

  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Kummerspeck is a German word that refers to excess weight gained from emotional over-eating. Its literal translation? Grief bacon.

    Mmmmm, bacon.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,715 Member
    ohgeeque wrote: »
    Confession - Sometimes I pretend I had a bad day so my husband will rub my feet.

    But is it truly pretending if it turns out (albeit after the fact) that you *would* have a bad day if he *didn't* rub your feet...? ;) in the end, you've actually been honest... you've just told the truth 'early' is all... ;)

    Very true. And thank you for the explanation of your screen name!
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,715 Member
    Umm, I pretty much always workout with my makeup on...and my hair done. I go in the evening after work. I'm not gonna wash my face and hair just to go to the gym and get sweaty.

    Same here. But, I only wear lip color and eye make-up. No powder, foundation, concealer, etc. I like to keep my skin as clean and clear as possible. I imagine if I did wear anything like that it would drip all over the place and be quite an ugly mess!
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,715 Member
    I recently moved to a new area where I dont know anyone living behind 15 years of my life in my hometown. I am trying to be healthy but whenever I feel sad I eat an entire pint of icecream or buy a lot of taco bell and eat it and then feel sad/bad about eating all that food. I am awlays consious of what i look like and because I am not proud of my body, I dont speak up on occassions when I need to.

    Sorry you are struggling, but moving to a new area means you can create a whole new YOU! Speak up. Be bold. Transform your life. You can do it!
  • Kalici
    Kalici Posts: 685 Member
    Kalici wrote: »
    My whole life I have been very sensitive to heat. Even when I was underweight I would get hot very easy. If it was 65f/18C degrees outside I would at the least need a fan going. I am currently dressed in four pairs of socks, three pairs of pants, three shirts with a sweatshirt over the top and I am wearing fluffy finger-less gloves. I am still freezing! My confession is that I am the reason no one has any hot water! Sitting in a hot tub is the only time I am warm. If I could sleep in there I would. :#

    Have you had your thyroid checked. I, even being obese, was so cold all the time. Once I got my thyroid regulated, I am more normal. I am still cooler than normal people, but not as cold as I was.

    I've had it tested before. I have different medical issues and it was suspected that thyroid was one of them. I was under the impression the cold was from losing weight though or should I have it checked again?

  • Kalici
    Kalici Posts: 685 Member

    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    If I tried to jog with my beagle I'd probably (definitely) fall down almost immediately. He likes to stop and smell every. little. thing. so the first interesting stink would bring him to a dead stop.

    When we lived in our old condo, my husband suggested that i take my cat for a walk down the hallway to check the mail. 20 min later he pops his head out the door to see we've made it 10 feet. The cat had no concept of "going for a walk" and would take 2 steps. Sit and look around. Lick himself. Go 5 steps in the opposite direction and repeat.

    Yep, pretty sure that IS the definition of "going for a walk" for a cat! Funny.
    I tried this a couple of times with one of my long-ago cats. We called it "Going for a drag". Not a big success.

    This is cracking me up as well. I think if I tried to put a harness on my cat and drag her around outside she'd look completely betrayed and hide under the couch for a week.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,715 Member
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    I don't like bacon.

    Neither do I! I only eat turkey bacon.

    The whole "bacon craze" is just another example of how we're a nation of fat*sses.

    I prefer pork roll.

    Hey! The real you! Very nice pic, AOJ!

    I agree!
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,715 Member
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    I was craving something sweet the other night but had absolutely nothing in the house that would satisfy me except some hot chocolate. So I ate two spoonfuls of the powder. Two spoonfuls. Of the powder.

    Lol! Totally something I would do!

    How appropriate that the most quoted post is once again quoted on page 400!

    I noticed that, too! Of course, I'm struggling to keep up again so haven't been able to respond to everything.
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    I keep a stash of chocolate in my office...and in my bedroom, and hidden in my closet. I've been good lately, but it's there, just in case.

    I keep a stash in my car boot. Which if fine through the winter, then I have to think of somewhere else for the summer because it melts and makes a big chocolate mess in my car... which can be mistaken for something else. :confounded:

    This reminded me of an embarrassing story... a few years ago I went out shopping with my cousin. I was wearing white shorts. We got to the mall, wandered slowly around, got ice cream then finally went into a store. A sales lady came up to me and discreetly told me that I had something on my shorts. There was a brown stain right in the center of my butt. Turns out that a younger cousin had been in the car earlier, eating chocolate covered almonds. I sat on it and melted it.

    I bought a new pair of pants in that store. I'm still paranoid about wearing white pants/shorts.

    Oh no, how embarrassing. At least you were somewhere that you could buy new pants right away.

    Hopefully you can laugh at it now.
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    I'm trying to force myself into doing a paper and studying. I'm telling myself that if I do it, I can order one of the dresses off this site I just discovered it recently and I have NEVER been a fan of clothes shopping, but I love their dresses!!!

