

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Terri: We have two species of hummingbirds here. Annas Hummingbirds live here year round, even in freezing temperatures in winter. Rufus Hummingbirds are summer visitors.

    Colleen from PA & PJ from MI: Welcome to a great group of supportive women. Colleen, be sure to change the nectar in your hummingbird feeder fairly frequently even though you don’t see birds. Stale is not good because it can get moldy. I put boiling water through mine before I refill them. Use sugar water you make yourself not the colored stuff you buy. The food coloring is bad for them. The recipe is 1/4C sugar to 1 C water. My neighbor uses the colored water and the birds avoid her feeder.

    Vicki: I would love it if one of my kids moved closer to us. I hope your DS likes this place or something else nearby.

    Selena: I love your picture of Rufus Hummingbirds. I may try to get mine to come to my hand when it warms up a bit. I’m not sitting outside in the chilly air with a handful of syrup! Good luck finding just the right place to move. Tell us more about the book you’re working on.

    Janet: In the later years of my teaching career, there was some effort at healthy snacks and treats, but it was sporadic. Many times we were rewarded with Starbucks coffee as our treat and were able to order the flavor we liked. My flavor was full of sugar and nondairy fat. I’ve been retired for 3 ½ years. I go with my neighbor when she goes to zumba. I ride a spin cycle in an adjacent room to the sound of her music. My knees won’t take zumba, either. Somewhere along the way, a spin class joins me. I enjoy them, but NOT their choices of music.

    Michele: I love your ladybug & ceramic turtle! I especially love the praying mantis. Your color choices are fun.

    Mary from MN: I think your DH got better service because he has a commercial account and threatened to go elsewhere for service. The man v woman issue can also have an effect. That is so frustrating.

    Alison: I’m happy that you had a good interview and will keep my fingers crossed that it eventually yields enough work so that you can quit your present job.

    Carol: We have lots of cats in our area because we have a local feral cat feeder. The hummingbird feeders are high enough that cats can’t get near the birdies. They do prefer flower nectar and those plants are in cat zone but I haven’t seen a cat get one.

    Yikes! It is almost time to meet my neighbor so we can go to the gym and I haven’t come to the end of the posts. Have a great day!

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    April Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.


  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Thursday ! ! !

    Carol – I enter any contest that is available, mostly radio stations. My Dad and I kind of tag-team on them. He gets code words from 3 stations and I get them from the other 2 stations, then we swap, so we get maximum points and prize entries. He actually wins more than I win. I sometimes win at the call-in contests, too. He has a friend who is a stay-at-home wife, and she shares with us also. I am currently trying to win tickets for Jimmy Buffett with Huey Lewis & the News; yesterday I was the 10th caller (needed to be 14th) and today I couldn’t get through at all. Many people will ask me to enter contests for them, because I am lucky. But money contests of any kind – no, can’t usually win those.

    Vicki – Hugs about DS and the house. I hope everything works out well.

    Selena – Wow. That is an amazing picture. Thanks for sharing!

    Janet – Thanks. I will do a google search some time soon. I know I have seen hummingbirds here, and when we lived in Minnesota, just not around my feeder. Looking forward to giving it a try again.

    Michele – Love the turtle. It has so many opportunities for color, etc. Love the ladybug, too. // the movie was nice, romantic, not confusing ( the time-travel thing confuses me, but it wasn’t about time-travel) but also not exciting. Just calm and romantic.

    Mary – So sorry about your phone issues. I have had that type of problem with AT&T once. Verizon did make me wait 3 months of trouble before replacing my phone once. I bet it was your hubby’s “threat” of leaving service for his personal AND business that made them change their minds. I certainly hope it had nothing to do with gender, but you never know. (((hugs )))

    Jmkmomm – Way To Go ! ! ! Organization at its’ finest. Lol about the cruise.

    Allison – I bet that car dealership has a position opening soon. I’m glad the interview went well, and I hope that window opens soon. My DH and I also have routines, and when the other is around outside of the norm, it sure can be strange. Good thing to joke about, though. Good job drinking all that tea. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.

