

  • raymax4
    raymax4 Posts: 6,070 Member
    raymax4 wrote: »
    JessicaMcB wrote: »
    Congrats @spamarie <3 ! My husband keeps bringing up wanting to do that for a fourth time, oy vey

    Thanks @MelissaPhippsFeagins, you are so much tougher than Reese's- and sweeter too ;)

    I confess my eating needs to get reigned back in but my running times are so good lately that I am having trouble getting it together. I have everything meal prepped for tomorrow and Thursday to start cutting again. The fact that I cannot wake up and look like a Runner's World model is brutally unfair ;)

    Judie's on your run times!

    How did auto correct get Judie's from kudos?
  • raymax4
    raymax4 Posts: 6,070 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    I have a pre-organised confession.

    Danny will be away Friday night and I fully intend on getting Chinese food and nice chocolates in. :)

  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    I'm a nut for Diet Pepsi, almost on the level of Mo's obsesh with Dr. Pepper. So whenever I read "DP", I think Diet Pepsi. As it should be. ;)

  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    raymax4 wrote: »
    raymax4 wrote: »
    JessicaMcB wrote: »
    Congrats @spamarie <3 ! My husband keeps bringing up wanting to do that for a fourth time, oy vey

    Thanks @MelissaPhippsFeagins, you are so much tougher than Reese's- and sweeter too ;)

    I confess my eating needs to get reigned back in but my running times are so good lately that I am having trouble getting it together. I have everything meal prepped for tomorrow and Thursday to start cutting again. The fact that I cannot wake up and look like a Runner's World model is brutally unfair ;)

    Judie's on your run times!

    How did auto correct get Judie's from kudos?

    I don't know, but it's funny.
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    Bleurgh sour cream. I also hate mayo, and ketchup. I am a condiment hater.

    That is good! They just add needless calories.

    You spelled necessary wrong. :wink:
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    JessicaMcB wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    Today is pretty much day three of working after sleeping on the couch all night. I am a light sleeper and my husband's snoring has gotten worse as of late. I know it bothers him when I do it, but I cannot lay in bed awake all night. Any suggestions other than the usual melatonin and magnesium?

    I kick mine a lot lol . I know for my husband though it's a weight thing, when he is sub 200's we don't have this issue. Hang in there!

    I found some earplugs online that I am going to try out. I think it might take a bit though as they are being shipped from across the pond! I also spend a lot of time kicking or pushing him to turn over. Problem with him, he snores in any position.
    Lois, I will be trying the magnesium citrate you recommended in the Cave. Who knows? I wish I could convince him to have a sleep study done.

    Dittoing all of the bolded. I have ended up sleeping on the sofa, and he felt bad and told me to wake him up and he will sleep on the sofa. Then I feel bad. He keeps telling me to record it so he can hear it, but I don't have the heart!

    I got my magnesium citrate through the post today, they are fecking HUGE! I don't know how I'm going to swallow them. You can have up to 400mg, but I'm going to start with 1 pill and go up.

    The mag citrate I bought came in softgels, so I hope they won't be a problem. Good luck. I know I have a hard time with large pills if they are not coated.

    They are coated, but I have an issue with pills. I kind of panic and my throat freezes up. Then I try and swallow and all I swallow is the water and the pill is still in my mouth so I have to get more water etc. I got there in the end, its a bit like stage fright, but swallowing pills. Once I've done it a couple of times I'll probably get over it.
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    JessicaMcB wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    Today is pretty much day three of working after sleeping on the couch all night. I am a light sleeper and my husband's snoring has gotten worse as of late. I know it bothers him when I do it, but I cannot lay in bed awake all night. Any suggestions other than the usual melatonin and magnesium?

    I kick mine a lot lol . I know for my husband though it's a weight thing, when he is sub 200's we don't have this issue. Hang in there!

    I found some earplugs online that I am going to try out. I think it might take a bit though as they are being shipped from across the pond! I also spend a lot of time kicking or pushing him to turn over. Problem with him, he snores in any position.
    Lois, I will be trying the magnesium citrate you recommended in the Cave. Who knows? I wish I could convince him to have a sleep study done.

    Dittoing all of the bolded. I have ended up sleeping on the sofa, and he felt bad and told me to wake him up and he will sleep on the sofa. Then I feel bad. He keeps telling me to record it so he can hear it, but I don't have the heart!

    I got my magnesium citrate through the post today, they are fecking HUGE! I don't know how I'm going to swallow them. You can have up to 400mg, but I'm going to start with 1 pill and go up.

