Calorie Goals



  • ayannabayer
    ayannabayer Posts: 153 Member
    I suspect she meant, vegetables have very few calories....

    They new what I meant too. Some people just love to act in such a manner that is childish. Thank you for understanding.
  • ayannabayer
    ayannabayer Posts: 153 Member
    I suspect she meant, vegetables have very few calories....

    Then she literally used the wrong word.

    Either way, I think if someone says they are full and satisfied on 900 calories, it is worth questioning if their logging is correct.

    My logging is correct.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    I suspect she meant, vegetables have very few calories....

    They new what I meant too. Some people just love to act in such a manner that is childish. Thank you for understanding.

    Given that the myth that some vegetables have negative calories is still in circulation and you have shown a tendency to fall for fads, no, I don't think everyone knew what you meant.

    When you wrote that vegetables literally had no calories, it is unfair to assert people are acting childish when they thought you meant that vegetables literally had no calories.

  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    I suspect she meant, vegetables have very few calories....

    Then she literally used the wrong word.

    Either way, I think if someone says they are full and satisfied on 900 calories, it is worth questioning if their logging is correct.

    My logging is correct.

    If you're weighing everything and selecting the correct entries in the database and still only logging 900 calories then you are on an unhealthy path. Any exercise at that intake level only exacerbates the issue and creates an even less healthy net caloric total.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    I suspect she meant, vegetables have very few calories....

    Then she literally used the wrong word.

    Either way, I think if someone says they are full and satisfied on 900 calories, it is worth questioning if their logging is correct.

    My logging is correct.

    Then, if you care about your wellbeing and long-term goals, you should increase your calorie intake.

  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    I suspect she meant, vegetables have very few calories....

    They new what I meant too. Some people just love to act in such a manner that is childish. Thank you for understanding.

    People expecting you to mean exactly what you said is not childish. Complaining about people having such an expectation is childish.

  • ayannabayer
    ayannabayer Posts: 153 Member
    I suspect she meant, vegetables have very few calories....

    They new what I meant too. Some people just love to act in such a manner that is childish. Thank you for understanding.

    Given that the myth that some vegetables have negative calories is still in circulation and you have shown a tendency to fall for fads, no, I don't think everyone knew what you meant.

    When you wrote that vegetables literally had no calories, it is unfair to assert people are acting childish when they thought you meant that vegetables literally had no calories.

    Since everyone is sooooo smart on here I figured they understand my silly comment referring to the topic. And that's why I asked the question. I keep adding more things to make my calories go up. But its often things I end up feeling like I don't need or shouldn't have eaten.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member

    Since everyone is sooooo smart on here I figured they understand my silly comment referring to the topic. And that's why I asked the question. I keep adding more things to make my calories go up. But its often things I end up feeling like I don't need or shouldn't have eaten.

    I didn't know you didn't mean your initial post to be read as silly. If you don't mean what you write, I don't know if that is the fault of the audience. Maybe in the future you could try writing what you mean. If not, perhaps try to understand when people respond to what you actually wrote.

    If eating an adequate number of calories for your needs makes you feel like you are eating what you don't need or what you shouldn't eat, consider professional help. Eating 900 calories isn't safe.

  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    OP, you're looking to lose 80 pounds, according to your profile, is that correct? How did you come up with that number? Assuming you're overweight looking to get down to a healthy weight, then at some point the laws of thermodynamics suggest that you were eating much, much more than 900 calories per day. Not a judgment or anything, just stating the obvious. (And hey, we're most of us here for the same reason.) All I'm saying is, you are obviously capable of eating more, because you did at one point or else you wouldn't have gained the weight in the first place.

    So don't worry about "good" or "bad" foods. Eat stuff other than veggies. A healthy diet needs a good mix of foods from all the food groups. And yes, it's fine to eat snacks and treats too, in moderation. As long as you stay within your calorie goal, just eat the foods you like.

