

  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    edited April 2015
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    My confession for the day: Thursday is the only night of the week where I don't have to be somewhere, and last night I wasted it watching....

    Alex Cross

    That movie is freakin' terrible! I rarely sit down and watch a movie and I was hugely disappointed with this one. The acting was terrible, the writing was so stilted. I am usually not very judgemental at movies, but blech! Other super terrible movies (I think we've done this once before, but oh well): The Truman Show, The Village, Sex Tape - didn't finish that one, too stupid.

    @quiksylver296 The Truman Show?! You hate that movie?! I'm starting to rethink our pretend internet friendship. :wink:

    Yep, Mo, almost got up and walked out of the theater. So, so, so bad. But, for totally cheesy but still love it, how about Crybaby with Johnny Depp? So bad, it's good. Or the fourth Indiana Jones - and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. I love that one because they spoof on themselves. So funny!

    I love Crybaby. I haven't seen it in forever, but I pretty much love anything with Johnny Depp.
    With a few exceptions I can't seem to bring to mind now.

    Charlie and the Chocolate factory. He looks way too creepy in that...

    The movie Chocolat is pure porn. Not only does it have chocolate, it has Mr. Depp
  • AgentOrangeJuice
    AgentOrangeJuice Posts: 1,069 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    My confession for the day: Thursday is the only night of the week where I don't have to be somewhere, and last night I wasted it watching....

    Alex Cross

    That movie is freakin' terrible! I rarely sit down and watch a movie and I was hugely disappointed with this one. The acting was terrible, the writing was so stilted. I am usually not very judgemental at movies, but blech! Other super terrible movies (I think we've done this once before, but oh well): The Truman Show, The Village, Sex Tape - didn't finish that one, too stupid.

    @quiksylver296 The Truman Show?! You hate that movie?! I'm starting to rethink our pretend internet friendship. :wink:

    Yep, Mo, almost got up and walked out of the theater. So, so, so bad. But, for totally cheesy but still love it, how about Crybaby with Johnny Depp? So bad, it's good. Or the fourth Indiana Jones - and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. I love that one because they spoof on themselves. So funny!

    I love Crybaby. I haven't seen it in forever, but I pretty much love anything with Johnny Depp.
    With a few exceptions I can't seem to bring to mind now.

    Charlie and the Chocolate factory. He looks way too creepy in that...

    I'll post a picture of my hand drawn portrait of Johnny Depp that I got for my birthday last year.

  • AgentOrangeJuice
    AgentOrangeJuice Posts: 1,069 Member
    Confession: I'm at work, on MFP forums with my work pc, and watching Hulu on my tablet. 2 hours to go, that should get me all caught up on Backstrom.

    2nd Confession: I haven't been called for the job I applied for last week, but it's still posted online so they're probably waiting until it closes, but why wouldn't they want to get a head start on interviewing me? Aside from my hulu watching on a friday afternoon, I'm very good at what I do.
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    My confession for the day: Thursday is the only night of the week where I don't have to be somewhere, and last night I wasted it watching....

    Alex Cross

    That movie is freakin' terrible! I rarely sit down and watch a movie and I was hugely disappointed with this one. The acting was terrible, the writing was so stilted. I am usually not very judgemental at movies, but blech! Other super terrible movies (I think we've done this once before, but oh well): The Truman Show, The Village, Sex Tape - didn't finish that one, too stupid.

    @quiksylver296 The Truman Show?! You hate that movie?! I'm starting to rethink our pretend internet friendship. :wink:

    Yep, Mo, almost got up and walked out of the theater. So, so, so bad. But, for totally cheesy but still love it, how about Crybaby with Johnny Depp? So bad, it's good. Or the fourth Indiana Jones - and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. I love that one because they spoof on themselves. So funny!

    I love Crybaby. I haven't seen it in forever, but I pretty much love anything with Johnny Depp.
    With a few exceptions I can't seem to bring to mind now.

    Charlie and the Chocolate factory. He looks way too creepy in that...

