Just for today --- daily commitment thread



  • fostersu
    fostersu Posts: 327 Member
    fostersu wrote: »
    For me: I will jog 3 miles
    I will reach my fiber goal

    Done and done
  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member
    edited November 2015
    bri170lb wrote: »

    J4T Monday
    1. Take breakfast lunch and snack with me to work :smile:
    2. Work out at gym :smile: jogged 3.1 miles and walked very fast 1 extra mile instead.
    3. Focus on sticking to calorie goals one meal at a time :smile: nailed my macros today also!
    bri170lb wrote: »
    4. I have committed to walk and/or jog at least 5 miles 6 days a week during the month of November. I met that goal today so I am 1/30 so far. I will do the same tomorrow by jogging after work or doing some treadmill at the gym. 5.1 miles total! Woo hoo! 2/30! :smiley:

    J4T Tuesday
    1. Get up early to make breakfast lunch and snack to take to work
    2. Leave work early to go jogging or to gym to use treadmill
    3. Be Very carfully when eating out at dinner
    4. Walk and/or jog at least 5 miles
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,368 Member
    edited November 2015
    JFT Sun 1/11
    1. Pre-log/follow through; 30 mins each of Cardio/strength/flex/physio; 6000+ steps; Drink 8 cups water
    2. Sort and store laundry
    3. Clear up after family visit
    4. Get out into the garden and enjoy the sunshine
    Hit all my goals :)

    JFT Mon 2/11
    1. Pre-log/follow through; 30 mins each of Cardio/strength/flex/physio; 6000+ steps; Drink 8 cups water
    2. Take Creative Writing group this morning
    3. Attend Peace programme lecture after lunch
    4. Monitor calcium levels
    Oops! :blush: Forgot to hit post again, but managed to hit goals :)

    JFT Tues 2/11
    1. Pre-log/follow through; 30 mins each of Cardio/strength/flex/physio; 6000+ steps; Drink 8 cups water
    2. Attend Patchwork group and complete at least one more square of my quilt
    3. Plan out PowerPoint presentation for Art History next Tuesday
  • 53welshlady
    53welshlady Posts: 136 Member
    Hi - new here


    No alcohol
    Go to gym after work
    Treat nails with oil before bed.

    That's it
  • jabrams1955
    jabrams1955 Posts: 55 Member
    Hi - new here


    No alcohol
    Go to gym after work
    Treat nails with oil before bed.

    That's it

  • jabrams1955
    jabrams1955 Posts: 55 Member
    Welcome. Simple and right to the point, love it! JFT: Log everything, stay within calorie limits, be poitive and smile, learn something new, work out for one hour after work, light dinner, relax and read and enjoy my cats. That will be my day.
  • aerochic42
    aerochic42 Posts: 822 Member
    aerochic42 wrote: »
    JFT Monday - too much candy over the weekend
    so no more candy today - I left the rest of the candy in the break room to get out of the house. Now I still have to avoid it at work :frowning: nope not even close, still ate a bunch at work
    extra water to try and repair damage :smiley: I drank a lot of water yesterday
    day 7 of the Darebee Foundation Light Program :smiley:

    JFT Tuesday
    -The candy I brought in is gone but others are bringing in theirs, so no more than two pieces. I seem to do poorly with things like telling myself none because once I've caved I feel no need for other limits, so I'll split the difference and go for reality.
    - meal prep this evening for later in the week -lasagna or pasta bake, and cook the chicken breasts, and pull some stuff out of the freezer to defrost
    - Day 8 of exercise program
    - Brush/floss before bed
  • WellingTX
    WellingTX Posts: 617 Member
    WellingTX wrote: »
    WellingTX wrote: »

    Slightly over my calorie goal but beat it on average for the week.
    I lost 8.2# on the week but in perspective, 5.4# over the past three
    Didn't work out, was a couch slug with a cold. For the week worked out 4:56 including 6.55 miles of walking.
    I am expressing gratitude for the Over 50 Support group I was in the past several months. It was my first effort at peer support and while the group is much more focused on maintenance the experience was great.

    Good day yesterday.

    Under my calorie goal for the day.
    Didn't work out, went to bed at 7:00 and woke up at 6 this morning.
    Expressed my wellness gratitude and was patient throughout the day.

