's name.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    I confess very little work is going to get done by me today. I'm rocking some 90's hair band Pandora and doing chair dances 'til 1:30 when I leave.

    We might be listening to the same Pandora station...

    And I honestly have been listening to it for a couple of days now. I didn't just turn it on because I want to be you :)

    siriusXM Hair Nation FTW!!!

    A little Dee Snider?!?



  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    CosmoTI wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    *ahem* that might be a good one too, I know I've seen that before.

    Yeah, I may have been involved in that original confession.

    No judgement, cream cheese frosting is one of the most delicious things on earth IMO.

    I ate a whole bag of white chocolate morsels the other day.

    Today I am officially kicking my butt back into gear!

    For Lent this year I have made up my mind & will

    1. Give up eating ice cream (I still want to try the Target Cake My Day. If I find it I'll use it as a reward & eat it the day after Lent)
    2. Not buy more processed snacks (I have a ton of protein bars, protein cookies, & ingredients to make my own snacks. There's no excuse).

    I was going to say give up soda too, but I need my Diet Mountain Dew to get through my workday.

    I've only just found out Lent starts next week. I always give up crisps & chocolate. Going to have to find a way to fit them into my calories for the next 5 days before I have to wave them goodbye!

    I was going to give up wine too,but I don't want to push myself too far...

    Good luck! I tried to give up chocolate for Lent once (not Catholic, just talked into it by a co-worker). Lent is LONG!!!

    I haven't given up anything for lent in years. Should we do a lent challenge?

    I will give up coffee and alcohol. >:)

    That would be cheating. I have been thinking of trying going vegan again. And not gain 40 lbs like last time. Maybe this is the time?

    Can I add something for 40 days if it's a hardship instead of giving up? I am catholic but don't practice but I am sure this must be some loophole not often discussed... You practicing ladies is this possible?

    According to Father Mike, if doing something is a greater sacrifice for you than stopping doing something, then yes it's fine. he used the example of running or swimming - I am not sure that counts for you, my triathlete friend. I usually stop doing something and try to do something charitable. For instance, if I give up coffee shop coffee, then I would donate the saved money to Compassion International I stead of spending it on myself. does that help?

    Well making me do an hour of working out every day would be HARD!

    An hour a day would be hard, but a short run or swim 3x/week wouldn't be hard for you.

    No but for me "lent" I may combine vegan with an hour a day workout. I have been trying and failing at that goal for months

    I started to say that finding an hour a day would be hard for me and then remembered that most days, I walk on my 30 minutes of lunch break, so I would only be looking for 30 more. The vegan part would get mw though, because I am allergic to coconut and soybeans in addition to having celiac. If I couldn't have Greek yogurt or meat, I would get no protein.
    Father Mike specifically said if you take up running or swimming 3x/week and you haven't been doing it, it will be a sacrifice of your time and energy in order to care for your body and make it more useful to God. That's what Lent is for -- making yourself more useful to God.

    Ok my list will officially be

    No Ice Cream
    No to buying more processed snacks (that will be hard with all the Easter goodies)
    Workout for 45 minutes a day

    Great goals!

    Of course I stocked up on treats at Trader Joe's today, but you can't blame me since I've never stepped foot in one :p. Since it's not Lent yet it's all good.

    I do about half my shopping in TJ's and have since 1991. They are pretty gf friendly. I hope you got things you like. They have the best price of dried fruits and nuts. They have the best price on some other specialty foods that are safe for us to eat. :)
  • piggysmalls333
    piggysmalls333 Posts: 450 Member
    I had the stomach flu all week but yet despite losing my appetite when I saw the THIN MINTS box I couldn't resist downing a handful... usually it would be the whole box but I really felt sick
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Bry_Lander wrote: »
    Superbowl confession: I don't give a rat's a** about the commercials, and would fast forward through them if I wasn't watching it live

    I LOVE PEYTON <3<3 Don't really care about the game though :)

    The halftime this year is gonna be so snooze worthy. Coldplay? Seriously? Too bad they didn't get Bruno Mars again.
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    Patricia, thank you for the Valentine card! How sweet you are x <3 x

    Also, I need to ask you about feeding horses treats. Is there an etiquette to it? There are 8 horses who live on Batcave Acres at the moment, and I would love to give them treats, but I wondered if it's a no-no unless the owner has specifically approved it? (A bit like how most parents wouldn't be ok with someone randomly giving their kid candy..?) Thoughts?
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    Here is my little confession for Friday.

