Online Dating



  • Dragn77
    Dragn77 Posts: 810 Member
    I have always found that I attracted much older men online or guys much younger than I am.. never really MY age. Looking back I should have been a sugar baby (KIDDING) or sugar momma (too poor for that back then).

    Worst date? The guy kept telling me how much shorter I looked in photos. And that was ALL he would say. Super quiet and awkward date.

    I had one kind of like that...we never actually met though. Everytime we talked, he would say he is looking at my photos and he can't believe Im 5'10" because I just dont look that tall. He was 6'5" or something...and kept saying he really prefers tall women but that he just cant see it from my photos. Every single conversation.

    Even when I was like, well lets meet then! You'll see...he would agree, but then only call and say "hey, I have time for the next half hour..wanna meet?" Considering he lived an hour away...impossible. Another time, he called *while he was at a formal charity event* to see if I wanted to come and be his date. Not even last minute notice...he was already there! Uh...what?

    I was intrigued by him being so tall, but he was too much of an idiot.

  • Sinistrous
    Sinistrous Posts: 5,589 Member
    Lol he is probably a bit like me. Read this to understand hahah

    My grandma was an over thinker - everyone was always dead in a ditch somewhere because they weren't five minutes early. I have it to a degree in certain circumstances. Thankfully, it's not an all encompassing thing, I'd drive myself crazy, lol.

    I tend to overthink, as well.. (TOO MUCH). My brain is always busy.

    Only good thing that comes out of it, I speak my mind LOL.
  • SemperAnticus1643
    SemperAnticus1643 Posts: 703 Member
    Started messaging this one guy. Funny, good looking, no kids, blah blah blah. We went out a few times and then he started talking about getting exclusive. Sure, why not? So he meets my kids, meets my Dad, tells me he's going to Dallas for the weekend and I never hear from him again.

    There was also another guy that gave me a line about how I was too busy to date due to my kids' schedule. Two weeks later, and I will still get the occasional text, he called me up apologizing for jumping the gun and asked if we could try again. I declined.

    I now have an amazing boyfriend and I couldn't be happier.
  • Belle8312
    Belle8312 Posts: 2,151 Member
    I was listening to the radio this morning and heard a woman call in for Ryan's Roses (for those of you who ever listen to KIISFM with Ryan Seacrest, you know what I am talking about) and there's this woman who calls in saying she met some guy on Tinder a few months ago and they had an amazing connection and everytime he came to town (she lived in Arizona, him in LA) they had a great time. She then said he suggested she move out to LA. So she just picks up and does, but even though she's been out here for a few months, she's only seen him like 3 times.

    So they call him offering him roses to see who he'll send them to, and he sends them to HIS WIFE! This chick is now livid and was like, why did you tell me to move out here if you are married, etc, etc. He goes off about how he never told her that, blah, blah, blah. Eventually Ryan Seacrest cuts in and asks him if his wife knows he's on Tinder. He hangs up.

    Interestingly enough, while people though it was messed up that he was married and on Tinder, the majority of people who called in to comment all thought that the girl was crazy for moving out to a city where she knows no one after only a few dates.

    I kept thinking how bad I felt for the wife, not the two other crazy peeps!

  • Markdjones83
    Markdjones83 Posts: 852 Member
    My thoughts I am more depressed after reading this thread. Thanks a lot guys!

  • Belle8312
    Belle8312 Posts: 2,151 Member
    My thoughts I am more depressed after reading this thread. Thanks a lot guys!


    Awww, don't be depressed!
  • Belle8312
    Belle8312 Posts: 2,151 Member
    Started messaging this one guy. Funny, good looking, no kids, blah blah blah. We went out a few times and then he started talking about getting exclusive. Sure, why not? So he meets my kids, meets my Dad, tells me he's going to Dallas for the weekend and I never hear from him again.

    There was also another guy that gave me a line about how I was too busy to date due to my kids' schedule. Two weeks later, and I will still get the occasional text, he called me up apologizing for jumping the gun and asked if we could try again. I declined.

    I now have an amazing boyfriend and I couldn't be happier.

