

  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    Happy birthday, @Oberon21!!!
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    I have a pre-organised confession.

    Danny will be away Friday night and I fully intend on getting Chinese food and nice chocolates in. :)

    That sounds fabulous. Yum.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Good thing I'm not celebrating Lent... I just had 6 Bluebird chocolates and 5 Dove hearts. Off to log it. :/

    My eating is out of control...

    I'm not sure "celebrating" is the word for Lent, but I appreciate the sentiment. I have kept Lent for all of my adult life and this is the first year I have really wanted the thing I gave up. I have a candy problem when I am stressed.

    I am dying to watch movies, if that helps any. I don't even remember the last time I went so long without a movie! I always crave what I gave up....if I do, it was not much of a sacrifice, right?

    I always want it, so I spoke badly, but I never seriously consider having it and this year I am. It's a combination of stress about my job and lack of sleep due to working overtime to reduce the stress at my job. I keep hearing this tempting little voice, "chocolate would wake you up." it is not true. Only sleeping 7 hours a night helps, but I'm feeling weak with 11 days left.

    NO CHOCOLATE FOR YOU!!! (I ate it all :'()
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Happy birthday, POF!!!

    Get better, lil Andrew.

    Morning, all. Deep into trial prep for next week. Busy freaking days. Ugh.
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    Man!! I totally missed 2017 and I was tagged too!! Well I guess that is what happens when you are taking your husband to the ER for all kinds of stuff that he feels is enough to make him go to the doctor. Dizziness, brain fog( no concentration or focus) vertigo, nausea. He has a resting heart rate in the mid forties that sometimes dips to the upper 30s. We get to visit a cardiologist now. Yay. Hope he gets some answers soon.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »
    Man!! I totally missed 2017 and I was tagged too!! Well I guess that is what happens when you are taking your husband to the ER for all kinds of stuff that he feels is enough to make him go to the doctor. Dizziness, brain fog( no concentration or focus) vertigo, nausea. He has a resting heart rate in the mid forties that sometimes dips to the upper 30s. We get to visit a cardiologist now. Yay. Hope he gets some answers soon.

    Yikes, that's scary! Praying for Mr. Crosby.
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »
    Man!! I totally missed 2017 and I was tagged too!! Well I guess that is what happens when you are taking your husband to the ER for all kinds of stuff that he feels is enough to make him go to the doctor. Dizziness, brain fog( no concentration or focus) vertigo, nausea. He has a resting heart rate in the mid forties that sometimes dips to the upper 30s. We get to visit a cardiologist now. Yay. Hope he gets some answers soon.

    <3 I'll be thinking of you both
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Happy birthday, @Oberon21!!!

    Merci Beaucoup! Stay strong on Reeses!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Happy birthday, POF!!!

    Get better, lil Andrew.

    Morning, all. Deep into trial prep for next week. Busy freaking days. Ugh.

    Thank you! Cool on trial prep. Can we get some shots of you in court??? Looking all official and officer like?
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    edited April 2017
    Here is my confession....

    I had to skip my riding lesson last night to work on a presentation for this AM (which then got cancelled....) and I decided to celebrate my birthday early. I bought a bottle of champagne (yep, sober streak broken, Quik), a package of Nutter Butters and I sat working on updating the presentation while drinking champagne and eating nutter butters and watching NCIS on Netflix for an early birthday night.

    Might sound sad but it was rather pleasant. I enjoyed myself. :)

    So here is my new personal challenge.... #fabulousfit50. I have one year to get my butt in shape for 50. I want to look amazing for that milestone! So back to no drinking and I need to get my butt in gear training!

    How did I get to be 50??? Or rather 49....
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »
    Man!! I totally missed 2017 and I was tagged too!! Well I guess that is what happens when you are taking your husband to the ER for all kinds of stuff that he feels is enough to make him go to the doctor. Dizziness, brain fog( no concentration or focus) vertigo, nausea. He has a resting heart rate in the mid forties that sometimes dips to the upper 30s. We get to visit a cardiologist now. Yay. Hope he gets some answers soon.

    Yikes, that's scary! Praying for Mr. Crosby.

    Ditto! Hope he is ok!
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »
    Man!! I totally missed 2017 and I was tagged too!! Well I guess that is what happens when you are taking your husband to the ER for all kinds of stuff that he feels is enough to make him go to the doctor. Dizziness, brain fog( no concentration or focus) vertigo, nausea. He has a resting heart rate in the mid forties that sometimes dips to the upper 30s. We get to visit a cardiologist now. Yay. Hope he gets some answers soon.

