

  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    Bry_Lander wrote: »
    Superbowl confession: I don't give a rat's a** about the commercials, and would fast forward through them if I wasn't watching it live

    I'm not even going to watch the game... I might listen on the radio, but I cut off the cable two years ago and just don't miss it.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    I confess I just ate a vegetarian burrito with guacamole from Qdoba in the airport. I will not be under calories. But it was good!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Bry_Lander wrote: »
    Superbowl confession: I don't give a rat's a** about the commercials, and would fast forward through them if I wasn't watching it live

    Being in advertising that is all I care about. I'll watch them on YouTube after the game.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    Here is my little confession for Friday.

    I can't stand it when someone (my husband) takes something out of the microwave before the time is up and they don't push the clear button.

    However, I am guilty of doing something that would drive 90% of the world's population absolutely crazy, I leave cupboard doors open all the time.

    I can't stand the microwave thing!

    Omg, this drives me almost as crazy as his moronic way of loading the dishwasher!!!

    Does he lay bowls flat as if to take up the most space possible?

    Yes. He also puts every piece of silverware in the same little section of the silverware holder..instead of spreading them out so they actually get clean! Also doesn't load from front to back or vice versa. It's just wherever he happens to think looks good. So we have clumps of dishes piled on top of each other and then wide open spaces..etc. the list goes on and on.

    Tim and Jay clearly received the same dishwasher loading training. It takes every ounce of my willpower to not re-load it.

    I HAVE to reload it. I can't leave it. I have told him over and over to not even bother (which I thought was maybe his plan in loading so horribly to begin with) but he STILL does it. I've explained the right way about a million times yet it doesn't sink in. OR he is just purposely trying to annoy me...which is very well a possibility. :neutral:

    So... I never use my dishwasher except periodically because my mom told me to run it to keep it working. Sometimes I run it empty. What is the right way to load it?
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    Here is my little confession for Friday.

    I can't stand it when someone (my husband) takes something out of the microwave before the time is up and they don't push the clear button.

    However, I am guilty of doing something that would drive 90% of the world's population absolutely crazy, I leave cupboard doors open all the time.

    I can't stand the microwave thing!

    Omg, this drives me almost as crazy as his moronic way of loading the dishwasher!!!

    Does he lay bowls flat as if to take up the most space possible?

    Yes. He also puts every piece of silverware in the same little section of the silverware holder..instead of spreading them out so they actually get clean! Also doesn't load from front to back or vice versa. It's just wherever he happens to think looks good. So we have clumps of dishes piled on top of each other and then wide open spaces..etc. the list goes on and on.

    Ahhh I guess you explained it. You never want me to load your dishwasher.
  • raymax4
    raymax4 Posts: 6,070 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    raymax4 wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    I think my diet and fitness life is putting a major strain on my relationship. I can't share my passion with my partner so it feels like I don't have much to bring to the table anymore.

    I think there is much more to you that your passion for diet and fitness. What can't you share with your partner your interest in diet and fitness? What makes you feel like you have nothing to bring to the table?
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Yesterday was a lovely day. I finally got to give Phoebe a bath without fear she would shiver to death. She looked so shiny and beautiful when I left the barn.

    I ate nearly an entire bag of gourmet popcorn that someone left at the barn. Then went to dinner with a friend. No alcohol was consumed by me, but a slice of cheesecake sure was. I was definitely over calories yesterday!

    I bet Phoebe fills like a princess. Wants to go pet her shiny coat and feed her peppermints. She isn't on a diet is she. Can I fit it into her macro goals?
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    My clothes from the hike were so rank yesterday (5240 feet elevation gain, 16 miles, 25 lbs on my back) that I was embarrassed to walk into In N Out burger to feed my face after the hike...but, I was HUNGRY.

    Screw embarassment! You totally rocked that hike!!


    How many steps did you get Laura?

    I wish we had In N Out on the East Coast,

    Me, too! I've never had it!

    I'm gonna get some hate for this but I've had In N Out once when I was in Nevada and it was good but it didn't turn out to be something that I end up craving. I'd go again but usually when I think something is awesome, I end up thinking about it and craving it.The animal style fries were good and I do end up wanting those every now and then.

    I actually like 5 guys burgers and fries best from what is available near me.

