

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    starofsky wrote: »
    Hello team MFP I am new to the group but have been using the app for over a year and swear by it. It works and I wish I had something like it for the rest of my life. I need help with motivation please to continue my fat loss and get rid of the fat around my lower ab. I am starofsky

    Welcome to a great group of supportive women. You do have something like this for the rest of your life, or at least the foreseeable future. MFP seems to be here to stay. This group is a wonderful asset and I can't say enough about how happy I am to have found it. Although there are some people who come and go, many women have been here a long time. :flowerforyou:
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,098 Member
    Happy Easter to those who celebrate!

    Recovering from my trip today. Did make it to church to sing Hallelujah chorus.
    :heart: MNMargaret
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did an hour of training games on the Wii today. The plan for tomorrow is to do some pilates, hold my plank, then take the extremepump class.

    Kim - I'm surprised that mimi feels uncomfortable coming back after gaining. As you said, no one here is going to hold that against her. she was gone for a while, then came back, now she's gone again. she really needs to be here. But like you say, everyone needs to do it their own way.

    - I'm so so happy for you and Blaize! Now we need pictures!

    Don't know if I can get to church today. I really feel I should be home for when Jess, Kris and Colby leave. Depending on when they leave will depend if I can go. I'll feel so bad. But I'm determined to get back to healthy eating today. Have my "breakfast" all prepared, 1-1/2 of pumpkin (that I wanted to use up), a 1/2 serving of oatmeal and 1/8 cup of lentils (that I wanted to use up)

    - happy you can remember your mom and smile. She would want that. I can't believe that it's been 11 years since my father died. I never realized just how much I'd miss him until now. I guess I always took for granted that he would be there for me.

    I many times feel overlydressed at church. What I don't understand is that there have been times when I'm supposed to lector along with someone else. They really only need one person and many is the time when they choose the other person. Now that person is dressed in jeans. I very rarely wear jeans to church. You would think that they'd want the person who is up on the altar to be dressed decently, but they prefer the person in the jeans. I don't know.

    We can't seen to figure it out, but there is staining on the bottom of the pool. We got the chlorine level up and tried cleaning it, that didn't work. So now we're going to get the chlorine down and put ascorbic acid in hoping that'll take the staining out. I don't know what it's from. Over the winter we had the solar cover on. Yes, there were leaves in the bottom of the pool. But that's the way it was the first year we had the pool and we didn't have any staining. Any ideas as to what will get staining out of a fiberglass pool?

    - prayers for your mom

    katla - let me see if I can explain this half-way decently. In chicken foot dominoes, when you put down a double (whatever number) instead of it having to be "satisfied" only once, it needs to be "satisfied" three times. Then you can add on from any one of the "feet". Sort-of looks like a chicken foot, that's why it's called "chicken foot dominoes". It goes a lot faster and there are many more places where you can play off of. Oh, I've been the biggest loser many times...too many. But you know what? Seems whenever that happens, I have the most fun. I remember reading something somehwere where someone said they had eggs for breakfast...Cadbury....lol

    - you can tell him from me, your hubby is quite good looking (and you're not so bad yourself....lol)

    - be brave. That's what I need to be when Vince goes into a grocery store.

    - welcome!

    - the only menu planning I do in advance is my breakfast for the next day (since I'm usually too sleepy to even think so it's nice to just have a dish to have to pull out and microwave) and what I'll have for the main course for my dinner.

    - Mildred would be so very happy about Blaize.

    Didn't make it to church. Jessica left around noon and the last mass was at noon. There was no way I could have gotten to the church on time. Now I need to think of what to tell Denise should she ask if I got to church. Do I lie and say that I did? I know that I'm going to be found out. Do I admit that I didn't go? She went and I know she'd be disappointed in that I didn't. she doesn't understand about how being a mother really trumps going to Mass.

    Michele in NC
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    edited April 2015
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding.

    I hope you all had a Eggscelent Easter. :#

    Mary, that’s great that you found such a nice church for the morning service. And yea on being so close to your final destination.

    Jane, good for you on getting things accomplished. It always makes me feel better too. Enjoy your day alone and treat yourself to doing whatever you’d like.