    The mag citrate I bought came in softgels, so I hope they won't be a problem. Good luck. I know I have a hard time with large pills if they are not coated.

    They are coated, but I have an issue with pills. I kind of panic and my throat freezes up. Then I try and swallow and all I swallow is the water and the pill is still in my mouth so I have to get more water etc. I got there in the end, its a bit like stage fright, but swallowing pills. Once I've done it a couple of times I'll probably get over it.

    Your little sister has the same problem. She gets so worked up she'll start crying sometimes. She's a lunatic.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    OMG! So here comes the creeper post! I was late to the party...majorly a year! I could not jump in and post until I read the ENTIRE thread...yes the ENTIRE THING :neutral: !!! Start to finish! I just finished right now. Creeper fact #2 I feel like I know all of you haha! I could probably tell you 90% of everyone's names and write up an about me (weird I know). I was going to go back and quote the trash bag thing just cause but decided against it even though I used to wear a sauna suit...just the top...the first time I attempted to lose weight. So less with the creepy and more with the confessions! I'm not a binge eater I'm more of a grazer, I like to look and recipes and food menus all the time...yes I know weird, I have finished all of something without even realizing it until I go to put down the fork and put it away and its gone! Sweets are my weakness! Cookies, cakes, donuts you name it! Lets see....I've hidden in closets to eat snacks so I wouldn't have to share with my kids, I've cried over food on several occasions. That's all I can think of for now sooooo...ya hi I'm Taylor!! :smiley:

    Hi, Taylor!!! I'd be very interested to hear your write up about me.

    I've hidden in my closet eating cookies so I wouldn't have to share. I've also cried over food more times than I can count. :neutral:

    Well I know that you loooove friends, your daughter's name is Rachel, you went on a ....I think late.... honeymoon to FL, you live in KS (I have family in KS my mom is from there), you were afraid to start SL but once you started you fell in love...your hubby too, you like bacon cheeseburgers as much as I do, the feature you like most about yourself is your butt! That's all I can think of right now haha :neutral: told ya!

    Whoa, that's crazy! @MoHousdon look how well she got you covered! (She forgot Dr. Pepper though.)

    Awesome job, @MsFlabULess! ;) What would you write about me? :p

    Ya'll are right I did forget Dr. Pepper haha! Susie I know that you hate when people spell your name Suzie and that you love to grocery shop. You love to bake and are a sweets addict like me! You don't like cuss words, you were working hard to lose weight to get a fit bit, I don't remember the name of your disorder but when you get a flare up you can't walk and mostly bed ridden, Your birthday is October, and you had the cutest little kitty before you got married. That's all I remember for now lol.

    I'm going to be know as the creepy stalker lady of the group sigh...

    Oooh, do me! Do me!
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    OMG! So here comes the creeper post! I was late to the party...majorly a year! I could not jump in and post until I read the ENTIRE thread...yes the ENTIRE THING :neutral: !!! Start to finish! I just finished right now. Creeper fact #2 I feel like I know all of you haha! I could probably tell you 90% of everyone's names and write up an about me (weird I know). I was going to go back and quote the trash bag thing just cause but decided against it even though I used to wear a sauna suit...just the top...the first time I attempted to lose weight. So less with the creepy and more with the confessions! I'm not a binge eater I'm more of a grazer, I like to look and recipes and food menus all the time...yes I know weird, I have finished all of something without even realizing it until I go to put down the fork and put it away and its gone! Sweets are my weakness! Cookies, cakes, donuts you name it! Lets see....I've hidden in closets to eat snacks so I wouldn't have to share with my kids, I've cried over food on several occasions. That's all I can think of for now sooooo...ya hi I'm Taylor!! :smiley:

    Hi, Taylor!!! I'd be very interested to hear your write up about me.

    I've hidden in my closet eating cookies so I wouldn't have to share. I've also cried over food more times than I can count. :neutral:

    Well I know that you loooove friends, your daughter's name is Rachel, you went on a ....I think late.... honeymoon to FL, you live in KS (I have family in KS my mom is from there), you were afraid to start SL but once you started you fell in love...your hubby too, you like bacon cheeseburgers as much as I do, the feature you like most about yourself is your butt! That's all I can think of right now haha :neutral: told ya!

    Whoa, that's crazy! @MoHousdon look how well she got you covered! (She forgot Dr. Pepper though.)