    I <3 Five Guys! They are very celiac friendly and the fries....soooo yummy!
    Looks up five guys burgers on map quest. There is one in the same city as I am thinking of running a 5K. Mental calculation of wether I could fit it into my macros. Checks to see if there is an offering for a 10K, Half marathon. Wonders if I could be able to crawl in and get one if I out do myself. Realize that I probably can make it work with the 5K, Wow I need to go back to sleep.
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Myles_104 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    CosmoTI wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    CosmoTI wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Look what arrived!ag1ne0hzjqwi.jpg

    Wow, I'm so jealous. Really wish I had room in my flat for a treadmill - would probably have to give up the couch to fit it in though. Maybe then I'll actually start running instead of just thinking about it. I've entered a 5k for end of April, downloaded the C25K app and bought new trainers. Now all I have to do is actually get my backside out of the house and start!

    Ah, so you are British? Flat/trainers...

    I haven't been great lately (ever?) training but am determined that February will change that.

    Yep - guilty - I am British. So... what are the equivalent words for you guys??

    Apartment and Gym Shoes or Sneakers (depending on what part of the country you are in). Or running shoes.

    This, except here sneakers are like converse or skate shoes, and running shoes and gym shoes are like Nike, and New Balance :)

    Funny story: When my youngest was 4 we went to get him sneakers for preschool, and when we got them, he was always putting them on in the house, and when asked why he said he wanted to be a ninja, and ninjas were sneaky so he needed his sneakers on so he could sneak

    That was so cute! Kids are hysterical. I may borrow this.

    Myles, That was such a cute story. I love listening to kids talk and how they think.
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Folks: THIS is what I am doing Thursday night:

    Tee hee. I'll take pics!

    Must have pics. You will have to have someone take a picture of you dancing too. No posing allowed.
    says the Photomonger!
    I have been fudging my calorie total since October due to candy.

    Halloween candy?

    You could always take the leftovers to work & put it in the break room.

    I confess I've ate like a fat pig the past two days (Saturday/Sunday) & have gained a crazy amount of water weight. I'm mad at myself, but will get back to it today.

    I still think one of my biggest triggers is eating too early in the morning. I think I'm going to start eating around 11:00 AM for my first meal (the time might fluctuate based off my work schedule) & then eat my later meal around 7-8 at night. This way I figure I can cut down on mindless snacking & at the same time include mini snacks with my main meals.

    Sounds like a good plan. I discovered that if I don't eat protein in the morning there is no end to my hunger and snacking abilities.

    Wendy, Phoebe looks like she needs to be on a diet. She is always permanently round like she is pregnant but unlimited peppermint are always in here macros.

    Where are you doing the 5k?

    I was looking at the Haltom Stampede Feb 13 but could not seem to register. It seems there are several different run clubs that you have to subscribe to before you register for a race. Is there any you think are better than others?
    What I see is,,, races, and run

    I found Carrollton runners club. that is not to far from here that has 5K races on the third and last Sunday of the month. Hubby and I signed up to have 12 races each with them and are waiting for our packets which will have timing clips. When we get that we can sign up for the actual races. On the third Sunday of the month they have a Prediction race, You try to predict the time of our race. You are not allowed to have any time keeping device on you during the race and whomever comes closest to the actual race time is the winner. Sounds interesting.
    The last Sunday of the month is Family fun runs.
    I'll see how it goes.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    Here is my little confession for Friday.

    I can't stand it when someone (my husband) takes something out of the microwave before the time is up and they don't push the clear button.

    However, I am guilty of doing something that would drive 90% of the world's population absolutely crazy, I leave cupboard doors open all the time.

    I can't stand the microwave thing!

    Omg, this drives me almost as crazy as his moronic way of loading the dishwasher!!!

    2nd reason Kelly never wants to live with me. I also leave lights on. All night long.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    Here is my little confession for Friday.

    I can't stand it when someone (my husband) takes something out of the microwave before the time is up and they don't push the clear button.

    However, I am guilty of doing something that would drive 90% of the world's population absolutely crazy, I leave cupboard doors open all the time.

    I don't do the cupboard thing.
  • raymax4
    raymax4 Posts: 6,070 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    raymax4 wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    I think my diet and fitness life is putting a major strain on my relationship. I can't share my passion with my partner so it feels like I don't have much to bring to the table anymore.

