Calorie Goals



  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Merkavar wrote: »
    lcooper327 wrote: »
    There are no vegetables with "literally no calories".

    That's what I was going to say.

    If she thinks they have zero is She not logging them.

    .....and I just skipped a head to the end of the thread where everyone is agro.

    What happened?

    OP doesn't like people being "nosy" and giving her advice when she posts asking for advice on a public forum.

  • ayannabayer
    ayannabayer Posts: 153 Member
    PearlAng wrote: »
    PearlAng wrote: »
    Perhaps I'll look foolish saying this, but I wish you'd take into account the advice (aka "smart *** comments) that people have given you.

    That's coming from one 19 year old to another...except I'm the 19 year old that has osteoporosis as the result of a dangerously low calorie diet and disordered eating....

    Like I pervious them saying "oh I see you got off those diet fads and finally got some common sense like everyone told you to get." IS NOT GOOD ADICE AND I DO NOT CARE FOR THOSE COMMENTA EITHER. Anyone who likes that must have special fetish bc its definitely not how I liked to be talked too.
    Right, but these comments and replies are just the truth. Maybe they don't seem very friendly, but why sugar coat it? If you do not eat adequate calories and choose to ignore your health in that way, you will suffer from health complications. That's just the basic truth. It's one thing to under/overestimate calories without realizing it, but you've stated that your logging is correct, and you acknowledge that you're eating 900 calories. That's not safe.

    Also, lack of calories can sometimes mess up the system. If anything, eat to poop, yo.

    Exactly. Thats all I wanted to know. I wanted to know was how many calories I was eating a problem. I thought 1600 was just a maximum. And if I was satisfoes I didn't think it was that big of a deal. So that's why I asked. To find out if it was a big deal that I was consuming that much ON MY NORMAL VEGGIE, CHICKEN BREST, FRUITS, ETC DIET. Not a puddle or anything else. So he keeps being those threads up like that's the site I'm on and I'm not.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    you can lead a horse to water but can't make it drink.....

    Unless it's a sugar-addicted horse and you filled the pond with HFCS...
  • ayannabayer
    ayannabayer Posts: 153 Member

    Like I pervious them saying "oh I see you got off those diet fads and finally got some common sense like everyone told you to get." IS NOT GOOD ADICE AND I DO NOT CARE FOR THOSE COMMENTA EITHER. Anyone who likes that must have special fetish bc its definitely not how I liked to be talked too.

    Maybe you should think less about how you expect people to talk to you and more about being open to help.

    Are you going to let your pride and pre-set expectations block you from advice that could help you?

    If we're not encouraging her lemonade detoxes, detoxes that morph into smoothies replacing meals, or four puddings at specific times we are then mean, rude, and not supportive ... at least to her. Some people are not yet ready to face reality and take mature steps to lose weight in a sustainable manner.

    Actually no. On each of those threads I just wanted to know if people have dome them and everyone was getting pisses off. The only one I actually tried was the pudding one and the only reason I stopped it was bc I didn't really like the meals had for me to eat.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    edited April 2015

    Like I pervious them saying "oh I see you got off those diet fads and finally got some common sense like everyone told you to get." IS NOT GOOD ADICE AND I DO NOT CARE FOR THOSE COMMENTA EITHER. Anyone who likes that must have special fetish bc its definitely not how I liked to be talked too.

    Maybe you should think less about how you expect people to talk to you and more about being open to help.

    Are you going to let your pride and pre-set expectations block you from advice that could help you?

    If we're not encouraging her lemonade detoxes, detoxes that morph into smoothies replacing meals, or four puddings at specific times we are then mean, rude, and not supportive ... at least to her. Some people are not yet ready to face reality and take mature steps to lose weight in a sustainable manner.

    Actually no. On each of those threads I just wanted to know if people have dome them and everyone was getting pisses off. The only one I actually tried was the pudding one and the only reason I stopped it was bc I didn't really like the meals had for me to eat.