    I can't stand it when someone (my husband) takes something out of the microwave before the time is up and they don't push the clear button.

    However, I am guilty of doing something that would drive 90% of the world's population absolutely crazy, I leave cupboard doors open all the time.

    OMG. I thought I was the only one that got annoyed by the microwave thing. LOL

    I can't believe the people who put their food in the microwave & then forget about it for around 5-10 minutes. I guess they're not hungry/hangry.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    edited February 2016
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    CosmoTI wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    *ahem* that might be a good one too, I know I've seen that before.

    Yeah, I may have been involved in that original confession.

    No judgement, cream cheese frosting is one of the most delicious things on earth IMO.

    I ate a whole bag of white chocolate morsels the other day.

    Today I am officially kicking my butt back into gear!

    For Lent this year I have made up my mind & will

    1. Give up eating ice cream (I still want to try the Target Cake My Day. If I find it I'll use it as a reward & eat it the day after Lent)
    2. Not buy more processed snacks (I have a ton of protein bars, protein cookies, & ingredients to make my own snacks. There's no excuse).

    I was going to say give up soda too, but I need my Diet Mountain Dew to get through my workday.

    I've only just found out Lent starts next week. I always give up crisps & chocolate. Going to have to find a way to fit them into my calories for the next 5 days before I have to wave them goodbye!

    I was going to give up wine too,but I don't want to push myself too far...

    Good luck! I tried to give up chocolate for Lent once (not Catholic, just talked into it by a co-worker). Lent is LONG!!!

    I haven't given up anything for lent in years. Should we do a lent challenge?

    I will give up coffee and alcohol. >:)

    That would be cheating. I have been thinking of trying going vegan again. And not gain 40 lbs like last time. Maybe this is the time?

    Can I add something for 40 days if it's a hardship instead of giving up? I am catholic but don't practice but I am sure this must be some loophole not often discussed... You practicing ladies is this possible?

    According to Father Mike, if doing something is a greater sacrifice for you than stopping doing something, then yes it's fine. he used the example of running or swimming - I am not sure that counts for you, my triathlete friend. I usually stop doing something and try to do something charitable. For instance, if I give up coffee shop coffee, then I would donate the saved money to Compassion International I stead of spending it on myself. does that help?

    Well making me do an hour of working out every day would be HARD!

    An hour a day would be hard, but a short run or swim 3x/week wouldn't be hard for you.

    No but for me "lent" I may combine vegan with an hour a day workout. I have been trying and failing at that goal for months

    I started to say that finding an hour a day would be hard for me and then remembered that most days, I walk on my 30 minutes of lunch break, so I would only be looking for 30 more. The vegan part would get mw though, because I am allergic to coconut and soybeans in addition to having celiac. If I couldn't have Greek yogurt or meat, I would get no protein.
    Father Mike specifically said if you take up running or swimming 3x/week and you haven't been doing it, it will be a sacrifice of your time and energy in order to care for your body and make it more useful to God. That's what Lent is for -- making yourself more useful to God.

    Ok my list will officially be

    No Ice Cream
    No to buying more processed snacks (that will be hard with all the Easter goodies)
    Workout for 45 minutes a day

    Great goals!

    Of course I stocked up on treats at Trader Joe's today, but you can't blame me since I've never stepped foot in one :p. Since it's not Lent yet it's all good.

    I do about half my shopping in TJ's and have since 1991. They are pretty gf friendly. I hope you got things you like. They have the best price of dried fruits and nuts. They have the best price on some other specialty foods that are safe for us to eat. :)

    I bought most of the fattening snacks :p.

    I got two of the Cookie Butter cheesecakes, Mini Cookie Butter Cheesecake bites, one jar of their cookie spread/chocolate, their cookie spread cookies, & one other package of cookies.

    I bought a few of their yogurts which I thought where priced around the same as Wal-Mart, Target, Grocery stores.

    I bought this interesting looking Filo cheese spiral & some frozen meals that were priced pretty decently.

    My sister didn't buy much but she bought two asparagus bunches since they were $1.99 a bunch. She said that usually around here it's $1.99 a pound.

    We went to Whole Foods first, but I didn't see anything that caught my eyes there. They had a decent ice cream section, but nothing that caught my eyes. My youngest niece loved their little customer carts.