    Carol – good luck with your shoulder. Glad you made it to the bathroom in time – that is scary.

    Lillian – good luck with your foot. If I’m not around to cook and shop, the “men” in my house would eat McDonalds and frozen pizza for every meal.

    Yesterday I held all 3 of my planks (front and both sides) for 25 seconds each, and today is the first time my muscles aren’t angry with me about it. Yay.

    Our systems are down at work, so I only have internet and e-mail available right now, so life is pretty boring and all about cleaning and such right now. sad.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • MMinMD
    MMinMD Posts: 53 Member
    Well I’m 10 pages behind and will never catch up. Working in my home office today. It's gorgeous so hope to get out and do yard work this afternoon after straightening out my Dad's taxes (meaning another hour on hold with the IRS). Sigh. Lilacs are in bloom and they are my favorite. I'll bring some to my Dad (who lives nearby in a retirement home) to bring that lovely smell into his apt.

    I’d been a bit stuck on weight loss, but am losing again, just hit 20 lbs down today!
    I got a Fitbit on April 1 and it is a good motivator! I’m averaging 6k steps, mostly because of the 1-2 days a week I don’t take the time to get up and move around a lot.

    Selena - great pics, jealous of all your different western hummers, we just have the one species here on the east coast – but we are in a spot where we fill feeders every day or two. Lots of babies in the summer, and fun (competitive) aerobatics to watch.

    Pip- $50 from the boss, nice!

    Heather – congrats on the book!

    Sylvia - you look great! Especially after a tough spring.

    Katla – your book has great advice about staying connected and active. My father at 88 is having a hard time with both, to his detriment. He gets angry and confused easily (yes, early dementia) and so he backs away from contact. He does do some walking outside.

    Hey to Coleen from PA, PJ, Tammi….

    Goals for April:
    10k steps/day
    500 cal burn (above sedentary)

    I think my goal for May will be 120 miles. I’m gonna make 100 miles in April.

    Cindy in SoMD


  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,348 Member
    edited April 2015
    Hi all! :flowerforyou:

    Michele - those critters are such fun! I'm looking forward to seeing a photo of them around the pool. :D

    Has anyone heard from Naomi, who had the chest and arm pain? Hope she is ok.

    Selena - your photos are great. Congrats on the book. You have made your life into an adventure!

    Carol - hope they can figure out your shoulder!

    Today I went to the vascular clinic. My blood pressure was the same as ever - 135/84. I am frustrated as it's the same as it was before I lost weight and started exercising. :ohwell: I am on 10mgs Amlodipine. I know I eat too much salt, but my blood sodium was just within the normal range. Everything else was normal from my blood test, so that's good. o:)

    DH sent out all his party invitations by email yesterday and we have had a few acceptances already. One couple were very excited because they are railway buffs and a steam railway goes almost past the garden. I expect we will have a trip on that. I have been sending out emails about my book to all my friends :D I have tried a couple of magazines for older people, but haven't heard back. Publicity is a hard nut to crack.

    This afternoon I went out into the lane and picked half a carrier bag full of stinging nettles to make nettle soup. They have just finished bubbling away in a recipe so I will let you know how it turns out! ! ! ! :laugh: Every year I say I'm going to make it and every year I don't, so this year I grasped the nettle! ! ! ! ! :laugh:

    A big packet of pirate themed chocolate coins arrived ftom Amazon which I am going to use to fill the centre of DGS' s number 4 cake for his fourth birthday. It will have sea and a green island. I have ordered pirate candles. I will make a whale and a crab and octopus from fondant. Our present to him includes a pirate and whale themed duvet cover set and a big soft crab. We have got to transport the cake to his other grandparents where they will have the party because of all the building work in their house. That's about 40 mins away, so better than taking it up to London! ! ! It will be the weekend of May 3rd, but DH can definitely not do the Saturday as his football team will be having their last match of the season and they have a very good chance of going up to the Premier League. :bigsmile: DDIL said she would try to avoid Saturday. :laugh:

    Love to all. It's nice to have got my check up out of the way. :) I actually slept well last night for the first time in a couple of weeks. Been so preoccupied with the book.