    You've been around here long enough to know that nothing good can come from any conversation that starts with "veggies...literally have no calories".
  • ayannabayer
    ayannabayer Posts: 153 Member
    Merkavar wrote: »
    lcooper327 wrote: »
    There are no vegetables with "literally no calories".

    That's what I was going to say.

    If she thinks they have zero is She not logging them.

    .....and I just skipped a head to the end of the thread where everyone is agro.

    What happened?

    OP doesn't like people being "nosy" and giving her advice when she posts asking for advice on a public forum.

    The only advice you gave was that you agree with other ppl & I should let people talk to me anyway they want. I didn't we you saying "yes. Only consuming that much is not healthy. Here's why..."
  • PearlAng
    PearlAng Posts: 681 Member
    PearlAng wrote: »
    PearlAng wrote: »
    Perhaps I'll look foolish saying this, but I wish you'd take into account the advice (aka "smart *** comments) that people have given you.

    That's coming from one 19 year old to another...except I'm the 19 year old that has osteoporosis as the result of a dangerously low calorie diet and disordered eating....

    Like I pervious them saying "oh I see you got off those diet fads and finally got some common sense like everyone told you to get." IS NOT GOOD ADICE AND I DO NOT CARE FOR THOSE COMMENTA EITHER. Anyone who likes that must have special fetish bc its definitely not how I liked to be talked too.
    Right, but these comments and replies are just the truth. Maybe they don't seem very friendly, but why sugar coat it? If you do not eat adequate calories and choose to ignore your health in that way, you will suffer from health complications. That's just the basic truth. It's one thing to under/overestimate calories without realizing it, but you've stated that your logging is correct, and you acknowledge that you're eating 900 calories. That's not safe.

    Also, lack of calories can sometimes mess up the system. If anything, eat to poop, yo.

    Exactly. Thats all I wanted to know. I wanted to know was how many calories I was eating a problem. I thought 1600 was just a maximum. And if I was satisfoes I didn't think it was that big of a deal. So that's why I asked. To find out if it was a big deal that I was consuming that much ON MY NORMAL VEGGIE, CHICKEN BREST, FRUITS, ETC DIET. Not a puddle or anything else. So he keeps being those threads up like that's the site I'm on and I'm not.
    You may be satisfied now, and that's well and fine, but eventually you may start to lose energy. An intake that low will not be sustainable. you should make more of an effort to reach your goal. Some days you'll be a little under, some days a little over, but it's okay. That's life. Veggies, chicken, and fruits are fine if you enjoy it, but so are ice cream, olive oil, peanut butter, and other yummy foods that can be incorporated into a balanced diet. Some calorie dense foods along with your lower calorie foods will be satisfying and will help you reach your goals.
  • ayannabayer
    ayannabayer Posts: 153 Member
    Having a 19 year old try to tell anyone how the world works is laughable. It's even funnier when that 19 year old repeatedly fails to accept common sense advice. If you think you could mop anyone's butt down the street you are sadly mistaken ... I mean that in an intellectual and physical way.

    Thank you for reminding me how mature my daughter is. Sometimes that comparative value is needed to appreciate things.

    I didn't say I was mopping anyone. I was saying in general, if you don't stick up for yourself people will just run over you.& actually I haven't failed I'm common sense. You keep saying all these things but you are honestly saying you're the only one with common sense. Bc people have pervious gave advice in THIS forum that made sense to me and that I liked and appreciated. You and that vegan whatever person Gave smart *kitten* advice that was unwanted, so of course I'm not going to take in consideration on anything you say. And you actually dont know me from Adam and Eve. You don't know where my studies are in college, you don't know my physical talents, you don't know what I've gone through in life. So for you to make those comments on me as a person is pointless & ignorant bc you are completely uninformed.

    Telling you to eat to your goal is "smart *kitten* advice"? The more you post, the more you show your lack of maturity.

    Based on your posting, it is obvious that your college studies are not in the arena of the written word.

    Actually you said that ALONG with other smart *kitten* stuff. So you can stop acting like you haven't been insulting my intelligence since the first comment you placed. Why would anyone care about what you had to say when you have so much extra unnecessary things to say.

