

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,697 Member
    fyi -

    BMI can’t distinguish between fat and lean tissue. Nor can it distinguish between different types of fat.
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Hello everyone!

    So far I am doing well keeping up with you. Yeah ME!

    Carol - I hope the treatments help your bursitis. My husband has had 4 rotator cuff repairs and none of them have been very satisfactory. Hopefully your inflammation will subside soon.

    Sylvia - I love your idea about the water. Why don't you get to work on a "transporter" so that we can all go to dinner at Kim's this summer?

    Teri - As a retired teacher I think the idea of test exemption is ridiculous! I think teachers are lazy and don't want to grade as many. Also - since assessment is a key component to the education process why would students get out of the final test? This just devalues the whole course in my estimation. I know one way to look at it is that exemption from the test is a "prize" for doing well during the course. Maybe I am old fashioned but I don't like this practice. Any of you teachers out their want to chime in on this?
    Your DS has an awesome attitude. Could be he has a great DM?!?! I think the post was a message from above. How special!

    Lillian - One of the most unusual storms I experienced was in April in Kansas. I went back for a visit. We had lightening and thunder and snow all night. 6 inches that day and 7 more the next. My boss didn't believe that I was snowed in. I don't think it was graupel, though. Have a wonderful time this weekend!

    Pip - 1000 - WOWEE! I used a home stair stepper in the early 90's. I was studying for the Miller's analogy fro grad school and would do practice tests as I step, step, stepped. Lost my weight and "aced" the test!

    Heather - So good to reconnect with old friends, but then you connect with us "old" friends every day!

    Jane - I am praying for your mom and family.

    Carey - After Sylvia perfects the transporter, I'm on board for a ride with you to Kim's.

    Well- I am finally a senior at the Y. I am going to play Bingo this afternoon. It is our last one and I have wanted to join in before but never did. I'll stay and work out in the water afterwards.

    Have a good afternoon, ladies!

    Taking the OPPORTUNITY to play Bingo with my Y buds in TN

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    mom update so far,atrial fib and pneumonia.Waiting to hear more.
    tx for the prayers and good vibes
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,697 Member
    hope all goes well, jane
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Janet - Happy Birthday! I hope you have a fun day celebrating!

    Michelle in NC - I was also curious about the side planks and I researched them on the internet. it showed them doing them both ways. You start with both legs on the floor and when you get stronger than you stack them. I haven't tried them yet but will start next week.

    Joyce - I hate the well water also. we have a filter on our refrigerator and it makes the water taste as good as bottled spring water. we have a lot of iron in our water.

    Lesley - with the way you work out and eat you should have no problem shedding sad during Tom's 98 day challenge! Let us know how it goes.

    Heather - congratulations on losing that pound! You are doing wonderful. It is nice to hear that you are reconnecting with old friends.

    Sylvia - it sounds like you have a new career of being an engineer in your future! that does sound like a good idea.

    Lillian - thanks for the weather lesson. very interesting. I woke to another snow storm this morning that didn't make me very happy. I am looking forward to the possibility of moving down south.

    Terri - you have a lot to be proud of! Adults do act very immature at times. Thanks for the update on how to do a side plank correctly.

    Pip - I am very impressed with your 1000 day consecutive login! you are a true role model for all of us.

    Janet - I'm sure that I would get sicker than a dog if I lit up! but I did so enjoy sitting and relaxing and having a smoke. I will probably never do it again... It sounds like you scored at the store good for you! Happy birthday again! have a drink for me.

    Carol - have fun with the grandkids this evening for your spend the night party! I so enjoy doing that when I get the opportunity. maybe I should send their mom and dad away for the evening.

    Jane - we will be praying for your mom. (((Hugs)))

    Carey - we do have a water pump, not a pressure tank. I will have my husband check into that.
    Toni - I love your idea of the transporter it would be fun to all meet at Kim's this summer! Have fun at Bingo! and enjoy the water.

    Hello everyone! Today is date night for my D H and I. Not sure what we are going to do but it will be nice to get out of the house. I haven't seen my overnighted phone yet. hopefully it will come soon.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,697 Member
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good afternoon beautiful ladies :flowerforyou:

    Jane :) sending well wishes for your mom <3

    Janet :) Happy Birthday :flowerforyou: Enjoy your dinner!!!