    Love to all, Heather UK

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning everyone! The kids stayed at my house last night. They stayed with the evil stepmother the night before, but my son told me that she didn't enjoy it, so he asked if I would take them last night. I made egg salad sandwiches and tomato soup for their dinner and they loved it. They had never had egg salad before. Poor babies. This morning they asked if I could make them breakfast instead of them eating breakfast at school. So they had cereal, toast, turkey bacon, and orange juice and a banana. They also asked if they could take their lunches, so I made PB&J (which is what they wanted) and included a banana and a Cutie orange and a bottle of water. They said they can still get milk at school. So they were happy campers. It's amazing how they are so happy with the smallest things.

    I took them up to see their dad after school yesterday. That made everybody happy. They felt better after seeing him and knowing he was getting better. The oldest told one of the teachers yesterday that he had a lung transplant. Not in our little hospital, he didn't.

    Last night we played outside till dinner time, then a little more till dark. They so seldom get to play outside, living in an apartment. I made bubble blowing soap and bent a wire coat hanger to make really big bubbles. That was fun. And I had bought a set of outdoor toys like horseshoes, badmitton, etc. So, when he was going to bed last night the little guy asked if they could stay overnight on the weekend too. I wish we had a better sleeping arrangement for the kids. Two on two different sofas and one in the spare bed. It's really hard on Molly too, because she gets locked up the whole time they are here.

    I called my son this morning and he said they are not sure if they are letting him out today or not. He will know more after lunch sometime. Somehow they now need to give him insulin, even though he's never been diabetic. He thinks it might be the steroids and thinks it's only temporary.

    Michele, I love the praying mantis! He turned out really well, as did the bug. Love the colors! Can't wait to see the turtle.

    Selena, Thanks for the picture of the hummers. It's an amazing picture. You must have a good camera. When I take a pic of a hummer it's just a blur. We don't have anything but ruby throats here, so it's fun to see a rufous. I got a small feeder this year to hang on the window by the breakfast table, hoping the kids will get to see them up close. We'll see if it works or not. Hummers on the deck got me through a lot of stress in my life. They are easily one of my very favorite birds.

    Well, I have to get to work. Have a great day everyone!

  • naiomi2015
    naiomi2015 Posts: 95 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    I've been AOL for a few days and so far behind in reading and commenting. I'm feeling better the pain from the mussel pull is gone. Just in time too. DH and I are leaving for the convention tonight. I chair a meeting 1st thing in the AM. Then on to a woman's lunch to introduce the speaker. Saturday has me giving a workshop. I was expecting 20 people found out I have 35 already pre- registered! Had to revamp my presentation for a much larger group. Guess that is not a bad thing but I prefer small groups. The retirement banquet and program honoring my boss looks complete. Now to print agenda's and handouts do laundry & pack & pick up flowers for the banquet tables. (Kinking into high gear now.)

    Sylvia Praying for your son, you and family. Hope your son recovers soon, and the children realized how much they are loved by you and your DH.

    I will commit to keeping up my food diary , and try to read members posts. Doubt I'll be commenting or posting much until Saturday or Sunday night.

    Naiomi2015 from 49F and cloudy Massachusetts

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,815 Member
    Happy Thursday! I mowed most the yard last evening, got my steps plus in. Feels good to be doing it again. Found a couple more beer bottles out by the back of the garage. I am so glad to have them moved out. I just hope after they fix the place back up they get a nice family there. This was the first time in 12 years we had any problems with the renters in that house.
    Today is my 8 hour day and then I am off till next Tuesday. WOW!!! Planning to walk home this afternoon.

    Selena--Thanks for sharing the picture. I love hearing about your sitting out there with the birds. How wounderful and relaxing.