    If you would listen when simple advice is provided, people wouldn't get upset with you and try to drill simple concepts home. Take responsibility ... it's an adult thing to do.

    What advice??????!!! The only advice I really got was grammar advice. THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH EVERYONE FOR GRAMMAR ADVICE. Like 3 ppl have said that me eating 900 calories was a problem w/ trying to dog at me about a different forum. And that was all I wanted to know in the first place.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member

    Like I pervious them saying "oh I see you got off those diet fads and finally got some common sense like everyone told you to get." IS NOT GOOD ADICE AND I DO NOT CARE FOR THOSE COMMENTA EITHER. Anyone who likes that must have special fetish bc its definitely not how I liked to be talked too.

    Maybe you should think less about how you expect people to talk to you and more about being open to help.

    Are you going to let your pride and pre-set expectations block you from advice that could help you?

    If we're not encouraging her lemonade detoxes, detoxes that morph into smoothies replacing meals, or four puddings at specific times we are then mean, rude, and not supportive ... at least to her. Some people are not yet ready to face reality and take mature steps to lose weight in a sustainable manner.

    Actually no. On each of those threads I just wanted to know if people have domedone them and everyone was getting pisses pissedoff. (This sentence is needs a complete rewrite.) The only one I actually tried was the pudding one and the only reason I stopped it was bc (not a word) I didn't really like the meals(add the word "it" ) had for me to eat.

    In order to prevent you from lying, I corrected your word groupings.

    It's clear you don't want advice or common sense.
  • ayannabayer
    ayannabayer Posts: 153 Member

    Like I pervious them saying "oh I see you got off those diet fads and finally got some common sense like everyone told you to get." IS NOT GOOD ADICE AND I DO NOT CARE FOR THOSE COMMENTA EITHER. Anyone who likes that must have special fetish bc its definitely not how I liked to be talked too.

    Maybe you should think less about how you expect people to talk to you and more about being open to help.

    Are you going to let your pride and pre-set expectations block you from advice that could help you?

    If we're not encouraging her lemonade detoxes, detoxes that morph into smoothies replacing meals, or four puddings at specific times we are then mean, rude, and not supportive ... at least to her. Some people are not yet ready to face reality and take mature steps to lose weight in a sustainable manner.

    Actually no. On each of those threads I just wanted to know if people have domedone them and everyone was getting pisses pissedoff. (This sentence is needs a complete rewrite.) The only one I actually tried was the pudding one and the only reason I stopped it was bc (not a word) I didn't really like the meals(add the word "it" ) had for me to eat.

    In order to prevent you from lying, I corrected your word groupings.

    It's clear you don't want advice or common sense.

    If that makes you feel good.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    edited April 2015
    Having a 19 year old try to tell anyone how the world works is laughable. It's even funnier when that 19 year old repeatedly fails to accept common sense advice. If you think you could mop anyone's butt down the street you are sadly mistaken ... I mean that in an intellectual and physical way.

    Thank you for reminding me how mature my daughter is. Sometimes that comparative value is needed to appreciate things.

    I didn't say I was mopping anyone. I was saying in general, if you don't stick up for yourself people will just run over you.& actually I haven't failed I'm common sense. You keep saying all these things but you are honestly saying you're the only one with common sense. Bc people have pervious gave advice in THIS forum that made sense to me and that I liked and appreciated. You and that vegan whatever person Gave smart *kitten* advice that was unwanted, so of course I'm not going to take in consideration on anything you say. And you actually dont know me from Adam and Eve. You don't know where my studies are in college, you don't know my physical talents, you don't know what I've gone through in life. So for you to make those comments on me as a person is pointless & ignorant bc you are completely uninformed.

    Telling you to eat to your goal is "smart *kitten* advice"? The more you post, the more you show your lack of maturity.

    Based on your posting, it is obvious that your college studies are not in the arena of the written word.

    Actually you said that ALONG with other smart *kitten* stuff. So you can stop acting like you haven't been insulting my intelligence since the first comment you placed. Why would anyone care about what you had to say when you have so much extra unnecessary things to say.

