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Things That Make You Irrationally Angry



  • KaylynneSwyers
    KaylynneSwyers Posts: 3 Member
    Stubbing my toe. It hurts like crazy and makes me want to scream. The stupid table should get out of my way next time!
  • Noogsofthenorth
    Noogsofthenorth Posts: 138 Member
    Time wasters and sales calls when in " watching a good film mode" .
  • no_pink_skirts
    no_pink_skirts Posts: 914 Member
    People who buy SUV or Jeeps then drive over the speed bumps in a parking lot at a snails crawl
  • no_pink_skirts
    no_pink_skirts Posts: 914 Member
    RJ0274 wrote: »
    drivers who don't use turn signals for anything!

    Also, this! Like they put a whole piece into your car for that...
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    People who can't pick up their feet when they walk.
    People who call in 'sick' the day before their days off.
    Any person who I know that knows how to manage their chronic illness and doesn't, then complains that they are suffering the affects all the time.

    I know a person with a chronic illness who constantly spends money on vacations, trips and outings and tells everyone about it, then complains because she has trouble affording her medication.
  • BaconBae
    BaconBae Posts: 4,568 Member
    People who ask for your opinion and tell you it is wrong. It's a freakin opinion, Jacka$$!
  • DaneanP
    DaneanP Posts: 433 Member
    bwells547 wrote: »
    Shoe's in the middle of the floor.......grrrrr

    I have an 18 year old daughter. She is FOREVER leaving her shoes in the middle of the floor for me and her father to trip over. Since we've tried the whole 'nagging, threatening, yelling' thing which never ever works anyway my husband got more creative with a solution. We put them in a closet in the house. Not her closet. But some random closet. Then after about a week or two, she starts to panic when she can't find any of her shoes. And as she is frantically searching, my husband and I just smile at each other.

    We eventually tell her where to find them. But we enjoy the wait a little bit.

    (And lest I come across as a *kitten* of a mother, she actually has laughed and said she understood why we resorted to doing this.)

  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Why is there a "Sharknado" Three coming out this summer?

    The fact that Tara Reid didn't die in the first one.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member


  • vadersaysno
    vadersaysno Posts: 1,965 Member
    I hate when you're in a face-to-face team meeting and you bring up an issue that has arisen, the manager pulls a line at you like "we'll discuss that offline"..... huh? what? We're not ONLINE!!
  • sazziek
    sazziek Posts: 57 Member
    People who don't know how to use the right grammar......I had a guy ask for my number once, he was cute and I was feelin' it about to agree to meet him for a drink when he texted:

    "don't forget to where your hat tonight, I heard it is going to be cold"

  • sazziek
    sazziek Posts: 57 Member
    thorsmom01 wrote: »
    People with entitlement issues. They feel like they deserve things they don't have to work for .

    MY GOD I work with SO many people with this issue..LOL

  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Every...single...day...there are multiple threads that go something like this, 'I've been eating healthy and exercising and haven't lost weight, so frustrated'. Some of the first responses are 'Do you weigh and measure your food? Do you have a scale? Are you eating your exercise calories back?. How much do you exercise?' The answers are almost always, in order, 'No. No. I didn't know we were suppose to do that. I exercise enough.' The following responses are 'The only way to know for sure how much you eat is to get a scale and weigh your food. Eat at least some of your exercise calories back.' The OP then begins to tell everyone that they don't know what they're talking about. They don't know what's going on, they are not sure what they are talking about, but everyone is wrong. They are a unique special snowflake and something unexplainable and beyond the laws of science is happening to their body and they won't stop until they figure out what and why this happening. Then the mean people threads start. Rinse. Repeat. It gets a bit old. And if it's old to me, I can't imagine what it must be like for people who have been doing this for multiple years.

    Rant over. Continue...

    I think I love you. <3
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    People who buy SUV or Jeeps then drive over the speed bumps in a parking lot at a snails crawl

    So much yes! Why'd you buy the thing in the first place?
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    rosehips60 wrote: »
    When my husband wants to start talking to me when I get home from work almost before the door closes behind me ditto first thing in the morning when I 'm barely conscious

    Yes. And insisting on having a conversation when I am deep in a good book.

