Scratches head and thinks WTF...



  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Forum WTF is a copyrighted property protected under U.S. trademark law. You will hear from our attorneys before the end of the week.
  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    I'm more concerned with genetically modified seeds/plants, than I am with industry raised beef. When farmers have to buy seeds that are modified to allow a single season of growth, without the ability to cultivate the seeds themselves, it leads me to believe we are pushing crop production down the wrong road.

    How much "crop" was destroyed to create "ethanol", who could that have "fed"? The cold hard truth is we as a society are not worried about "feeding" others, simply what makes monetary sense to us.

    This is all I have to say on this subject ^^. We were looking for weed killers the other day and I saw the Monsato Company logo and I know that they produce genetically modified seeds that are resistant to their weed killer and have to be re-purchased yearly by farmers. I don't care how good their product is... I'm not buying Round-Up or anything that proudly has their label.

    You can't tell me that GMO's are "guaranteed" safe because we haven't done enough research on long-term effects and you can't tell me that it makes sense to nickel and dime farmers on their livelihood.

    I'm not perfect, and I am poor so I have some trouble affording organic and locally raised food, but I just think we're doing it wrong as a society.
  • K_Serz
    K_Serz Posts: 1,299 Member
    Having your husband raped by a male hooker whilst handcuffed to a chair because you are leaving him is justified...WTF

    Damn, I dont login to MFP for one day and look at what I miss! *kicks rocks*
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    I'm more concerned with genetically modified seeds/plants, than I am with industry raised beef. When farmers have to buy seeds that are modified to allow a single season of growth, without the ability to cultivate the seeds themselves, it leads me to believe we are pushing crop production down the wrong road.

    How much "crop" was destroyed to create "ethanol", who could that have "fed"? The cold hard truth is we as a society are not worried about "feeding" others, simply what makes monetary sense to us.

    This is all I have to say on this subject ^^. We were looking for weed killers the other day and I saw the Monsato Company logo and I know that they produce genetically modified seeds that are resistant to their weed killer and have to be re-purchased yearly by farmers. I don't care how good their product is... I'm not buying Round-Up or anything that proudly has their label.

    You can't tell me that GMO's are "guaranteed" safe because we haven't done enough research on long-term effects and you can't tell me that it makes sense to nickel and dime farmers on their livelihood.

    I'm not perfect, and I am poor so I have some trouble affording organic and locally raised food, but I just think we're doing it wrong as a society.

    i have a bridge for sale in Brooklyn. are you interested?
  • PlayerHatinDogooder
    PlayerHatinDogooder Posts: 1,018 Member

  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    This thread quickly went to ****.
  • just_fur_luck
    just_fur_luck Posts: 141 Member
    OP, you're treading on some very dangerous ground. Watch yourself.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    wait... what.. you're gaining? you need to eat more.... WTF?

    This is the one that kills me. I get the eye rolling thing going on at this point. Energy balance and whatnot. Someone creating their own energy out of nothing seems pretty incredible.

    I've reached the point of


    with that one. like... oh, your gaining weight, must be that caloric deficit. how the frick is that possible. either there is no deficit, infact a surplus, or you have health problems.

    I don't see how that works.

    The deeper the deficit, the more likely you are to be malnourishing yourself, which in turns causes your body to produce hormones that conflict and prevent weight loss.
  • CarmenSRT
    CarmenSRT Posts: 843 Member
    wait... what.. you're gaining? you need to eat more.... WTF?

    This is the one that kills me. I get the eye rolling thing going on at this point. Energy balance and whatnot. Someone creating their own energy out of nothing seems pretty incredible.

    But, but, what about the Breatharians? Aren't we hatin' on the Breatharians? :bigsmile: We're gonna get reported.
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    OP, you're treading on some very dangerous ground. Watch yourself.

    Actually it's most everyone else, not the OP. The OP actually had a good idea for a thread that got turned into yet another vegan/vegetarian/meat eater debate.
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    People that type text language on a qwerty keyboard phone... god that pisses me off
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    I scratched my WTF and thought "head"

    That's just how I roll....
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Not sure if this one has been mentioned but....

    If you wrap yourself up in trash bags and duct tape, you will sweat off all of your fat...... WTF?
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    wait... what.. you're gaining? you need to eat more.... WTF?

    This is the one that kills me. I get the eye rolling thing going on at this point. Energy balance and whatnot. Someone creating their own energy out of nothing seems pretty incredible.

    I've reached the point of


    with that one. like... oh, your gaining weight, must be that caloric deficit. how the frick is that possible. either there is no deficit, infact a surplus, or you have health problems.

    I don't see how that works.

    The deeper the deficit, the more likely you are to be malnourishing yourself, which in turns causes your body to produce hormones that conflict and prevent weight loss.

    so if your gaining.... eat more? that would be a plateau, and it kinda sounds like bro science, although it might just sound like bro science. how long can this hormonal weight loss prevention last? at what threshold does it usually kick in? any studies. I would actually like to know.
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    I'm going to completely cut ______ food group ( usually carbs)... WTF!?!
    DTJBMcT Posts: 48 Member
    You know what makes me nuts? ANY weight-loss product hyped via MLM.

    "Have you tried THAT CRAZY WRAP THING? You can lose a BAJILLION inches by sticking this magical papery stuff to your body. Just look at my before and after photos, because those are TOTALLY NOT FAKE!"


    "Hi! I'm with Team Beachbody! The best way to lose weight is with my $4 shakes!"

    or any of the other eight million different MLM products that are out there now, promising to not only make you skinny but make you rich! I swear, if I get one more high school classmate contacting me through Facebook, trying to get me to buy their overpriced snake oil....

    EVERYTHING I need to lose weight I can find at my grocery store and my gym. Take your $4 shakes and your magical Acai berry juice and your seaweed wraps and stick 'em where the sun don't shine.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member

    If you wrap yourself up in trash bags and duct tape, you will sweat off all of your fat...... WTF?

    Isn't that called being kidnapped? I can see how you might lose crapping yourself.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    wait... what.. you're gaining? you need to eat more.... WTF?

    This is the one that kills me. I get the eye rolling thing going on at this point. Energy balance and whatnot. Someone creating their own energy out of nothing seems pretty incredible.

    I've reached the point of


    with that one. like... oh, your gaining weight, must be that caloric deficit. how the frick is that possible. either there is no deficit, infact a surplus, or you have health problems.

    I don't see how that works.

    The deeper the deficit, the more likely you are to be malnourishing yourself, which in turns causes your body to produce hormones that conflict and prevent weight loss.

    so if your gaining.... eat more? that would be a plateau, and it kinda sounds like bro science, although it might just sound like bro science. how long can this hormonal weight loss prevention last? at what threshold does it usually kick in? any studies. I would actually like to know.

    Read New Rules of Lifting for Women. Primarily, this occurs for long-term deficits and long-term nutrient deficiencies. I'm not sure at what point it would begin. I think it depends on the individual. A lack of unsaturated fats over the long-term causes the body to produce grehlin (the hormone that stimulates hunger) in abundance. I've experienced this one firsthand and it sucks. Also, a potassium deficiency is likely to cause edema, or excess water retention (experienced this one too). And, lastly, a prolonged, under-nourished calorie deficit puts the body under stress, and it responds by producing excess cortisol that will make the body perform more efficiently (calorie burns are affected).

    The evidence for this is out there. You just have to take the time to do some research.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    t MLM products
    I had someone like that on facebook - they put a thing on a local businsses group for my area on facebook.
    When I replied sceptically, he sent me a friend request and linked me to the same information I was sceptical about.

    He kept his profile updated with horrible woo and lizard over-lord stuff.
    As I do, I questioned it.
    It took some time of me pointing out the problems in all his woo before he defriended me - not great business to have someone questioning your faith when you're trying to target the faithful I'm guessing.
    DTJBMcT Posts: 48 Member

    Read New Rules of Lifting for Women. Primarily, this occurs for long-term deficits and long-term nutrient deficiencies. I'm not sure at what point it would begin. I think it depends on the individual. A lack of unsaturated fats over the long-term causes the body to produce grehlin (the hormone that stimulates hunger) in abundance. I've experienced this one firsthand and it sucks. Also, a potassium deficiency is likely to cause edema, or excess water retention (experienced this one too). And, lastly, a prolonged, under-nourished calorie deficit puts the body under stress, and it responds by producing excess cortisol that will make the body perform more efficiently (calorie burns are affected).

    The evidence for this is out there. You just have to take the time to do some research.

    ^The above is what my nutritionist told me. She had me increase my calories from my self-imposed 1200 a day up to 1850 because of how much I work out. She also had me INCREASE the fat I was eating, which scared me to death. Most days I just can't eat that much, but it feels SO good not to be hungry anymore! Plus, while I was sure I was going to end up blimp sized... I lost six pounds the first week and have been having small losses since, either on the scale or -- much more dramatically -- in my measurements. The info posted above is pure GOLD.

    (Edited because all the quote boxes were messing with my OCD.)
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