    For today:

    I will stay under my calorie goal and not over indulge.
    I will get out and walk this evening.
    I will continue to work on patience though I already pushed the boundaries with a slow driver in the fast lane of the toll road.
    I will express my wellness mantra when I finish MFP update
    I am expressing gratitude for the encouragement from my lovely bride. Down 67 pounds as of this morning, wearing slacks I hadn't worn in years. She told me how great I look and gave me a big hug. Motivation that will carry me through the day!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    Hard time getting back on track, so JFT

    NO MORE CANDY! Candy is out of the house, so back to low carbs, no sugar!
  • fostersu
    fostersu Posts: 327 Member
    Stay under calories
    Jog 2 miles
  • GenevieveDanielle
    I really like this thread.
    Just for today:
    -NO candy (house is filled with the stuff, but I will not eat it!)
    -walk for 30mins after work.
    -drink lots of water
  • shrcpr
    shrcpr Posts: 885 Member
    shrcpr wrote: »

    JFT 11/02
    1. Stay close to maintenance calories - In SF for the next four days so will be having a lot of provided meals. Make good food and drink choices. :neutral:
    2. Well, it's finally raining here so I'm not sure about the 10k steps that I was planning on getting! I'll try to be as active as possible. :smile:

    Not too bad yesterday but not great.

    JFT 10/03

    1. Stay within maintenance calories.
    2. Get in a workout + 10k steps
  • ChaoticSilhouette
    ChaoticSilhouette Posts: 36 Member
    edited November 2015

    Nope. Only stuck to 4 of those things and not eating the pizza was not one of them. Yesterday wasn't horrible, though. Today is a new day, new goals.

    Just for today, I will....

    Pre-log as much as I can
    Stick to it
    Add any extras
    Drink 4 bottles of water
    Weight train for a minimum of 10 mins
    40 min walk tonight
    Complete 80% to do list
    Make smoothie before going out
    Stick to two bite rule for unhealthy foods
    Take new measurements

    Did pretty damn well yesterday! Stayed commited to all but the smoothie, the full walk, and the measurements.

    Just for today, I'll..

    Ace my interview
    Look good doin it
    4 bottles water
    Pre-log-- already done
    Try to eat everything I logged
    Add any extras
    20 mins weight training
    40 min walk or 20 min ride
    New measurements and pictures
    80% of to-do list
  • 68myra
    68myra Posts: 975 Member
    68myra wrote: »
    Happy November 1st! JFT, I will not eat any halloween candy

    Just for Monday,
    :smiley: 1: log every bite, no matter what or how many
    :smiley: 2: yoga/ PT/ foam rolling
    :smiley: 3: hydrate, hydrate, hydrate
    :smiley: 4: be kind, especially to myself :wink:

    not bad for a monday, although i do admit to not posting here today, until i finished logging yesterday's food ;)

    just for TODAY:
    1. log every bite, no matter what or how many
    2. hydrate lots
    3. pt assignments
    4. be nice to myself
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    J4T (Tuesday)

    1. Get back in the saddle....stop beating myself up and start over.
    2. 30 minutes of activity today
    3. Think before I speak, even when the other person is snapping at me.

    If I can do these three things today, I will consider today a huge success!

  • RagnarokAndRoll
    RagnarokAndRoll Posts: 6 Member
    Just for today (tuesday), I will
    1. forgive myself
    2. eat a reasonable dinner
    3. spend time with my friends
    4. finish all my homework for tomorrow!
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    I haven't been on this thread for quite a while. I had some problems with medication which were making it impossible to meet my normal goals. I've been back on my injections for a week now and need to start working at my normal pace again!

    Just for today:

    1. 12,000 steps
    2. dance!
    3. 5 freggies
  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member
    I haven't been on this thread for quite a while. I had some problems with medication which were making it impossible to meet my normal goals. I've been back on my injections for a week now and need to start working at my normal pace again!

    Just for today:

    1. 12,000 steps
    2. dance!
    3. 5 freggies

    It's nice to hear from you today. The good news is - today's a new day. The really good news is. - tomorrow will also be a brand new day!

  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member
    J4T (Tuesday)

    1. Get back in the saddle....stop beating myself up and start over.
    2. 30 minutes of activity today
    3. Think before I speak, even when the other person is snapping at me.

    If I can do these three things today, I will consider today a huge success!

    Hey! You too! You're already a winner, because you are still trying!

  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member
    68myra wrote: »
    1: log every bite, no matter what or how many
    :smiley: i do admit to not posting here today, until i finished logging yesterday's food ;)

    I don't see a time limit here! It just says you have to log! :smile: