Eat junk or nothing?



  • allaboutthecake
    allaboutthecake Posts: 1,535 Member
    OP, try bringing something with you if you can. Maybe even a sandwich. If you think your family will find it offensive, keep it in the car then slip out the door & chow down. As for not eating what they have, I can relate. My former MIL was a smoker & everything tasted like cigarettes. Even my toddler (at the time) wouldn't eat any of her cookies, yet she never understood why. (I tried one ONE time & spit it out fast as I could, lol).
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    This is an interesting one.

    So on the one hand it would be easy to say that you should just stick to your goals and that nobody else matters when it comes to you. Now at the extreme endpoints like having a food allergy or a serious health condition related to food intake, or perhaps you're a few weeks out from stepping on stage in a physique contest -- I could see this warranting a conversation with the in-laws so that they understand that you've got limitations/needs and you absolutely don't mean to offend them.

    Beyond that you've got a few options that I can think of. You could have something ready for you in the car that you eat on the way so that you're satiated when you arrive. If they offer food you can politely decline because you aren't hungry.

    You could evaluate the frequency with which you are at the in-laws in this situation and decide whether or not the easier answer is to just eat what they are serving. Use it as an opportunity to actively practice portion control, and realize that since you're not eating there every day (presumably), you're probably not doing as much damage as you think. This might just be the path of least resistance because you're less likely to offend your in laws.

    For what it's worth, I am not at my in-laws very often but the food environment there is challenging. I always eat whatever they are serving and I practice portion control/moderation on the dessert/snack type items that are prevalent in their environment.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    edited February 2015
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    P.S if I asked people I know what the term 'junk food' refers to, I'm pretty sure they'd all say the same...burgers, chips, crisps, biscuits, chocolate, fast food etc. I'm not saying you can't eat it within a balanced diet, because of course you can, but this is what I assumed everyone would agree is classed as 'junk'. So why the constant questioning the op about her use of the word?
    Or maybe it's just different in England....

    I'm grilling up burgers tonight for my wife and exactly is the "junk"'s an awesome source of protein among other things...note that red meat does not equal "bad". I will also be cutting up a potato and sauteing said potato in a bit of oil to make some home fries, and as with most nights I will be having some dark chocolate for desert.

    You can look at my diary if you like and you will find that I have a very well rounded and balanced day and that in fact, my planned dinner is fairly kick *kitten* on the macro and micro front. I'm failing to see how this is "junk".

    I also need about 500 more calories to round out my day so I might have a couple of you can consider that junk if you like...but really, if you look at my day overall I pretty much kick *kitten*.

    I was more referring to fast food, and yes that is what pretty much everyone would consider junk in England. I'm sorry if that offends you.

    No, I wouldn't consider a homemade burger as junk, however it would eat into my calorie allowance a fair bit (if I were having it in a roll) so I probably wouldn't eat one. You need to remember that not everyone can eat 2000+ calories a day to lose weight/maintain.

    My go to fast food (yes I'm in England too) is a shish kebab, grilled lean chicken or lamb and salad in a pitta bread. I certainly wouldn't call it junk and I would guess most sensible people (in England or elsewhere) wouldn't call a meal that is primarily grilled meat and vegetables junk food either.
    That you associate fast or convenience food with junk is your prerogative but don't assume everyone in England agrees with you!
    Would you also call the traditional English fast food of fish and chips as junk? If so - why?
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    I would say you could eat the food, just small portions. I basically eat what i want, just not alot of it.

    I don't get the logic behind answers like this. OP says they don't want to eat the food, response is "you can eat it. I eat what I want..."
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I prefer nothing over junk. That's just because I have standards though, not everyone shares this affliction, otherwise 7-11 wouldn't serve "food".

    Do whatever. Going hungry won't kill you, and in a vaccuum that single roller grill hotdog won't kill you...
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    elleykat wrote: »
    MelWick524 wrote: »
    Let's face it: sometimes you will unexpectedly be in a situation where your body is saying "eat" and you are faced with this choice. A lot of people are giving you snide comments about how there's a 3rd option of always being armed with apples and real life, we are not always prepared 100% of the time. S*** happens. If you're hungry and your body needs fuel, fuel it. I would suggest picking the least binge-tempting thing that's available, eating one serving (count out those 10 Doritos and put the bag back, lol!), wash it down with some water, and hold yourself over until you're back to where you can be in control. As a person who has struggled with both binge-eating and bulimia, I know that triggers may always be triggers, no matter how disciplined you become, and some people just do not have the capability to empathize with or understand this. But...bottom line...don't starve. Like the one person said, eat it, log it & move on. :-) My advice for the day, lol.

    ^^ This, and I love you. :) (Man, people on these forums sure can be mean. It's even worse than the forums on mommy sites - something I didn't think was possible!!!)

    I'd say the mommy sites are still worse. I've never had someone from here try to track down my personal info and stalk me irl because I disagreed with them (at least that I know of). Aside from that, though, it's a pretty tight race.

    OMG mummy sites are horrendous! Not sure about in the US, but Mumsnet and Netmums in the UK..scary lol.
    A friend of mine would make accounts on some of the US sites and then spread tales about how she uses benadryl to help put her kids down for naps, just to see the nuclear fallout from the inmates.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Nice to see you still have the same defeatist attitude..

    Reality hasn't changed, my dear.

  • lucys1225
    lucys1225 Posts: 597 Member
    I would say you could eat the food, just small portions. I basically eat what i want, just not alot of it.

    I don't get the logic behind answers like this. OP says they don't want to eat the food, response is "you can eat it. I eat what I want..."

    Nor do I. It seems like anyone who wants to change their diet, not only for weight loss but for health reasons, they seem to feel the need to throw in CICO or, better yet, show a picture of some kind of unhealthy food....baffling.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    lucys1225 wrote: »
    I would say you could eat the food, just small portions. I basically eat what i want, just not alot of it.

    I don't get the logic behind answers like this. OP says they don't want to eat the food, response is "you can eat it. I eat what I want..."

    Nor do I. It seems like anyone who wants to change their diet, not only for weight loss but for health reasons, they seem to feel the need to throw in CICO or, better yet, show a picture of some kind of unhealthy food....baffling.

    the point is there is no "unhealthy" food ...

    hit your calories/micros/macros and you are good to go yes, OP can eat ice cream, cookies, etc if she so chooses...

    the point is that you don't have to assign a moralistic value to food..
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    here's an idea, don't eat.

    surely, that's more healthy than all the unhealthiez foodz
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    lucys1225 wrote: »
    I would say you could eat the food, just small portions. I basically eat what i want, just not alot of it.

    I don't get the logic behind answers like this. OP says they don't want to eat the food, response is "you can eat it. I eat what I want..."

    Nor do I. It seems like anyone who wants to change their diet, not only for weight loss but for health reasons, they seem to feel the need to throw in CICO or, better yet, show a picture of some kind of unhealthy food....baffling.

    I too find those posts baffling, but that was not really my point. My point is that the OP said they didn't want to eat the food, but was wondering if they should. An answer suggesting they eat what they want is silly and off point. They've already said that what they want is not available.

    Personally, I wouldn’t eat the junk unless I was so hungry I was miserable. I’d wait until food that I did want was available. If I was so hungry I was miserable, then I’d eat enough to make me not miserable and make a mental note to bring something I like with me next time.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,139 Member
    I'll be right there, I'm on the internet and a person finds a post baffling, so I have to get to the bottom of it. lol I love this place
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    My point is that the OP said they didn't want to eat the food, but was wondering if they should. An answer suggesting they eat what they want is silly and off point.

    uhhh.... lol!
    Good joke!
  • lucys1225
    lucys1225 Posts: 597 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    lucys1225 wrote: »
    I would say you could eat the food, just small portions. I basically eat what i want, just not alot of it.