    Dia, that was a cute cartoon. Sometimes that’s how I feel.

    There’s that bike riding, legs of steel, beautiful Pip with her handsome hubby drinking Mimosas. Hope you have fun. Love the picture!!!

    Sylvia, ya gotta love those holiday miracles. Let us know what he brings back from Walmart. LOL Having so many departments other than groceries, you just never know.

    Allison, sorry the work won’t finish today but I’m sure it will be soon. I hope you had the dog on your lap while at the computer and not while on the riding lawnmower? 

    Sharon, sending wishes for all things in your life to work out. What is silent reflux? I know about acid reflux and mine never made noise but? Hope it improves quickly. I’m praying for the counselling to go well for you both.

    Barbie, I agree that doing this on Google Chrome is sooo much nicer than all the scrolling. Happy Dancing, here!

    Carol, I ordered more oat bran on line and got it yesterday. After I read your post, I decided I needed to make another batch. DH had bought sugar free devil’s food cake mix by mistake so I just used it. If I made a dozen they would come out to 58 calories each, but I make mine in mini muffin tins and made 52 of them so they worked out to 15 calories each. I can have one or two for a snack or 6 for a full breakfast. I think I’m becoming addicted. Lol

    Pip, I loved the picture and you looked fine for a couple out riding bikes. You know you don’t have to dress up for us.

    Starofky, welcome to this group of very supportive ladies. Please tell us a bit about yourself so we can get to know you better. That fat around the lower ab is a stubborn spot to get rid of. Mine is shrinking but not nearly as fast as the rest of me. Good luck and we do have ladies here that have stayed on MFP for years after reaching their goals. So you do have something like this for the rest of your life: This is it. :o

    Carey, I don’t know about you, but if I know what I’m going to eat for a certain meal, I just set my taste buds for that. I’m worse if nothing has been planned and I try to figure out what I’m in the mood for. I let DH pick what we will have for our protein most nights, giving him the guideline of chicken, fish or beef. He thought he had thawed out some cube steaks and when I opened the package to start cooking it was chuck eye steaks. Didn't change the rest of the menu, actually so I just prepared that.

    Lesley, it just puts a smile on my face reading about Blaize. I’m just so happy for all 3 of you!!!

    Michele,I would think you could just say that you were tied up with family matters and let it go at that. If she asks more, just tell her you don't want to talk about it. (because you don't) Some people may not understand everyone's priorities but that is their problem. o:)

    I have an early appointment in the morning for lab work. I hate that it will be a week before I get my A1C checked to find out how I've done on 1/2 the Metformin. I hope it's still down. Then it's off for more shopping. Tomorrow night I have a Moose meeting and have to prepare something to take to eat. For me that is a busy day and I hope to work in at least some light exercise. I will get in more walking than normal so that should help.

    Have a terrific day, my friends. <3

    My word #1 is savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.

    #2 is opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    The visit to beach went really well. He ran along the sand, played in the sea and made friends with other dogs. Took some photos, need to upload and then will post
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Naomi, am so glad you had a 'wonderful???" experience at the funeral. It's not a wonderful time but it was a time that was full of rejoicing, catching up, a time that you can look back on and still have a smile on your face for your dear friend.

    Kim!!!!!! My, my. You need a personal assistant! I do hope weather stays good enough tomorrow for you to have your dinner outside so your guests, invited or not, can enjoy the fruits of your labor. And then it can rain.

    Lesley, congratulations on the newest member of your family, dear Blaize. There is so much love in your heart and it sounds like Blaize is already enjoying it. You were so excited, it blew up the internet and your post got posted 4 times.

    Carol in Ga, sorry your DH didn't feel like going to church. In most churches these days the dress is quite casual. Our preacher wears a suit twice a year, Easter and Christmas. A lot of preachers look like they are ready to go straight to the golf course. In the church I went to before my present church I would be semi dress for Sunday morning and then jeans and nice top any other service. I don't like my legs and do not like heels so I don't wear skirts or dresses. So it is dress pants and nice top for me.

