Scratches head and thinks WTF...



  • JPal5
    JPal5 Posts: 178
    Celery has negative calories.
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    I haven't read through this thread, but the one thing that gets me is people who respond to a topic who appear to have not read the OP's post. Like, the comment just fell out of the sky and landed in the wrong forum. It happened a couple of times yesterday.:ohwell:
    Yep! see it all the time I wonder if its a case of internet dyslexia...occasionally I do like to throw in a random gif/pic to ease the tension tho...
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    Celery has negative calories.

    did you just

  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    I haven't read through this thread, but the one thing that gets me is people who respond to a topic who appear to have not read the OP's post. Like, the comment just fell out of the sky and landed in the wrong forum. It happened a couple of times yesterday.:ohwell:
    Yep! see it all the time I wonder if its a case of internet dyslexia...occasionally I do like to throw in a random gif/pic to ease the tension tho...

    ohh dude.... too far. thats just wrong.
  • JPal5
    JPal5 Posts: 178
    Celery has negative calories.

    did you just


    Aah the ever elusive air-plank.
  • JPal5
    JPal5 Posts: 178
    Celery has negative calories.

    did you just


    Aah the ever elusive air-plank.

    Now more elusive...
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    Celery has negative calories.

    did you just


    Aah the ever elusive air-plank.

    Now more elusive...


  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    I haven't read through this thread, but the one thing that gets me is people who respond to a topic who appear to have not read the OP's post. Like, the comment just fell out of the sky and landed in the wrong forum. It happened a couple of times yesterday.:ohwell:
    Yep! see it all the time I wonder if its a case of internet dyslexia...occasionally I do like to throw in a random gif/pic to ease the tension tho...

    ohh dude.... too far. thats just wrong. about something a little sexier...
  • FrankenBeanz
    FrankenBeanz Posts: 176 Member about something a little sexier...

    This gif makes me wish I were a man JUST to do this, over and over again!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,597 Member
    Drink gallons of water. (-NO! Seriously bad advice.)
    Don't eat after 6pm.
    Don't eat carbs after 6pm.
    Drink a protein drink right after weight training.

    Honestly if our bodies were so sensitive and picky we've have died out as a species, or never got going at all.
    Best advice? Eat less, preferably a bit healthier, and move more, quite a lot more.
    Nuff said.:flowerforyou:
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    Well me, I'm one animal that cares...I'm not a preachy vegan/judgmental lentil. Not going in for the great vegan/omnivore debate, thanks but no thanks.
    I would respectfully suggest that until you your self have been horribly tortured and then killed by another entity, you don't have enough experience to know if during this rather stressful act you would actually care what said entity was.

    I suspect my feelings at the time would be "just make it stop".

    Oh and yes, vegetarians make me "Scratches head and thinks WTF" :).
    Yes I imagine thoughts like "*kitten* let it stop" and "Nooo" would most probably be going through my mind. But to suggest that any animal other than humans would keep you caged,force-fed god knows what to make you grow at an accelerated rate for larger yield, tortured to a degree for the whole of your life than killed unnecessarily seems pretty unlikely and considering the geography of where I live the most probable thing to kill me as far as animals go is a human...maybe a shark when I swim in the ocean but I doubt it.
  • JPal5
    JPal5 Posts: 178
    Well me, I'm one animal that cares...I'm not a preachy vegan/judgmental lentil. Not going in for the great vegan/omnivore debate, thanks but no thanks.
    I would respectfully suggest that until you your self have been horribly tortured and then killed by another entity, you don't have enough experience to know if during this rather stressful act you would actually care what said entity was.

    I suspect my feelings at the time would be "just make it stop".

    Oh and yes, vegetarians make me "Scratches head and thinks WTF" :).
    Yes I imagine thoughts like "*kitten* let it stop" and "Nooo" would most probably be going through my mind. But to suggest that any animal other than humans would keep you caged,force-fed god knows what to make you grow at an accelerated rate for larger yield, tortured to a degree for the whole of your life than killed unnecessarily seems pretty unlikely and considering the geography of where I live the most probable thing to kill me as far as animals go is a human...maybe a shark when I swim in the ocean but I doubt it.

  • Prettymisssparkles
    Prettymisssparkles Posts: 1,274 Member about something a little sexier...

    This gif makes me wish I were a man JUST to do this, over and over again!

