What are your thoughts on braggs Apple cider vinegar?



  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    ceoverturf wrote: »

    Are you going to give us the source of your "knowledge" or not? You know...so I can learn about things and talk about them (*snicker*)

    Google "acid alkaline food list" or something similar, and you'll get at least a hundred different sources quoting the exact same information I supplied.

    I'm going to bow out of this discussion now, because I've said what I wanted to say. Try it or don't; it's no skin off my nose! (:-)

    You realize that the quantity of Google results doesn't correspond to the truth of a statement, right?

  • HeySwoleSister
    HeySwoleSister Posts: 1,938 Member
    ceoverturf wrote: »
    DaneanP wrote: »
    ceoverturf wrote: »
    ceoverturf wrote: »
    It's great and there are all kinds of health benefits. I drink a vinegar cocktail made of 1tbsp vinegar in a tall glass of cold water AM and PM (or I skip the PM cocktail if I'm having a salad for dinner as I'll use 2-3tbsp of vinegar on the salad instead). I started doing this ten years ago and haven't had a single cold since. It's also a great palate cleanser and I quickly got used to the taste.

    LOL no

    EVEN IF there was a shred of truth to this...how in the world do you think you're making your body more alkaline by drinking a strong acid??

    Here's an alkaline 101 primer for you: "Note that a food's acid or alkaline forming tendency in the body has nothing to do with the actual pH of the food itself. For example, lemons are very acidic, however the end products they produce after digestion and assimilation are very alkaline so, lemons are alkaline forming in the body. Likewise, meat will test alkaline before digestion, but it leaves very acidic residue in the body so, like nearly all animal products, meat is very acid forming."

    Now why don't you limit yourself to comments on subjects you actually know something about?


    Looks like a website called Essence-of-Life.com

    OMG. They sell baking soda for $31.25. Excuse me, it's in LIQUID FORM and CONCENTRATED.

    I felt myself get dumber and dumber the longer I looked at the site.

    Which might explain some of the posts in the thread
    DaneanP wrote: »
    Do people actually think that if they read things on the internet, they must be true? smh

    I read once on facebook that everything on the internet is true.

  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    ceoverturf wrote: »

    Are you going to give us the source of your "knowledge" or not? You know...so I can learn about things and talk about them (*snicker*)

    Google "acid alkaline food list" or something similar, and you'll get at least a hundred different sources quoting the exact same information I supplied.

    I'm going to bow out of this discussion now, because I've said what I wanted to say. Try it or don't; it's no skin off my nose! (:-)

    So you've got nothing but your unshakable belief in the rightness of that belief.

    Have fun with that.

    Here, read this.


  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    Ive been drinking braggs vinegar consistantly for about a month now. I dilute 2 table spoons in 34oz of ginger lemon green tea, I think it tastes great. It may just be my imagination but I feel that I have more energy, or it could be the combination of the massive amounts of water I'm drinking as well.

    I use it as a toner and my skin is amazing now! I use it in conjunction with coconut oil.

    Also, my friend had a nasty wart on her foot, the vinegar took care of it over the course of applying a soaked cotton ball on it daily for about a week or so.

    Braggs is about 4 dollars, I figure its cheap, its natural, so it couldnt hurt.

    By drinking or washing with it? Also do you smell of vinegar after if you do wash with it?
  • Chrysalid2014
    Chrysalid2014 Posts: 1,038 Member
    edited April 2015
    There is some evidence for the health benefits of apple cider vinegar. But it's very acidic, so drinking it straight can damage the enamel on your teeth. http://www.webmd.com/diet/apple-cider-vinegar-and-health

    WebMD, bad source, citing dubious studies. Try again.

    Apple cider vinegar, if you like vinegar, is good for salads, and I guess drinks called shrubs in the olden days.

    I hate vinegar like I hate woo.

    I like vinegar for cleaning and laundry. I just use regular white distilled vinegar, though.