    Carol, NC, I have sung many of those cantatas and it never even entered my mind that there are some parts of those cantatas that are dark. But yet I know there are some. I am sorry that you have heard some that are depressevie to you. But I always know that after a 'dark' moment in a song it is followed by a wonderful part.

    MN Margaret, I have only sung the Hallelujah chorus once but it is marvelous, to sing and to listen to.

    I got in bed about 10PM last night and immediately got to sleep. I really wanted to set my alarm to get to Sunday school but knew I needed to get as much sleep as I could yet get to church. I woke up at 7:30 which would have given me ample time to shower and get to SS but I easily got back to sleep and woke up a few minutes before my alarm was due to go off at 9. I have no sore throat or headache or any aches at all today. Still a little tired yet. The most I have slept after going on a trip was one exhausting one years ago and I slept almost 3 days straight. Between being really tired when I left, getting wet, really wet, another bad night sleep there, getting wet again, and all the work I did plus being exposed to a sick kid, I knew I would need a lot of sleep to get over the 3 days gone. Today was the first day I wore some spring clothes. I really haven't found much in the spring line up at Christopher Banks that I have wanted to buy. Couple that with the fact that I refound some of the weight that I had lost, I still fit into last spring and summers clothes. I really liked my light weight sweaters from last year. This year I got a couple of sleeveless tops that can go with last years sweaters. I got a new necklace that has several colors and I felt fresh today! But oh my, Easter dinner. It has always been a big thing in our family, just like what many of you have written about today. Well when I got home Charlie had already had his lunch - 2 chocolate pop tarts! So I fixed a sandwich along with my carrots and apple and ate by myself. So for supper we knew Michelle was going to come over and I wanted something special. We hadn't been to Cheddars in a good while so we went there. I love their fish tacos, had the fish grilled, had brocolli (no butter) as my side. Then I told Charlie since it was Easter, had a lousy lunch I was having chocolate cake! So I would say we split it 3 ways, counted it that way in my diary, but the two of them ate the majority with no complaints.

    Oldest daughter sent me a pic of Ellie having the time of her life, riding her bike with 4 other kids on the cul de sac. On of the Moms that live there will be her art teacher next year. So she is happy. Trinity, with the cold, is much better.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • naiomi2015
    naiomi2015 Posts: 95 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    After church DH and I went out for a ride. He's really gotten into genealogy lately.

    Since DH is related to John and Pricilla Alden we ventured over to Duxbury to look at where they farmed during Spring & Summer. Found the site of the 1630ish house. Walked around a bit then went to Plymouth.

    Can't say my eating was great but I at least stayed w/in my calories. DH husband made 2 Dunkin donut stops in addition to the church coffee hour and a snack while taking a bathroom break during our ride. I found this pretty challenging, but survived w/ saving enough calories to have a nice dinner out. (DH suggested at 6:30 pm, on the way home that I make baked ham. I was able to voice my preference for dinner out w/ out getting angry. NSV for me.)

    It's now 4:20 am. Woke up about three thinking about a report I need to write for work. (Detailing the failure of an experiment use in an attempt to solve some issues.)

    Decided to post rather than eat. Now I feel tired enough that I'll try to get a few more zzzzzs.

    Naiomi2015 Sleepless in Massachusetts

  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Michele: I think you’re “allowed” to skip church (and you have a reason). Don’t you? I wouldn’t think it’s somebody else’s business. Just my opinion. :)

    Leslie: so glad you’re enjoying Blaize.

    Slept well, still feeling tired from the bit of a cold I have. And my tongue seems a little anesthetized; how weird is that?

    Hope we all have a good day.

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Good morning ladies! We had to change places yesterday. We rented a 4 bedroom house with a hot tub, grill, private back yard, but the hot tub didn't work and the owner knew that before we came! He should have informed us. Luckily we booked through Home Away and were able to cancel. We ended up renting a king suite with kitchen stove and refrigerator at the Ashmore Inn and Suites for $200 less with an outdoor swimming pool and indoor hot tub. They also have a full breakfast and a happy hour with beer, wine and snacks. Score! We went to the fitness center close by. They had a very large free weight room so I was able to do strong lift 5 X 5 routine with no problems. I felt weird though being the only girl there, glad my DH was with.

