Online Dating



  • taco_inspector
    taco_inspector Posts: 7,223 Member
    One thing I did find to be nearly axiomatic in the whole thing was that everyone seems to overstate their position in some fashion. Those people that indicated that they were sexy, talented, up-standing citizens were something less

    Wait... ~~69sexXxygurl69~~ isn't sexy? Damn :/
    Could be plenty sexy ... maybe not fully female ("gurl") ;) y'never know till ya check it for yourself.
  • Dragn77
    Dragn77 Posts: 810 Member
    I would love to find out whatever happened to this nutjob

    I'm pretty sure I could go the rest of my life not knowing lol!!!

  • Dragn77
    Dragn77 Posts: 810 Member
    moya_bleh wrote: »
    RandomA1 wrote: »
    LuvPosh wrote: »
    All of them, it usually starts with arriving and a male has yet again over estimated their height!

    One of my big pet peeves since I'm pretty tall as it is. Now, I just assume that they're 2 inches shorter than they listed and I'm usually right lol! Though the last guy I dated had a height listed that was about 1-2 inches shorter than his actual height.

    If women can knock 3-5 years off their age and 50lbs off their weight, then nobody can be surprised if men eventually start telling the same lies about their physical attributes. Your assumption is probably accurate as I've noticed that most women are 3 years older and about 20lbs heavier than they claim in their profiles.

    Internet liars everywhere!

    PS - I AM 5ft 8ins. That's undateably short and no amount of embellishment is going to change that!!! :neutral_face:

    See..I can understand in a way, if a woman says shes 5'3" and a guy lies and says he's 5'10" when hes actually 5'8"..because heck, even in sexy 4" heels, she will not even reach his height. She likely wont even notice *that* much. (Im guessing..I have no idea how women that height think, except that for some reason, they prefer to date men twice their height LoL)

    I'm 5'10"...all I ask is a guy at least my height so that I dont have to look down on him and be able to wear heels without towering over him like Im his mum or something. When a guy lies and says he too is 5'10" but hes 5'8...and Im thinking oh! I can wear my heels, I wont be that much taller. And I end up being 4" taller than him when we meet...thats a problem! Actually, now I never wear heels on a first date..I always wear flats because I assume the guy is lying, and I *still* tower over most of the guys.

    Age is subjective..not like if you meet someone who says they are 40, and they knock off 3 years and are actually 37 you will be like WTF? LIAR!! lol Its only if she used 10yo pics that it is a noticeable problem. Weight? That can change...not that Ive ever even seen weight listed on a profile anyway. But regardless...using old pics is a lame move.

    But height? If you're done with puberty, and I'm guessing we all are...that's never going to change. Its not like I can say..its okay that he lied and is only 5'8..he will grow. LOL no. I will always have to bend down to kiss him.
  • carlsonrobb
    carlsonrobb Posts: 914 Member
    I've got friends who use online dating apps and I am simply stunned at the pictures guys put up. Granted they are in their 20s but it's like they have no idea is a horrible picture. Put on a clean shirt, have a friend take it, and maybe put down the bottle of beer and/or gun. Market yourself!!
  • I_see_skinny_Me15
    I_see_skinny_Me15 Posts: 22 Member
    zaxx1953 wrote: »
    Is it really that hard to hit on women IRL?

    I've never been hit on in my entire adult life.... guess I have b!€&* face...

  • kd_mazur
    kd_mazur Posts: 569 Member
    edited February 2015
    Dragn77 wrote: »
    moya_bleh wrote: »
    RandomA1 wrote: »
    LuvPosh wrote: »
    All of them, it usually starts with arriving and a male has yet again over estimated their height!

    One of my big pet peeves since I'm pretty tall as it is. Now, I just assume that they're 2 inches shorter than they listed and I'm usually right lol! Though the last guy I dated had a height listed that was about 1-2 inches shorter than his actual height.

    I have the same pet peeve. I am literally 6 ft tall so I will be able to tell if you are stretching that height lol. One guy (6ft 2 listed)showed up and was really about 5'9 at best. Now I have no problem with shorter if they own it but really. He was also using a picture that was about 10 years old at least.
  • Dragn77
    Dragn77 Posts: 810 Member
    edited February 2015
    newmeadow wrote: »
    Dragn77 wrote: »
    Age is subjective..not like if you meet someone who says they are 40, and they knock off 3 years and are actually 37 you will be like WTF? LIAR!!