    When these women keep trying to talk to me when I'm watching a game. You know it's my team playing and not just some randomness!!! Now go read your book!! :smile:

    If there's a good football game on, I'm not reading a book! On that note, my husband gets irrationally angry when his team (Dallas Cowgirls) aren't playing well. To the point he'll turn off the TV and not watch the rest of the game. He's missed his team pull out a win in the last quarter several times because of this.

    They never play well. He must not watch much. ;)
  • no_pink_skirts
    no_pink_skirts Posts: 914 Member
    Speaking of football. the fact that my team signed garbage Jay Cutler for more than a one year contract!! You can only "have potential" for so long before it becomes wasted potential/laziness/refusal to be coached!!!
  • scottb4444
    scottb4444 Posts: 146 Member
    Speaking of football. the fact that my team signed garbage Jay Cutler for more than a one year contract!! You can only "have potential" for so long before it becomes wasted potential/laziness/refusal to be coached!!!

    I think Jay Cutler should start throwing lefty - couldn't hurt!
  • no_pink_skirts
    no_pink_skirts Posts: 914 Member
    scottb4444 wrote: »
    Speaking of football. the fact that my team signed garbage Jay Cutler for more than a one year contract!! You can only "have potential" for so long before it becomes wasted potential/laziness/refusal to be coached!!!

    I think Jay Cutler should start throwing lefty - couldn't hurt!

    Hell, it might help. He's such a garbage person!!! See?!? Irrationally angry!!!!!!
  • scottb4444
    scottb4444 Posts: 146 Member
    Hell, it might help. He's such a garbage person!!! See?!? Irrationally angry!!!!!!

    Totally agree! I am getting Angry thinking about it - thanks for bringing it up!!!!
  • jmurray90
    jmurray90 Posts: 431 Member
    People that don't refill the damn ice tray once they use it... its NOT that hard.. :|:|
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
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  • no_pink_skirts
    no_pink_skirts Posts: 914 Member
    @asflatasapancake agree with all that. The only problem is they aren't trying to bring in anyone to develop as he moves out.
  • no_pink_skirts
    no_pink_skirts Posts: 914 Member
    people who don't tip their servers or bartenders
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  • _Captivated_
    _Captivated_ Posts: 5,669 Member
    When I NEED to eat Reese's s'mores and someone has eaten ALL the graham crackers. :grumble:
  • calbadger
    calbadger Posts: 283 Member
    People who use the word "decimate" when they really mean "devastate." Look at the word people, it means to kill one in ten.
  • daydreams_of_pretty
    daydreams_of_pretty Posts: 506 Member
    calbadger wrote: »
    People who use the word "decimate" when they really mean "devastate." Look at the word people, it means to kill one in ten.

    Sometimes I wish that I didn't know what "decimate" means because it makes the news hurt. :p
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    people who don't tip their servers or bartenders
    Not irrational at all... that's just outright despicable! Unless your server was particularly hellish.

    I really don't like the phrase ''It's as simple at that,'' and it always manages to bring out a huge wave of irrational anger. I also sometimes get irrationally angry at people who keep coughing and coughing and coughing, especially if it's in a movie theater and I can't hear the movie. I know some people are sick and should be able to partake in entertainment, but for some reason it really irks me. Same for people who sneeze really, really loudly ''AAAAAHHH.... AAAAAHHHHHHH...... AAAHHHHTTTTCHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" :tongue:
  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    Dandelions. I hate those yellow *kitten*-hats that pop up in my yard.
  • raychella13
    raychella13 Posts: 22 Member
    nb23613 wrote: »
    Smacking lips and just noisy eaters in general...UGH!

    Agree! When I was younger I would yell at My mom for "TASKING". it was the only way I could describe the awful food sounds. I still call it tasking. I just want to scream "YOU TASTE WITH YOUR TONGUE, NOT YOUR EFFING LIPS, CLOSE YOUR MOUTH!" and don't get me started on potato chips.... Uhg.