    The truth is, at your size and age, if you're only eating 900 calories a day, you should be feeling quite hungry all the time. If you honestly feel like you're full and you can't force yourself to eat more than 900 calories, then ask yourself:
    • Are you feeling full because you're eating more than you think? Check your logging accuracy.
    • If your logging is reasonably accurate, are you feeling full on 900 calories because of any sort of emotional eating issues or -- yes, I'll ask the question -- eating disorders? If so, you can find some resources here.
    • Could there be some underlying medical issue or change in your health? Consult your doctor -- which you should do anyway before embarking on any kind of diet or weight loss regime.

    Weight loss with a reasonable deficit of 15-20% from your daily burn is the healthiest, smartest way to lose weight.
    Your profile says you're 19 years old. You have hopefully many years ahead of you for healthy, happy living. But don't be messing up your body now with too much crash dieting, yo-yoing, and possible nutrient deficiencies. Make sure you're getting the nutrients you need, particularly calcium and vitamin D. Your body needs nutrition to fuel itself. Don't deprive yourself -- that's not what this is about.
  • whereslisa
    whereslisa Posts: 38 Member
    Not many people here can answer a question nicely huh? Before you all jump onto me, no, you don't have to deliberately be "mean" to sound mean. Geez, just answer her question. I'm not going to point fingers and I'm not suggesting everyone sounded rude but there were quite a few who did. One thing I dislike about MFP is a lot of people here who seem to have their panties in a wad all of the time.

    To the OP, yes you need to meet your calorie goal for the day. You'll become quite unhealthy over time if you dont. You can eat more or switch one meal for another that has higher calories. I know what you mean about the low cal veggies, I can eat a meal of them for 200 calories and feel super full. I usually eat some apples/other fruits, some salads with something like chicken and so on to get to my calorie goal if I eat lots of veggies that day. :)
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    whereslisa wrote: »
    Not many people here can answer a question nicely huh? Before you all jump onto me, no, you don't have to deliberately be "mean" to sound mean. Geez, just answer her question. I'm not going to point fingers and I'm not suggesting everyone sounded rude but there were quite a few who did. One thing I dislike about MFP is a lot of people here who seem to have their panties in a wad all of the time.

    So to avoid pointing fingers and seeming like you have your "panties in a wad," you will just generally chastise everyone who has given the OP advice?

  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    This is a really generic list of calorie dense foods that I keep around for those struggling to reach their calorie goals. Anything here can be added to a balanced diet (barring medical conditions or allergies, of course):
    full fat dairy
    Greek yogurt
    ice cream
    peanut butter (or other nut butters)
    dark chocolate
    less lean cuts of meat (including beef, pork, sausage, etc.)
    seeds (chia, flax, sunflower, etc.)
    olive oil
    coconut oil
    beans and lentils
    protein shakes, bars, and smoothies
    beef jerky
    full calorie condiments
    full calorie sauces & dressings
    sour cream
    whole grain pasta
    whole eggs
    fruit and fruit juices
    muffins (bran, blueberry, banana nut, etc.)
    potatoes (sweet, red, gold, purple, white, etc.)
    dried fruit (raisins, apricots, plums, dates, etc.)
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    whereslisa wrote: »
    Not many people here can answer a question nicely huh? Before you all jump onto me, no, you don't have to deliberately be "mean" to sound mean. Geez, just answer her question. I'm not going to point fingers and I'm not suggesting everyone sounded rude but there were quite a few who did. One thing I dislike about MFP is a lot of people here who seem to have their panties in a wad all of the time.