    Toni :) Hope you have fun at Bingo!

    Terri :) What a very mature son you have! I can't believe an adult would bully a child :/ !

    Michele :) I love all your critters! They look happy!

    Carey :) I love your thought for the day!

    Carol in NC :) Hope your shoulder will feel better with the PT <3 !

    Kim :) Congrats on taking charge of your life!!! I've been taking a cooking class once a month, it's a good opportunity to meet new people and learn skills and have a great meal! Count me as another that would be happy to have dinner at your house!

    Pip :) You just crack me up :p ! I love reading your posts and your stats are awesome!

    Wish I had more time to chat :/ . I'm going out tonight and must fluff the hair and redo the makeup. Thinking of you all and sending good wishes!

    DeeDee in gorgeous NC B)

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,697 Member
    edited April 2015
    DeeDee - I aim to crack, I mean please... if you knew me in person, you would really be peeing your pants, people here luvvvv me.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,088 Member
    Janet smiley-greet002.gif
    :heart: MNMargaret
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,798 Member
    afternoon kids~
    crazy at work, late getting home, puppies ok.. went out and watered grass the poor DH has got down onto 95 about 50 miles from Richmond, and was going to stop for the night and forgot there is a Nascar race in Richmond this weekend..so he will probably have to drive another 100 miles before he can find something.. the man has been up since 2 am, and been driving since 9 am.. I worry...
    tomorrow afternoon I will be going to a car show,it is held in memory of a friend of mine who passed away 5 yrs ago from cancer.. will run into alot of Townies.. which will be fun.. I have to go to work until noon, come home take care of the dogs take them for a walk, go see my DFIL and then go to the show, then come home and relax
    Pip~ you are a PIP lol
    Janet~ Happy Happy Birthday
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    edited April 2015
    Glad everyone is doing good.
    Joyce,glad things are going better for your son.
    Caught up on mail,but don't remember enough to comment.
    Katla....you must be near the town where I had a nasty dental experience,of course.....all are nasty times to this dental wimp! We spent a summer along the ocean towns/ parks.Drove to Corvallis,lovely place.
    Sylvia,you look skinny & very pretty.I don't even have collarbones!,

    I agree. Guess most sites/boards eventually turn into pay to use.None seem to last a long time.They often make them so complicated & ppl drop away.Can use a notebook to keep track of calories,but no chat.

    Returned a leather purse today.....after finding wavy zippers.Looked thru tops & so glad I don't need any. Even better stores have rack after rack of what looks like sleazy "fabric".My fav clothes are the classics ....mine seem to last forever.
    Still need to try on shorts & slacks. Also found drapes......& have way too many blankets,sheets etc.Thinking we will have a nice box to send to vets.

    BTW......news today says 16 states have declared state of emergency about bird flu being in chicken. Always something :/ Pat
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    mom is resting in Icu.Cant go see her,as I have a virus or whatever.
    She`s in good hands.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,697 Member
    glad to hear janet.. rest easy
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,697 Member
    well just called to doc about Bullwinkle, yup, she has low thyroid condition as I thought also high cholesterol, slightly anemic but this all could be cuz of the thyroid. gonna get her on meds, see how she feels/improves after that then do more bloodwork on the other poop 2c if that stuff fixed itself out. moral of this story? don't be a 78 (in people years) golden retriever.
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Bingo was fun! I won a green flower pot and a small crocheted cross!

    JANET - I hope your birthday was as wonderful as you are! I have been thinking of you today.

  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Saturday here and ANZAC DAY. This is when we honour the fallen and survivors of all wars, be they Army, Navy, Airforce and civilians. Dawn services at cenotaphs and then marching through the streets to cenotaph for a service later, the Sunset at cenotaphs. I marched in Melbourne in 1982 the week after my dad died, with his medals, to honour him and his service during WWII. We are watching the Dawn Services and marches on TV.
    My food today is 1757 and training: JM's Hard bodies and BH's Ripped core this morning, then walk Blaize this afternoon.
    Woke to frost but a sunny day now and have washed all clothes and on the line.

    I went to Tom's site and plugged my numbers into Katch McArdle, says 1651 to 1887 food calories and BMR at 1521. Need to update my spreadsheets now from his book. Brian was right on the 1700 calories and I see him first week of May again.
    I will give weekly updates after 18 may when Tom's 98 day challenge starts.