    Age isn't subjective. There are 365 days in a year.

    And why lie at all?

    Knowingly telling a lie makes one a LIAR, yes. One can't be 37 and 40 years of age at the same time. It's one or the other.

    And anyone who would lie about this to snag a date would lie about other things too. Like "No dear, I'm not talking to anyone online right now. I'm SHOE SHOPPING. Please stop bothering me and go back to bed."


    "Well, I'm not actually going to MEET with him after work or DO anything with him. No harm done. It's my business."

    All liars should be avoided like the plague.

    Oooh, I think you misunderstood me! You cut out the part where I said posting old pics is a lame move...for me, lame means, not a good thing...and doesn't mean I defend this behavior! I wasn't promoting lying, I was just making an observation on the lies people tell.

    I have seen people who look way older or younger than their actual age, so without proof, Id be assuming. And if they used actual pictures instead of old ones, Id already be aware of what they look like...that's what I meant by age is subjective, subjective was the wrong word for me to use but I hope you get my drift what I was trying to say now?

    Anyway, was not defending lying, or trying to say one lie is better than another..I was merely musing at how silly it is to lie about something that is *so* obvious...a 3 year age difference is not remotely as obvious to me as being able to look down and see the top of a guys head who is supposed to be as tall as me or taller than me lol it also make our date very awkward if I believed him and actually wear heels only to tower several inches over him and have to look down on him like hes my child...which is why, like I said, I only wear flats on first dates now..too many awkard moments like that, so I just come prepared now. Doesnt mean Im letting the lie slide..just to avoid feeling awkward for our first and last date if he lied to me. ;)

    If I had lots of issues about guys lying about their age, then Id be ranting about that instead right along with you lol but height is my bigger annoyance because its the lie I hear more often than others. Second biggest lie I get from guys is marital status. Not often a guy lies about his age to me...maybe I just didnt know them long enough to find out lol Thats a possibility.
  • Dragn77
    Dragn77 Posts: 810 Member
    edited February 2015
    kd_mazur wrote: »

    I have the same pet peeve. I am literally 6 ft tall so I will be able to tell if you are stretching that height lol. One guy (6ft 2 listed)showed up and was really about 5'9 at best. Now I have no problem with shorter if they own it but really. He was also using a picture that was about 10 years old at least.

    Yup..I had a date once with a guy who said he was my height. Not only was he not my height...he was no more than 5'...seriously...his head was just below my chest..he couldnt even make a "just the right height for" jokes that Im sure youve heard too lol cause he was too short for even that. Plus, his pic must have been taken in the best lighting, on his good side, on the best day of his wasnt an old pic per was just... let's see...

    Ever see twins, where one seemed to look incredibly hot and the other looked so? It felt like that, like he put up the pic of his incredibly hot twin brother. Cause it resembled him, yet at the same time looked nothing like him. Hard to describe, but yeah. LoL!

    ..and I agree...Ive have dated guys shorter than me..well, the shortest was about 5'5"... we are still friends and go out all the time, and I dont even notice our height difference because he just as an awesome and huge you said..he owns it!! The height in and of itself isnt actually the issue...a guy who lies about his height though, already hes saying he sees his size as an issue and is insecure about it, and will be the type to whine about me wearing heels and ask me not to wear them anymore..just that whole attitude makes me feel like Shrek, not attractive and feel awkward around him. With a guy like that, I notice every single inch of our height difference...even if its just one. Blah!
  • daniellebearuk
    daniellebearuk Posts: 23 Member
    Been on two online dates and probably not going to bother in future! One guy was down as athletic and sporty but was so large I doubt he'd be allowed on a theme park ride. I would not have minded so much if he hadn't lied and used old photos on his profile.

    The second man had no spine at all. His first meeting conversation opener..."I live with a French girl and she won't do her washing up. How can I tell her to do her washing up?"

    It continued with him whining about his trip to South America (where I used to live...), asking me about how to chat girls up in bars because he was too scared to approach them, and then trying to follow me home. I had to hide in a shop to get rid of him and THEN he text me 5 minutes after I said bye saying he had a nice time, I didn't respond and then the next morning "oh I guess you're not going to reply then"....some people are clearly desperate and will cling on to anything!

