

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Party's over. It went very well. The kids had lots of fun and DGD was over the moon! Luckily, only nine kids showed up and that was a very good number. They all loved making the masks out of clay. We had more than enough food, lots of presents, and the kids were all very well behaved. We were under a severe storm watch, which never materialized but may have kept some people away.

    I will have a lot of cleanup to do tomorrow, but that's ok.

    Toni, I talked to my docs nurse today and she said there was no mention of a heart murmur in my records, so it must be something new. I have an appointment with her next week and will go into it more then. And another appointment with the cardiologist the week after, so it will get checked out.

    Well, I'm off to bed. I'll try to post a picture of the party tomorrow.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,387 Member
    Mary - the base of the praying mantis is grey, the body is pink, the legs are green, I just started the wing which is yellow, I believe the shoulder is going to be blue, the eyes purple with white around them, I forget the rest. I need color out by the pool, there are so many rocks so lots of beige, I need color.

    Sylvia - how do you make a "confetti" angel food cake? I make a pineapple angel food cake where instead of the water, you add a 20oz can of crushed pineapple. So glad you liked the new doc. Sounds like he's on top of things.

    Lately, my watch has been VERY loose. It's usually looser in the winter so that's not unusual. But today it actually turned around on my wrist. Wonder if I can be getting smaller wrists. And if so, why can't the rest of me get smaller???

    - so glad you got to see gd

    Right before we went to VA we got a call from the condo assoc pres. Said our ceiling in the bathroom is done. So Vince wants to go down this summer (I'm thinking June/July) to get a vanity and one of those over-the-toilet things

    Rori - love the name of your cat. See, Vince retired from Mars, Inc.....lol

    Joyce - oh, I TOTALLY agree that Heather's next book should be a cookbook! yes!!!! Marcus Welby, MD...was marcus Welby a surgeon? that I don't remember. I think I had a bit of a crush on Wilt Chamberlain as Dr. Kildaire.

    Did 1 hr of yoga and then 1 hr of deep water today. Personally, I'm not real crazy about the instructor who was substituting. I know that we're lucky to have an instructor, but I'm not there to talk about how her boyfriend dumped her on social media, I'm there to work. She stretches for 10 minutes. Really? I do more cardio for about 5 of them and then I spend the last 5 stretching out. The plan for tomorrow is to do the Biggest Loser Power Sculpt DVD, volunteer at the green room, then want g to ceramics and at least put the second coat of paint on the wing. We need to take Bonnie & Clyde to the vet at 4,

    After the deep water class today, went to Big Lots and got some pretzels for Vince that were on sale along with another loaf of rye bread for him. Then home. It's raining today so I did a fair amount of cooking. Made an apple pie, a pork roast, beef biscuits, the topping for the appetizer I'll take to the Murder Mystery dinner. Now I just need to buy party rye bread. I can't seem to find it anywhere. Doesn't some company (Nabisco?) make a rye cracker? I may wind up using that instead. Got chicken ready and it's in the refrig marinating.

    dreamwriter - loved the outfits. Thanks for posting. Personally, I like the Cruella outfit better.

    Alison - is there a reason you are staying at that place of work?

    Carey - I do agree with your doc to eat real foods. Don't go overboard on them, but real food.

    katla - could your headaches be sinus related? For the longest time whenever we went to visit Vince's parents in FL, I would get the worst headaches and it'd take a while before it would go away. Then I figured out that it was sinuses

    pip - I have a CD called "Cardio Christmas". It's good for spinning classes.

    Janet - yea for smaller pants sizes. You rock girl

    vicki - prayers for you and your mom

    - it's nice to be missed. Thanks. Glad to be back

    Carol in NC - yup, oat bran cereal is what I use. Hodgson Mills makes some that comes in a box and so does Bob's Red Mill (comes in a bag). BRM has a $1 off coupon that you can get on line. I can usually get BRM at Lowes Foods.

    - of course it's just fine for you to join in. Just jump right in. You'll find an amazing group of women here.

    - I just love reading about your work with Shari Lewis. So very very interesting. What a neat job you had!

    - how neat that you handled the stress without resorting to food but used exercise. Actually, that probably helped more than food would have

    - I found that FOR ME regardless of whether I'm low on calories for the day, if a lot of my calories are in the evening, I will not lose. But at times I just don't eat at night, and I'll lose. OK, that's just me. But sometimes you also need to look not only at how much you are eating, but the quality of food and the time of day when you tend to eat the most. Like the saying goes "eat like a king for breakfast, a prince for lunch, and a pauper for dinner". Also, are you getting a good amount of sleep. I also find that when I get my 7 to 8 hours of sleep a night, I don't gain. But if I get less, I usually gain. How much sodium is in the food you eat? If you have a lot of processed food, you probably have a lot of sodium. Wish your diary was open so I could take a peek.

    Michele in NC
  • auntannette1
    auntannette1 Posts: 14 Member
    glad to be here.
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Oh goodness - I am behind again... only caught up to end of page 41.
    Had a wonderful day with granddaughter though....

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,090 Member
    edited March 2015
    Rori I enjoyed Shari Lewis too. Didn't she have a magic mirror at the end of her show too.
    How fun to be a part of one of the ground breakers for children's television.

    These were from the glass gardens at Macy's Art and Bloom.hpt1lqzbp7pz.jpg

    They have this show on the eighth floor of their downtown store. I do not go to Minneapolis very often so getting there and back was an adventure for me.
    :heart: MNMargaret
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Thursday and have been to see doctor. We talked through my grieving and she said "it will take time, go slowly, BUT exercise every day" She changed my asthma meds to BREO Ellipta puffer in morning and 4 puffs of Ventolin at bed time. Go back in 2 weeks to let her know how I am doing. I cried and she listened and smiled. feel better now.
    Walked round my paddocks for 16 minutes. Changed Pilates to Wii Gold's Boxing. Will do pilates on Sundays from now.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Yes, Heather, I did look up Winchster and the cathedral, beauty down't describe it! The group that sane Winchester cathedral, were they referring to it at all???

    Allison, vent away dear friend. At least your husband was civil with you when you got home and from the way you wrote it sounded excited. And he asked for your opinion instead of putting you down.

    Carol, I would look for the bran in the health food section of your local grocery store.

    Chris, great job with how you handled the stress today. You are so right, tomorrow you may not handle it as well but we have to take this in small steps and rejoice in them. I hope all is well at work.

    diane123, of course you are welcome. Come and sit with us for a spell and tell us about yourself.

    NM Margaret, I bet Sylvia could make those beautiful things in her ceramic shop. Or are they blown glass???

    Rori, I hate to admit it but I don't remember Shari Lewis. Sorry. I may have remembered it if you were on stage though! It sounds like you had a wonderful job.

    Aren't we having a good time remembering all of our old TV shows?? Thanks to all who remembered Marcus Welby show and Ben Casey. What were some of your favorite TV game shows. I remember What's my line and the Gong Show.

    Well I went to bed with a ferocious headache last night and got up with it also. I was kind of in a brain fog most of the day but perked up at supper. I was worried that I wouldn't be OK for choir practice. Palm Sunday is this Sunday and we worked out all the kinks of our music and then worked on Easter's music. We still don't have our major song done right yet. The big dramatic ending is good but not parts in the middle. I was sleeping when my daughter called this morning and missed that. My husband heard the phone and got to talk to her. The management company they are renting their new from is a new company and they are going to be done with the cleaning, painting, etc this weekend so are going to let them go ahead and start moving boxes, etc over. It will sure help for when they plan the move on Thursday. She wants them to be done with the actual moving of stuff when we get down there around noon. When they moved into their town home Charlie did a lot of heavy lifting and it really bothered him. I want to just be able to help organize, especially the girls. Although my 13 year old grand daughter may not want any help. Knowing her she already knows how she wants it. She has been dreaming of her own bedroom for a long time. Both of their bedrooms are of good size. And I'm sure their old dog is dreaming of his own fenced in yard to play in. And their Dad has a good size office. So all is well. I am just glad they are out of their moldy trailer. Ellie, the 8 year old and my son in law no longer cough all the time. And Obie the dog no longer rolls around on her back scratching her skin all the time.

    Good night all, Joyce, Indiana
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Good evening/morning. I am once again up to late. I know it's not that good for me.

    Heather- I am not that wonderful, lol. These are some of my Halloween costumes. I don't think I can wear that horror of a dress again. Well....maybe... If my daughter helps me in and out.
    So far it looks like I'm going to couples counselling as a single.
    Your trip to Winchester sounds magnificent. I would love to see the cathedral there.

    Terri- About those costumes. My DD can get me to do just about anything. I can't tell you how often she's come up with a costume just to face paint me. She is a professional face and body artist with her own business.
    We all think you can lose the "contest weight" before June 1st. You may inspire your team mates.
    I read what you said to your DH and it resonated with me. I have been saying pretty much the same thing. Appointment is at 1:45 so we'll see.....maybe he'll show.

    Vicki- It is so hard when the people we care about are unwell. Praying for your Mom.

    Sylvia - You can't be everything to everybody. Remember to fill your own cup first.
    Those girls were so lucky to attend such a different birthday party. How did your DGD like the outfit?

    Lesley - Sometimes spending time with a friend trumps exercise. Maybe Susan will walk with you next time.

    Michele - I prefer Cruella but it doesn't fit with the Cinderella movie.

    MNMargaret - Thanks for bringing us spring through your gorgeous photos.

    Overate today. Ate things that I don't even like that much just because they are there. I know I shouldn't let the prospect of the counselling session get me down. I am feeling like I have wasted a lot of years. Logically I know that eating is not going to help me but I don't drink alone so that wasn't an option. I will get back on track no matter what the future holds.
    DSIL is having surgery on his ankle today. DD is going to Calgary with him and will drive back afterwards. He is not a very good passenger at the best of times.
    DGS in Vancouver sent me a link to his electronic music. It's not my thing but I make sure to take an interest in the things they do. He is very proud of it.
    DGS here has a song to play me on the guitar but won't do it unless I go to his house. Wondering if it's Bridge over Troubled Water.
    Thinking of getting tickets for John Fogerty doing Creedence Clearwater Revival. It would be at the end of July.
    DH asked me tonight if I had booked any thing for the holiday in July that we were going to take in Newfoundland. He doesn't seem to grasp that if we don't get counselling there won't be an us on a holiday.
    Putting this old body into the bed.
    -Sharon in Lethbridge.0i40bpijcr4j.jpg
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,799 Member
    Chris~ I feel for you.. I have been in that position a time or 2, and I truly believe where God closes a door he opens a window xoxo
    Slept like a rock last night I needed it..
    Sylvia~so glad that your DGD party went well and what a good grandma you are...
    Joyce~ so glad your son and grandkids are moving to somewhere safe
    today taking my dad with me to a living trust seminar and then home as the built in microwave is being repaired again, thank goodness it is under warranty
  • Gilly139
    Gilly139 Posts: 67 Member
    Well, I am back and have just about managed to read everything - phew!
    - DGS was very happy with presents and it was lovely to see him and his sisters. I am glad Sylvia's DGD also had good party and enjoyed all the hard work you had put in for her.
    I hope health improves.

    Vicki - hope your mum is doing okay. Mine fell and broke her wrist but seems to be coping. Luckily my sister lives just down the road from her and has been marvellous.

    Barbie - the podcast you were listening to sounds very interesting.

    Rori - I remember watching Shari Lewis guesting on shows here in England. How super to work with her.

    Margaret - love the flowers, especially the glass garden.

    Sharon - Nothing is time wasted, it is all experience, we live different lives and things are not always perfect but we all just do the best we can at the time.

    Joyce - hope headache has disappeared. I love moving house and getting everything sorted. I have moved about 8 times in last 10 years, always in same town but just different homes.

    My favourite tv shows in the 70's were The Partridge Family (David Cassidy :-) ), Alias Smith and Jones and Please Sir (a very British show set in a school!), don't know if it was shown outside of Uk.

    Prayers and hugs for all who need them and lots of weight-melting-away thoughts for all.

    Gilly, Suffolk, UK

  • naiomi2015
    naiomi2015 Posts: 95 Member
    Good Morning,
    MikesMom1983 The decisions your facing sound so hard. When my husband and I were looking into starting a business we met w/someone from the local Chamber of Commerce. The consultation was free, and was very helpful as we made our decisions. As difficult as your day was props to you for the way you handled it. You post is helping me be hopeful about coping w/my challenges.

    Hope I do as well today. I've got a tough work related meeting scheduled. I will be initiating a discussion to let a colleague know our regional team will not be working w/her any longer. We are at an impasse that has not improved and only worsened.

    I'm thinking of trying to set aside some calories for a post meeting gathering with friends. W/out any plans I am likely to and overeat either alone or at the get together.

    Trying new behaviors feels risky but at least by doing some planing I have a chance of being w/in my goal.

    Time to make hubby's lunch.

    Naiomi2015 from Massachusetts
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,090 Member
    Joyce the glass garden was blown glass. I don't know if they were original Chihuly glass sculptures and bowls but that was the inspiration. Chihuly has done such pairing of his glass with gardens at Tower Grove Park in St. Louis. Some of his floating ones they call them onions are still there.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,090 Member
    edited March 2015
    Rori I thought of a possible title for your book. Inside the Puppet Studio with Lampchop and Shari Lewis.
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Ooops! Just noticed a leak under my kitchen sink. One of the storage baskets had about 1/2 inch of water in it. Hope Hubby can fix so won't have to call a plumber.
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Janet - thanks for the suggestion on carbs..I'll try that

    Michele - Your advice regarding when you are eating your calories could be part of my issue..most of mine are in the evening. I think I'll try to even them out a bit more.

    Sue in SD: I'll check out the website you mentioned.

    I loved Shari Lewis..she was always on the telerama's and my sister and I always stayed up and watched them through.

    I found this and wanted to share it with you:

    I wish I was a glow worm,
    A glow worm's never glum.
    'Cos how can you be grumpy
    When the sun shines out your bum!
    ~Author Unknown

    Have a great day! :p
    Carey - Edmonton
  • Gilly139
    Gilly139 Posts: 67 Member
    I wish I was a glow worm,
    A glow worm's never glum.
    'Cos how can you be grumpy
    When the sun shines out your bum!
    ~Author Unknown

    Have a great day!
    Carey - Edmonton

    Carey - love it!! thanks for sharing
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning! I slept like a log last night. This morning was cold and windy so I drove the kids to school instead of walking, then went to Wal-Mart to buy birthday cupcakes for DGD's class. (This whole birthday thing has been VERY expensive! Hopefully this is the last of it till August when the second DGD has her birthday.) This afternoon I take the birthday girl to piano lessons, then pick up the other two for swim lessons. Being a grandma is killing me!

    So, this morning I plan to rest and recuperate. After I clean up the mess from last night, that is. I picked up all the trash already, now just have to take down the decorations and wash the punch bowl and cake plate. Not bad.

    Michele, Betty Crocker made the confetti angel food, I just opened the box. It just has little chunks of food coloring sprinkled in. It was nice for a little girl's birthday, but hubby let me know that he preferred it without confetti and without icing. Luckily it wasn't for him. I've never been able to make a cake from scratch that tastes as good as one from a box, so I stopped trying. Oh, and I think it was Richard Chamberlain that played Kildaire. Wilt played basketball.