    Awesome job, @MsFlabULess! ;) What would you write about me? :p

    Ya'll are right I did forget Dr. Pepper haha! Susie I know that you hate when people spell your name Suzie and that you love to grocery shop. You love to bake and are a sweets addict like me! You don't like cuss words, you were working hard to lose weight to get a fit bit, I don't remember the name of your disorder but when you get a flare up you can't walk and mostly bed ridden, Your birthday is October, and you had the cutest little kitty before you got married. That's all I remember for now lol.

    I'm going to be know as the creepy stalker lady of the group sigh...

    Your memory is crazy! Well done!!
  • MsFlabULess
    MsFlabULess Posts: 224 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    OMG! So here comes the creeper post! I was late to the party...majorly a year! I could not jump in and post until I read the ENTIRE thread...yes the ENTIRE THING :neutral: !!! Start to finish! I just finished right now. Creeper fact #2 I feel like I know all of you haha! I could probably tell you 90% of everyone's names and write up an about me (weird I know). I was going to go back and quote the trash bag thing just cause but decided against it even though I used to wear a sauna suit...just the top...the first time I attempted to lose weight. So less with the creepy and more with the confessions! I'm not a binge eater I'm more of a grazer, I like to look and recipes and food menus all the time...yes I know weird, I have finished all of something without even realizing it until I go to put down the fork and put it away and its gone! Sweets are my weakness! Cookies, cakes, donuts you name it! Lets see....I've hidden in closets to eat snacks so I wouldn't have to share with my kids, I've cried over food on several occasions. That's all I can think of for now sooooo...ya hi I'm Taylor!! :smiley:

    Hi, Taylor!!! I'd be very interested to hear your write up about me.

    I've hidden in my closet eating cookies so I wouldn't have to share. I've also cried over food more times than I can count. :neutral:

    Well I know that you loooove friends, your daughter's name is Rachel, you went on a ....I think late.... honeymoon to FL, you live in KS (I have family in KS my mom is from there), you were afraid to start SL but once you started you fell in love...your hubby too, you like bacon cheeseburgers as much as I do, the feature you like most about yourself is your butt! That's all I can think of right now haha :neutral: told ya!

    Whoa, that's crazy! @MoHousdon look how well she got you covered! (She forgot Dr. Pepper though.)

    Awesome job, @MsFlabULess! ;) What would you write about me? :p

    Ya'll are right I did forget Dr. Pepper haha! Susie I know that you hate when people spell your name Suzie and that you love to grocery shop. You love to bake and are a sweets addict like me! You don't like cuss words, you were working hard to lose weight to get a fit bit, I don't remember the name of your disorder but when you get a flare up you can't walk and mostly bed ridden, Your birthday is October, and you had the cutest little kitty before you got married. That's all I remember for now lol.

    I'm going to be know as the creepy stalker lady of the group sigh...

    Your memory is crazy! Well done!!

    Funny thing is...I have a TERRIBLE memory! My short term memory is....well I don't have one haha! Maybe since I read all this stuff a long time ago is the reason I can remember it. IDK it's weird honestly!
  • MsFlabULess
    MsFlabULess Posts: 224 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    OMG! So here comes the creeper post! I was late to the party...majorly a year! I could not jump in and post until I read the ENTIRE thread...yes the ENTIRE THING :neutral: !!! Start to finish! I just finished right now. Creeper fact #2 I feel like I know all of you haha! I could probably tell you 90% of everyone's names and write up an about me (weird I know). I was going to go back and quote the trash bag thing just cause but decided against it even though I used to wear a sauna suit...just the top...the first time I attempted to lose weight. So less with the creepy and more with the confessions! I'm not a binge eater I'm more of a grazer, I like to look and recipes and food menus all the time...yes I know weird, I have finished all of something without even realizing it until I go to put down the fork and put it away and its gone! Sweets are my weakness! Cookies, cakes, donuts you name it! Lets see....I've hidden in closets to eat snacks so I wouldn't have to share with my kids, I've cried over food on several occasions. That's all I can think of for now sooooo...ya hi I'm Taylor!! :smiley:

    Hi, Taylor!!! I'd be very interested to hear your write up about me.

    I've hidden in my closet eating cookies so I wouldn't have to share. I've also cried over food more times than I can count. :neutral:

    Well I know that you loooove friends, your daughter's name is Rachel, you went on a ....I think late.... honeymoon to FL, you live in KS (I have family in KS my mom is from there), you were afraid to start SL but once you started you fell in love...your hubby too, you like bacon cheeseburgers as much as I do, the feature you like most about yourself is your butt! That's all I can think of right now haha :neutral: told ya!

    Whoa, that's crazy! @MoHousdon look how well she got you covered! (She forgot Dr. Pepper though.)

    Awesome job, @MsFlabULess! ;) What would you write about me? :p

    Ya'll are right I did forget Dr. Pepper haha! Susie I know that you hate when people spell your name Suzie and that you love to grocery shop. You love to bake and are a sweets addict like me! You don't like cuss words, you were working hard to lose weight to get a fit bit, I don't remember the name of your disorder but when you get a flare up you can't walk and mostly bed ridden, Your birthday is October, and you had the cutest little kitty before you got married. That's all I remember for now lol.

    I'm going to be know as the creepy stalker lady of the group sigh...

    Oooh, do me! Do me!

    You're name is Tami (don't know if I spelled it right) you're a cop and so is your husband. You have one Son and you died his hair pink (I think it was pink) to go see pro wrestling, you live in Boise, you took a trip to Oregon I think it was, you're a college football fan, you love Cadbury cream eggs, your favorite ice cream is the tonight dough by BJ's, you lift in're a tough one haha that's all I can think of!
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    edited April 2017
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    OMG! So here comes the creeper post! I was late to the party...majorly a year! I could not jump in and post until I read the ENTIRE thread...yes the ENTIRE THING :neutral: !!! Start to finish! I just finished right now. Creeper fact #2 I feel like I know all of you haha! I could probably tell you 90% of everyone's names and write up an about me (weird I know). I was going to go back and quote the trash bag thing just cause but decided against it even though I used to wear a sauna suit...just the top...the first time I attempted to lose weight. So less with the creepy and more with the confessions! I'm not a binge eater I'm more of a grazer, I like to look and recipes and food menus all the time...yes I know weird, I have finished all of something without even realizing it until I go to put down the fork and put it away and its gone! Sweets are my weakness! Cookies, cakes, donuts you name it! Lets see....I've hidden in closets to eat snacks so I wouldn't have to share with my kids, I've cried over food on several occasions. That's all I can think of for now sooooo...ya hi I'm Taylor!! :smiley:

    Hi, Taylor!!! I'd be very interested to hear your write up about me.

    I've hidden in my closet eating cookies so I wouldn't have to share. I've also cried over food more times than I can count. :neutral:

    Well I know that you loooove friends, your daughter's name is Rachel, you went on a ....I think late.... honeymoon to FL, you live in KS (I have family in KS my mom is from there), you were afraid to start SL but once you started you fell in love...your hubby too, you like bacon cheeseburgers as much as I do, the feature you like most about yourself is your butt! That's all I can think of right now haha :neutral: told ya!

    Whoa, that's crazy! @MoHousdon look how well she got you covered! (She forgot Dr. Pepper though.)

    Awesome job, @MsFlabULess! ;) What would you write about me? :p

    Ya'll are right I did forget Dr. Pepper haha! Susie I know that you hate when people spell your name Suzie and that you love to grocery shop. You love to bake and are a sweets addict like me! You don't like cuss words, you were working hard to lose weight to get a fit bit, I don't remember the name of your disorder but when you get a flare up you can't walk and mostly bed ridden, Your birthday is October, and you had the cutest little kitty before you got married. That's all I remember for now lol.

    I'm going to be know as the creepy stalker lady of the group sigh...

    Oooh, do me! Do me!

    You're name is Tami (don't know if I spelled it right) you're a cop and so is your husband. You have one Son and you died his hair pink (I think it was pink) to go see pro wrestling, you live in Boise, you took a trip to Oregon I think it was, you're a college football fan, you love Cadbury cream eggs, your favorite ice cream is the tonight dough by BJ's, you lift in're a tough one haha that's all I can think of!

    Love it! Correct on spelling. Son dyes his hair all kinds of colors, for all kinds of reasons. MMA, not pro-wrestling. Boise State Broncos. Cadbury MINI-eggs, not cream eggs (big difference for me). And PINK chucks. :D:p;)
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    edited April 2017
    I'm going to do a little experiment on myself...

    The last week or so, I've been sick of plain water. So, I've been drinking Crystal Light. During this same time, I've been craving chocolate like crazy. So, I'm going back to plain water and see what happens.