    Lololol! Can't stop watching it! :noway: Totally got a WTC thought out of me.
  • craigmandu
    craigmandu Posts: 976 Member
    Don't get off the soap box, was just about to join you! ;-)

    The last bit is exactly the point that makes no sense to the logical human brain - why grow food to feed animals to feed us? Why not just grow food?
    You can store more energy in a cow than you could grow in the square footage it takes up.

    And beef tastes better than lettuce.

    how many people could you feed instead of feeding the cow? how much grain and water goes into one cow. its not about the land dude.

    "If all the grain currently fed to livestock in the United States were consumed directly by people, the number of people who could be fed would be nearly 800 million," David Pimentel, professor of ecology in Cornell University's College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, reported at the July 24-26 meeting of the Canadian Society of Animal Science in Montreal. Or, if those grains were exported, it would boost the U.S. trade balance by $80 billion a year, Pimentel estimated.

    With only grass-fed livestock, individual Americans would still get more than the recommended daily allowance (RDA) of meat and dairy protein, according to Pimentel's report, "Livestock Production: Energy Inputs and the Environment."

    so yah, your logic level: flawed.

    Having grown up with a family that raised cows, goats, chickens, rabbits, turkeys, pigs......

    All animals "eat" more over the course of their lives before slaughter than they "give" once slaughtered. However, I don't buy this notion that the same items that are farmed on the lands that feed those animals would feed others...most of what we bought to feed them was not for human consumption.

    Now could the land be re-purposed that the farmer that grows "feed" crops uses? I'm sure it can.

    I'm more concerned with genetically modified seeds/plants, than I am with industry raised beef. When farmers have to buy seeds that are modified to allow a single season of growth, without the ability to cultivate the seeds themselves, it leads me to believe we are pushing crop production down the wrong road.

    How much "crop" was destroyed to create "ethanol", who could that have "fed"? The cold hard truth is we as a society are not worried about "feeding" others, simply what makes monetary sense to us.
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    Well me, I'm one animal that cares...I'm not a preachy vegan/judgmental lentil. Not going in for the great vegan/omnivore debate, thanks but no thanks.
    I would respectfully suggest that until you your self have been horribly tortured and then killed by another entity, you don't have enough experience to know if during this rather stressful act you would actually care what said entity was.

    I suspect my feelings at the time would be "just make it stop".

    Oh and yes, vegetarians make me "Scratches head and thinks WTF" :).
    Yes I imagine thoughts like "*kitten* let it stop" and "Nooo" would most probably be going through my mind. But to suggest that any animal other than humans would keep you caged,force-fed god knows what to make you grow at an accelerated rate for larger yield, tortured to a degree for the whole of your life than killed unnecessarily seems pretty unlikely and considering the geography of where I live the most probable thing to kill me as far as animals go is a human...maybe a shark when I swim in the ocean but I doubt it.


    cant yall just be friends?

  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    The cold hard truth is we as a society are not worried about "feeding" others, simply what makes monetary sense to us.

    stone cold truth. amen brother.
  • JPal5
    JPal5 Posts: 178
    Well me, I'm one animal that cares...I'm not a preachy vegan/judgmental lentil. Not going in for the great vegan/omnivore debate, thanks but no thanks.
    I would respectfully suggest that until you your self have been horribly tortured and then killed by another entity, you don't have enough experience to know if during this rather stressful act you would actually care what said entity was.

    I suspect my feelings at the time would be "just make it stop".

    Oh and yes, vegetarians make me "Scratches head and thinks WTF" :).
    Yes I imagine thoughts like "*kitten* let it stop" and "Nooo" would most probably be going through my mind. But to suggest that any animal other than humans would keep you caged,force-fed god knows what to make you grow at an accelerated rate for larger yield, tortured to a degree for the whole of your life than killed unnecessarily seems pretty unlikely and considering the geography of where I live the most probable thing to kill me as far as animals go is a human...maybe a shark when I swim in the ocean but I doubt it.


    cant yall just be friends?


    Just close your eyes and sssshhhh ... it will all be over soon.

  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    I came here looking for lulz and found only arguments over vegetarianism. I haz a sad.
  • VeganLexi
    VeganLexi Posts: 960 Member
    And beef tastes better than lettuce.

  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Drink a protein drink right after weight training.
    Sure, you don't NEED to, but the evidence suggests you'll get best results if you do.

    It's like doing your shopping and realising you've got a coupon for another item free sat in your wallet - you could spend a little time extra and get a bit back in return, or you could leave it and not have got quite as good a deal.

    You might not particularly lose out if you don't dig it out, but if you do you can get that little bit more out of the time spent on your shopping trip.
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