    Margaret, I love the garden pictures! And the colored glass. We saw a bunch of Chihuly glass in Seattle, and the hospital in KC has two huge walls covered with it and more hanging from the ceiling. Personally, as an "artist" I'm less than impressed with Chihuly, since he never does the work himself - just has an army of other artists that make the stuff - but when you see it all in a group like that you can't help but love the overall effect. It's breathtaking.

    Sharon, DGD loved the Hello Kitty outfit, and wore it to school today. She looked so cute in it. I promised her we would do a Monster High design on the shirt for the other outfit.

    Carey, I loved your poem!

    Have a great day everyone!

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,351 Member
    Waaaarrrrrgh - it's the dentist this afternoon! :sad: It is hurting a bit now, so it's definitely time. :ohwell: She is always badgering me to have this tooth crowned, but I'm not spending that kind of money. :noway: I'm a horrible coward when it comes to dentists.

    Paid the balance for the cottage in Wales. It probably doesn't mean much to you folks in the States, but it was the birthplace of Evans, who was one of the Arctic explorers who died with Scott.
    Also made an appointment for a fasting blood test and for the vascular clinic a week later for blood pressure etc. I currently take 10 mgs of Amlodipine.

    I have finished the edit of my book. Now to think about frontispiece, preface, etc etc. When DH printed his first book he didn't think about those things, so I have learnt from his mistakes. I want it to look like a real book. :laugh: Endpapers etc. Haven't heard back yet from DS#1 about the cover design. :ohwell:

    Joyce - the more I think about Winchester the more I want to live there. Old buildings and beauty are very seductive. It is one of the most expensive places in the UK.

    Love to all. Heather in cold, but sunny Hampshire UK
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding.

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Leslie, I think you are doing great and hope you are pleased with your progress. <3

    Sylvia, glad the party was a success. I wish we were all there to help with the clean-up.

    NM Margaret, Love the pics of the glass gardens. Thanks for sharing.

    Joyce, your DD’s new place sounds perfect. I’m sure they will all be happy there. I know what you mean about helping move heavy stuff. DH is at the point that he will pay for movers to keep from having to do it himself, although he did get sucked in to moving lots of heavy boxes to our house before DD moved across country. He’s just not in shape or health to do that any longer.

    Sharon, so sorry that DH doesn’t care enough about his marriage to go to counseling. Good for you in going alone. We all know that much of any relationship is our perception and reactions to the other half, so hopefully you will still benefit from it. Have you told DH that you two won’t be going on holiday together if something doesn’t change? Sometimes you have to s p e l l it out for them. Just know you have lots of friends here that love you and support you. I wish things would get better but sometimes you have to make a huge decision to make a change on your own. (((Big Hugs))) Oops didn’t mean to squeeze you so hard. >:)

    Allison, so glad you had a good night’s sleep. It can make so much difference in our day.

    Gilly, sorry that your mom broke her wrist. I hope it the left if she’s right handed? I broke mine a few years ago and the worst thing was trying to get into a bra. Just went without if I was staying at home. LOL I wish her a speedy recovery.

    Naiomi2015 , good luck with your meeting. You are so right about planning being helpful in meeting our goals. I actually get excited when I can create new behaviors that will improve my journey. Good for you.

    Carey, I love the glow worm poem. Thanks for sharing. A positive attitude truly goes a long way towards a positive outcome.

    Sylvia, even if I could make a good cake from scratch, the mixes are so much better than they were years ago, that I simply wouldn’t bother. As it is, I very rarely bake a cake so it's not much of a decision. :) Glad you don’t have too much more cleaning to do. You definitely need to take a rest day, but sounds like your taxi service will keep you plenty busy.

    Welcome to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    Have a wonderful, happy and healthy day ladies. <3

    My word #1 is savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.

    #2 is opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,701 Member
    Chihuly was born here in Tacoma, he has a museum here