    If you would listen when simple advice is provided, people wouldn't get upset with you and try to drill simple concepts home. Take responsibility ... it's an adult thing to do.

    What advice??????!!! The only advice I really got was grammar advice. THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH EVERYONE FOR GRAMMAR ADVICE. Like 3 ppl have said that me eating 900 calories was a problem w/ trying to dog at me about a different forum. And that was all I wanted to know in the first place.

    OK ... I tried to prevent you from lying but your continued ranting contradicts your earlier posts which makes that impossible. The grammar comments resulted from your failure to mean what you wrote. When you say one thing, but mean something completely different, it causes issues. That is a basic tenant of communication.

    Here is the advice from page one:
    Yes you do. You need to meet minimum nutritional needs of a human body, which you're not doing at 900 calories per day. Your MFP calculated goal includes the deficit needed to lose weight ... eating less than 60% of that goal is unhealthy.

    This thread makes it look as though you quit the magic bean pudding diet you touted less than two weeks ago.
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    I've been eating a lot of veggies and they literally have no calories. My goal is 1,600 calories a day. But ive obly been reaching at most 900. I have been making meals and being very satisfied with them. I never feel hungry after or full. Should I add more calories to my diet some how even tho my meals have been perfect for me? Do I NEED more calories?

    What veggies are you eating that have zero or even very few calories? Maybe try different veggies that have more calories and similar or greater nutritional value.

    Are you trying to lose weight? If so that means you can and have eaten over 1600 calories. Try a peanut butter sandwich, a slice or two of pizza, switch from low fat milk to full cream etc

    I don't know add some cheese to you meals. Either separate or grated on top.
  • ayannabayer
    ayannabayer Posts: 153 Member
    PearlAng wrote: »
    PearlAng wrote: »
    PearlAng wrote: »
    Perhaps I'll look foolish saying this, but I wish you'd take into account the advice (aka "smart *** comments) that people have given you.

    That's coming from one 19 year old to another...except I'm the 19 year old that has osteoporosis as the result of a dangerously low calorie diet and disordered eating....

    Like I pervious them saying "oh I see you got off those diet fads and finally got some common sense like everyone told you to get." IS NOT GOOD ADICE AND I DO NOT CARE FOR THOSE COMMENTA EITHER. Anyone who likes that must have special fetish bc its definitely not how I liked to be talked too.
    Right, but these comments and replies are just the truth. Maybe they don't seem very friendly, but why sugar coat it? If you do not eat adequate calories and choose to ignore your health in that way, you will suffer from health complications. That's just the basic truth. It's one thing to under/overestimate calories without realizing it, but you've stated that your logging is correct, and you acknowledge that you're eating 900 calories. That's not safe.

    Also, lack of calories can sometimes mess up the system. If anything, eat to poop, yo.

    Exactly. Thats all I wanted to know. I wanted to know was how many calories I was eating a problem. I thought 1600 was just a maximum. And if I was satisfoes I didn't think it was that big of a deal. So that's why I asked. To find out if it was a big deal that I was consuming that much ON MY NORMAL VEGGIE, CHICKEN BREST, FRUITS, ETC DIET. Not a puddle or anything else. So he keeps being those threads up like that's the site I'm on and I'm not.
    You may be satisfied now, and that's well and fine, but eventually you may start to lose energy. An intake that low will not be sustainable. you should make more of an effort to reach your goal. Some days you'll be a little under, some days a little over, but it's okay. That's life. Veggies, chicken, and fruits are fine if you enjoy it, but so are ice cream, olive oil, peanut butter, and other yummy foods that can be incorporated into a balanced diet. Some calorie dense foods along with your lower calorie foods will be satisfying and will help you reach your goals.

    Thank you for being the ONLY person with a simple , straight to the point response. & I do each peabit butter and bread & eggs like that. But I'm still new to eating healthy so I have yet to open my plate up bc I just don't know that many meals yet. That's why I just stick to my veggies and chicken breast. They fill me up and I'm always satisfied. But I definitely don't want that to end up having a negative affect on me in the future. I'm going to have to steal some ppls recipes off here lol
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member

    Like I pervious them saying "oh I see you got off those diet fads and finally got some common sense like everyone told you to get." IS NOT GOOD ADICE AND I DO NOT CARE FOR THOSE COMMENTA EITHER. Anyone who likes that must have special fetish bc its definitely not how I liked to be talked too.

