Processed foods



  • Thena81
    Thena81 Posts: 1,265 Member
    i tend to stick to whole, uncut meats not grinded meats
    eat and cook fresh veggies ONLY
    visit sites like Emily Bites and Skinnytaste

    add me if ya like sweetie!
  • EmmaKarney
    EmmaKarney Posts: 690 Member
    Sugar didn't make me fat. In fact, I ate pretty "clean" by popular definition. I just ate too much food. Period. I consumed more calories than I burned.
    Likewise, eliminating sugar didn't make me lose weight. Eating a caloric deficit made me lose weight.

    Sure, everyone is different.

    But obesity levels are soaring and that is not because the general population are stuffing their faces with too many vegetables and fresh organic meat.

    Our food chain is loaded with cheap, pre-made food that is packed with sugar and salt making small amounts of food overly calorific and not very satiating due to the sheer amount of empty calories.

    Therefore because its cheap and convenient we" just eat more and more.

    Also, the skill of cooking is dying out - the concept of buying raw ingredients and peeling chopping and cooking is simply alien to a large amount of people.
  • TallGlassOfQuirky
    TallGlassOfQuirky Posts: 282 Member
    Sugar didn't make me fat. In fact, I ate pretty "clean" by popular definition. I just ate too much food. Period. I consumed more calories than I burned.
    Likewise, eliminating sugar didn't make me lose weight. Eating a caloric deficit made me lose weight.

    Sure, everyone is different.

    But obesity levels are soaring and that is not because the general population are stuffing their faces with too many vegetables and fresh organic meat.

    Our food chain is loaded with cheap, pre-made food that is packed with sugar and salt making small amounts of food overly calorific and not very satiating due to the sheer amount of empty calories.

    Therefore because its cheap and convenient we" just eat more and more.

    Also, the skill of cooking is dying out - the concept of buying raw ingredients and peeling chopping and cooking is simply alien to a large amount of people.
    Three things...

    ONE: salt has no calories so adding it to foods doesn't fill them with empty calories (I am not saying excessive sodium is good for you, I am saying salt doesn't make "small amounts of food overly calorific and not very satiating due to the sheer amount of empty calories."

    TWO: I am not a special snowflake. People gain weight when they consume more calories than they burn. My blood pressure and blood sugar levels may have been better than similarly obese people who gorged on Twinkies and Doritos, but I was still obese and unhealthy because I ate too many calories.

    THREE: Did you even read the rest of my post? I clearly said that reading labels and making your own food are good things to do. I also said that occasional "processed" treats in an overall healthy lifestyle are not going to hurt.

    For the record, I have food allergies that make it vital for me to read labels carefully and to pay attention to the brands I buy. Being an informed consumer is a good thing. Shaming people who view food and nutrition differently than you is not. That goes for the"People who don't care about GMO's are ignorant pigs" crowd, the "Clean eating is a ridiculous and completely unnecessary idea" crowd, the "Grains are evil" crowd, and everyone in between.
    We don't all have to eat the same stuff and, even if it is all psychological, there is nothing wrong with choosing a food and fitness lifestyle that is maintainable and enjoyable for you.
  • EmmaKarney
    EmmaKarney Posts: 690 Member
    Added sugar is empty calories though. Which is obviously what I meant.

    I don't care if you're a special snowflake or not, I'm not trying to convince you personally to change your eating habits - I'm making a general comment about a problem affecting the whole developed world.

    Yes I did read your whole post but since I'm not aiming my comments directly at you I didn't see the necessity to address specific point you made point by point to say whether I agreed with you or not or to acknowledge each individual point.

    I'm well aware of the reality that calorific excess causes obesity - my point still stands - added sugar in processed food makes foods much more calorie dense than the average non calorie counting person would probably even imagine. Therefore they are eating excessive calories.

  • EmmaKarney
    EmmaKarney Posts: 690 Member
    Also, the is a massive difference between "shaming" of someone's specific views and making an observation abut a lack of education in nutrition leading to I'll informed choices (such as over consumption of fast food and highly processed foods)
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I'm well aware of the reality that calorific excess causes obesity - my point still stands - added sugar in processed food makes foods much more calorie dense than the average non calorie counting person would probably even imagine. Therefore they are eating excessive calories.


    You're not automatically eating "excessive calories" by eating calorie-dense foods, or foods loaded with sugar. It's quite possible to eat ice cream, etc, without eating excessive calories.

