

  • deluxmary2000
    deluxmary2000 Posts: 981 Member
    I would say I only drink an average of 6-8 oz of water a day (unless I have a tough workout). I'm probably chronically dehydrated, but I never feel thirsty. EVERY YEAR (and multiple times throughout the year), I resolve to drink more water, and never ever do.
  • Nikki_42
    Nikki_42 Posts: 298 Member
    Okay here goes...if I have a night out with the girls and I'm drinking, I'll sometimes log the calories as "misc." so people don't judge how much I've had to drink. It's a rare thing to get that crazy, but it still looks bad logging like 7 shots.
  • jessicapk
    jessicapk Posts: 574 Member
    sssgilber wrote: »
    Used to eat:
    Raw oatmeal and brown sugar, about half and half
    Raw macaroni soaked in a little water
    Raw pie crust sticks

    I still have a thing for cookie dough, cake batter, raw cinnamon rolls, etc. When a recipe says "Makes 3 dozen", I may get get 1 dozen in the oven. Salmonella, I laugh in your face!

    He he he... I do this... I love undercooked or down right raw foods! Beef, dough, batter, love it! I figure exposure increases immunity so we should be safe :smile:
  • junestarrr
    junestarrr Posts: 52 Member
    junestarrr wrote: »
    I hop on the scale every. single. time after using the bathroom at home.

    For shame.

    But do you hop on before, so you know how much you lost? ;)

  • berlynnwall
    berlynnwall Posts: 669 Member
    If I am hungry and know that I will go over if I eat anything good, I will just eat like 8 pickles, because they taste good to me and have 0 calories. My sodium is way too high.

    I do not live in a city that has courteous cyclists or good bike lanes. Cyclists here ride on the sidewalk even when there is room on the street, and don't call out until they are right next to you and about to run you down - even if you are walking with small children.

    Many of them also ride in huge groups NOT in single file in the busy part of downtown and on one lane roads and block and hold up traffic for ever... so now I have this angry reaction every time I see a cyclist near me whether I'm walking or driving. I know it's not 100% of them who are awful, but I have this emotional hatred reaction to them now and I often feel like telling the bad ones off (even though I never would because I am ridiculously shy).
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,553 Member
    AllTheNoms wrote: »
    I used to make butter sandwiches. Butter? Good. Bread? Good.

    It really is a wonder how I ended up overweight.

    I can go one step further, my brother and I once ate 13 pieces of toast each with butter and sugar. We used to call it bean toast as is (bien toast).

    I use to buy cinnamon-raisin bread and easily eat half the loaf (or more) toasted with TONS of butter on each piece.

    Hooray, self control :open_mouth:
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    Once every week or two I buy a dozen chocolate donuts, get to the office early & leave them in the break room anonymously, and get grim satisfaction out of watching the same people who say to me "I need to eat like you" chow down.

    You have your own reasons and I'm not implying anything about you, please understand.

    That said, overfeeding other people with treats is a *classic* ED symptom. I've done it; I've watched other people do it. It feeds your food obsession on one hand, and on the other, if other people get fatter you look thinner by comparison.

    Not wanting to fall into that trap again is a big reason I don't bake anymore. :(

    For reals?
  • AllTheNoms
    AllTheNoms Posts: 135 Member
    AllTheNoms wrote: »
    I used to make butter sandwiches. Butter? Good. Bread? Good.

    It really is a wonder how I ended up overweight.

    I can go one step further, my brother and I once ate 13 pieces of toast each with butter and sugar. We used to call it bean toast as is (bien toast).

    I use to buy cinnamon-raisin bread and easily eat half the loaf (or more) toasted with TONS of butter on each piece.

    Hooray, self control :open_mouth:

  • jessicapk
    jessicapk Posts: 574 Member
    When I've had a really bad day, calorie wise, if I think I can average it out through the week, I'll move 100-200 calories worth of food to each day afterward until I'm in the green. Like, if I ate 7 cookies and went over my calorie goal, I'll log one of them into each day for the rest of the week until today's goal is green... And that is my "placeholder" for those calories for the rest of the week to make sure I reverse the damage completely. ;)

    THAT is a great idea! I use the weekly nutrition tool on the app to see how I'm looking on a weekly basis but, when it's out of sight, it's out of mind. This would remind me that I need to make up for it on a daily basis!
  • Chapnau
    Chapnau Posts: 17 Member
    My youngest (and last) is starting to wean. Rather than get misty over closing this chapter of motherhood, my first thought was, "Hells, no, you can't stop nursing - mama wants those extra 250 calories each day!"
  • dunadan
    dunadan Posts: 105 Member
    First confession: My wife bought a tub of pre-made cookie dough so she could quickly make some cookies for guests (and to make the house smell wonderful). After making a dozen, the tub has sat in the fridge for a week now...and I grab a spoon most nights and go down for a couple (oh hell, this is a confession thread, right?) six or seven spoonfuls of the doughy yumminess.

    At first, I reasoned, "She won't be able to tell that there is any missing," but after a solid week of this, there's no disguising the fact that the tub is more than half empty. I'm waiting for the night she goes to make another batch, and realizes that so much is missing.

    Second confession: I have considered buying another tub of the exact same cookie dough, scooping out enough to match the amount left in the original container, and then hiding that one in our garage refrigerator to continue to after-dinner snacking.
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,553 Member
    Rubie81 wrote: »
    I love salt too! I keep sea salt at my desk and sometimes pour it into my hand as well for that kick. I've done the same thing with soy sauce. I even put salt on my pizza. My blood pressure is very low so I have always thought that maybe it's my body trying to compensate.

    I also love salt. Enough that half the time at home, I use lite salt (more potassium than sodium, but salty tasting still) in place of real salt.

    I also have blood pressure of 104/72 at 240+ lbs, so that's not a real concern, heh.

  • faduma123
    faduma123 Posts: 58 Member
    I'm scared to go near food I enjoy . For I have no self control
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    My confession: I ate so bad this weekend due to my monthly visit and cravings, I didn't even want to put it in my diary. :s

    I friggin log it anyway. And my diary is PUBLIC. Imagine logging, I dunno, half a box of club crackers and a truly appalling number of kraft singles, eaten in a single sitting?

    My food diary is also a confessional of sorts. I log religiously and make public to my FL every thing I eat, even the other day when I mysteriously ate double my daily calories when I felt like I was turning into a wherewolf so much hunger. But, then when I topped it all off with a peanut butter and m&m sandwich grilled with honey butter with a side of whipped cream and honey for dipping, I realized I was not turning into a werewolf but just getting posessed by Paula Deen. Luckily I watch Supernatural and know how to rid myself of that demon. MFPers reminded me how to mitigate the damage with a weeks worth of small deficits and workouts.
  • FitGeekery
    FitGeekery Posts: 336 Member
    Jolinia wrote: »
    When they get older they'll figure out to leave haribo sugar free hellbears out where you can find them. Then you'll really think life isn't fair!

    Google that if you don't know about them. The Amazon reviews are delicious, but not necessarily safe for work!

    ... oh dear, I just read the top 3 reviews at work and I'm pretty sure my coworkers think I'm crazy. I've had tears streaming down my face for a good hour and I think I might have done some damage to my internal organs from desperately trying to suppress the laughter XD

  • Rubie81
    Rubie81 Posts: 720 Member
    dunadan wrote: »
    First confession: My wife bought a tub of pre-made cookie dough so she could quickly make some cookies for guests (and to make the house smell wonderful). After making a dozen, the tub has sat in the fridge for a week now...and I grab a spoon most nights and go down for a couple (oh hell, this is a confession thread, right?) six or seven spoonfuls of the doughy yumminess.

    At first, I reasoned, "She won't be able to tell that there is any missing," but after a solid week of this, there's no disguising the fact that the tub is more than half empty. I'm waiting for the night she goes to make another batch, and realizes that so much is missing.

    Second confession: I have considered buying another tub of the exact same cookie dough, scooping out enough to match the amount left in the original container, and then hiding that one in our garage refrigerator to continue to after-dinner snacking.

    This is hysterical. Thanks for sharing.

  • jessicapk
    jessicapk Posts: 574 Member
    If I am hungry and know that I will go over if I eat anything good, I will just eat like 8 pickles, because they taste good to me and have 0 calories. My sodium is way too high.

    I do not live in a city that has courteous cyclists or good bike lanes. Cyclists here ride on the sidewalk even when there is room on the street, and don't call out until they are right next to you and about to run you down - even if you are walking with small children.

    Many of them also ride in huge groups NOT in single file in the busy part of downtown and on one lane roads and block and hold up traffic for ever... so now I have this angry reaction every time I see a cyclist near me whether I'm walking or driving. I know it's not 100% of them who are awful, but I have this emotional hatred reaction to them now and I often feel like telling the bad ones off (even though I never would because I am ridiculously shy).

    Pickles are my "freebie" food. I can eat a half a jar and still want to go back for more. On a side note, they also give me gas :neutral_face:
  • lilmisfit1987
    lilmisfit1987 Posts: 183 Member
    I have curly hair and only wash it every three days, but I shower every day. (I use a shower cap to keep my hair dry.) I never thought of it as being something to confess...if I washed my hair every day it would dry out, crack, and frizz out to look like a lion's mane. Now THAT would be gross!

    My confession...I use public humiliation/shame to motivate me. I eat much better with somebody watching me than I do when I'm alone. It's my number one reason for keeping my food journal public! I feel ashamed if someone sees me log an entire bag of cheddar and sour cream ruffles (oh my god...HEAVEN!), but at the same time I forbid myself from being untruthful in my food journal. I also try to refrain from using the "quick add calories"...
  • kyta32
    kyta32 Posts: 670 Member
    I can push myself at the gym, but when I try to work out from home, I can't even get through a 11 minute blogilates video. I'm disappointed that I give up on myself so quickly.

    Blogilates is really challenging, and one of the more physically uncomfortable workouts. I believe that Cassie is a demon sent to earth to punish sinners 'afore their time. It's been estabilished that the extra burn from Pilates is mostly from the extra lactic acid it produces. If you choose to follow her workout calendar you will find when the workouts come up again, you can get through further without needing a break as you neurologically adapt to them. It's a real ego boost. I've been doing them regularly since October, and seen a lot of progress.
  • Danilynn1975
    Danilynn1975 Posts: 294 Member
    I have curly hair and only wash it every three days, but I shower every day. (I use a shower cap to keep my hair dry.) I never thought of it as being something to confess...if I washed my hair every day it would dry out, crack, and frizz out to look like a lion's mane. Now THAT would be gross!

    My confession...I use public humiliation/shame to motivate me. I eat much better with somebody watching me than I do when I'm alone. It's my number one reason for keeping my food journal public! I feel ashamed if someone sees me log an entire bag of cheddar and sour cream ruffles (oh my god...HEAVEN!), but at the same time I forbid myself from being untruthful in my food journal. I also try to refrain from using the "quick add calories"...

    I haven't eaten potato chips in a year