    Maybe you should think less about how you expect people to talk to you and more about being open to help.

    Are you going to let your pride and pre-set expectations block you from advice that could help you?

    If we're not encouraging her lemonade detoxes, detoxes that morph into smoothies replacing meals, or four puddings at specific times we are then mean, rude, and not supportive ... at least to her. Some people are not yet ready to face reality and take mature steps to lose weight in a sustainable manner.

    Actually no. On each of those threads I just wanted to know if people have domedone them and everyone was getting pisses pissedoff. (This sentence is needs a complete rewrite.) The only one I actually tried was the pudding one and the only reason I stopped it was bc (not a word) I didn't really like the meals(add the word "it" ) had for me to eat.

    In order to prevent you from lying, I corrected your word groupings.

    It's clear you don't want advice or common sense.

    If that makes you feel good.

    You left off half of that sentence. You repeatedly made the false accusations that people were acting like English teachers so I'll humor you from here on out to keep you from lying about that one thing. I can't reverse the rest of your untrue statements.
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    Have you thought about opening your diary?

    If I was asking specific questions like yours I would consider opening it.

    But then again I can understand wanting some privacy.
  • PearlAng
    PearlAng Posts: 681 Member
    PearlAng wrote: »
    PearlAng wrote: »
    PearlAng wrote: »
    Perhaps I'll look foolish saying this, but I wish you'd take into account the advice (aka "smart *** comments) that people have given you.

    That's coming from one 19 year old to another...except I'm the 19 year old that has osteoporosis as the result of a dangerously low calorie diet and disordered eating....

    Like I pervious them saying "oh I see you got off those diet fads and finally got some common sense like everyone told you to get." IS NOT GOOD ADICE AND I DO NOT CARE FOR THOSE COMMENTA EITHER. Anyone who likes that must have special fetish bc its definitely not how I liked to be talked too.
    Right, but these comments and replies are just the truth. Maybe they don't seem very friendly, but why sugar coat it? If you do not eat adequate calories and choose to ignore your health in that way, you will suffer from health complications. That's just the basic truth. It's one thing to under/overestimate calories without realizing it, but you've stated that your logging is correct, and you acknowledge that you're eating 900 calories. That's not safe.

    Also, lack of calories can sometimes mess up the system. If anything, eat to poop, yo.

    Exactly. Thats all I wanted to know. I wanted to know was how many calories I was eating a problem. I thought 1600 was just a maximum. And if I was satisfoes I didn't think it was that big of a deal. So that's why I asked. To find out if it was a big deal that I was consuming that much ON MY NORMAL VEGGIE, CHICKEN BREST, FRUITS, ETC DIET. Not a puddle or anything else. So he keeps being those threads up like that's the site I'm on and I'm not.
    You may be satisfied now, and that's well and fine, but eventually you may start to lose energy. An intake that low will not be sustainable. you should make more of an effort to reach your goal. Some days you'll be a little under, some days a little over, but it's okay. That's life. Veggies, chicken, and fruits are fine if you enjoy it, but so are ice cream, olive oil, peanut butter, and other yummy foods that can be incorporated into a balanced diet. Some calorie dense foods along with your lower calorie foods will be satisfying and will help you reach your goals.

    Thank you for being the ONLY person with a simple , straight to the point response. & I do each peabit butter and bread & eggs like that. But I'm still new to eating healthy so I have yet to open my plate up bc I just don't know that many meals yet. That's why I just stick to my veggies and chicken breast. They fill me up and I'm always satisfied. But I definitely don't want that to end up having a negative affect on me in the future. I'm going to have to steal some ppls recipes off here lol
    Well, I wouldn't say I'm the only ONLY person around here who has put it straight and simple for ya ;)

    But if it helped, you're welcome

  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member

    The only advice you gave was that you agree with other ppl & I should let people talk to me anyway they want. I didn't we you saying "yes. Only consuming that much is not healthy. Here's why..."