    Lots of us do. Your little conclusion is nonsensical.
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    I never was fat cause I moved around all the time while still eating TONS of sugar, which people seem to think and preach about making people fat. Also, it is not genetic. My youngest brother is over 300lbs. We grew up with the same diet but he was part of the "stay in and play video games" generation, while I was the "play outside from dawn to dusk" generation.

    Well if you're burning off all the sugar you eat, then it's not going to be an issue. I used to be very active and just ate anything. But then when I started working 80 hours per week, I wasn't able to just suddenly stop drinking soda and eating junk. It took me a long time to be able to change the way I eat, and that was only after I realized what a problem it was.
  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    Added sugar is empty calories though. Which is obviously what I meant.

    I don't care if you're a special snowflake or not, I'm not trying to convince you personally to change your eating habits - I'm making a general comment about a problem affecting the whole developed world.

    Yes I did read your whole post but since I'm not aiming my comments directly at you I didn't see the necessity to address specific point you made point by point to say whether I agreed with you or not or to acknowledge each individual point.

    I'm well aware of the reality that calorific excess causes obesity - my point still stands - added sugar in processed food makes foods much more calorie dense than the average non calorie counting person would probably even imagine. Therefore they are eating excessive calories.

    because sugar has no function in the body?
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member

    Walking diabetes time-bomb if I ever saw one.



  • jakkisr
    jakkisr Posts: 175 Member
    To reply to the Original Posters comment (guys, you've taken this way off the original question!)

    Inbetween the off-topic replies you've had there are actually some good suggestions. It's true that most foods we have access to these days have had some level of processing. Even so, you can reduce the amount of *processed* foods in your diet quite easily.

    My top two tips for you would be:

    1. Cook from scratch wherever possible then you know exactly what ingredients are going into your meal. There are loads of good recipes out there - don't use ones that ask you to add something from a bottle or a jar as a significant part of the flavour.

    2. Read all food labels properly - I personally avoid sweeteners, hydrogenated fats, modified starches and maize, colourings, unnatural flavourings, E numbers, aspartame. Fairly often I will read a packet and get some ideas of how to make it myself eg citric acid/use lemon or lime juice; garlic powder/use fresh garlic; stock/boil some vegetables with celery and a few herbs; sweetener/use unrefined sugar or honey or balsamic vinegar (or leave it out altogether).

    Good luck, hope it helps, my diary is open if you want to browse for some everyday ideas.
  • EmmaKarney
    EmmaKarney Posts: 690 Member
    Added sugar is empty calories though. Which is obviously what I meant.

    I don't care if you're a special snowflake or not, I'm not trying to convince you personally to change your eating habits - I'm making a general comment about a problem affecting the whole developed world.

    Yes I did read your whole post but since I'm not aiming my comments directly at you I didn't see the necessity to address specific point you made point by point to say whether I agreed with you or not or to acknowledge each individual point.

    I'm well aware of the reality that calorific excess causes obesity - my point still stands - added sugar in processed food makes foods much more calorie dense than the average non calorie counting person would probably even imagine. Therefore they are eating excessive calories.

    because sugar has no function in the body?

    You can get all the natural sugars you need from staples such as carrots, sweet potatoes etc...
  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    Added sugar is empty calories though. Which is obviously what I meant.

    I don't care if you're a special snowflake or not, I'm not trying to convince you personally to change your eating habits - I'm making a general comment about a problem affecting the whole developed world.

    Yes I did read your whole post but since I'm not aiming my comments directly at you I didn't see the necessity to address specific point you made point by point to say whether I agreed with you or not or to acknowledge each individual point.

    I'm well aware of the reality that calorific excess causes obesity - my point still stands - added sugar in processed food makes foods much more calorie dense than the average non calorie counting person would probably even imagine. Therefore they are eating excessive calories.

    because sugar has no function in the body?

    You can get all the natural sugars you need from staples such as carrots, sweet potatoes etc...

    whats the difference? Can you tell me chemically?
  • EmmaKarney
    EmmaKarney Posts: 690 Member
    I'm well aware of the reality that calorific excess causes obesity - my point still stands - added sugar in processed food makes foods much more calorie dense than the average non calorie counting person would probably even imagine. Therefore they are eating excessive calories.


    You're not automatically eating "excessive calories" by eating calorie-dense foods, or foods loaded with sugar. It's quite possible to eat ice cream, etc, without eating excessive calories.