    Disclaimer - the last week has also been TOM, so this is obviously not a closed system experiment. :D
  • MsFlabULess
    MsFlabULess Posts: 224 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    OMG! So here comes the creeper post! I was late to the party...majorly a year! I could not jump in and post until I read the ENTIRE thread...yes the ENTIRE THING :neutral: !!! Start to finish! I just finished right now. Creeper fact #2 I feel like I know all of you haha! I could probably tell you 90% of everyone's names and write up an about me (weird I know). I was going to go back and quote the trash bag thing just cause but decided against it even though I used to wear a sauna suit...just the top...the first time I attempted to lose weight. So less with the creepy and more with the confessions! I'm not a binge eater I'm more of a grazer, I like to look and recipes and food menus all the time...yes I know weird, I have finished all of something without even realizing it until I go to put down the fork and put it away and its gone! Sweets are my weakness! Cookies, cakes, donuts you name it! Lets see....I've hidden in closets to eat snacks so I wouldn't have to share with my kids, I've cried over food on several occasions. That's all I can think of for now sooooo...ya hi I'm Taylor!! :smiley:

    Hi, Taylor!!! I'd be very interested to hear your write up about me.

    I've hidden in my closet eating cookies so I wouldn't have to share. I've also cried over food more times than I can count. :neutral:

    Well I know that you loooove friends, your daughter's name is Rachel, you went on a ....I think late.... honeymoon to FL, you live in KS (I have family in KS my mom is from there), you were afraid to start SL but once you started you fell in love...your hubby too, you like bacon cheeseburgers as much as I do, the feature you like most about yourself is your butt! That's all I can think of right now haha :neutral: told ya!

    Whoa, that's crazy! @MoHousdon look how well she got you covered! (She forgot Dr. Pepper though.)

    Awesome job, @MsFlabULess! ;) What would you write about me? :p

    Ya'll are right I did forget Dr. Pepper haha! Susie I know that you hate when people spell your name Suzie and that you love to grocery shop. You love to bake and are a sweets addict like me! You don't like cuss words, you were working hard to lose weight to get a fit bit, I don't remember the name of your disorder but when you get a flare up you can't walk and mostly bed ridden, Your birthday is October, and you had the cutest little kitty before you got married. That's all I remember for now lol.

    I'm going to be know as the creepy stalker lady of the group sigh...

    Oooh, do me! Do me!

    You're name is Tami (don't know if I spelled it right) you're a cop and so is your husband. You have one Son and you died his hair pink (I think it was pink) to go see pro wrestling, you live in Boise, you took a trip to Oregon I think it was, you're a college football fan, you love Cadbury cream eggs, your favorite ice cream is the tonight dough by BJ's, you lift in're a tough one haha that's all I can think of!

    Love it! Correct on spelling. Son dyes his hair all kinds of colors, for all kinds of reasons. MMA, not pro-wrestling. Boise State Broncos. Cadbury MINI-eggs, not cream eggs (big difference for me). And PINK chucks. :D:p;)

    Well at least I got the jist lol
  • MsFlabULess
    MsFlabULess Posts: 224 Member
    I'm going to do a little experiment on myself...

    The last week or so, I've been sick of plain water. So, I've been drinking Crystal Light. During this same time, I've been craving chocolate like crazy. So, I'm going back to plain water and see what happens.

    Disclaimer - the last week has also been TOM, so this is obviously not a closed system experiment. :D

    I've been using the diet Snapple packets for my 3rd bottle of water because by the time I get to that one I'm so tired of water but that helps me get it down...I look forward to my juice haha
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    I'm going to do a little experiment on myself...

    The last week or so, I've been sick of plain water. So, I've been drinking Crystal Light. During this same time, I've been craving chocolate like crazy. So, I'm going back to plain water and see what happens.

    Disclaimer - the last week has also been TOM, so this is obviously not a closed system experiment. :D

    I've been using the diet Snapple packets for my 3rd bottle of water because by the time I get to that one I'm so tired of water but that helps me get it down...I look forward to my juice haha

  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    I'm loving the Taylor-summaries. I suspect mine would read 'weird Brit who constantly moans about pregnancy' since that's what consumed 2015 for me and I think I disappeared in 2016 after having him. Apologies in advance if 2017 is a bit of a repeat!
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    I am a freak who loves plain tap water. I don't want my drink messing with my food's flavour. But this probably isn't a surprise coming from Spam 'hold the sauce' Marie.
  • JessicaMcB
    JessicaMcB Posts: 1,503 Member
    @spamarie I had 3 under 3, it's honestly not as bad as people will lead you to believe. You'll do fine!
  • MsFlabULess
    MsFlabULess Posts: 224 Member
    spamarie wrote: »
    I'm loving the Taylor-summaries. I suspect mine would read 'weird Brit who constantly moans about pregnancy' since that's what consumed 2015 for me and I think I disappeared in 2016 after having him. Apologies in advance if 2017 is a bit of a repeat!

    And that you love to swim! :smile: