Just for today --- daily commitment thread



  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,241 Member
    I've been away a long time but it was so inspiring to read the past few pages. I'm jumping back in.

    1. Read in bed instead of playing games on my phone
    2. Go to bed earlier (trying to get out of the 1am habit)
    3. Meditate
    4. Stretch

    SO happy to have you join us. I also have been away for awhile - this group is the best! We can all do this!!
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    I have been feeling a bit chubby and so have avoided the scales for 2 weeks. Today I put on my big girl panties and got on the scale...2 lbs down...just goes to show me that I can't trust how I "feel". Must keep on logging and stick to my food plan as well as I can. I cannot trust my own body signals and perceptions yet. Someday...
  • tristramtrent
    tristramtrent Posts: 257 Member
    edited July 2016

    Tomorrow Weds:
    1.Practice guitar....yep
    2.Write lesson plan.....yep
    3.2 hrs woodwork minimum no excuses.....nope, all excuses
    4. 40 min walk or bike depending on the weather......yep

    3/4 not too bad but embarrassed about the woodwork...soon!

    Tomorrow Thur

    1. 10,000 steps minimum
    2. Practice guitar
    3. Rest!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,241 Member
    I have been feeling a bit chubby and so have avoided the scales for 2 weeks. Today I put on my big girl panties and got on the scale...2 lbs down...just goes to show me that I can't trust how I "feel". Must keep on logging and stick to my food plan as well as I can. I cannot trust my own body signals and perceptions yet. Someday...

    Great job Karen!!!! See - you eat the right foods, and keep sticking with your plan. The scale is not the only predictor to your success!
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    @joan6630 Thanks, Joan!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,241 Member
    Had a very nice birthday - thank you all for the birthday wishes. Today is like my New Years - a fresh start, a new year. My goal is 20 lbs by xmas, one day at a time!

    July 20
    1. Go to the gym :):) Already did this this morning!
    2. log all food :) - even though it was Mexican food, and a margarita!
    3. drink water :/ Need to work more on this!
    4. healthy choices :)

    July 21, JFT
    1. log all food
    2. go to gym (already did this :) . Try and walk with friend on the indoor track at the gym tonite
    4. Get back on here tomorrow - be accountable, and do not give up or quit.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    edited July 2016

    1. 12+ glasses water :) 14
    2. stick to pre-tracked meal plan :)
    3. NO GRAINS :)
    4. gardening :) 2 hours+
    5. swim a mile :neutral: swam half a mile
    6. *maybe do Zumba too* :smiley: an hour

    1. 12+ glasses water
    2. stick to pre-tracked meal plan
    3. NO GRAINS
    4. weight workout
    5. *maybe belly dancing too*
  • frugaltrophywife
    frugaltrophywife Posts: 6 Member
    J4T: I will resist the urge to indulge in bar food @ trivia
    ordered a salad, instead of a burger and water instead of beer. I did have one of hubby's pretzels, but over all a win!

    72 oz of water
    Grocery shop
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    JFT 20 July 2016
    1. Jazzercise :)
    2. Log :)
    3. Kettlebells :/
    4. 50 plies :)
    5. Bank calories for Bonefish Grill tonight :)

    JFT 21 July 2016
    1. Jazzercise
    2. Log
    3. 50 plies
    4. Abdominal Challenge
    5. 48 oz water

    Karen in Virginia[/quote]

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    Did not do so well today -- but now the sugar is OUT of the house. But the good thing was that I logged every cookie. I did get to the gym, and that felt good. So tomorrow I am hoping to get up early before work, and do 1 hour at the gym!
    Oh - this latest quilt is a quilt I just finished for my dear brother. These are all his Harley Tshirts. My brother found out in Januaay that he has major heart problems - and on 9 medications. He is my only surviving sibling out of 6. Since I don't know what his future will be, as his heart is only pumping at 30% (up at least from 10%) so I was in a rush to finish this quilt and send it off to him. I am making 2 more identical ones for his sons. Great therapy for me!

    I love that quilt! He will too, I'm sure! I am a very novice quilter. I have my own way of doing it and they always turn out pretty raggedy looking. The kids call them "a Grandma Tracie quilt" because of all the missed stitches. LOL! I'm sorry to hear about your brother. I hope they can get him back where he needs to be. Happy Birthday!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    @wanderinglight - I love your goals. Every day I tell myself "tonight I am going to bed early and I am going to read until my eyes get tired and fall asleep earlier. I am going to meditate and exercise. How did you do? Any tips? I pretty much fail on a daily basis with them all! That's why I don't write them all down anymore. LOL

    @KetoneKaren Good for you! 2 lbs is a great loss! Are you following any particular meal plan or just watching calories and trying to eat healthy? I always feel chubbier in the summer. I think it is because clothes are more revealing in the heat and I can't just throw on my baggy sweatshirt and jeans. :wink: Keep up the good work!

    @tristramtrent I have goals that I NEVER hit! Don't be embarrassed! I think hitting 3 out of 4 is great. I'd be happy if I hit 50% of what I write some days. Today is a new day and so far I'm doing good on my goals, although I haven't written them down yet. So here goes...

    *Journal every bite
    *At least 6 glasses of water
    *NO ICE CREAM no matter how loud it calls to me from the freezer tonight!
    *Go to bed early and read
    *Write in my Gratitude journal
    *Spend time being really 'present' and add a happy moment from today to our 2016 Smile Jar. (This can be really hard sometimes when you've had a crappy day at work!)