    (clicks non-existent dislike button) Hugs and prayers
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Here is my confession....

    I had to skip my riding lesson last night to work on a presentation for this AM (which then got cancelled....) and I decided to celebrate my birthday early. I bought a bottle of champagne (yep, sober streak broken, Quik), a package of Nutter Butters and I sat working on updating the presentation while drinking champagne and eating nutter butters and watching NCIS on Netflix for an early birthday night.

    Might sound sad but it was rather pleasant. I enjoyed myself. :)

    So here is my new personal challenge.... #fabulousfit50. I have one year to get my butt in shape for 50. I want to look amazing for that milestone! So back to no drinking and I need to get my butt in gear training!

    How did I get to be 50??? Or rather 49....

    By aging gracefully, of course.
  • MsFlabULess
    MsFlabULess Posts: 224 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Here is my confession....

    I had to skip my riding lesson last night to work on a presentation for this AM (which then got cancelled....) and I decided to celebrate my birthday early. I bought a bottle of champagne (yep, sober streak broken, Quik), a package of Nutter Butters and I sat working on updating the presentation while drinking champagne and eating nutter butters and watching NCIS on Netflix for an early birthday night.

    Might sound sad but it was rather pleasant. I enjoyed myself. :)

    So here is my new personal challenge.... #fabulousfit50. I have one year to get my butt in shape for 50. I want to look amazing for that milestone! So back to no drinking and I need to get my butt in gear training!

    How did I get to be 50??? Or rather 49....

  • MsFlabULess
    MsFlabULess Posts: 224 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »
    Man!! I totally missed 2017 and I was tagged too!! Well I guess that is what happens when you are taking your husband to the ER for all kinds of stuff that he feels is enough to make him go to the doctor. Dizziness, brain fog( no concentration or focus) vertigo, nausea. He has a resting heart rate in the mid forties that sometimes dips to the upper 30s. We get to visit a cardiologist now. Yay. Hope he gets some answers soon.

    Ya'll are in my thoughts and prayers!!
  • MsFlabULess
    MsFlabULess Posts: 224 Member
    I get to go from being on vacation for 11 days to a 2 day training when I get back that I know nothing about...happy days! :neutral: I really hope I can keep away from the Swedish fish today and the peanut M&Ms but I can't make any promises about staying out of the apple crumb coffee cake someone brought it ughhh. I'm just ready to start my vacation so I can stuff my face and wash it all down with HUGE liquory drinks :smirk:
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    I get to go from being on vacation for 11 days to a 2 day training when I get back that I know nothing about...happy days! :neutral: I really hope I can keep away from the Swedish fish today and the peanut M&Ms but I can't make any promises about staying out of the apple crumb coffee cake someone brought it ughhh. I'm just ready to start my vacation so I can stuff my face and wash it all down with HUGE liquory drinks :smirk:

    Enjoy your vacation! I think a training class coming back is a nice transition back!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Here is my confession....

    I had to skip my riding lesson last night to work on a presentation for this AM (which then got cancelled....) and I decided to celebrate my birthday early. I bought a bottle of champagne (yep, sober streak broken, Quik), a package of Nutter Butters and I sat working on updating the presentation while drinking champagne and eating nutter butters and watching NCIS on Netflix for an early birthday night.

    Might sound sad but it was rather pleasant. I enjoyed myself. :)

    So here is my new personal challenge.... #fabulousfit50. I have one year to get my butt in shape for 50. I want to look amazing for that milestone! So back to no drinking and I need to get my butt in gear training!

    How did I get to be 50??? Or rather 49....


    Thank you!
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Here is my confession....

    I had to skip my riding lesson last night to work on a presentation for this AM (which then got cancelled....) and I decided to celebrate my birthday early. I bought a bottle of champagne (yep, sober streak broken, Quik), a package of Nutter Butters and I sat working on updating the presentation while drinking champagne and eating nutter butters and watching NCIS on Netflix for an early birthday night.

    Might sound sad but it was rather pleasant. I enjoyed myself. :)

    So here is my new personal challenge.... #fabulousfit50. I have one year to get my butt in shape for 50. I want to look amazing for that milestone! So back to no drinking and I need to get my butt in gear training!

    How did I get to be 50??? Or rather 49....

    WHAT!? You don't look anywhere near 50! And I've seen you in real life!

    BTW you already look fabulous, I don't know what you're talking about.