    Michele--love the lady bug. It looks great. I would like to do something like that for my rock garden. Thanks I will see if I can find some place around here to do that. Just saw your preying mantis and he is so cute.

    Mary--I am glad DH was able to get you the new phone. I agree that it is unfair after you tried for hours and got no where. I would of been so pissed.

    Allison--glad your interview went well. At least he knows you and said he might have something soon.

    Mel--Welcome. This is a great place for support.

    Carol--Pray you get good news at the doctor today.

    Lillian--Sounds like you have a fun weekend to look forward to.

    Carey--Glad to hear you are doing better today.

    Cindy--Congrates on hitting the 20 pounds down. I love my fitbit and I admit it does get me moving more.

    Sylvia--Those children are so lucky to have you. I do hope DS knows that.

    I hope the rain waites until dark as when I get off work I want to put the weed stuff down along the fence line. I use the vingar and salt and I do think it works so much better then the poison stuff. Don't have to worry about the dogs gettings sick from using it. I have really been in the mood to do things in the yard. That is a first for me. Well ladies enjoy the rest of the day and remember we are not in this alone.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,697 Member
    we have a renter that lives next door to us. the owner went to an assisted living facility and they rented their home to a cute couple, well., now they are leaving, they bought a house. who knows what kind of renters will go in there next... :0/ OH AND I AM ON DAY 999 OF MY STREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    I want collar bones like Sylvia!!
    Chris in MA
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Good day friends -

    I've really enjoyed the posts about the hummingbirds and the pictures are marvelous! My sister and I have a hummingbird "thing". Once when I was totally rock bottom we were on the phone together and I went out on my porch to talk. Sis felt so bad for me and just at that moment a little hummer came near me. It was as if she was there to give me a hug from my sister. Since then we exchange little hummingbird themed presents with each other. We've never been really close, but that little bird brought us together.

    Selena - you should submit that picture in a contest

    Michele - loved your pictures too. I think I'd like the turtle in those wild colors, too!

    Pip - you slacker!!! NOT! Wow that ride looks challenging!

    Naomi - you sound like a busy lady.Enjoy your conference.

    Sylvia - such good "grandma time". Those kids sound so sweet.

    Heather - so glad hubby's BDay party is taking shape. The party for your GS sounds so cute. Please post a picture!

    Janet - how wonderful you get to connect with a dear friend!

    Terri - Do you ever have anyone try to rub your belly for good luck?

    I didn't take notes so I know I am missing a comment or two. I work today from 2:30 - 8:00. Starting Sunday I am working 6 straight days! Not sure I was sane when I said "Yes" to that!

    Have a great day. Catch you later!

    Toni in beautiful Tennessee
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,798 Member
    windy and cold here in Ct.. had a lovely time with my friend at the tea room, got a small pot of first phase tea, a green tea with,hint of strawberry,apple and hibiscus.. and a scone with double cream, rasberry jam and lemon curd, I was good though small scone and only used tastes of each.. sat there for almost 2 hrs chatting .. very relaxing, and as I was waiting for ,who flew over ? but mom not once but twice.. so all in all it was a good day.. I will be going to sleep early as I was awake at 1 this morning.. took about 20 minute nap in the car waiting for Patty.. but still feeling whipped..
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    naiomi2015 wrote: »
    Hi Everyone,

    I will commit to keeping up my food diary , and try to read members posts. Doubt I'll be commenting or posting much until Saturday or Sunday night.

    Naiomi2015 from 49F and cloudy Massachusetts

    Naomi: Keeping up your food diary is the single most important thing you can do to keep yourself motivated and be successful. Good choice!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,348 Member
    OK - update. :bigsmile:

    The nettle soup was ok. I quite liked it, but it definitely needed the creme fraiche stirred into it. DH wasn't very keen, but he managed to eat it, though he said it was very "irony" and needed the creme fraiche. I would eat it again, though he probably not. :laugh:

    Spent some time trying to organise my author profile for Goodreads. They will email me tomorrow if I am accepted. I have to give everything a go. :ohwell:

    Heather x x x <3
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Vicki – please tell me about the weed killer with vinegar and salt. I would love to try it.