    I don't get the logic behind answers like this. OP says they don't want to eat the food, response is "you can eat it. I eat what I want..."

    Nor do I. It seems like anyone who wants to change their diet, not only for weight loss but for health reasons, they seem to feel the need to throw in CICO or, better yet, show a picture of some kind of unhealthy food....baffling.

    the point is there is no "unhealthy" food ...

    hit your calories/micros/macros and you are good to go yes, OP can eat ice cream, cookies, etc if she so chooses...

    the point is that you don't have to assign a moralistic value to food..

    And, obviously, that is not what the OP wants to do...hence the question...

  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    dbmata wrote: »
    My point is that the OP said they didn't want to eat the food, but was wondering if they should. An answer suggesting they eat what they want is silly and off point.

    uhhh.... lol!
    Good joke!

    Not sure what you mean, but always glad to amuse.
  • johnnylakis
    johnnylakis Posts: 812 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    What are you considering junk?
    Yeah, what Lis said

  • blktngldhrt
    blktngldhrt Posts: 1,053 Member
    Arguing about opinions...

    Junk is something worthless or meaningless. In that regard, one could argue that all food that provides energy has worth. It could also be argued that junk is something that has little to no value in the opinion of whoever is using the word.

    one can say something is junk food because it lacks the nutrients that they prefer to get for their calories.

    one can also say the music put out by nickleback is junk because it doesn't meet their musical preferences.

    In my opinion, food that has little nutrional value and will cause my body to work improperly (medical condition) is worthless to me.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    lucys1225 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    lucys1225 wrote: »
    I would say you could eat the food, just small portions. I basically eat what i want, just not alot of it.

    I don't get the logic behind answers like this. OP says they don't want to eat the food, response is "you can eat it. I eat what I want..."

    Nor do I. It seems like anyone who wants to change their diet, not only for weight loss but for health reasons, they seem to feel the need to throw in CICO or, better yet, show a picture of some kind of unhealthy food....baffling.

    the point is there is no "unhealthy" food ...

    hit your calories/micros/macros and you are good to go yes, OP can eat ice cream, cookies, etc if she so chooses...

    the point is that you don't have to assign a moralistic value to food..

    And, obviously, that is not what the OP wants to do...hence the question...

    maybe if OP had a better understanding of food/macros/micros then she would realize that she can eat the thins she considers "bad" and still achieve her goals..

    but I guess trying to educate people is out, and we should just all blindly support OP's 100% regardless of what the say ...
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    edited February 2015
    I'll be right there, I'm on the internet and a person finds a post baffling, so I have to get to the bottom of it. lol I love this place

    I can't answer for the original baffled poster, but when someone posts that they don't want to eat junk and then someone responds with "there is no junk food, I had this for lunch", along with a pic of something like a 5000 calorie burger with 3 meat patties and about a lb of cheese, I find it baffling.

    If they don't think that enourmous burger is junk, then why post it as a an example? How is what they ate relevant or helpful? If you check out the burger poster's diary, why is the burger rarely logged? What does CICO have to do with eating enourmous burgers or junk food you don't want? So many baffling questions.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    lucys1225 wrote: »
    I would say you could eat the food, just small portions. I basically eat what i want, just not alot of it.

    I don't get the logic behind answers like this. OP says they don't want to eat the food, response is "you can eat it. I eat what I want..."

    Nor do I. It seems like anyone who wants to change their diet, not only for weight loss but for health reasons, they seem to feel the need to throw in CICO or, better yet, show a picture of some kind of unhealthy food....baffling.

    I too find those posts baffling, but that was not really my point. My point is that the OP said they didn't want to eat the food, but was wondering if they should. An answer suggesting they eat what they want is silly and off point. They've already said that what they want is not available.

    Personally, I wouldn’t eat the junk unless I was so hungry I was miserable. I’d wait until food that I did want was available. If I was so hungry I was miserable, then I’d eat enough to make me not miserable and make a mental note to bring something I like with me next time.

    the error is in assigning a value of "junk" to food...