    To the OP, yes you need to meet your calorie goal for the day. You'll become quite unhealthy over time if you dont. You can eat more or switch one meal for another that has higher calories. I know what you mean about the low cal veggies, I can eat a meal of them for 200 calories and feel super full. I usually eat some apples/other fruits, some salads with something like chicken and so on to get to my calorie goal if I eat lots of veggies that day. :)

    So you go out of your way to accuse others of being mean (without the fortitude to specify who), committing the very acts you're complaining about in this post, then give the same answer as others have (since people already did "just answer her question" ... advice you gave but did not follow yourself)?
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    If you have problems with meeting your calorie goals then back away from skinny food like skim milk, drink full instead. Butter and mayonnaise and skinny salad dressing...use the full versions!
    Use a spoon of olive oil over you salads ( 120 calories for one spoon)
    Eat more calorie dense food, avocado, almonds etc.

    eat a cracker with 2 tablespoons of peanut-butter etc etc

    You dont have to eat much, but you can make wiser choices.

  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Vegetables literally have calories. This is MyFitnessPal. Log accurately. You may be asking a question about a problem that does not exist. I do not believe your log is accurate, sorry. Semantics or no, you wouldn't say veg have little to no calories if you were logging accurately. You may wish to work on that
  • Zedeff
    Zedeff Posts: 651 Member
    edited April 2015
  • Zedeff
    Zedeff Posts: 651 Member
    If you have problems with meeting your calorie goals then back away from skinny food like skim milk, drink full instead. Butter and mayonnaise and skinny salad dressing...use the full versions!
    Use a spoon of olive oil over you salads ( 120 calories for one spoon)
    Eat more calorie dense food, avocado, almonds etc.

    eat a cracker with 2 tablespoons of peanut-butter etc etc

    You dont have to eat much, but you can make wiser choices.

    Just terrible advice right here. Yeah, take your healthy plant-based diet and drink some butter just to get to a magical 1200 calorie number. Ugh.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Zedeff wrote: »
    If you have problems with meeting your calorie goals then back away from skinny food like skim milk, drink full instead. Butter and mayonnaise and skinny salad dressing...use the full versions!
    Use a spoon of olive oil over you salads ( 120 calories for one spoon)
    Eat more calorie dense food, avocado, almonds etc.

    eat a cracker with 2 tablespoons of peanut-butter etc etc

    You dont have to eat much, but you can make wiser choices.

    Just terrible advice right here. Yeah, take your healthy plant-based diet and drink some butter just to get to a magical 1200 calorie number. Ugh.

    Okay, even though I disagree that it's terrible advice, that's not what they wrote

    They said if the OP is using fat free / low fat versions of items to keep calories low, to switch to full fat versions. Yeah 1200 is quite magical. Frankly I believe it's a start and the OP should aim for a bit higher

    How do you know she eats a "healthy plant based diet"? Did she mention this somewhere? She doesn't have an open diary
  • Zedeff
    Zedeff Posts: 651 Member
    JaneiR36 wrote: »
    Zedeff wrote: »
    If you have problems with meeting your calorie goals then back away from skinny food like skim milk, drink full instead. Butter and mayonnaise and skinny salad dressing...use the full versions!
    Use a spoon of olive oil over you salads ( 120 calories for one spoon)
    Eat more calorie dense food, avocado, almonds etc.

    eat a cracker with 2 tablespoons of peanut-butter etc etc

    You dont have to eat much, but you can make wiser choices.

    Just terrible advice right here. Yeah, take your healthy plant-based diet and drink some butter just to get to a magical 1200 calorie number. Ugh.

    They said if the OP is using fat free / low fat versions of items to keep calories low, to switch to full fat versions. Yeah 1200 is quite magical. Frankly I believe it's a start and the OP should aim for a bit higher

    How do you know she eats a "healthy plant based diet"? Did she mention this somewhere? She doesn't have an open diary

    And it's still terrible advice. The advice literally is "eat more fat just to consume more calories." Not "eat more fat to be more satisfied and happy" or "eat more fat because some fats have fat-soluble vitamins" or "eat more fats because HDL fats reduce heart disease." It was "eat more fat just to consume more calories."

    Terrible advice. Is a bacon-fat diet what we consider healthy now? I am not advocating a low fat diet in any way, but the notion of everyone needing to force-feed empty calories to themselves just to reach an arbitrary target is absurd.
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