    If you will only accept advice that begins with a certain phrase, you should save time and include that in your OP.
  • ayannabayer
    ayannabayer Posts: 153 Member
    Merkavar wrote: »
    I've been eating a lot of veggies and they literally have no calories. My goal is 1,600 calories a day. But ive obly been reaching at most 900. I have been making meals and being very satisfied with them. I never feel hungry after or full. Should I add more calories to my diet some how even tho my meals have been perfect for me? Do I NEED more calories?

    What veggies are you eating that have zero or even very few calories? Maybe try different veggies that have more calories and similar or greater nutritional value.

    Are you trying to lose weight? If so that means you can and have eaten over 1600 calories. Try a peanut butter sandwich, a slice or two of pizza, switch from low fat milk to full cream etc

    I don't know add some cheese to you meals. Either separate or grated on top.

    I eat a lot of baby carrots, avocados, peppers, and salads. Usually I just put a 1/2 a cup of tomatoes 30 carloies, TBS of bacon bits 25, 2 cups of lettuce 15,half a chicken breast 55, and 2tbs some type of condiment. See. Barely any calories. And I always drink 2 cups of water with my meals. And for snacks I always eat carrots or broccoli. Breakfast is probably my most diverse meal bc I know a lot of things I can eat at the time. Its different at dinner. I don't really know that many things that I would enjoy.
  • ayannabayer
    ayannabayer Posts: 153 Member
    Having a 19 year old try to tell anyone how the world works is laughable. It's even funnier when that 19 year old repeatedly fails to accept common sense advice. If you think you could mop anyone's butt down the street you are sadly mistaken ... I mean that in an intellectual and physical way.

    Thank you for reminding me how mature my daughter is. Sometimes that comparative value is needed to appreciate things.

    I didn't say I was mopping anyone. I was saying in general, if you don't stick up for yourself people will just run over you.& actually I haven't failed I'm common sense. You keep saying all these things but you are honestly saying you're the only one with common sense. Bc people have pervious gave advice in THIS forum that made sense to me and that I liked and appreciated. You and that vegan whatever person Gave smart *kitten* advice that was unwanted, so of course I'm not going to take in consideration on anything you say. And you actually dont know me from Adam and Eve. You don't know where my studies are in college, you don't know my physical talents, you don't know what I've gone through in life. So for you to make those comments on me as a person is pointless & ignorant bc you are completely uninformed.

    Telling you to eat to your goal is "smart *kitten* advice"? The more you post, the more you show your lack of maturity.

    Based on your posting, it is obvious that your college studies are not in the arena of the written word.

    Actually you said that ALONG with other smart *kitten* stuff. So you can stop acting like you haven't been insulting my intelligence since the first comment you placed. Why would anyone care about what you had to say when you have so much extra unnecessary things to say.

    If you would listen when simple advice is provided, people wouldn't get upset with you and try to drill simple concepts home. Take responsibility ... it's an adult thing to do.

    What advice??????!!! The only advice I really got was grammar advice. THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH EVERYONE FOR GRAMMAR ADVICE. Like 3 ppl have said that me eating 900 calories was a problem w/ trying to dog at me about a different forum. And that was all I wanted to know in the first place.

    OK ... I tried to prevent you from lying but your continued ranting contradicts your earlier posts which makes that impossible. The grammar comments resulted from your failure to mean what you wrote. When you say one thing, but mean something completely different, it causes issues. That is a basic tenant of communication.

    Here is the advice from page one:
    Yes you do. You need to meet minimum nutritional needs of a human body, which you're not doing at 900 calories per day. Your MFP calculated goal includes the deficit needed to lose weight ... eating less than 60% of that goal is unhealthy.

    This thread makes it look as though you quit the magic bean pudding diet you touted less than two weeks ago.

    I like how you bolded the understandable part & not the unnecessary part that you just added to throw in my face.
This discussion has been closed.