    I think there is much more to you that your passion for diet and fitness. What can't you share with your partner your interest in diet and fitness? What makes you feel like you have nothing to bring to the table?
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Yesterday was a lovely day. I finally got to give Phoebe a bath without fear she would shiver to death. She looked so shiny and beautiful when I left the barn.

    I ate nearly an entire bag of gourmet popcorn that someone left at the barn. Then went to dinner with a friend. No alcohol was consumed by me, but a slice of cheesecake sure was. I was definitely over calories yesterday!

    I bet Phoebe fills like a princess. Wants to go pet her shiny coat and feed her peppermints. She isn't on a diet is she. Can I fit it into her macro goals?
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    My clothes from the hike were so rank yesterday (5240 feet elevation gain, 16 miles, 25 lbs on my back) that I was embarrassed to walk into In N Out burger to feed my face after the hike...but, I was HUNGRY.

    Screw embarassment! You totally rocked that hike!!


    How many steps did you get Laura?

    I wish we had In N Out on the East Coast,

    Me, too! I've never had it!

    I'm gonna get some hate for this but I've had In N Out once when I was in Nevada and it was good but it didn't turn out to be something that I end up craving. I'd go again but usually when I think something is awesome, I end up thinking about it and craving it.The animal style fries were good and I do end up wanting those every now and then.

    I actually like 5 guys burgers and fries best from what is available near me.

    I <3 Five Guys! They are very celiac friendly and the fries....soooo yummy!
    Looks up five guys burgers on map quest. There is one in the same city as I am thinking of running a 5K. Mental calculation of wether I could fit it into my macros. Checks to see if there is an offering for a 10K, Half marathon. Wonders if I could be able to crawl in and get one if I out do myself. Realize that I probably can make it work with the 5K, Wow I need to go back to sleep.
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Myles_104 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    CosmoTI wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    CosmoTI wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Look what arrived!ag1ne0hzjqwi.jpg

    Wow, I'm so jealous. Really wish I had room in my flat for a treadmill - would probably have to give up the couch to fit it in though. Maybe then I'll actually start running instead of just thinking about it. I've entered a 5k for end of April, downloaded the C25K app and bought new trainers. Now all I have to do is actually get my backside out of the house and start!

    Ah, so you are British? Flat/trainers...

    I haven't been great lately (ever?) training but am determined that February will change that.

    Yep - guilty - I am British. So... what are the equivalent words for you guys??

    Apartment and Gym Shoes or Sneakers (depending on what part of the country you are in). Or running shoes.

    This, except here sneakers are like converse or skate shoes, and running shoes and gym shoes are like Nike, and New Balance :)

    Funny story: When my youngest was 4 we went to get him sneakers for preschool, and when we got them, he was always putting them on in the house, and when asked why he said he wanted to be a ninja, and ninjas were sneaky so he needed his sneakers on so he could sneak

    That was so cute! Kids are hysterical. I may borrow this.

    Myles, That was such a cute story. I love listening to kids talk and how they think.
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Folks: THIS is what I am doing Thursday night:

    Tee hee. I'll take pics!

    Must have pics. You will have to have someone take a picture of you dancing too. No posing allowed.
    says the Photomonger!
    I have been fudging my calorie total since October due to candy.

    Halloween candy?

    You could always take the leftovers to work & put it in the break room.

    I confess I've ate like a fat pig the past two days (Saturday/Sunday) & have gained a crazy amount of water weight. I'm mad at myself, but will get back to it today.

    I still think one of my biggest triggers is eating too early in the morning. I think I'm going to start eating around 11:00 AM for my first meal (the time might fluctuate based off my work schedule) & then eat my later meal around 7-8 at night. This way I figure I can cut down on mindless snacking & at the same time include mini snacks with my main meals.

    Sounds like a good plan. I discovered that if I don't eat protein in the morning there is no end to my hunger and snacking abilities.

    Wendy, Phoebe looks like she needs to be on a diet. She is always permanently round like she is pregnant but unlimited peppermint are always in here macros.

    Where are you doing the 5k?


    That horse had to be photo shopped. I have never seen a horse that round! It was very funny though.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    POF, why did you gain so much when you were vegan? What were you eating? I was vegan for 10ish years and lost a little at first but then maintained without ever counting a calorie. I can't imagine gaining...