    I'll post a picture of my hand drawn portrait of Johnny Depp that I got for my birthday last year.

  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    McDonalds is my weakness. I have been doing good lately. But today. Today I ate Mcdonalds for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I am so far over my calories I'm ashamed. Exercise cant even bring me back to the right level now. I want to just delete today's diary so no one sees how much of a pig i was today.

    Go take a look at *my* diary today! Go on, it's public. That should show you that nobody's perfect. :) Log it and move on! (erm, depending on your time zone, it may or may not display the right day's diary, so... It's 11 PM on the 10th of April here right now.)
  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    Talkradio wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Confession: My shoulders are sore, and I blame @BZAH10 and @ythannah. I mean that in the nicest way possible. :)

    Awesome! This makes me unreasonably happy. I guess this is the first time in a long time I feel like I've actually helped someone else.

    I kind of think of you as the fairy godmother of this thread... You are kind and always take time to interact with people who have deep or out there stuff going on. I think you've helped a lot of people here.

    I feel the same way. @BZAH10 makes such an effort to post helpful replies to so many people on here and remember all kinds of details from prior posts.

    And for some weird reason I found this on page 3?? Might be a MFP glitch (or might just be what I'm seeing) but new posts don't seem to be updating the last post time.

    Thank you BOTH for the kind words! That really means a lot to me. Seeing as how this is a "confessions" thread, I'll just say that I'm going through a phase IRL right now where I'm not feeling useful or beneficial to anyone. I kind of just slog through each day, one foot in front of the other, and deny that I'm kind of unhappy and just go through the motions.

    Perhaps I'm over-compensating here, but I do love this thread: I love the pace, the variety, the topics, and all the great peeps! Real and marshmallow! Anyway, thanks again.

    Sorry you feel that way IRL, here I think your posts are great!

    Thank you. I'm at a crossroad: do I make some personal changes and see where it goes (could be better; could be worse)? Or do I just keep living my mediocre life? I know the grass always looks greener on the other side until you get there, so I just don't want to make the wrong decision. But, no risks, no rewards, right?

    I read a quote recently that reminded me of myself: "My decision-making skills resemble that of a squirrel crossing the street."

    Interesting... my husband and I are at a crossroads like that. We live in a city where there are good jobs and lots of money but not a lot to do for people who are dinks (Double Income No Kids). We have considered moving across the country where we are closer to the Eastern US so we can explore all the different cities out that way but the jobs and $$ is just not as good. I also want to start trying for a baby soon and feel bad for my parents/his parents if were were to leave b/c they would be missing out. It's such a hard balance some times. Do you stay where you are b/c it's comfortable and you know how green the grass is or do you take the risk and chance it? It's always hard.
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    My confession for the day: Thursday is the only night of the week where I don't have to be somewhere, and last night I wasted it watching....

    Alex Cross

    That movie is freakin' terrible! I rarely sit down and watch a movie and I was hugely disappointed with this one. The acting was terrible, the writing was so stilted. I am usually not very judgemental at movies, but blech! Other super terrible movies (I think we've done this once before, but oh well): The Truman Show, The Village, Sex Tape - didn't finish that one, too stupid.

    @quiksylver296 The Truman Show?! You hate that movie?! I'm starting to rethink our pretend internet friendship. :wink:

    Yep, Mo, almost got up and walked out of the theater. So, so, so bad. But, for totally cheesy but still love it, how about Crybaby with Johnny Depp? So bad, it's good. Or the fourth Indiana Jones - and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. I love that one because they spoof on themselves. So funny!

    I love Crybaby. I haven't seen it in forever, but I pretty much love anything with Johnny Depp.
    With a few exceptions I can't seem to bring to mind now.

    Charlie and the Chocolate factory. He looks way too creepy in that...

    The movie Chocolat is pure porn. Not only does it have chocolate, it has Mr. Depp

    I wanted to hate this movie, because I love the original, but I ended up really liking it and use quotes from it semi-regularly.
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    McDonalds is my weakness. I have been doing good lately. But today. Today I ate Mcdonalds for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I am so far over my calories I'm ashamed. Exercise cant even bring me back to the right level now. I want to just delete today's diary so no one sees how much of a pig i was today.