    Toni – People do rub me for luck, but not my belly. Lots of people rub the belly or head of my DH, or the head of my DS. That makes me laugh. In fact, there is one girl on DS’s bowling team that rubs his head so often that it is how my Dad remembers her; not by name, but “the girl who pets Payne’s head”. That REALLY makes me laugh.

    Sylvia – I am so happy that your grandkids are so happy. You are doing them such a great service by offering them structure and fun. More (((((hugs)))))

    Terri In Milwaukee (sunny nad 47 degrees)
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding.

    Good Afternoon Ladies,

    Michele, the Praying Mantis might be missing but the Lady Bug is just precious!!! She will look so cute out by the pool. That turtle has so many possibilities. I saw one in an ad for a store here and it had some great colors. Wish I could send it to you. I think the bright colors are going to be just what you need out by the pool. I want to come over and sit by the pool with you. God forbid that I would get in and get some exercise. lol

    Mary, first of all, just look at the big picture and be happy you have a new phone. Now, secondly, (tee hee hee) I know it’s terrible how men can do that, but….did you threaten to stop doing business with them? That is probably what did it. Who knows? I always thought the Samsung phones were great and this is the first I’ve heard of it. I do have to exercise to keep my back from freezing up, but twisting motion just doesn’t agree with it. I have to be so careful with any kind of dancing, which is sad. I’m not so good at it but do love to dance. I’m thinking that is a female thing because most men don’t really seem that into it. Congrats to those of you that have hubbies that like to dance. Mine will do it but only because he loves me, not because he enjoys it.

    Joyce, you are doing great and like you said, we’ll give you a “swift kick” any time you need it. I mean, what are friends for? Way to go on the organizing of the storage. Yay you is right! Wow wee, 2 pounds? Not .2? That is what I’m talking about!!! You go girl. I will be ecstatic when I get to 172!! OMG I am happy to report that the 1.5 pounds I had jumped up a few days ago is now gone again. Slowly but surely, as they say.

    Allison, good luck on a new job opening up at the dealership. I just got a text from DD and she just got a new job much closer to home. She was driving 45 minutes to work and they kept cutting hours so this is a real blessing.

    Michele, the Praying Mantis is a cutie too. If any of them came out streaked, I can’t tell. Maybe the last firing did the trick?

    Mel, welcome. You will find this a great group of ladies for support and wonderful information. When you need it, just ask and we will give you a nudge, kick or push. We are here for you.

    Carol, I know that is a scary feeling to wake up to such pain that you can’t move. Glad you did make it to the potty. Lol It would be great if the doctor tells you there’s an easy fix, but who knows? I also envision the turtle with bright colors. I’d probably do the bottom row in different shades of green and the others in shades of blue and purple, but it definitely needs some yellow on it.

    Selena, I’m guessing your book is a love story? Is this the first book for either of you? If you told us before, I’ll take the 5th, cause I’m sure it’s not my age.

    Lillian, I hope you get everything done before it’s time to leave, but more importantly, have a safe and fun trip.

    Carey, glad you are finally on the mend.

    Pip, if and when I have a problem with a company, I’ll just call you to take care of it for me, cause I don’t have any lil Mexican in me.

    Terri, way to go on those boards! Uh, I mean planks. *Tee hee hee*. Sorry you are so bored that there is nothing to do but clean. That’s bored!!!

    Cindy, congrats on that 20 lbs. Way to go, now on to the next. Keep it up.

    Heather, the checkup sounds good. I am surprised the BP is the same as before your weight loss? Once again, this Southerner has no idea what “nettles” are. I could Google it but it’s more fun to let you tell me.

    Sylvia, I never even knew my grandparents because they all passed away by the time I was 2, but I wish I’d had a grandmother like you. You are the bomb. I know they must just love you to pieces. Why does Molly have to be locked up when they are there? Poor baby. We got a hummer feeder that attached to the window one year a long time ago. The wind would blow it back and forth and the syrup would spill out onto the window and the ants would find it in no time. We finally took it down. I hope you don’t have that problem. It’s so neat when they are right up next to the house like that.