    I like classic clothes too but waiting until Spring when hopefully slimmer. Have to make do with sports clothes.

    Lesley in Tasmania
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,656 Member
    TnToni and DeeDee– Ok when will you arrive????

    Joyce – What a small world, a neighbor of mine from growing up came from Albert Lea.

    Heather – Thanks so much! I wondered if it might be the weight, and having you say it was for you validates that thought… But I also think it is just having you all, truly truly this group of women are the people in my life that are the nicest to me – there are nice clients (duh LOL) and a few others but this group wants nothing from me, and is just nice!

    MFP prime – I think that is just the ad free version, kinda like the Pandora without ads…. I can ignore ads just fine.

    Transporter builders unite!!! Please get it done quick! I need dinner company!

    Jane – good thoughts to you and Mom

    April goals:
    Walk every day
    Log all bites everyday
    Eat slower
    Plan and do a fun thing every week
    Week 1 – went to Hakone gardens it is a beautiful Japanese garden established in 1917 and just amazing.
    Week 2 – easter (?)
    Week 3 - leaving in a minute to go to a gardening party hosted by Monrovia Growers that a gal in Garden Club invited and bought me a ticket to go to - a new friend!

    Kim from N. California
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding.

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Thank you for all the birthday wishes. You are all terrific friends!!! <3

    Carol, hope you have fun with the kids at the spend the night party.

    Jane, your mom and you are in my prayers.

    Anna, welcome. Come often and you will find lots of support as well as wonderful information.

    Terri and Toni, I agree that it is nonproductive to exempt kids from taking tests. I think education has gone downhill over the years, not because of the teachers but the systems.

    Mary, I hope you enjoy date night with DH.

    DeeDee, you sure didn’t say much about where and with whom you were going out tonight? *wink* Hope you have a good time.

    Pip, people here love you too. <3 I do bet you are fun to be around.

    Allison, if that were my DH on the road, I’d probably call him every ½ hour to keep him awake. Your day tomorrow sounds packed. I hope you have fun at the car show.

    Pat, I agree that so much of the fashion today looks cheap and sleazy to me. And some of the prices are anything but cheap. You are really full of wonderful news today. But glad to know about bird flu. I eat so much chicken so I hope they take care of it soon. Do you know yet what they are charging for the MPF Premium? I looked but it seems they want you to sign up before you find out the charge.

    Terri, good for you on winning something at bingo. I’m not a big bingo because it is being stuck in that chair for too long, plus I never win anything.

    Lesley, you said you are having to make do with sports clothes. That is one nice thing about living at a beach resort—Nothing here is dressy. I wore my skinny jeans and a nice blouse to dinner tonight and almost felt overdressed. o:)

    DH took me to P F Changs for dinner. We used to go to the one in Charlotte but it started going downhill. DH is definitely not a fan, but we had an excellent dinner tonight. We started with lettuce wraps, which I love and he is just ok with. I could have stopped with that but had already ordered chicken low mien. It was delicious!!! I maybe ate ¼ of it as it is a really large serving. Drank water with lemon. DH had broccoli beef and I had a taste and it was really good too. The manager that was here has been promoted to the one in Charlotte, so hopefully their food is better now. I stayed under calories, best I can tell without weighing what I ate. It was a very nice birthday and I don’t even mind being 39 one more time. >:) I have meetings the next two days and then will hopefully have a few days at home to finish getting things done around here.

    You are all the best of the best and I hope you all have a great and healthy day tomorrow. <3

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Here you go,Janet.Already up to several pages.Happy,BD.......your supper sounds yummy.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,978 Member
    edited April 2015
    smiley-happy110.gif Jake's creamy cauliflower potato coconut soup was delicious and a lot of work. It has onions, garlic, celery, cauliflower,and potatoes that need to be chopped very small and simmered for a long time in no sodium added vegetable broth, then, after adding coconut milk, you have to puree it with a stick blender or a mixer. Jake did all the work. It made enough for three meals for the two of us with a salad on the side. He is taking his new eating plan very seriously.

    Here is the link to the recipe

    <3 Barbie from beautiful NW Washington