    Go take a look at *my* diary today! Go on, it's public. That should show you that nobody's perfect. :) Log it and move on! (erm, depending on your time zone, it may or may not display the right day's diary, so... It's 11 PM on the 10th of April here right now.)

    Oh I had McDonalds yesterday. With a double shot of Barcardi in my diet coke. It's all good. I normally go for chicken select meal as it looks most like its picture. I always get disappointed when I get a burger because they NEVER look as good as the picture.
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    Talkradio wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Confession: My shoulders are sore, and I blame @BZAH10 and @ythannah. I mean that in the nicest way possible. :)

    Awesome! This makes me unreasonably happy. I guess this is the first time in a long time I feel like I've actually helped someone else.

    I kind of think of you as the fairy godmother of this thread... You are kind and always take time to interact with people who have deep or out there stuff going on. I think you've helped a lot of people here.

    I feel the same way. @BZAH10 makes such an effort to post helpful replies to so many people on here and remember all kinds of details from prior posts.

    And for some weird reason I found this on page 3?? Might be a MFP glitch (or might just be what I'm seeing) but new posts don't seem to be updating the last post time.

    Thank you BOTH for the kind words! That really means a lot to me. Seeing as how this is a "confessions" thread, I'll just say that I'm going through a phase IRL right now where I'm not feeling useful or beneficial to anyone. I kind of just slog through each day, one foot in front of the other, and deny that I'm kind of unhappy and just go through the motions.

    Perhaps I'm over-compensating here, but I do love this thread: I love the pace, the variety, the topics, and all the great peeps! Real and marshmallow! Anyway, thanks again.

    Sorry you feel that way IRL, here I think your posts are great!

    Thank you. I'm at a crossroad: do I make some personal changes and see where it goes (could be better; could be worse)? Or do I just keep living my mediocre life? I know the grass always looks greener on the other side until you get there, so I just don't want to make the wrong decision. But, no risks, no rewards, right?

    I read a quote recently that reminded me of myself: "My decision-making skills resemble that of a squirrel crossing the street."

    Interesting... my husband and I are at a crossroads like that. We live in a city where there are good jobs and lots of money but not a lot to do for people who are dinks (Double Income No Kids). We have considered moving across the country where we are closer to the Eastern US so we can explore all the different cities out that way but the jobs and $$ is just not as good. I also want to start trying for a baby soon and feel bad for my parents/his parents if were were to leave b/c they would be missing out. It's such a hard balance some times. Do you stay where you are b/c it's comfortable and you know how green the grass is or do you take the risk and chance it? It's always hard.

    I worked at the same job for 10 years. I'm an engineer, it's very rare to stay put for that long. I was agonizing over making a change, and my daughter gave me the best advice. YOLO
    Yea, I hate the YOLO, but it's so very true. You only get one chance at life. No sense being unhappy or feeling trapped when there's a chance of improving things. I wound up in a horrible job in a town I hated, but I met my husband there. I'm now in a job that I love, in a city that I love, and married to the right one.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,716 Member
    MissLaaber wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    MissLaaber wrote: »
    Today the EA in our office tried to make me feel bad about now working late with the other due to my acupuncture appointment. It didn't work because those appointments are the only reason I'm as happy and positive day in day out in my job (politics).

    My confession: I wanted to drop kick said EA as soon as she opened her mouth about it in front of my boss. I am going to my appointment! I am not paying the $50 fee to miss it dammit... yah I really need to go today. >.>

    Well, that's not cool at all. This is why I do not talk about my personal life in my work environment. Sure, it's nice to have co-workers who are also friends, but I don't like anyone knowing about my personal life because it always seems to come back to bite you.

    Or, is it because it was an acupuncture appt.? Some people don't take that seriously if they personally don't believe in it. Still wrong for someone else to bring it up. Not their business.