    If anyone has a Disney store near them they had a good deal on their plush characters. They were Buy one get one for a dollar. I told my niece she could pick out one & get one for a dollar. It averaged out to be around $10.00 each for the stuffed characters. I thought we would be in there all day since she kept picking them up & putting them down. She ended up getting Anna & Sven (Frozen).
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    I had the stomach flu all week but yet despite losing my appetite when I saw the THIN MINTS box I couldn't resist downing a handful... usually it would be the whole box but I really felt sick

    Just look at it is your recovery food @piggysmalls333
  • raymax4
    raymax4 Posts: 6,070 Member
    I decided to try running for 3 miles without stopping today to get ready for the 5K
    This is what I did
    Got home and showed hubby
    He smiled and told me he had signed up for the prediction race and guessed 35 minutes.

    I'm super excited about this because I haven't run more that a mile strait without stopping before.
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    CosmoTI wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    *ahem* that might be a good one too, I know I've seen that before.

    Yeah, I may have been involved in that original confession.

    No judgement, cream cheese frosting is one of the most delicious things on earth IMO.

    I ate a whole bag of white chocolate morsels the other day.

    Today I am officially kicking my butt back into gear!

    For Lent this year I have made up my mind & will

    1. Give up eating ice cream (I still want to try the Target Cake My Day. If I find it I'll use it as a reward & eat it the day after Lent)
    2. Not buy more processed snacks (I have a ton of protein bars, protein cookies, & ingredients to make my own snacks. There's no excuse).

    I was going to say give up soda too, but I need my Diet Mountain Dew to get through my workday.

    I've only just found out Lent starts next week. I always give up crisps & chocolate. Going to have to find a way to fit them into my calories for the next 5 days before I have to wave them goodbye!

    I was going to give up wine too,but I don't want to push myself too far...

    Good luck! I tried to give up chocolate for Lent once (not Catholic, just talked into it by a co-worker). Lent is LONG!!!

    I haven't given up anything for lent in years. Should we do a lent challenge?

    I will give up coffee and alcohol. >:)

    That would be cheating. I have been thinking of trying going vegan again. And not gain 40 lbs like last time. Maybe this is the time?

    Can I add something for 40 days if it's a hardship instead of giving up? I am catholic but don't practice but I am sure this must be some loophole not often discussed... You practicing ladies is this possible?

    According to Father Mike, if doing something is a greater sacrifice for you than stopping doing something, then yes it's fine. he used the example of running or swimming - I am not sure that counts for you, my triathlete friend. I usually stop doing something and try to do something charitable. For instance, if I give up coffee shop coffee, then I would donate the saved money to Compassion International I stead of spending it on myself. does that help?

    Well making me do an hour of working out every day would be HARD!

    An hour a day would be hard, but a short run or swim 3x/week wouldn't be hard for you.

    No but for me "lent" I may combine vegan with an hour a day workout. I have been trying and failing at that goal for months

    I started to say that finding an hour a day would be hard for me and then remembered that most days, I walk on my 30 minutes of lunch break, so I would only be looking for 30 more. The vegan part would get mw though, because I am allergic to coconut and soybeans in addition to having celiac. If I couldn't have Greek yogurt or meat, I would get no protein.
    Father Mike specifically said if you take up running or swimming 3x/week and you haven't been doing it, it will be a sacrifice of your time and energy in order to care for your body and make it more useful to God. That's what Lent is for -- making yourself more useful to God.

    Ok my list will officially be

    No Ice Cream
    No to buying more processed snacks (that will be hard with all the Easter goodies)
    Workout for 45 minutes a day

    Great goals!

    Of course I stocked up on treats at Trader Joe's today, but you can't blame me since I've never stepped foot in one :p. Since it's not Lent yet it's all good.

    I do about half my shopping in TJ's and have since 1991. They are pretty gf friendly. I hope you got things you like. They have the best price of dried fruits and nuts. They have the best price on some other specialty foods that are safe for us to eat. :)

    I bought most of the fattening snacks :p.

    I got two of the Cookie Butter cheesecakes, Mini Cookie Butter Cheesecake bites, one jar of their cookie spread/chocolate, their cookie spread cookies, & one other package of cookies.

    I bought a few of their yogurts which I thought where priced around the same as Wal-Mart, Target, Grocery stores.

    I bought this interesting looking Filo cheese spiral & some frozen meals that were priced pretty decently.

    My sister didn't buy much but she bought two asparagus bunches since they were $1.99 a bunch. She said that usually around here it's $1.99 a pound.