    Can't stand people that just bail like that. Just be honest!
  • Sinistrous
    Sinistrous Posts: 5,589 Member
    My thoughts I am more depressed after reading this thread. Thanks a lot guys!


    NUUU!!! -runs to inbox fwend-
  • Belle8312
    Belle8312 Posts: 2,151 Member
    kendall916 wrote: »
    I know this is going to sound immature (this is just a thought) but why not try online dating in MFP? There's a lot of good looking people and most of the people on here are very understanding and patient. :\

    I think some people do, but like carlson said most of my MFP friends don't even live close to me. A lot are married or taken already as well. A lot of women on here are also here strictly for fitness and might take offense to a little flirting :smile:

    Never hurts to try. Why not form a group if there isn't one already? Even if you meet someone who lives far away, you never know where things may lead.

    I kind of like that idea.....
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    My thoughts I am more depressed after reading this thread. Thanks a lot guys!

    Keep searching man. You will find the one if that what you are looking for.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    I got tons of crazy emails in the short time I used online dating. I went on two dates. The first seemed like a great match, but on our date he spent the entire time talking about himself. My first impression of the second date was very skeptical. We've been dating since July.
  • MomOfRose
    MomOfRose Posts: 89 Member
    tchell99 wrote: »
    Question: how many of you have trouble figuring out what to share when? One of the tough things for me in early communication is trying to avoid revealing too much too early while also not being purposely dodgy. It's a struggle to answer some of those ice-breaker questions early on ("Tell me about your family" and "Why haven't you been married?") when the honest answer can be quite complicated (and potentially TMI).

    I had this dilemna when I was pregnant (as a surrogate). How much to explain on the profile vs. when to bring it up when messaging back and forth. I didn't want to arrange a meeting for coffee and show up visibly pregnant and have to explain as quickly as possible before he ran off. But when I put on my profile that I was pregnant, I got messages from MANY guys wanting me to send them pics of my bare baby bump. Or asking if I could still have sex. Or asking if my milk had come in yet.
  • MomOfRose
    MomOfRose Posts: 89 Member
    Just found out my latest prospec that I've been talking with on phone/texting for last 2 weeks up and decided she doesn't want to date anyone with kids when I decided to finally meet her.

    Waste of time!

    I had a guy ask me out after we talked for a bit. Not 3 minutes into our "date" he told me he doesn't date single moms. Then he tried to sell me on using his company for my church's newsletter printing. I ended up making sure I talked about MY business so I could at least write off the drinks as an expense because he didn't seem like the type that was going to offer to pay for them.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Belle8312 wrote: »
    kendall916 wrote: »
    I know this is going to sound immature (this is just a thought) but why not try online dating in MFP? There's a lot of good looking people and most of the people on here are very understanding and patient. :\

    I think some people do, but like carlson said most of my MFP friends don't even live close to me. A lot are married or taken already as well. A lot of women on here are also here strictly for fitness and might take offense to a little flirting :smile:

    Never hurts to try. Why not form a group if there isn't one already? Even if you meet someone who lives far away, you never know where things may lead.

    I kind of like that idea.....

    I know I cannot do long distance dating. Nope tried it before. Never again.

  • jnichel
    jnichel Posts: 4,553 Member
    Belle8312 wrote: »
    jnichel wrote: »
    Belle8312 wrote: »
    jnichel wrote: »
    Belle8312 wrote: »
    jnichel wrote: »
    Belle8312 wrote: »
    moya_bleh wrote: »
    RandomA1 wrote: »
    LuvPosh wrote: »
    All of them, it usually starts with arriving and a male has yet again over estimated their height!

    One of my big pet peeves since I'm pretty tall as it is. Now, I just assume that they're 2 inches shorter than they listed and I'm usually right lol! Though the last guy I dated had a height listed that was about 1-2 inches shorter than his actual height.

    If women can knock 3-5 years off their age and 50lbs off their weight, then nobody can be surprised if men eventually start telling the same lies about their physical attributes. Your assumption is probably accurate as I've noticed that most women are 3 years older and about 20lbs heavier than they claim in their profiles.

    Internet liars everywhere!