    DH is going to check out his fellow company, we really like the weather here. 84 yesterday but dry and didn't feel hot. In the 90's the next few days. I'll swim and sunbathe! Tonight open music jam at a club. It was on the event calendar so I thought it might be a good time!

    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota now in Texas!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,821 Member
    morning ladies~
    took a luke warm bath .. cant wait for a hot shower ;) Tom (contractor not DH) will be coming after work and and putting a second coat of mud on and sand..then start tiling the floor I think.. supposed to be showery through the week so he wants to cut tile outside.. we shall see how that all works out..
    go to work at 12:30 but havent been down to see DFIL yet, did a load of laundry, had to go to Lowes again, for more tile and and a dimmer switch.. and spacers for the tile.. we have been there so much we know most everyone by there first name lol.
    havent eaten well.. with so much stress. but the weather is warming up and I pray that I get my larger tush in gear.. will not go out and buy anymore larger clothes thats for sure..
    and yes Homer was on my lap at the computer not on the riding mower, although we did take him to visit at the nursing home last night everyone enjoyed him,,,
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding.

    Good Morning, Ladies.

    Lesley, it sounds like your new family member has fit right in. So happy for you!

    Joyce, glad you are feeling better and hope you get to catch up on sleep. Most of the clothes they are showing for Spring simply aren't in colors that I wear. I'm a winter so need deeper tones and no pastels.

    Allison, I'll bet that everyone enjoyed Homer's visit and he did too. I did laugh about you becoming such good friends with all the Lowes workers. Be careful or they will try to hire you before it's over.

    I went for my bloodwork this morning and then stopped at McDonalds for an eggwhite Mcmuffin. I forgot to take my morning pills with me, which include a pain pill, so after just a few minutes of shopping my back was beginning to hurt. So much for that. Came home and took my pills and here I am, waiting for the pain to subside so I can do some exercising. Oh and my drama for the day is that my desktop computer won't connect to the WiFi. Boo hiss! So I'm on my little laptop that I normally only use for travel.

    I hope you all have a happy and healthy day. <3

    Words I live by:
    Savor: I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity: Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,732 Member


    all about being held accountable, this was my brunch meal for the day. I added about 1400 calories. think that was enough or should I have added more. oh, and that was the view!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,732 Member
    ps: I wanted to eat sooooooo much more and a lot more of it... my tummy can't take food in the way it used to, there was a lot of food I didn't try.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Michele: Thanks for your explanation of Chicken Foot dominoes. I would love to watch a game. I wish I could help with the pool problem, but I’ve never owned a pool of any kind. I don’t swim for exercise, I swim to play, and that is usually done in the river once it warms up in the summer.

    Janet: We did have an eggscelent Easter. :bigsmile: DDIL was here and we had a lovely time with her. We got to talk to DS on the phone, but not DD and family, unfortunately. I also wonder what “silent reflux” is. I’ve been taking medication to control acid reflux for several decades. I agree with your advice to Michele.

    Lesley: Your day at the beach with Blaise sounds great. I can hardly wait to see some pictures.

    Naomi: I have spent years waking up and worrying about this or that. I’m working hard to learn better sleeping habits. I get 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep more often than I used to, but I’m far from perfect. I simply don’t think well when I’m over tired, and I’m really motivated to keep a sharp brain.

    Alison: We lived in a remodeling project for years. I never want to do that again. DD seems to have taken up where we finished and is constantly working on her house. Luckily her DH has carpentry skills. Unluckily, he works 6 long days a week and only has one to devote to the house. There are many projects started and few finished. On the plus side he does good work.

    Pip: I love the pictures of the dessert tray. Is that chocolate fudge I see? Yum. The berries look good, too. The restaurant is in a lovely location with blue skies and boats!

    Yoga today, and then??? We still don’t have our taxes done and it is DH’s job. I’m getting pretty nervous about not having them already sent off. I’ll do what ever I can to support getting them done and in the mail.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    April Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.


