please help which breakfast ceral should I be eating???



  • LoupGarouTFTs
    LoupGarouTFTs Posts: 916 Member
    edited March 2015
    Rivers2k wrote: »
    Rivers2k wrote: »
    I am in with the people that say eggs over cookie crisps. Yes cookie crisps taste good but it doesn't give you what you need to make it to lunch. Eggs fill you up and it lasts longer and will help your body perform better.

    I can't believe people can honestly believe cookie crisps or fruit loops are just as good a breakfast as eggs and fruit.

    This theory of "if it fits in your calories do it" has to be balanced with "what is going to help me perform best through the day".

    What a terrible, joyless life, never to eat things just because they taste good.

    Where did you get that from my post????? I have plenty of good tasty treats. reread my post.

    I read your post. I'm not going to spend the rest of my life worrying about whether things are "balanced" on a daily basis or not. If I want to eat cookie crisps (which I won't, because Type II diabetes and carbs) for breakfast, I will eat them if nothing else appeals to me and I really, really need to eat something. There are sometimes I have what I call "bad eating days," when I can't force myself to find food appealing. Balance? No, thank you. Getting food into me because I like it and want it? Sure. One day, like next Wednesday, my birthday, is not going to kill me if I have a whole day of nice food and not worry about balance.

    Balance is great, but there's no point in being a slave to it when sometimes you just want to eat food because you like it and it tastes good--and it fits your macros. ;)
  • annahandlinis
    annahandlinis Posts: 25 Member
    I have weetabix every weekday as I work full time and have a 2year old just makes it simpler for me and easy to measure as I eat two biscuits no measuring required apart from the milk lol which I have tbh I guess with the milk :)
  • cityruss
    cityruss Posts: 2,493 Member
  • klund13
    klund13 Posts: 98 Member
    I like Quaker's Oatmeal Squares. It has a lot of vitamins and always gets me to my iron goal. Keeps me full until lunch, too!
  • Timorous_Beastie
    Timorous_Beastie Posts: 595 Member
    Favorites are Cap'n Crunch with Crunchberries, Booberry (but I can only find it around Halloween) and Lucky Charms.

    But since I need at least two "suggested serving size" servings to feel satisfied, I'd rather use my breakfast calories on a cheddar jalapeno bagel.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Favorites are Cap'n Crunch with Crunchberries, Booberry (but I can only find it around Halloween) and Lucky Charms.

    But since I need at least two "suggested serving size" servings to feel satisfied, I'd rather use my breakfast calories on a cheddar jalapeno bagel.

    Is that you as Kaylee in a Tardis in your profile pic?

  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
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  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    ceoverturf wrote: »
    mokaiba wrote: »
    mokaiba wrote: »
    mokaiba wrote: »
    Please can someone sort out all the figures: I need to have my cereal for breakfast, but which is the one I SHOULD be eating for weight loss, I'm so confused ie looking at all fat/sugar/salt etc content and calories.
    Kelloggs Bran Flakes, Kelloggs All Bran, Kelloggs Rice Krispies or Kelloggs Weetabix. PLEASE HELP it's driving me crazy. Just tell me which one of these and I'll go for it!!! Thanks

    no added sugar helps

    Helps what?

    by not eating it. look at the cereal ingredients and dont buy the one that adds sugar. carbs already turn into glucose. you dont need extra sugar.

    eg, Kashi GoLean ( )

    Have you taken a look at the ingredients for Kashi GoLean? There are added sugars there.

    Soy Grits, Honey Puffed Kashi (Hard Red Wheat, Brown Rice, Honey, Cane Syrup, Barley, Triticale, Oats, Rye, Buckwheat, Sesame Seeds), Cane Syrup, Degerminated Yellow Corn Meal, Degerminated Yellow Corn Flour, Wheat Bran, Oat Fiber, Soy Protein Isolate, Corn Bran, Soy Protein Concentrate, Kashi Seven Whole Grains & Sesame Flour (Whole: Oats, Hard Red Wheat, Rye, Brown Rice, Triticale, Barley, Buckwheat, Sesame Seeds), Salt, Natural Flavors, Annatto Color.

    If you want to choose a cereal that you or some website deem healthier, that's fine. But if you think it's healthier because there are no added sugars, then be sure you've checked for yourself.

    There are differences between cane syrup and white sugar.

    - cane syrup has 1 calorie less than white sugar.

    - white sugar requires B vitamins (niacin and riboflavin) to absorb, which strips them from the sugar, and makes it a non-nutrient.

    - cane syrup does not need B vitamins to absorb

    When I said no added sugar, I meant white sugar. However, you still want to eat less overall sugars anyway.

    ceoverturf wrote: »
    mokaiba wrote: »
    ceoverturf wrote: »
    mokaiba wrote: »
    mokaiba wrote: »
    mokaiba wrote: »
    Please can someone sort out all the figures: I need to have my cereal for breakfast, but which is the one I SHOULD be eating for weight loss, I'm so confused ie looking at all fat/sugar/salt etc content and calories.
    Kelloggs Bran Flakes, Kelloggs All Bran, Kelloggs Rice Krispies or Kelloggs Weetabix. PLEASE HELP it's driving me crazy. Just tell me which one of these and I'll go for it!!! Thanks

    no added sugar helps

    Helps what?

    by not eating it. look at the cereal ingredients and dont buy the one that adds sugar. carbs already turn into glucose. you dont need extra sugar.

    I don't need lots of things. I could probably live on a nutrient paste. But why should I avoid added sugar? If carbohydrates turn into glucose, what harm will sugar do to me?

    etc, etc

    Same question to you:
    ceoverturf wrote: »
    And, just to be clear, your position is that if I find a random internet blog supporting my argument, that should be accepted as factual and the end-all-be-all, science be damned?!

    No, but ill believe WHO over any of you trolls anyday.

    *looks again*

    One link to WHO...what about the other 3?

    And even according to the executive summary of the WHO report, the concern with added sugars involves primarily 1) leading to eating too many calories and 2) Dental issues.

    So again, the question is, in the context of an overall diet that doesn't go over my calorie budget and hits my macros, of what concern is sugar (and let's pretend for the sake of argument that I brush my teeth twice a day).

    For crying out loud the report even says:

    "Free sugars contribute to the overall energy density of diets, and may promote
    a positive energy balance. Sustaining energy balance is critical to maintaining
    healthy body weight and ensuring optimal nutrient intake

    You're derailing the thread. I flagged you and all others trying to debate this. The OP asked for a cereal. I said eat one with no added sugar. I then gave a link to 10 cereals that are considered healthy and then you trolls start arguing. Believe what you want to believe. I think I'll listen to the health organizations and scientists.

    Does that include the health organizations and scientists that said sugar contributes to a positive energy balance and is critical to maintaining a healthy body weight and ensuring optimal nutrient intake?

    RE: flagging, I accept your flag of surrender, since you can't counter the points made.

    So which health organization is that? I Google sugar and healthy and all I get is sites that talk about how unhealthy sugar is. Educate me. Enlighten me.

    And a front group for the sugar growers of America does not count.

    Link to WHO report was provided by one of your colleagues above:
    mokaiba wrote: »