    I'm unsure what it really was to be honest, when it's all said and done we finish work technically a hour before my appointment. My job is 24/7 but our office hours are 9 to 4:30, I think she was just ticked she had to work late on Friday and I got the brunt of it.

    If it really was because it was Accupunture then I have no words, our benefits cover it and I am going to enjoy being stuck with needles! Lol

    As well you should! I don't know, I just threw that out there because I hear people say that they don't believe in acupuncture or chiropractors, etc. but they have no problem taking multiple prescriptions. (pretty much just described my family)
  • KylerJaye
    KylerJaye Posts: 861 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    Also, I hoard food. I can't have just one pack, box, tea, etc of something I like, I have to have 10 stored away in case I never see it again in stores. But I went through liking something a lot many times and having it discontinued, so that may be why I do that. I've been scarred by the food people.

    i totally do this too. all of my cupboards and freezer are packed to the max. mine is more of, "this is on sale, plus i have coupons, so it's only 75 cents! i must buy 10!!!"

    I also do this for both those reasons each of you posted.....I have a walk in pantry with several shelving units that my friends call "The Store"

    I have been told in the event of a Zombie Apocalypse they are coming to my house as we can all be well fed and clean for about a year......

    totally! my one close friend said that she's hiking to my house because not only does she know that she'll be well fed, but also always have clean teeth and deodorant!! lol
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,716 Member
    Confession: I'm at work, on MFP forums with my work pc, and watching Hulu on my tablet. 2 hours to go, that should get me all caught up on Backstrom.

    2nd Confession: I haven't been called for the job I applied for last week, but it's still posted online so they're probably waiting until it closes, but why wouldn't they want to get a head start on interviewing me? Aside from my hulu watching on a friday afternoon, I'm very good at what I do.

    Waiting is never easy. Hopefully they are just waiting for it to close or they are messing around at work just like you are and don't care about contacting people for interviews on a Friday afternoon! Hope you hear from them Monday. Would it be a move up? Pay raise?
  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    I am pretty much caught up on my work today which is a rarity - it seems I am always busy and there are never enough hours in a day. I liked it b/c I was able to catch up in the thread during the day so it doesn't take me forever to do so when I get home.

    My confession for today is that while my husband is my best friend and we do everything together, he gets frustrated when I decline alcoholic beverages when we go out. I have no problem going out and grabbing an appy to eat while we watch whichever sporting event is on (hockey/football/etc) but I don't want to go over my calories b/c of alcohol - to me it is just not worth it.

    When we were first together, I was in my early 20's and still in university. I had just left my ex who was very VERY health conscious so I let loose and ate & drank until I put on 30lbs in a year. Now that I'm trying to make up for that by not making stupid mistakes, he tells me that I don't know how to have fun anymore. I could take or leave alcohol and it is so frustrating that he is not more supportive on this issue. /rant.

    (and sorry for the novella).

  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    edited April 2015
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    Also, I hoard food. I can't have just one pack, box, tea, etc of something I like, I have to have 10 stored away in case I never see it again in stores. But I went through liking something a lot many times and having it discontinued, so that may be why I do that. I've been scarred by the food people.

    I totally do this too. all of my cupboards and freezer are packed to the max. mine is more of, "this is on sale, plus i have coupons, so it's only 75 cents! i must buy 10!!!"

    I also do this for both those reasons each of you posted.....I have a walk in pantry with several shelving units that my friends call "The Store"

    I have been told in the event of a Zombie Apocalypse they are coming to my house as we can all be well fed and clean for about a year......

    totally! my one close friend said that she's hiking to my house because not only does she know that she'll be well fed, but also always have clean teeth and deodorant!! lol

    This is so me! My husband calls me a food hoarder, but I'm also a hygiene-item-hoarder. Just as an example, I currently have:
    • About 5 kilos (yes, KILOS) of oats
    • About 3 kilos of peanut butter
    • About 5 boxes of tea "in case we run out and the store doesn't have the one I like"
    • Around 7 large bags of bread in the fridge and freezer
    • Around 7 spare deodorants
    • Around 4 spare family-sized bars of Dettol soap
    • Around 2 (of each) extra bottles of shower gel, shampoo, conditioner, lotion...

    And there are only two of us in this house! ;)

    Editing to add... And don't even get me STARTED on canned goods and packaged soups...
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,716 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    Talkradio wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Confession: My shoulders are sore, and I blame @BZAH10 and @ythannah. I mean that in the nicest way possible. :)

    Awesome! This makes me unreasonably happy. I guess this is the first time in a long time I feel like I've actually helped someone else.

    I kind of think of you as the fairy godmother of this thread... You are kind and always take time to interact with people who have deep or out there stuff going on. I think you've helped a lot of people here.

    I feel the same way. @BZAH10 makes such an effort to post helpful replies to so many people on here and remember all kinds of details from prior posts.

    And for some weird reason I found this on page 3?? Might be a MFP glitch (or might just be what I'm seeing) but new posts don't seem to be updating the last post time.

    Thank you BOTH for the kind words! That really means a lot to me. Seeing as how this is a "confessions" thread, I'll just say that I'm going through a phase IRL right now where I'm not feeling useful or beneficial to anyone. I kind of just slog through each day, one foot in front of the other, and deny that I'm kind of unhappy and just go through the motions.

    Perhaps I'm over-compensating here, but I do love this thread: I love the pace, the variety, the topics, and all the great peeps! Real and marshmallow! Anyway, thanks again.

    Sorry you feel that way IRL, here I think your posts are great!

    Thank you. I'm at a crossroad: do I make some personal changes and see where it goes (could be better; could be worse)? Or do I just keep living my mediocre life? I know the grass always looks greener on the other side until you get there, so I just don't want to make the wrong decision. But, no risks, no rewards, right?

    I read a quote recently that reminded me of myself: "My decision-making skills resemble that of a squirrel crossing the street."

    Interesting... my husband and I are at a crossroads like that. We live in a city where there are good jobs and lots of money but not a lot to do for people who are dinks (Double Income No Kids). We have considered moving across the country where we are closer to the Eastern US so we can explore all the different cities out that way but the jobs and $$ is just not as good. I also want to start trying for a baby soon and feel bad for my parents/his parents if were were to leave b/c they would be missing out. It's such a hard balance some times. Do you stay where you are b/c it's comfortable and you know how green the grass is or do you take the risk and chance it? It's always hard.

    Yes, exactly! We are DINKS as well, but I'm much older than you. Our kids are all out on their own and we have 3 grandchildren and 2 grandpuppies. It's hard not having a variety of things to do, as you mentioned, but if you do have kids it is really great to have all the grandparents around. Not only for childcare help but they have such a wealth of knowledge to pass on to your kids that you yourself do not always have time to provide.

    Of course, families can also be a dysfunctional mess as in our case (all sides have a special bit of crazy) but the kids learn a lot from that as well. Good and bad. Good luck on whatever you decide to do!
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    Confession: there is a guy (rather portly, ok, fat) at my work that feels an uncontrollable compulsion to comment EVERY SINGLE TIME he sees me weighing, scanning or measuring something. It makes me want to punch him in his fat effing face! I even fantasize doing it. It feels AMAZING!!!!
  • AgentOrangeJuice
    AgentOrangeJuice Posts: 1,069 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Confession: I'm at work, on MFP forums with my work pc, and watching Hulu on my tablet. 2 hours to go, that should get me all caught up on Backstrom.

    2nd Confession: I haven't been called for the job I applied for last week, but it's still posted online so they're probably waiting until it closes, but why wouldn't they want to get a head start on interviewing me? Aside from my hulu watching on a friday afternoon, I'm very good at what I do.

    Waiting is never easy. Hopefully they are just waiting for it to close or they are messing around at work just like you are and don't care about contacting people for interviews on a Friday afternoon! Hope you hear from them Monday. Would it be a move up? Pay raise?