    Lots of us do. Your little conclusion is nonsensical.

    This entire thread is not about ice cream though - it's about eating processed foods instead of cooked from scratch foods as the main proportion of your diet.

    As I said before - do you truly think the US/UKs obesity problem is due to people simply over-eating veg and homecoooked food???
  • EmmaKarney
    EmmaKarney Posts: 690 Member
    whats the difference? Can you tell me chemically?

    No difference chemically, but that wasn't what i was trying to land. I know you can eat ice cream and still stick to a calorie deficit if you so wish. Hell, I even had an ice cream yesterday myself. And stuck to my calorie goal.

    This is a thread about processed food and obesity though.

    It's easy to over eat. Even easier when even savoury processed food has added sugar to enhance flavour.
  • jakkisr
    jakkisr Posts: 175 Member

    whats the difference? Can you tell me chemically?

    I think you'll find the difference is about 'nutrition'. Why eat something that replicates the goodness we get from nature?

    We each make a choice about how to gain and maintain optimum health - some do it through chemicals, some do it through their food, some do it through both. Go do your own research (if you're interested enough!!)
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    whats the difference? Can you tell me chemically?

    No difference chemically, but that wasn't what i was trying to land. I know you can eat ice cream and still stick to a calorie deficit if you so wish. Hell, I even had an ice cream yesterday myself. And stuck to my calorie goal.

    This is a thread about processed food and obesity though.

    It's easy to over eat. Even easier when even savoury processed food has added sugar to enhance flavour.

    The bolded statements kind of contradict themselves. Sugar has nothing to do with any of this. It's the villian of the decade that's all. It's been beef in the past, cholesterol, fat... Right now it's sugar.

  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member

    whats the difference? Can you tell me chemically?

    I think you'll find the difference is about 'nutrition'. Why eat something that replicates the goodness we get from nature?

    We each make a choice about how to gain and maintain optimum health - some do it through chemicals, some do it through their food, some do it through both. Go do your own research (if you're interested enough!!)
    it was a rhetorical question

    there is no difference of nutrition between sucrose from fruits or sucrose from candy
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I'm well aware of the reality that calorific excess causes obesity - my point still stands - added sugar in processed food makes foods much more calorie dense than the average non calorie counting person would probably even imagine. Therefore they are eating excessive calories.


    You're not automatically eating "excessive calories" by eating calorie-dense foods, or foods loaded with sugar. It's quite possible to eat ice cream, etc, without eating excessive calories.

    Lots of us do. Your little conclusion is nonsensical.

    This entire thread is not about ice cream though - it's about eating processed foods instead of cooked from scratch foods as the main proportion of your diet.

    As I said before - do you truly think the US/UKs obesity problem is due to people simply over-eating veg and homecoooked food???

    It's from people overeating, period. It doesn't matter whether they're overeating ice cream or avocado.

    "Sugar" and "excess calories" are not synonymous. It's possible to eat plenty of sugar while eating a proper number of calories. It's possible to eat very little sugar while eating excessive calories.

    Sugar is not a causative factor in obesity. Calories are. Sure, they often go together, but they also often don't go together. Calories are to blame for obesity, not sugar. Demonizing sugar as you do only makes people think they have to avoid it to achieve their goals, which is silly because they do not.

    Every time you scare someone away from a food they love to eat, instead of teaching them how to enjoy it responsibly in the context of appropriate macronutrient targets, you increase their chances of failure. Every time.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    It's easy to over eat. Even easier when even savoury processed food has added sugar to enhance flavour.

    This is pretty much exactly what I'm talking about.

    You're literally saying that since it's easy to overeat really flavorful foods, you should avoid those foods. Why do you want to condemn people to a lifetime of less-flavorful food that they enjoy less?

    That's not a long-term sustainable answer. A better answer is to eat those foods you love, but learn how to do it while hitting appropriate nutrient and calorie goals. "Avoid sugar!" isn't a plan for life, it's a stupid pointless warning that does more harm than good.
  • jakkisr
    jakkisr Posts: 175 Member
    it was a rhetorical question

    there is no difference of nutrition between sucrose from fruits or sucrose from candy

    I think it was an arsey question personally. To each their own. This thread wasn't about sucrose or the difference in chemical composition of processed versus unprocessed .. It was the OP asking how to cut what many of us deem to be everyday processed foods. Perhaps you should start a new thread to continue the debate you're having?