    A few of my friends have used online dating with similar levels of luck. I think I am just going to stick to meeting people through friends.
  • cnadiger
    cnadiger Posts: 168 Member

    PS - I AM 5ft 8ins. That's undateably short and no amount of embellishment is going to change that!!! :neutral_face:

    No Way!! There are lots of us shorties out there. I'm only 5'3", so 5'8" is giant!
  • Dragn77
    Dragn77 Posts: 810 Member
    newmeadow wrote: »

    I'm glad you weren't defending fibbing. Yes, there's plenty of fibbing and lying going on in the dating world. Too bad. Socializing should be fun, not a chore.

    About pics. I wasn't aware that people were so sneaky with them. I attempted to online date only twice in the late 90s. I flaked on the first guy and the second guy flaked on me.

    I wonder what would happen if a dating profile didn't include a pic at all? I think someone earlier in this thread mentioned she didn't include one in her description and still got a lot of responses anyway.

    I would be willing to meet someone in person after a phone chat, not knowing what they look like. The sound of the voice and the way someone talks tells a lot more than a pic imo.

    I think it's important to meet in person. I don't understand the extreme hesitancy around it now. I'm beginning to think people really would rather screw around on the internet and waste time texting, rather than take the risk of meeting face to face. If two people met and one of the two found the other physically unattractive, a polite decline to accept a second date wouldn't be such a big deal. Or would it?

    I TOTALLY agree!! I'm not looking for a pen pal here! I'd like to actually meet someone! There are exceptions, like right now Im getting to know a guy who is out of the country for the moment, but if a guy is *right here* and cant find the time or guts to meet, I lose interest.

    I would not meet someone who didnt put a photo up though. Not only is attraction important to me, more than that I worry they have something to they dont want a friend or family member to see them and tell their wife they are on a dating site. Im cynical though because I'm some sort of magnet for married I run at the first sign of someone looking like they have something to hide.

    I did once make an exception for a guy who messaged me, and included a photo of him. he said he didnt want to make his face public because he didnt want anyone in his company to know he was on a dating site, wanted to be professional and keep his personal life private blah blah. He seemed genuine...and we met, and guess what? Yeah..he was married. Never again lol
  • CherokeeBabe
    CherokeeBabe Posts: 1,704 Member
    moya_bleh wrote: »

    PS - I AM 5ft 8ins. That's undateably short and no amount of embellishment is going to change that!!! :neutral_face:

    I hope that's sarcasm, I've dated mostly 5'5" - 5'8" guys :o
  • MoriahJN
    MoriahJN Posts: 1,161 Member
    I tried one for a couple days just as an experiment. (I'm not into online dating but I wondered what it was like) The main thing I learned was that age is not a factor, apparently. And I still feel like a kid, but there was a large number of guys in their 30s interested in me. That surprised me. Also, maybe because I was only there a few days, everyone was super nice and no one said anything dirty or weird. Maybe if you want to do the online dating route, it's not ALWAYS bad! :)
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    edited February 2015
    Belle8312 wrote: »
    So anyone have any online dating Valentine's Day horror stories? Considering how much I despise this holiday, I think it would be funny to hear some. :smiley:
    It snowed so plans were cancel. To answer your tinder being a hook up site. Your answer is yes it is which sucks for me a little. I like the girl but lets see where it takes us. I do get to have my cake and eat it too :lol: so can I really complain.

  • Markdjones83
    Markdjones83 Posts: 852 Member
    I'm going to attempt to take a break lol
  • Belle8312
    Belle8312 Posts: 2,151 Member
    Okay, so I have a good one that just happened last week. So I am prior military, and work on a military base as a contractor. So I am on OKC and this guy messages me, tells me thank you for your service, etc. He tells me he is active duty military and stationed on the same base that I work at and I get completely excited (hey, what can I say, I have a thing for a man in uniform. :wink: ). So we start messaging back and forth for a few days getting to know each other and I ask him what brought him to OKC. His response, and I quote (because I still have it):
    "Well, I am PCSing (for those of you who don't know what that means, it means he's moving to a new base somewhere, new town, state, or country) in a few months so I am not looking to really start a relationship with someone, but someone maybe I can have some fun with until I leave. So I am a single father of a special needs child and that's another reason why I don't really want to get into a relationship since I don't want him to get attached to anyone before we leave. So basically, I am really just looking for some fun, some adult (naked :wink:) fun I can have. Now I can only do this during the day, and can't do it at my house since my son is there with his nurse since he can't go to school. Oh and I have a latex allergy so I can't just have some safe, clean fun with anyone. But I know that since you told me you are prior military, you are safe and clean and wouldn't have a problem having sex without a condom." End of message.

    My jaw seriously dropped to the floor after reading that. So, my response (yes, I replied):

    Well I understand not wanting to get into a relationship with someone before leaving in a few months, that does make sense. Especially with a child that you don't want him getting attached to anyone. But let me just say, first of all, based on where you work, how can you only have "fun" during the day when your job is a day shift only operation? I was active duty military on this base and I know the place where you work is literally only open from 7 am - 5 night shift operations at all. I know you're leaving in a few months, but you should still have to work before you again, must have forgotten that I am prior military, so I know the processes of getting ready to PCS. Second of all, you should know that condoms are not just made of latex. They are made with quite a few different types of material so those of you that have latex allergies can still use condoms, just a different kind. Considering where you work (he works in the medical career field) I would think you would know that type of thing. Third of all, I would NEVER have "safe, clean fun" without a condom. That's an oxymoron. And speaking or moron, you seriously thought the response you would get by me would be yay, let's have sex? Um, negative. Good luck though, I'm sure you can find some naïve girl that will love your story that you will be able to sleep with before you leave.

    P.S. You're better off looking for a civilian off base who has no idea what and how military operations work...that way when you're trying to lie, you won't get caught. :smiley:

    P.P.S I would love to hear how many girls fall for the latex allergy line.
  • Belle8312
    Belle8312 Posts: 2,151 Member
    moya_bleh wrote: »
    RandomA1 wrote: »
    LuvPosh wrote: »
    All of them, it usually starts with arriving and a male has yet again over estimated their height!

    One of my big pet peeves since I'm pretty tall as it is. Now, I just assume that they're 2 inches shorter than they listed and I'm usually right lol! Though the last guy I dated had a height listed that was about 1-2 inches shorter than his actual height.

    If women can knock 3-5 years off their age and 50lbs off their weight, then nobody can be surprised if men eventually start telling the same lies about their physical attributes. Your assumption is probably accurate as I've noticed that most women are 3 years older and about 20lbs heavier than they claim in their profiles.

    Internet liars everywhere!

    PS - I AM 5ft 8ins. That's undateably short and no amount of embellishment is going to change that!!! :neutral_face:

    Anything over 5'7" is perfect for me! :wink:
  • jnichel
    jnichel Posts: 4,553 Member
    Belle8312 wrote: »
    moya_bleh wrote: »
    RandomA1 wrote: »
    LuvPosh wrote: »
    All of them, it usually starts with arriving and a male has yet again over estimated their height!

    One of my big pet peeves since I'm pretty tall as it is. Now, I just assume that they're 2 inches shorter than they listed and I'm usually right lol! Though the last guy I dated had a height listed that was about 1-2 inches shorter than his actual height.

    If women can knock 3-5 years off their age and 50lbs off their weight, then nobody can be surprised if men eventually start telling the same lies about their physical attributes. Your assumption is probably accurate as I've noticed that most women are 3 years older and about 20lbs heavier than they claim in their profiles.

    Internet liars everywhere!

    PS - I AM 5ft 8ins. That's undateably short and no amount of embellishment is going to change that!!! :neutral_face:

    Anything over 5'7" is perfect for me! :wink:

    Damnit! I'm only 5'7", not over! Well, that and being married kind of ruins my perfection.

  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    This one time... when I was newly single...I signed up for Plenty Of Fish. I met a guy online, we talked often, hit it off via text and phone, so we decided to meet for dinner. I should have known then that something was off...I paid for dinner and the tip AND we ended up going to a movie, which I also paid for. I stayed in town overnight but not with him, and he asked me to meet him for lunch the next day. We went to Wendy's and ate dollar menu items, which was fine, I am not a gold digger.... THEN while eating at a picnic table, he smiles sweetly and says he has a question for me..."do you like oral, because I am really hungry and Wendy didn't fill me up".


    LOL some men.

  • Belle8312
    Belle8312 Posts: 2,151 Member
    jnichel wrote: »
    Belle8312 wrote: »
    moya_bleh wrote: »
    RandomA1 wrote: »
    LuvPosh wrote: »
    All of them, it usually starts with arriving and a male has yet again over estimated their height!