    I already posted the link to the only scientific study that's been done, which was basically inconclusive. So it comes down to a matter of opinion, and it seems that on this forum we have several people who use cider vinegar and say it has some benefits for them, and a bunch of people who've never tried it yet are keen to shout about how it can't possibly have any benefits.

  • TheBeachgod
    TheBeachgod Posts: 825 Member
    I have Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar. I use it to remove moles and warts from various parts of my body and it does an excellent job. I used it on 2 warts on a cuticle and the pain was excrutiating but the warts went away and have stayed gone for a few years. It removed a mole on my back with no pain whatsoever.

    I've also tried it in water out of curiostiy. It made the water taste bad.
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    There is some evidence for the health benefits of apple cider vinegar. But it's very acidic, so drinking it straight can damage the enamel on your teeth. http://www.webmd.com/diet/apple-cider-vinegar-and-health

    WebMD, bad source, citing dubious studies. Try again.

    Apple cider vinegar, if you like vinegar, is good for salads, and I guess drinks called shrubs in the olden days.

    I hate vinegar like I hate woo.

    I like vinegar for cleaning and laundry. I just use regular white distilled vinegar, though.

    I already posted the link to the only scientific study that's been done, which was basically inconclusive. So it comes down to a matter of opinion, and it seems that on this forum we have several people who use cider vinegar and say it has some benefits for them, and a bunch of people who've never tried it yet are keen to shout about how it can't possibly have any benefits.

    No it was quite conclusive based on the two or three quotes (including one I posted) from the study itself. It just doesn't say what you think it says.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    There is some evidence for the health benefits of apple cider vinegar. But it's very acidic, so drinking it straight can damage the enamel on your teeth. http://www.webmd.com/diet/apple-cider-vinegar-and-health

    WebMD, bad source, citing dubious studies. Try again.

    Apple cider vinegar, if you like vinegar, is good for salads, and I guess drinks called shrubs in the olden days.

    I hate vinegar like I hate woo.

    I like vinegar for cleaning and laundry. I just use regular white distilled vinegar, though.

    I already posted the link to the only scientific study that's been done, which was basically inconclusive. So it comes down to a matter of opinion, and it seems that on this forum we have several people who use cider vinegar and say it has some benefits for them, and a bunch of people who've never tried it yet are keen to shout about how it can't possibly have any benefits.

    No, you have people who know how the digestive system works arguing against you and your anecdotal evidence and the logical fallacy of confusing correlation and causation.

  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    Are you saying there is a connection between consuming 2-4 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar per day and you not having a cold for ten years? I'm curious as to what you think that connection is.

    The apple cider vinegar alkalinizes the body and creates an environment where viruses can't survive. Or so I've read, and going by my own experience it works.

    This is impossible. We can't change our body chemistry that way -- and it's a good thing we can't because making your body more alkaline is no minor change. It would do a great deal more than just make you immune to all viruses.

    Think through what you're saying. You're saying that drinking minor amounts of apple cider vinegar would eliminate the threat of all viruses. Why doesn't Braggs send ships filled with apple cider vinegar to Africa to fight HIV/AIDS?

    They probably think that the aids epidemic isn't real. ;) I wouldn't be surprised, y'know, they recommend putting that stuff in your vagina.

    Your user name responding in this thread is just so great.

  • Chrysalid2014
    Chrysalid2014 Posts: 1,038 Member
    DaneanP wrote: »
    Do people actually think that if they read things on the internet, they must be true? smh

    Well, they must think so, otherwise no-one would come onto this forum (aka "the internet") looking for information, would they?
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    There is some evidence for the health benefits of apple cider vinegar. But it's very acidic, so drinking it straight can damage the enamel on your teeth. http://www.webmd.com/diet/apple-cider-vinegar-and-health

    WebMD, bad source, citing dubious studies. Try again.

    Apple cider vinegar, if you like vinegar, is good for salads, and I guess drinks called shrubs in the olden days.

    I hate vinegar like I hate woo.

    I like vinegar for cleaning and laundry. I just use regular white distilled vinegar, though.