    I ate hummus all the time. Like...all the time. Plus I don't cook so bread, french fries at restaurants when that was the only option. Lots of nuts. Guacamole. Ironically now that I am back eating dairy and seafood I am mostly vegan and eat much better and am maintaining (after losing what I gained). I rarely eat anything with dairy and fish.

    That is why I have been thinking of trying vegan again. I think I'll be more successful. .
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    I love line dancing

    That DEFINITELY counts as a confession. :laugh:

    It was so much fun!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Myles_104 wrote: »
    Given my current week and my terrible eating habits, I'm going to give up chips and chocolate for lent. I'm not Catholic, but I like to follow some of their practices, because they make sense to me.

    I had a really rough day yesterday and I'm wondering if a lot of it has to do with the no running thing. I know I'm a happier person when I am able to get my running in, treadmill walking doesn't cut it. I ordered new walking boots, and I'm hoping they come asap so I can take my walking outside. I think that might help a ton.

    I really think you should try the pool running.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    raymax4 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    raymax4 wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    I think my diet and fitness life is putting a major strain on my relationship. I can't share my passion with my partner so it feels like I don't have much to bring to the table anymore.

    I think there is much more to you that your passion for diet and fitness. What can't you share with your partner your interest in diet and fitness? What makes you feel like you have nothing to bring to the table?
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Yesterday was a lovely day. I finally got to give Phoebe a bath without fear she would shiver to death. She looked so shiny and beautiful when I left the barn.

    I ate nearly an entire bag of gourmet popcorn that someone left at the barn. Then went to dinner with a friend. No alcohol was consumed by me, but a slice of cheesecake sure was. I was definitely over calories yesterday!

    I bet Phoebe fills like a princess. Wants to go pet her shiny coat and feed her peppermints. She isn't on a diet is she. Can I fit it into her macro goals?
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    My clothes from the hike were so rank yesterday (5240 feet elevation gain, 16 miles, 25 lbs on my back) that I was embarrassed to walk into In N Out burger to feed my face after the hike...but, I was HUNGRY.

    Screw embarassment! You totally rocked that hike!!


    How many steps did you get Laura?

    I wish we had In N Out on the East Coast,

    Me, too! I've never had it!

    I'm gonna get some hate for this but I've had In N Out once when I was in Nevada and it was good but it didn't turn out to be something that I end up craving. I'd go again but usually when I think something is awesome, I end up thinking about it and craving it.The animal style fries were good and I do end up wanting those every now and then.

    I actually like 5 guys burgers and fries best from what is available near me.

    I <3 Five Guys! They are very celiac friendly and the fries....soooo yummy!
    Looks up five guys burgers on map quest. There is one in the same city as I am thinking of running a 5K. Mental calculation of wether I could fit it into my macros. Checks to see if there is an offering for a 10K, Half marathon. Wonders if I could be able to crawl in and get one if I out do myself. Realize that I probably can make it work with the 5K, Wow I need to go back to sleep.
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Myles_104 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    CosmoTI wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    CosmoTI wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Look what arrived!ag1ne0hzjqwi.jpg

    Wow, I'm so jealous. Really wish I had room in my flat for a treadmill - would probably have to give up the couch to fit it in though. Maybe then I'll actually start running instead of just thinking about it. I've entered a 5k for end of April, downloaded the C25K app and bought new trainers. Now all I have to do is actually get my backside out of the house and start!

    Ah, so you are British? Flat/trainers...

    I haven't been great lately (ever?) training but am determined that February will change that.

    Yep - guilty - I am British. So... what are the equivalent words for you guys??

    Apartment and Gym Shoes or Sneakers (depending on what part of the country you are in). Or running shoes.

    This, except here sneakers are like converse or skate shoes, and running shoes and gym shoes are like Nike, and New Balance :)

    Funny story: When my youngest was 4 we went to get him sneakers for preschool, and when we got them, he was always putting them on in the house, and when asked why he said he wanted to be a ninja, and ninjas were sneaky so he needed his sneakers on so he could sneak

    That was so cute! Kids are hysterical. I may borrow this.

    Myles, That was such a cute story. I love listening to kids talk and how they think.
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Folks: THIS is what I am doing Thursday night:

    Tee hee. I'll take pics!

    Must have pics. You will have to have someone take a picture of you dancing too. No posing allowed.
    says the Photomonger!
    I have been fudging my calorie total since October due to candy.

    Halloween candy?

    You could always take the leftovers to work & put it in the break room.

    I confess I've ate like a fat pig the past two days (Saturday/Sunday) & have gained a crazy amount of water weight. I'm mad at myself, but will get back to it today.

    I still think one of my biggest triggers is eating too early in the morning. I think I'm going to start eating around 11:00 AM for my first meal (the time might fluctuate based off my work schedule) & then eat my later meal around 7-8 at night. This way I figure I can cut down on mindless snacking & at the same time include mini snacks with my main meals.

    Sounds like a good plan. I discovered that if I don't eat protein in the morning there is no end to my hunger and snacking abilities.

    Wendy, Phoebe looks like she needs to be on a diet. She is always permanently round like she is pregnant but unlimited peppermint are always in here macros.

    Where are you doing the 5k?


    That horse had to be photo shopped. I have never seen a horse that round! It was very funny though.

    It's definitely photoshopped!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    raymax4 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    raymax4 wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    I think my diet and fitness life is putting a major strain on my relationship. I can't share my passion with my partner so it feels like I don't have much to bring to the table anymore.

    I think there is much more to you that your passion for diet and fitness. What can't you share with your partner your interest in diet and fitness? What makes you feel like you have nothing to bring to the table?
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Yesterday was a lovely day. I finally got to give Phoebe a bath without fear she would shiver to death. She looked so shiny and beautiful when I left the barn.

    I ate nearly an entire bag of gourmet popcorn that someone left at the barn. Then went to dinner with a friend. No alcohol was consumed by me, but a slice of cheesecake sure was. I was definitely over calories yesterday!

    I bet Phoebe fills like a princess. Wants to go pet her shiny coat and feed her peppermints. She isn't on a diet is she. Can I fit it into her macro goals?
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    My clothes from the hike were so rank yesterday (5240 feet elevation gain, 16 miles, 25 lbs on my back) that I was embarrassed to walk into In N Out burger to feed my face after the hike...but, I was HUNGRY.

    Screw embarassment! You totally rocked that hike!!


    How many steps did you get Laura?

    I wish we had In N Out on the East Coast,

    Me, too! I've never had it!

    I'm gonna get some hate for this but I've had In N Out once when I was in Nevada and it was good but it didn't turn out to be something that I end up craving. I'd go again but usually when I think something is awesome, I end up thinking about it and craving it.The animal style fries were good and I do end up wanting those every now and then.

    I actually like 5 guys burgers and fries best from what is available near me.

    I <3 Five Guys! They are very celiac friendly and the fries....soooo yummy!
    Looks up five guys burgers on map quest. There is one in the same city as I am thinking of running a 5K. Mental calculation of wether I could fit it into my macros. Checks to see if there is an offering for a 10K, Half marathon. Wonders if I could be able to crawl in and get one if I out do myself. Realize that I probably can make it work with the 5K, Wow I need to go back to sleep.
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Myles_104 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    CosmoTI wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    CosmoTI wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Look what arrived!ag1ne0hzjqwi.jpg

    Wow, I'm so jealous. Really wish I had room in my flat for a treadmill - would probably have to give up the couch to fit it in though. Maybe then I'll actually start running instead of just thinking about it. I've entered a 5k for end of April, downloaded the C25K app and bought new trainers. Now all I have to do is actually get my backside out of the house and start!

    Ah, so you are British? Flat/trainers...

    I haven't been great lately (ever?) training but am determined that February will change that.

    Yep - guilty - I am British. So... what are the equivalent words for you guys??

    Apartment and Gym Shoes or Sneakers (depending on what part of the country you are in). Or running shoes.

    This, except here sneakers are like converse or skate shoes, and running shoes and gym shoes are like Nike, and New Balance :)

    Funny story: When my youngest was 4 we went to get him sneakers for preschool, and when we got them, he was always putting them on in the house, and when asked why he said he wanted to be a ninja, and ninjas were sneaky so he needed his sneakers on so he could sneak

    That was so cute! Kids are hysterical. I may borrow this.

    Myles, That was such a cute story. I love listening to kids talk and how they think.
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Folks: THIS is what I am doing Thursday night:

    Tee hee. I'll take pics!

    Must have pics. You will have to have someone take a picture of you dancing too. No posing allowed.
    says the Photomonger!
    I have been fudging my calorie total since October due to candy.

    Halloween candy?

    You could always take the leftovers to work & put it in the break room.

    I confess I've ate like a fat pig the past two days (Saturday/Sunday) & have gained a crazy amount of water weight. I'm mad at myself, but will get back to it today.

    I still think one of my biggest triggers is eating too early in the morning. I think I'm going to start eating around 11:00 AM for my first meal (the time might fluctuate based off my work schedule) & then eat my later meal around 7-8 at night. This way I figure I can cut down on mindless snacking & at the same time include mini snacks with my main meals.

    Sounds like a good plan. I discovered that if I don't eat protein in the morning there is no end to my hunger and snacking abilities.

    Wendy, Phoebe looks like she needs to be on a diet. She is always permanently round like she is pregnant but unlimited peppermint are always in here macros.

    Where are you doing the 5k?

    I was looking at the Haltom Stampede Feb 13 but could not seem to register. It seems there are several different run clubs that you have to subscribe to before you register for a race. Is there any you think are better than others?
    What I see is,,, races, and run

    I found Carrollton runners club. that is not to far from here that has 5K races on the third and last Sunday of the month. Hubby and I signed up to have 12 races each with them and are waiting for our packets which will have timing clips. When we get that we can sign up for the actual races. On the third Sunday of the month they have a Prediction race, You try to predict the time of our race. You are not allowed to have any time keeping device on you during the race and whomever comes closest to the actual race time is the winner. Sounds interesting.
    The last Sunday of the month is Family fun runs.
    I'll see how it goes.

    I like the sound of the prediction race. That would be fun. Most races don't require a running club membership? I am surprised you are finding that. I use a variety of sites including those above. Over time I have also signed up for various local newsletters too. So I get a lot of alerts.
  • WestCoastJo82
    WestCoastJo82 Posts: 2,304 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Bry_Lander wrote: »
    Superbowl confession: I don't give a rat's a** about the commercials, and would fast forward through them if I wasn't watching it live

    Being in advertising that is all I care about. I'll watch them on YouTube after the game.

    Some are already out!

    Yes, we will spend all of class Monday morning discussing these...
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    I confess I just ate a vegetarian burrito with guacamole from Qdoba in the airport. I will not be under calories. But it was good!

  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    POF, why did you gain so much when you were vegan? What were you eating? I was vegan for 10ish years and lost a little at first but then maintained without ever counting a calorie. I can't imagine gaining...

    I ate hummus all the time. Like...all the time. Plus I don't cook so bread, french fries at restaurants when that was the only option. Lots of nuts. Guacamole. Ironically now that I am back eating dairy and seafood I am mostly vegan and eat much better and am maintaining (after losing what I gained). I rarely eat anything with dairy and fish.

    That is why I have been thinking of trying vegan again. I think I'll be more successful. .

    I was vegetarian 20 years and Vegan for 5. I'm still mostly vegan except butter, honey and 1-2 meals a week that have meat. Mostly with TK.

    I love hummus and guac and nuts but don't do breads even gf beads.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Bry_Lander wrote: »
    Superbowl confession: I don't give a rat's a** about the commercials, and would fast forward through them if I wasn't watching it live

    Being in advertising that is all I care about. I'll watch them on YouTube after the game.

    Some are already out!

    Yes, we will spend all of class Monday morning discussing these...

    I can imagine. I'm a bit jealous. I want to go to your class!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    I confess I just ate a vegetarian burrito with guacamole from Qdoba in the airport. I will not be under calories. But it was good!


    It was. 950 calories of yum. Oh well I have a half marathon trail run tomorrow I'll burn it off.
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Speaking of soda knock-offs, I love that the Hannaford version of Dr. Pepper is Dr. Perky and their Mt. Dew is Mt. Lion! Ha!

    Hahaha. Mt. Lion is amazing! That made me laugh out loud at work.

    Isn't it awesome!? Tim and I laughed so hard when we first saw it!