    Tracie in WI
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited July 2016
    @OConnell5483 - Tracie in WI - I try to follow a low-"ish" carb diet with adequate protein because I am insulin resistant. Past experience has shown that once I am "overweight" instead of "obese" my metabolism begins to behave better and I can lighten up a little on the carb restriction. It's really easy to go over my carb allotment. I aim for 1200-1300kcal/d, but lately have been going over due to overindulging at social occasions, both in calories & carbs...so I am pleased I lost anything, would have been delighted just not to have gained!

    How about you? Are you on a particular macro plan?

    Karen in Virginia

  • tristramtrent
    tristramtrent Posts: 257 Member

    Tomorrow Thur

    1. 10,000 steps minimum - 11732 yep
    2. Practice guitar - yep
    3. Rest! - not quite....

    Tomorrow Fri

    1. 11,000 steps minimum
    2. Practice guitar / garageband
    3. Rest!
  • llbrixon
    llbrixon Posts: 964 Member
    I am posting for tomorrow;
    1. Drink my jug of water
    2. 2 loads clothes washed, dried, folded
    3. Shine up main bathroom
    4. Time housework for 1 Hour
    5. Mow back yard grass

    Linda in NC
  • fireytiger
    fireytiger Posts: 236 Member
    Just for today, I'm going to accept that I didn't have a great day, and forgive myself for going over my calories for the day whilst hanging out with one of my besties I haven't seen in forever. Sometimes you just need a margarita and a couple tacos with friends.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member

    1. 12+ glasses water :neutral: 10 water, 4 coffee
    2. stick to pre-tracked meal plan :neutral:
    3. NO GRAINS :( had a serving of corn chips with my taco salad :(:(
    4. weight workout :smiley:
    5. *maybe belly dancing too*

    Whoa! Hit a wall of exhaustion yesterday and did not do so well...did get some exercise and actually was OK in terms of calories and macros, so I guess that it wasn't a total loss. Today will be better!

    1. 12 glasses of water
    2. stick to meal plan
    3. NO GRAINS
    4. gardening/vegetable harvest
    5. swimming
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    @KetoneKaren (Karen in Virginia) I am trying to cut sugar, which is like crack to me. I am trying to do a high protein, low carb diet. My daughter is a Health Coach for a weight loss clinic and coaches me on the side when she can. The plan calls for 600 k/cal of protein and several servings of vegetables per day. I know it has to be frustrating for her when I keep falling off the diet! Hard to scold your mom! I had breast cancer about 4 years ago, so am trying really hard to make a lifestyle change by getting in more activity and eating healthier but I'm SUCH A JUNK FOOD JUNKIE! And I really struggle with getting bored by eating the same things. But when I stick to it, I feel so much better that it's crazy.

    So, today I am trying again. Every day is a new beginning... <3
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member

    *Journal every bite :smile:
    *At least 6 glasses of water :smile:
    *NO ICE CREAM no matter how loud it calls to me from the freezer tonight! :neutral: Had a scoop in a dessert dish instead of 4 scoops in a cereal bowl so not total fail...
    *Go to bed early and read :neutral: Went to bed early but didn't fall asleep very early.
    *Write in my Gratitude journal :neutral: Forgot!
    *Spend time being really 'present' and add a happy moment from today to our 2016 Smile Jar. (This can be really hard sometimes when you've had a crappy day at work!) :smile: Wrote my smile for the day and less time online

    Tracie in WI

    [*] Journal every bite
    [*] Eat 600 k/cal of protein and more vegetables
    [*] Begin using light weights in an attempt to tone arms and back
    [*] show my husband more how much I appreciate him
    [*] Gratitude journal and Smile Jar entries

    Tracie in WI

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,241 Member
    July 21, JFT
    1. log all food :)
    2. go to gym (already did this :) . Try and walk with friend on the indoor track at the gym tonite :) Got in another 45 minute walk.
    3. DRINK WATER :/
    4. Get back on here tomorrow - be accountable, and do not give up or quit. :D:) Its almost 9pm, but at least I got on here today!

    Since today is almost over, I still can try and meet some goals.
    1. log all my food. It was a very busy day today, but take time now to log what I ate
    2. exercise - well, I mowed the grass, which took me almost 2 hrs in this heat, so that will have to be my exercise today! :)
    3. Tonite - no ice cream, no popcorn. DRINK WATER (and well, maybe 1 glass of wine ;) )

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Well, I had an educational day concerning logging yesterday. I decided to try pre-logging and then sticking to the plan. It actually worked so well that I didn't even want a small dessert portion I had pre-logged because I was full and didn't want the treat. Several times during the day I was offered something (triscuits & brie, buttered popcorn, dried pineapple), and said "no, thank you" to all of them because I didn't want to log anything extra. I think I have found a new tool to help me stay on plan! Also, it removes the taboo of having dessert...if I have pre-logged it and it fits my macros, I can have it!

    JFT 23 July 2016
    1. Pre-log & prepare food for the day (make salad ahead of time or chop veggies or whatever)
    2. 8 glasses wataer
    3. Stick to the plan
    4. Squats & Kettlebells
    5. Send thank you note to granddaughter for ceramic mug she painted & fired for my birthday. It was just finished yesterday, so we met up on the run in Koh's parking lot for the hand off! It was so fun...she is 7.

    Karen in Virginia