    PS - I AM 5ft 8ins. That's undateably short and no amount of embellishment is going to change that!!! :neutral_face:

    Anything over 5'7" is perfect for me! :wink:

    Damnit! I'm only 5'7", not over! Well, that and being married kind of ruins my perfection.

    Okay, 5'7" and over. :wink:

    Goody. Now, if we can just look past the married part, I'll pick you up at 8 for dinner and a movie. You're buying right?

    Dollar menu at McDonalds!

    Can we make it Wendy's instead? There is a cute woman working the counter there that I'd like to ogle while you're talking.

    I guess we can go to Wendy's....but only if we're there for no more than an hour. I have another date this afternoon.

    That will work out perfectly. I only last a minute or two in bed anyway.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
  • dodojodie
    dodojodie Posts: 35 Member
    Met my current boyfriend online and he was my worst date actually :) he told me that he was divorced and broke and made me pay for the date . Lucky he was cute and is a great cook.
  • LuvPosh
    LuvPosh Posts: 105 Member
    moya_bleh wrote: »
    Signed up to POF in March 2013, deleted my profile two weeks ago after zero dates and a string of women messaging me to say how ugly, out of shape and short (5'8") I am.
    Confidence is now at zero, addicted to lifting due to BDD and I've become a panic-attack suffering gynophobe :(

    That's really sad to hear. Please just remind yourself that it says more about themselves than about you....and I know that is hard to try to start to believe when you get a.holes constantly making you feel like *kitten*. There is no need for it! At the end of the day, everyone wants someone to care about them.

    It costs nothing to politely decline even if you are not interested in a person or their request. And I don't get why people message you if not interested, except to put you down. Mind you....I got them occasionally. Would depend on my mood as to whether I ignored....which would become amusing in itself when they would still send more messages :wink: lol or I would rip them to shreds in return :blush:

  • paintguru77
    paintguru77 Posts: 7 Member
    Online dating is a double edged sword. Positives: Meet plenty of people you may not normally run into, can filter a bunch of folks at once without much effort, can do it while at work! Negatives: It is online, and people online are insane/mean (present company excluded).

    Met my wife online. I was her first online date, I had been on for about a year or two.
  • Rigra74
    Rigra74 Posts: 8 Member
    krinx83 wrote: »
    Girl...let's see where should I start...dated a guy for 3-4 months who swore he was divorced and he was in fact married and still living with his wife...umm couple of psychopaths and another lying married guy...a control freak...couple others who wanted me to save them from their marriages and support them financially...I've now given up on online dating.

    id say i have had about thhe same experiences, throw in an abusive man and a few stalkers... done with online dating!

    See, this is why online dating sucks for women and why decent dudes don't stand a chance!! It sucks that a few bad apples spoil the bunch!! I'm always amazed when I go on a date and the woman says that I "actually look like my profile" or she's never had someone open a door for her....what the hell is wrong with dudes these days?
  • iwillsucceed0444
    iwillsucceed0444 Posts: 432 Member
    From reading this thread I see a lot of decent, good-natured, attractive folks. Whoever ends up with you guys are all very lucky people. Know that, know that you are a good person! Don't give up that, don't give up on yourself. Try online dating but also try looking harder IRL too. Do things out of your comfort zone. See that good-looking guy at the grocery store? Go up and ask him where a certain product is. Who knows, he could be married, or he could be a great match for you! You never know until you try! Best of luck everybody. <3
  • LuvPosh
    LuvPosh Posts: 105 Member
    From reading this thread I see a lot of decent, good-natured, attractive folks. Whoever ends up with you guys are all very lucky people. Know that, know that you are a good person! Don't give up that, don't give up on yourself. Try online dating but also try looking harder IRL too. Do things out of your comfort zone. See that good-looking guy at the grocery store? Go up and ask him where a certain product is. Who knows, he could be married, or he could be a great match for you! You never know until you try! Best of luck everybody. <3

    I think the whole 'try harder' is where it goes wrong. The more you try the more losers you seem to find.

    I've found when I stop looking is when it usually comes along. (as frustrating in itself as that can be)

  • Dragn77
    Dragn77 Posts: 810 Member
    LuvPosh wrote: »

    I think the whole 'try harder' is where it goes wrong. The more you try the more losers you seem to find.

    I've found when I stop looking is when it usually comes along. (as frustrating in itself as that can be)

    A lot of truth in this I think! I met all my serious relationships when not only was I not looking, the last thing I wanted was to meet someone. When I met my ex-husband, I was in a major slump, never did my hair, wearing baggy dirty for real...I dont know what he saw in me LOL

    My next bf, met him online but not for dating..I met him by chance, thought he was full of it and hilarious, so I just kept talking to him because I was amused (turns out he wasnt full of it...all the incredible things he was telling me about his life, were acutally true lol)

    My last bf...a friend had to bribe me to take him somewhere cause he needed a ride. I so didnt want to go and was pretty annoyed cause I'd had a long day. I went to the bar to get a drink, and ran into my next bf of 5 years.

    Yeah, I think I need to stop trying. Maybe do all at once...wear baggy dirty tshirts, talk to wierdos online and get a drink at a bar when Im tired and in a bad mood. And then..maybe then I will meet the man of my dreams LMFAO
  • LuvPosh
    LuvPosh Posts: 105 Member
    Dragn77 wrote: »
    LuvPosh wrote: »

    I think the whole 'try harder' is where it goes wrong. The more you try the more losers you seem to find.

    I've found when I stop looking is when it usually comes along. (as frustrating in itself as that can be)

    A lot of truth in this I think! I met all my serious relationships when not only was I not looking, the last thing I wanted was to meet someone. When I met my ex-husband, I was in a major slump, never did my hair, wearing baggy dirty for real...I dont know what he saw in me LOL

    My next bf, met him online but not for dating..I met him by chance, thought he was full of it and hilarious, so I just kept talking to him because I was amused (turns out he wasnt full of it...all the incredible things he was telling me about his life, were acutally true lol)

    My last bf...a friend had to bribe me to take him somewhere cause he needed a ride. I so didnt want to go and was pretty annoyed cause I'd had a long day. I went to the bar to get a drink, and ran into my next bf of 5 years.

    Yeah, I think I need to stop trying. Maybe do all at once...wear baggy dirty tshirts, talk to wierdos online and get a drink at a bar when Im tired and in a bad mood. And then..maybe then I will meet the man of my dreams LMFAO

    If they can't handle you at your worst, they don't deserve you at your best :smiley:

  • needernt
    needernt Posts: 675 Member
    My question is why people try cyber dating when we can meet real people outside at work, at college, etc. and date there.
  • needernt
    needernt Posts: 675 Member
    wolfsbayne wrote: »
    I just got a message from a guy telling me he squatted 1400 lbs. once. I said "pics or it didn't happen."

    I didn't know squatting can attract girls :o
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    needernt wrote: »
    My question is why people try cyber dating when we can meet real people outside at work, at college, etc. and date there.

    I'm a single mom with an office job. The only possible places I could meet a guy were at the gym (I'm not there to chit-chat) or at the grocery store. Online was an easy way to talk to guys when I had spare time right before bed.
  • Markdjones83
    Markdjones83 Posts: 852 Member
    usmcmp wrote: »
    needernt wrote: »
    My question is why people try cyber dating when we can meet real people outside at work, at college, etc. and date there.

    I'm a single mom with an office job. The only possible places I could meet a guy were at the gym (I'm not there to chit-chat) or at the grocery store. Online was an easy way to talk to guys when I had spare time right before bed.

    What she says
  • mscheftg
    mscheftg Posts: 485 Member
    needernt wrote: »
    My question is why people try cyber dating when we can meet real people outside at work, at college, etc. and date there.

    1) Everyone that I work with is a woman (I'm into guys) or married.
    2) I've been out of college for nearly 10 years... not that much of a cougar.
    3) I don't do bars...don't go to the gym (wouldn't want to meet anyone there anyway)... online dating just works better for me.
  • Jolinia
    Jolinia Posts: 846 Member
    I don't like it, I don't trust it, and the rare times I start talking to someone online I don't believe he really exists or is what he says he is until I meet him in person and get to know him.