    I already posted the link to the only scientific study that's been done, which was basically inconclusive. So it comes down to a matter of opinion, and it seems that on this forum we have several people who use cider vinegar and say it has some benefits for them, and a bunch of people who've never tried it yet are keen to shout about how it can't possibly have any benefits.

    That which you posted wasn't a study. It was a brief summary of different studies and I believe you misread it. Did you read the part that I pulled out, about how the human body is very good at maintaining a stable pH in the body? That contradicts your theory that drinking vinegar can change your body chemistry enough to kill any virus that enters your system. And the "study" that you posted didn't have anything about killing viruses this way.

    I use cider vinegar regularly. It makes delicious dressings and pickles. It also does a great job of deep cleaning my hair. I don't think that it can prevent viruses from surviving in the human body because there is no evidence that it is true. If you have evidence that this is true, it needs to be shared with the world. This is bigger than helping someone get over a cold -- we're talking about eliminating Ebola and HIV.
  • rugbyphreak
    rugbyphreak Posts: 509 Member
    I'm not sure about the appetite suppressant, but I have used it to treat my acid reflux and remove skin tags. It's pretty good in a vinaigrette too.
  • FunkyTobias
    FunkyTobias Posts: 1,776 Member
    DaneanP wrote: »
    Do people actually think that if they read things on the internet, they must be true? smh

    Well, they must think so, otherwise no-one would come onto this forum (aka "the internet") looking for information, would they?

    Yes, because if there is some useful information on the internet, it logically follows that everything on the internet is true.

  • willnorton
    willnorton Posts: 995 Member
    I consume a bottle a week.... I use it on my foods....i drink a shot at medtime..... I swear by it..I have beat type 2 diabetes...I think the Bragg ACV has had a big hand in it...i also do ceylon cinnamon ....too... i love it... i make a dressing with Bragg and Dukes mayo and oregano....great salad dressing.....Im low carb man.... good luck with it... I love it
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    Removes skin tags, warts, moles what is this stuff, battery acid?! I'm kinda scared to ingest this stuff...
  • tbullucks2006
    tbullucks2006 Posts: 105 Member
    I use it for heartburn/acid reflux and it works.
  • xesixb
    xesixb Posts: 165 Member
    I have it every morning and before I go to sleep. I put 2 tbsp(s) in 1 glass of water and 1/2 lemon. It wakes me up in the morning and makes feel full of energy. It also helps you feel better after eating oily food.
  • DaneanP
    DaneanP Posts: 433 Member
    DaneanP wrote: »
    Do people actually think that if they read things on the internet, they must be true? smh

    Well, they must think so, otherwise no-one would come onto this forum (aka "the internet") looking for information, would they?

    I certainly wouldn't "come onto this forum" expecting valid information just as I wouldn't go on any old website (especially one wanting to sell you something) and believe what they say without doing some investigating for myself. There is a sucker born every minute. Please don't be one of them.

  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    PeachyPlum wrote: »
    ceoverturf wrote: »
    PeachyPlum wrote: »
    ceoverturf wrote: »
    ceoverturf wrote: »

    Are you going to give us the source of your "knowledge" or not? You know...so I can learn about things and talk about them (*snicker*)

    Google "acid alkaline food list" or something similar, and you'll get at least a hundred different sources quoting the exact same information I supplied.

    I'm going to bow out of this discussion now, because I've said what I wanted to say. Try it or don't, it's no skin off my nose! (:-)

    So....is that a "no source"?

    So are you a "No Brain"...? Or don't you know how to use Google?

    @ceoverturf Don't take it personally. She's just hangry from eating less than 1,000 calories a day. :disappointed:

    Hmmm...sounds like she's got this whole weight loss thing figured out!

    Starve yourself
    Drink Vinegar


    Wait, isn't the vinegar supposed to suppress the appetite? I think you have the steps backward. It's OK though. You can't help being a "no brain" can you?

    The vinegar ate my brain tissue.