  • dia_nruf
    dia_nruf Posts: 112 Member
    Happy Monday everyone. The sun is shinning at the moment but they say we might get a lite coating of snow later today. Personally I am so ready for spring to arrive.
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good morning. All caught up and checking in. Very quiet week end; mainly OD'd on Netflix and Mad Men marathon. Trying to get used to the sight of the surgery and bruising when I change the bandage........may never leave the house again, lol. One good thing.....it can only get better.

    Lesley........I am soooooooo happy you found your dog!!!! Many, many happy years to you all!!!


  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Good morning ladies,

    Janet: I tried to get my son's to help do menu planning...it was like pulling teeth. So they've lost the privilege. :smile: Fortunately, I'm pretty flexible so when I have more leftovers than I thought or plans change I can usually make substitutions. I must admit that as difficult as I find menu planning, having one helps me to eat and manage my meals better. I'm hoping that being more organized will help me when I get back to work and have less time for cooking.

    Michele I used to only plan evening meals but now I plan breakfast and lunch too. I'm also one of those people who need time to wake up in the morning. I've started putting mini frittatas in the freezer that I can heat up in the microwave.

    Joyce: So glad that you got a good night's sleep. It sure makes a world of difference.

    Mary: I love Texas. I was actually there once and the music jams were lovely. I couldn't believe how talented some of the performers were especially since they were amateurs.

    Thought for the day: You must do the things you think you cannot do. - Eleanor Roosevelt

    Well I have a number of things that I must do even though I really don't want to. Too much of the ostrich syndrome lately (got my head in the sand). I think I'll take a tip from Lillian and put them in a jar and pull one out and just do it.

    Carey - Edmonton

  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    hmm... Pip's photo's didn't make the screen too wide. Here's hoping that the bug has been fixed!
    Your lunch looked great Pip and so did the view!
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Pip, loved your photos. That amount didn't look so bad. LOL The view of the harbor was very pretty.

    Jan, hope you are feeling better. It will heal. Right now I have a large raw spot on my cheek where she iced a place.

    Janet, hope your blood work comes out OK. Bach aches are the worst.

    JaneMartin, I hope you have time to finish your packing. The thought of moving befuddles me. I have closets that have 30 years of clothing in them. I'm sure it would be quite easy to take most of it the GW and will get to it some day. Sometimes I feel like my feet are tied together and won't let me budge.

    My grand kids had a ton of fun hiding eggs yesterday. It was fun to watch and be with our small family.
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good morning! I got in over 16,000 steps yesterday and that made me feel really good! I also cooked and ate a large, but reasonable in calories meal--grilled salmon, zesty snow peas, glazed carrots, and mashed potatoes. It was probably a little heavy on starches, but it was what my mouth wanted AND what I had in the house. (I'm never quite sure if peas are a vegetable vegetable or a vegetable starch.) After dinner settled a bit, I went to the grocery store to get some eggs (I was out and they were on sale), bread, and milk. I came out with those three items plus a marked down rotisserie chicken, cottage cheese, light sour cream, and bananas--not too bad. On the way home, I treated myself to a McDonald's ice cream cone and still went to bed with 700 calories left. The only thing I didn't log was my serving of communion!

    Janet - What kind of oat bran did you get get? Maybe I'm figuring something wrong. Please tell me where I'm screwing up! Bob's Mill oat bran is 150 calories for 1/3 cup so that's 450 calories per cup and 1,350 per 3 cups. That alone is 112 calories per muffin (assuming 12 muffins) without the brownie mix. Math is not my strong suit so help me, PLEASE!!!

    I'm at work today although most people in the area are not. Easter Monday was the official North Carolina Easter holiday for a LONG time. Evidently NC State and UNC-Chapel Hill (arch rivals) played baseball on the Monday after Easter and the legislators all wanted to go watch, therefore a holiday. Nowadays, it's a mixed bag, but schools are always closed on the Monday after Easter. Also, because I work for churches, Holy Week is NOT the time to take off work--way too much to be done--so Monday is typically the holiday. However, I was out so much last week due to being sick that I am working today.

    Does anyone here live in Texas? Specifically in the Dallas area? I am going to Dallas for a week in late May and would love to have some suggestions of restaurants, etc. I will be staying in downtown Dallas and won't have a car which limits me.

    Well, back to work I go! Hope everyone has a great day!

    Carol in NC