    One of my big pet peeves since I'm pretty tall as it is. Now, I just assume that they're 2 inches shorter than they listed and I'm usually right lol! Though the last guy I dated had a height listed that was about 1-2 inches shorter than his actual height.

    If women can knock 3-5 years off their age and 50lbs off their weight, then nobody can be surprised if men eventually start telling the same lies about their physical attributes. Your assumption is probably accurate as I've noticed that most women are 3 years older and about 20lbs heavier than they claim in their profiles.

    Internet liars everywhere!

    PS - I AM 5ft 8ins. That's undateably short and no amount of embellishment is going to change that!!! :neutral_face:

    Anything over 5'7" is perfect for me! :wink:

    Damnit! I'm only 5'7", not over! Well, that and being married kind of ruins my perfection.

    Okay, 5'7" and over. :wink:
  • Markdjones83
    Markdjones83 Posts: 852 Member
    Jesus some of the stuff guys send and think women will buy is amazing hahaha.
  • jnichel
    jnichel Posts: 4,553 Member
    Belle8312 wrote: »
    jnichel wrote: »
    Belle8312 wrote: »
    moya_bleh wrote: »
    RandomA1 wrote: »
    LuvPosh wrote: »
    All of them, it usually starts with arriving and a male has yet again over estimated their height!

    One of my big pet peeves since I'm pretty tall as it is. Now, I just assume that they're 2 inches shorter than they listed and I'm usually right lol! Though the last guy I dated had a height listed that was about 1-2 inches shorter than his actual height.

    If women can knock 3-5 years off their age and 50lbs off their weight, then nobody can be surprised if men eventually start telling the same lies about their physical attributes. Your assumption is probably accurate as I've noticed that most women are 3 years older and about 20lbs heavier than they claim in their profiles.

    Internet liars everywhere!

    PS - I AM 5ft 8ins. That's undateably short and no amount of embellishment is going to change that!!! :neutral_face:

    Anything over 5'7" is perfect for me! :wink:

    Damnit! I'm only 5'7", not over! Well, that and being married kind of ruins my perfection.

    Okay, 5'7" and over. :wink:

    Goody. Now, if we can just look past the married part, I'll pick you up at 8 for dinner and a movie. You're buying right?

  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    I just got a message from a guy telling me he squatted 1400 lbs. once. I said "pics or it didn't happen."
  • Belle8312
    Belle8312 Posts: 2,151 Member
    jnichel wrote: »
    Belle8312 wrote: »
    jnichel wrote: »
    Belle8312 wrote: »
    moya_bleh wrote: »
    RandomA1 wrote: »
    LuvPosh wrote: »
    All of them, it usually starts with arriving and a male has yet again over estimated their height!

    One of my big pet peeves since I'm pretty tall as it is. Now, I just assume that they're 2 inches shorter than they listed and I'm usually right lol! Though the last guy I dated had a height listed that was about 1-2 inches shorter than his actual height.

    If women can knock 3-5 years off their age and 50lbs off their weight, then nobody can be surprised if men eventually start telling the same lies about their physical attributes. Your assumption is probably accurate as I've noticed that most women are 3 years older and about 20lbs heavier than they claim in their profiles.

    Internet liars everywhere!

    PS - I AM 5ft 8ins. That's undateably short and no amount of embellishment is going to change that!!! :neutral_face:

    Anything over 5'7" is perfect for me! :wink:

    Damnit! I'm only 5'7", not over! Well, that and being married kind of ruins my perfection.

    Okay, 5'7" and over. :wink:

    Goody. Now, if we can just look past the married part, I'll pick you up at 8 for dinner and a movie. You're buying right?

    Dollar menu at McDonalds!
  • jnichel
    jnichel Posts: 4,553 Member
    Belle8312 wrote: »
    jnichel wrote: »
    Belle8312 wrote: »
    jnichel wrote: »
    Belle8312 wrote: »
    moya_bleh wrote: »
    RandomA1 wrote: »
    LuvPosh wrote: »
    All of them, it usually starts with arriving and a male has yet again over estimated their height!

    One of my big pet peeves since I'm pretty tall as it is. Now, I just assume that they're 2 inches shorter than they listed and I'm usually right lol! Though the last guy I dated had a height listed that was about 1-2 inches shorter than his actual height.

    If women can knock 3-5 years off their age and 50lbs off their weight, then nobody can be surprised if men eventually start telling the same lies about their physical attributes. Your assumption is probably accurate as I've noticed that most women are 3 years older and about 20lbs heavier than they claim in their profiles.

    Internet liars everywhere!

    PS - I AM 5ft 8ins. That's undateably short and no amount of embellishment is going to change that!!! :neutral_face:

    Anything over 5'7" is perfect for me! :wink:

    Damnit! I'm only 5'7", not over! Well, that and being married kind of ruins my perfection.

    Okay, 5'7" and over. :wink:

    Goody. Now, if we can just look past the married part, I'll pick you up at 8 for dinner and a movie. You're buying right?

    Dollar menu at McDonalds!

    Can we make it Wendy's instead? There is a cute woman working the counter there that I'd like to ogle while you're talking.
  • I have always found that I attracted much older men online or guys much younger than I am.. never really MY age. Looking back I should have been a sugar baby (KIDDING) or sugar momma (too poor for that back then).

    Worst date? The guy kept telling me how much shorter I looked in photos. And that was ALL he would say. Super quiet and awkward date.
  • Belle8312
    Belle8312 Posts: 2,151 Member
    I have always found that I attracted much older men online or guys much younger than I am.. never really MY age. Looking back I should have been a sugar baby (KIDDING) or sugar momma (too poor for that back then).

    Worst date? The guy kept telling me how much shorter I looked in photos. And that was ALL he would say. Super quiet and awkward date.

    I always attract a lot younger guys....hardly anyone in my age range contacts me.
  • Belle8312 wrote: »
    I have always found that I attracted much older men online or guys much younger than I am.. never really MY age. Looking back I should have been a sugar baby (KIDDING) or sugar momma (too poor for that back then).

    Worst date? The guy kept telling me how much shorter I looked in photos. And that was ALL he would say. Super quiet and awkward date.

    I always attract a lot younger guys....hardly anyone in my age range contacts me.

    I'm unsure the mindset or intention but it's crazy isn't it?

    One kid messaged me when I was 27 and he was a SENIOR IN HIGH SCHOOL!

  • Belle8312
    Belle8312 Posts: 2,151 Member
    Belle8312 wrote: »
    I have always found that I attracted much older men online or guys much younger than I am.. never really MY age. Looking back I should have been a sugar baby (KIDDING) or sugar momma (too poor for that back then).

    Worst date? The guy kept telling me how much shorter I looked in photos. And that was ALL he would say. Super quiet and awkward date.

    I always attract a lot younger guys....hardly anyone in my age range contacts me.

    I'm unsure the mindset or intention but it's crazy isn't it?

    One kid messaged me when I was 27 and he was a SENIOR IN HIGH SCHOOL!

    WOW! I am 31, and I get people that are either over 45 or under 25 messaging for me personally, I am looking for someone in the 30-40 age range.
  • Belle8312
    Belle8312 Posts: 2,151 Member
    jnichel wrote: »
    Belle8312 wrote: »
    jnichel wrote: »
    Belle8312 wrote: »
    jnichel wrote: »
    Belle8312 wrote: »
    moya_bleh wrote: »
    RandomA1 wrote: »
    LuvPosh wrote: »
    All of them, it usually starts with arriving and a male has yet again over estimated their height!

    One of my big pet peeves since I'm pretty tall as it is. Now, I just assume that they're 2 inches shorter than they listed and I'm usually right lol! Though the last guy I dated had a height listed that was about 1-2 inches shorter than his actual height.

    If women can knock 3-5 years off their age and 50lbs off their weight, then nobody can be surprised if men eventually start telling the same lies about their physical attributes. Your assumption is probably accurate as I've noticed that most women are 3 years older and about 20lbs heavier than they claim in their profiles.

    Internet liars everywhere!

    PS - I AM 5ft 8ins. That's undateably short and no amount of embellishment is going to change that!!! :neutral_face:

    Anything over 5'7" is perfect for me! :wink:

    Damnit! I'm only 5'7", not over! Well, that and being married kind of ruins my perfection.

    Okay, 5'7" and over. :wink:

    Goody. Now, if we can just look past the married part, I'll pick you up at 8 for dinner and a movie. You're buying right?

    Dollar menu at McDonalds!

    Can we make it Wendy's instead? There is a cute woman working the counter there that I'd like to ogle while you're talking.

    I guess we can go to Wendy's....but only if we're there for no more than an hour. I have another date this afternoon.