    It's a different position with a similar skill set as to what I'm doing now, and pretty much a lateral move, however the new position opens up free CDL training and licensing, as well as refrigerated vending repair, which brings in the big bucks.
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    My confession for the day: Thursday is the only night of the week where I don't have to be somewhere, and last night I wasted it watching....

    Alex Cross

    That movie is freakin' terrible! I rarely sit down and watch a movie and I was hugely disappointed with this one. The acting was terrible, the writing was so stilted. I am usually not very judgemental at movies, but blech! Other super terrible movies (I think we've done this once before, but oh well): The Truman Show, The Village, Sex Tape - didn't finish that one, too stupid.

    @quiksylver296 The Truman Show?! You hate that movie?! I'm starting to rethink our pretend internet friendship. :wink:

    Yep, Mo, almost got up and walked out of the theater. So, so, so bad. But, for totally cheesy but still love it, how about Crybaby with Johnny Depp? So bad, it's good. Or the fourth Indiana Jones - and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. I love that one because they spoof on themselves. So funny!

    I love Crybaby. I haven't seen it in forever, but I pretty much love anything with Johnny Depp.
    With a few exceptions I can't seem to bring to mind now.

    Charlie and the Chocolate factory. He looks way too creepy in that...

    The movie Chocolat is pure porn. Not only does it have chocolate, it has Mr. Depp

    I wanted to hate this movie, because I love the original, but I ended up really liking it and use quotes from it semi-regularly.

    I quote Adam Sandler and Will Ferrell movies more than any woman ever should. Oh, and The Princess Bride. I LOVE that movie!

  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    HA! For Mother's Day, I asked to go camping. Now my hubby HAS to take me. Win! (And I already booked the camping spot... >:) )

    So are you going "glamping"? Or actual sleep in a tent, cook over a fire camping? I grew up with the latter. We LOVED camping as kids! Play in the woods and creeks all day, help cook food over an open fire, sleep in sleeping bags in a tent. When I got older I realized what a load of work that was for my mom and all the other moms there. Camping should be fun; not work. We did cabin camping when our kids were young. I was a much more lazy mom I guess. But, the kids had fun and no one got eaten by a bear.

    I booked a cabin at a KOA campground because we don't own a tent. But the cabin is basically just beds. No kitchen, no bathroom, so it should be pretty close to real camping other than not having to sleep on the hard, lumpy, rocky ground. :p
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,553 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    My confession for the day: Thursday is the only night of the week where I don't have to be somewhere, and last night I wasted it watching....

    Alex Cross

    That movie is freakin' terrible! I rarely sit down and watch a movie and I was hugely disappointed with this one. The acting was terrible, the writing was so stilted. I am usually not very judgemental at movies, but blech! Other super terrible movies (I think we've done this once before, but oh well): The Truman Show, The Village, Sex Tape - didn't finish that one, too stupid.

    @quiksylver296 The Truman Show?! You hate that movie?! I'm starting to rethink our pretend internet friendship. :wink:

    Yep, Mo, almost got up and walked out of the theater. So, so, so bad. But, for totally cheesy but still love it, how about Crybaby with Johnny Depp? So bad, it's good. Or the fourth Indiana Jones - and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. I love that one because they spoof on themselves. So funny!

    I love Crybaby. I haven't seen it in forever, but I pretty much love anything with Johnny Depp.
    With a few exceptions I can't seem to bring to mind now.

    Charlie and the Chocolate factory. He looks way too creepy in that...

    The movie Chocolat is pure porn. Not only does it have chocolate, it has Mr. Depp

    I wanted to hate this movie, because I love the original, but I ended up really liking it and use quotes from it semi-regularly.

    I quote Adam Sandler and Will Ferrell movies more than any woman ever should. Oh, and The Princess Bride. I LOVE that movie!

    Best. Movie. Ever.

    I infected my 4 children with a love of this movie early on. We watched it at least six times/year together and I will stop and watch it anytime I catch it on tv, regardless of time of day or place in the movie.