    Ok. I don't know which one to get, but hopefully bribing myself will help me finish this semester.
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    I never wear makeup to the gym, I'm afraid it'll clog my pores.

    Thanks for the laugh!
  • DressedInDreams
    DressedInDreams Posts: 96 Member
    I have the opposite problem. All my weight is around my middle so I need to have pants with a bigger waist (currently 14) but pants are baggy around the butt and thighs. Makes me look like I am wearing old lady pants!

    I feel your pain. My size 12 pants have been baggy in the butt and thighs for weeks, I'm waiting for my middle to catch up so I can move down a size!
  • JSurita2
    JSurita2 Posts: 1,304 Member
    I confess that this thread has gotten way to long for me to even want to keep up with it.
  • AgentOrangeJuice
    AgentOrangeJuice Posts: 1,069 Member
    I have super athletic looking legs, nice muscle definition/tone. too bad they're sitting on the rest of my body :/
  • DressedInDreams
    DressedInDreams Posts: 96 Member
    I would estimate that most of my wardrobe comes from the thrift stores (GoodWill & The Salvation Army) & Wal-Mart/Target.

    Yep, me too. I've gotten so many nice clothes from thrift stores. Definitely helps stretch my budget.
  • PowerKickChic
    PowerKickChic Posts: 108 Member
    I'm really curious, what is the purpose of the trash bag?

    I sweat like a dog. (lol not literally) I wore them my first time around when I was losing weight.

    Water weight with a risk of heat stroke. I'm not trying to be judgmental, but this is a bad idea.

    My protein levels suck almost every day.

    Actually, There are a number of reasons so talk to your doctor or if you feel healthy, keep going. I'm not saying its nothing to worry about, I'm not saying it is but I cant make judgments without knowing everything about you.

    For me, I have a hormone imbalance (PCOS) and whatever weight I have been at I sweat like crazy at the gym. I'm talking like shirt drenched type of sweat and its perfectly normal. Some people just sweat, we are all have different body chemistry.
  • HOOVEY17
    HOOVEY17 Posts: 59 Member
    confession, I judge people big time for spelling "lose" as "loose."

    I do too, it's one of my biggest pet peeves!
  • AgentOrangeJuice
    AgentOrangeJuice Posts: 1,069 Member

    Putting New England in its place.
  • marissafit06
    marissafit06 Posts: 1,996 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »
    samgamgee wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    paulaviki wrote: »
    My confession today is that I chew the skin around my nails on my fingers, when I'm not chewing them I pick them. It looks gross and it hurts but I can't stop doing it. I'm nearly 33 and have been doing it since I was about 11. Every now and again I stop it but then I always start up again. Nasty habit! :(

    I do this too. My fingers look a mess, but I haven't been able to stop. I don't bite my nails as much as I used to, but I still pick at the skin. I've been doing it for as long as I can remember and it gets worse if I'm anxious or stressed. I'm embarrassed to let people see my hands.

    And it doesn't help that I live in a dry climate so my skin is always rough (I try to use lotion, but it's not enough).

    i peel layers of skin off of the bottoms of my feet and heels. sometimes i rip off too much, hit raw flesh then end up with a slight limp for a few days while it heals....

    I did the peely foot skin thing once, ended up with way more than a slight limp for 3 days - it was weeks before it stopped hurting but then I am a big wuss :)

    It sucks so much! My heeled boots mess* my feet up (I'd usually swear there but can't remember if we're allowed to here!) and they're rougher than they've ever been, I got a foot scrub from Lush but it isn't hardcore enough.

    My confession: just had a row with my OH cos earlier he was teasing me, holding food away from me and saying I couldn't have it - he was just playing around (immature sense of humour in general) but that's a massive trigger for my ex -ED thoughts, and he knows that. He claims he forgot that deliberately and gleefully withholding food from me, in order to tease me, is a trigger. My brain just goes 'nope, that's wise, you're a fat cow, you don't deserve to eat' and my appetite shuts down. I've been doing well recently but this has brought up old stuff.

    My boyfriend thinks he's 'helping' when he tells me I shouldn't eat something because he knows I'm trying to lose weight. Thing is if he says don't I am so eating it plus more just to show him that I do what I want when I want. Then I get annoyed with myself because I really want to lose weight! I confess I am such brat sometimes.

    I know how you feel. My husband will ask where I want to eat when we are out doing errands and stuff. I always tell him I don't care. One time he freaked out on me. I just sat there wondering what the h#** happened. He then proceeded to explain that he wants me to choose so I know I will eat something I need vs something just to eat. He is trying to be helpful, but I hate having to be the one to pick a place to eat on the spot.

    My husband always makes me choose and it drives me up the wall.
  • JordanAron
    JordanAron Posts: 7 Member
    I often feel sick when I look at small holes or clustered objects. English Tea Muffins terrified me as a child and I still don't like to eat aerated chocolate.