    Naiomi, so glad your pain is gone. We were concerned. Have a great time at the convention and try not to work too hard.

    Vicki, if you put down the weed stuff and then it rains, won’t it just wash it all away? That is our problem here with doing anything in the yard; trying to plan it right with the rain. So glad you are feeling well and wanting to do yard work. Keep up the good work.

    Pip, you are gonna be a hundred tomorrow? Wow. You are just so impressive with your dedication to exercising and logging. Keep it up!

    Toni, why did you ask if anyone ever wanted to rub her tummy for good luck? Did I miss something? Six days straight is not for the faint of heart. You’d probably need to start resting up right away. Lol I remember doing that a few time the last year that I worked, and it really got to me. I love your story about your sis and the hummer.

    Allison, your tea party sounds so nice. And congrats on just having a taste of each. A friend of mine told me about a tea room that she just discovered. I have a feeling we will be going there in our future.

    Welcome to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I got my nicotine patches in the mail yesterday, so no more vaping. But OMG do I want to. It has been an on and off difficult day but so far so good. I really got into my exercising, I think because I wanted to vape so badly. Lol Now I’m off to the store to possibly exchange a top I got yesterday. It’s a touch big so going to see how the next smaller size does.

    I hope all you special ladies have a terrific day. <3

    I liked this story and it did make me think, so it’s the thought for the day:

    A photographer went to a socialite party in New York.
    As he entered the front door, the host said, “ I love
    Your pictures; you must have a fantastic camera.”
    He said nothing until dinner was finished, then:
    “That was a wonderful dinner; you must have a
    Terrific stove.”

    Sam Haskins

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,697 Member
    damnit - deal!, i'll fix them for you.. and no, i'll be a thousand, not a hundred..
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,348 Member
    Janet - urtica dioica. The common nettle or stinging nettle. Google it.
    We have forests of the things everywhere round here. I think I do like the soup, but I've frozen most of it as DH wasn't ecstatic! When I first moved down here I bought lots of books on foraging, but I really don't do much. In autumn we collect masses of wild blackberries from the lanes and sloes (blackthorn berries) to make sloe gin, a wonderful thing. But there are a lot of wild plants I have never picked. I bought a mushroom book, but I have never dared to pick and cook any! ! !

    Heather in abundant Hampshire UK
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Just spent over $800 on plumbing problems in 4 different places. Guess that wasn't bad considering this is a 30 yr old house. He's coming back this weekend to do another job....flushing out the pipes of built up grease. Another $300.

    Mary, I hear you on the phone problems. We were so upset with AT&T's NEW new charge rates after two years of service we switched to Comcast. Their customer service rep kept giving us the run around and made a snide remark to me. We switched the cell phones to T-Mobile and it too almost 3 week to get AT&T to release our number. After all that, AT&T sends us several letters asking us to come back at the old rates. No way!

    Love the humming bird pictures!

    Heather, I looked up nettle soup and didn't think it looked real tasty. An acquaintance of my DH gave him nettles to put over his knee. Supposedly, it helped the arthritis. DH didn't wear it too long for some reason I can't remember.

    Terri, entering those contest must keep you busy! LOL But, it sounds like you are getting some great prizes.

    Alison, I don't understand about your mom flying over. Did I miss something?

    Carol ~ Ga
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,798 Member
    when my mom passed over 15 yrs ago, she has come back as a Great Blue Heron, she has shown up when I have needed her most.. so that would be why I love GBH so much.....
    DH came home and .got all grumpy with me because 1 - I gave him Chili and 2-- I gave him to much...ya know be nice to your wife before you go away for a week would be nice... .
    So I am sitting in my room watching Dr Oz and messing around on the computer
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Thanks Alison for clarifying. I always feel that someone's prayers have gotten me through life so I am sure you mom is protecting you.