    We went to Whole Foods first, but I didn't see anything that caught my eyes there. They had a decent ice cream section, but nothing that caught my eyes. My youngest niece loved their little customer carts.

    If anyone has a Disney store near them they had a good deal on their plush characters. They were Buy one get one for a dollar. I told my niece she could pick out one & get one for a dollar. It averaged out to be around $10.00 each for the stuffed characters. I thought we would be in there all day since she kept picking them up & putting them down. She ended up getting Anna & Sven (Frozen).

    What you bought sounds wonderful - but nothing on your list is safe for me so I can't give you a pre-review review.

    They do make a very solid gf frozen waffle. I prefer their PB to all others (just peanuts and salt). They have a few frozen items I buy once in awhile. Their 72% chocolate in the red wrapper is my daily chocolate fix. They have an amazing GF chocolate chip cookie that even TK loves. I buy quinoa, rice pasta, coconut milk, olive oil, lara bars, corn chips, bagged spinach, and so on there. They have the best price on frozen fruits for smoothies too.
  • raymax4
    raymax4 Posts: 6,070 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    Here is my little confession for Friday.

    I can't stand it when someone (my husband) takes something out of the microwave before the time is up and they don't push the clear button.

    However, I am guilty of doing something that would drive 90% of the world's population absolutely crazy, I leave cupboard doors open all the time.

    OMG. I thought I was the only one that got annoyed by the microwave thing. LOL

    I can't believe the people who put their food in the microwave & then forget about it for around 5-10 minutes. I guess they're not hungry/hangry.

    Really they are hungry just really distracted. I stopped bringing anything to work that needs to be microwaved because I'm always getting pulled away from my food. Now I bring things that I can eat on the fly.
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Bry_Lander wrote: »
    Superbowl confession: I don't give a rat's a** about the commercials, and would fast forward through them if I wasn't watching it live

    I LOVE PEYTON <3<3 Don't really care about the game though :)

    The halftime this year is gonna be so snooze worthy. Coldplay? Seriously? Too bad they didn't get Bruno Mars again.

    Agree- totally not looking forward to the half time show whatsoever...ugh lame!!
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    Here is my little confession for Friday.

    I can't stand it when someone (my husband) takes something out of the microwave before the time is up and they don't push the clear button.

    However, I am guilty of doing something that would drive 90% of the world's population absolutely crazy, I leave cupboard doors open all the time.

    My son does both those things, ever single day :s
    Drives me up a fkn wall!
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    Bry_Lander wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    Here is my little confession for Friday.

    I can't stand it when someone (my husband) takes something out of the microwave before the time is up and they don't push the clear button.

    However, I am guilty of doing something that would drive 90% of the world's population absolutely crazy, I leave cupboard doors open all the time.

    Haha. That's one of mine too, and I'm judging you for leaving cupboard doors open. Judging you SO MUCH. :wink:

    It drives me crazy when my wife initiates an 8 oz pour of water in a glass from our fridge dispenser, walks away, and forgets about it, leaving a full glass just sitting there! She does it like 2-3 times a day :'(

    I do that sometimes but not 2-3 times a day. I use a refillable bottle at home so I usually realize it when I go to fill it again. My husband will leave 1/2 glasses of water all over the place. Not usually a good idea with a 3 year old around.

    My daughter keeps enough half empty bottles of water in her room to fill a land fill at any given time.....
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    CosmoTI wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    *ahem* that might be a good one too, I know I've seen that before.

    Yeah, I may have been involved in that original confession.

    No judgement, cream cheese frosting is one of the most delicious things on earth IMO.

    I ate a whole bag of white chocolate morsels the other day.

    Today I am officially kicking my butt back into gear!

    For Lent this year I have made up my mind & will

    1. Give up eating ice cream (I still want to try the Target Cake My Day. If I find it I'll use it as a reward & eat it the day after Lent)
    2. Not buy more processed snacks (I have a ton of protein bars, protein cookies, & ingredients to make my own snacks. There's no excuse).

    I was going to say give up soda too, but I need my Diet Mountain Dew to get through my workday.

    I've only just found out Lent starts next week. I always give up crisps & chocolate. Going to have to find a way to fit them into my calories for the next 5 days before I have to wave them goodbye!

    I was going to give up wine too,but I don't want to push myself too far...

    Good luck! I tried to give up chocolate for Lent once (not Catholic, just talked into it by a co-worker). Lent is LONG!!!

    I haven't given up anything for lent in years. Should we do a lent challenge?

    I will give up coffee and alcohol. >:)

    That would be cheating. I have been thinking of trying going vegan again. And not gain 40 lbs like last time. Maybe this is the time?

    Can I add something for 40 days if it's a hardship instead of giving up? I am catholic but don't practice but I am sure this must be some loophole not often discussed... You practicing ladies is this possible?

    According to Father Mike, if doing something is a greater sacrifice for you than stopping doing something, then yes it's fine. he used the example of running or swimming - I am not sure that counts for you, my triathlete friend. I usually stop doing something and try to do something charitable. For instance, if I give up coffee shop coffee, then I would donate the saved money to Compassion International I stead of spending it on myself. does that help?

    Well making me do an hour of working out every day would be HARD!

    An hour a day would be hard, but a short run or swim 3x/week wouldn't be hard for you.

    No but for me "lent" I may combine vegan with an hour a day workout. I have been trying and failing at that goal for months

    I started to say that finding an hour a day would be hard for me and then remembered that most days, I walk on my 30 minutes of lunch break, so I would only be looking for 30 more. The vegan part would get mw though, because I am allergic to coconut and soybeans in addition to having celiac. If I couldn't have Greek yogurt or meat, I would get no protein.
    Father Mike specifically said if you take up running or swimming 3x/week and you haven't been doing it, it will be a sacrifice of your time and energy in order to care for your body and make it more useful to God. That's what Lent is for -- making yourself more useful to God.

    Ok my list will officially be

    No Ice Cream
    No to buying more processed snacks (that will be hard with all the Easter goodies)
    Workout for 45 minutes a day

    Great goals!

    Of course I stocked up on treats at Trader Joe's today, but you can't blame me since I've never stepped foot in one :p. Since it's not Lent yet it's all good.

    I do about half my shopping in TJ's and have since 1991. They are pretty gf friendly. I hope you got things you like. They have the best price of dried fruits and nuts. They have the best price on some other specialty foods that are safe for us to eat. :)

    I bought most of the fattening snacks :p.

    I got two of the Cookie Butter cheesecakes, Mini Cookie Butter Cheesecake bites, one jar of their cookie spread/chocolate, their cookie spread cookies, & one other package of cookies.

    I bought a few of their yogurts which I thought where priced around the same as Wal-Mart, Target, Grocery stores.

    I bought this interesting looking Filo cheese spiral & some frozen meals that were priced pretty decently.

    My sister didn't buy much but she bought two asparagus bunches since they were $1.99 a bunch. She said that usually around here it's $1.99 a pound.

    We went to Whole Foods first, but I didn't see anything that caught my eyes there. They had a decent ice cream section, but nothing that caught my eyes. My youngest niece loved their little customer carts.

    If anyone has a Disney store near them they had a good deal on their plush characters. They were Buy one get one for a dollar. I told my niece she could pick out one & get one for a dollar. It averaged out to be around $10.00 each for the stuffed characters. I thought we would be in there all day since she kept picking them up & putting them down. She ended up getting Anna & Sven (Frozen).

    What you bought sounds wonderful - but nothing on your list is safe for me so I can't give you a pre-review review.

    They do make a very solid gf frozen waffle. I prefer their PB to all others (just peanuts and salt). They have a few frozen items I buy once in awhile. Their 72% chocolate in the red wrapper is my daily chocolate fix. They have an amazing GF chocolate chip cookie that even TK loves. I buy quinoa, rice pasta, coconut milk, olive oil, lara bars, corn chips, bagged spinach, and so on there. They have the best price on frozen fruits for smoothies too.

    I was really impressed with how decently priced their items were. The prices seemed similar to what other big box or grocery stores would charge. The only cheaper store for items around me would be the Bargain Outlet, but even with that store you have to really study the items & compare to the other stores. I thought it was cute that they had a bell that they rang when there was an issue at the register.

    I barely bought anything at the mall. I bought one shirt at H&M for $9.99. Shopping at thrift stores, T.J. Maxx, has spoiled me on not paying full price & even some of the clearance prices at department stores/malls. Nordstrom had a lot of nice jeans, but I am not paying $179.00-200.00+ for jeans. There was a Nordstrom Rack around the area too, but didn't find many jeans in my size (31-32).
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Bry_Lander wrote: »
    Superbowl confession: I don't give a rat's a** about the commercials, and would fast forward through them if I wasn't watching it live

    GASP! (Not judging. Not judging.) ;)

    We don't even get to see the commercials in Canada!