Why Women Should Not Run (as their only means to lose)


I don't agree to advocate the points. But I have seen a few people on the ellipticals every time I'm there and I haven't seen much visual differences. This is over the course of 6-12 months. I think they should start lifting more and do less cardio for better results.

In for the backlash


  • Agree...was one of these cardio junkies to lose weight. Now I'm sticking with less cardio and more lifting (and try to eat as clean as possible) and have seen great results with the Body Beast program.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Unless the "better results" they're looking for are running longer and faster :bigsmile:
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    Love it and I agree! Also in for the backlash

  • JUDDDing
    JUDDDing Posts: 1,367 Member
    After a month—or three—of 20-plus hours of cardio per week, fat burning hits astonishing lows, and fat cells await an onslaught of calories to store[66-72]

    Who has time for that? That's a part time job not a workout.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member

    I've been waiting all day for a thread like this.
  • RachelHoffman0709
    RachelHoffman0709 Posts: 101 Member
    I agree, I am by no means obese or overweight. I have a goal to lose maybe 10-15 lbs and running/cardio was not doing it for me. I was running 4-5 days a week (ran a couple 5k races last month) in conjunction with going to my gym's cardio classes 3 times a week with no visible difference.

    Start weight lifting in addition to the running/cardio and my body finally started visibly changing.
  • jazzygirls23
    jazzygirls23 Posts: 6 Member
    I agree, I get more results adding strength training to my workouts then adding running. I do cardio but I only run about a mile a week and that is a little over the whole week. I noticed I am more toned in my legs doing spin, lifting, and high intensity workouts.
  • hausisse
    hausisse Posts: 90
    I agree! I've never been overweight but I'm certainly leaner and more toned now that I'm doing more strength training than cardio. I also eat more :p Cool to see an interesting article about it :)
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    In to keep the anticlimactic agreement going.
  • Curleycue0314
    Curleycue0314 Posts: 245 Member
    So I'm one of those ones that you WOULD Have seen do that, but after not seeing ANY results for the past 6 months i've changed what i'm doing and I've SEEN the scale go down for the past 2 weeks after only doing 30 min of elliptical and adding in 30 min of Lifting. I'm still trying to figure out a routine that will work well for me so that i can alternate areas but I'm slow starting. I really do see bette things going forward!
  • conniemaxwell5
    conniemaxwell5 Posts: 943 Member
    I currently am using C25K (week 5) and using the elliptical at the gym, alternating days. I also do strength training daily, alternating between upper and lower body. On the weekends I bike or rollerblade. I think this article points at relying on running ONLY to lose weight as well as running long distances constantly.

    I didn't start seeing significant results until I started running and once I started I became interested in other forms of cardio. I think exercise is like nutrition - all things in moderation and balance. I work out 45-60 minutes a day, 5 days a week and try to do something active on the weekends as well. As long as I'm seeing results, I'll continue what I'm doing.
  • 4_Lisa
    4_Lisa Posts: 362 Member
    Totally agree. Have seen both sides, and the one's that include more than just cardio are showing much better results and much faster.
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member

    Can I start a petition to have that listed as "spam"? It gets dragged up almost as frequently as spam.
  • babydiego87
    babydiego87 Posts: 905 Member
    thanks for your unsolicited opinion
  • 4_Lisa
    4_Lisa Posts: 362 Member
    I currently am using C25K (week 5) and using the elliptical at the gym, alternating days. I also do strength training daily, alternating between upper and lower body. On the weekends I bike or rollerblade. I think this article points at relying on running ONLY to lose weight as well as running long distances constantly.

    I didn't start seeing significant results until I started running and once I started I became interested in other forms of cardio. I think exercise is like nutrition - all things in moderation and balance. I work out 45-60 minutes a day, 5 days a week and try to do something active on the weekends as well. As long as I'm seeing results, I'll continue what I'm doing.

    but you are also lifting... which is the point!
  • babydiego87
    babydiego87 Posts: 905 Member
    also, tired of men telling me what i should be doing.
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    This one just keeps circling. I can totally get behind the dead-horse-beating-icon.

    I refuse to give such a misleading blog even more traffic hits.
  • SarahofTwins
    SarahofTwins Posts: 1,169 Member
    I prefer cardio over weights, but lifting helps to strengthen the body in general. I :heart: to run though :smile:
  • CouleeRunner
    CouleeRunner Posts: 256 Member
    But I have seen a few people on the ellipticals every time I'm there and I haven't seen much visual differences. This is over the course of 6-12 months. I think they should start lifting more and do less cardio for better results.

    The problem here is that you don't know what these women are going outside of the gym. Perhaps they are eating their weight in potato chips and candy bars every night and that's why they aren't losing weight.

    I agree that strength training is beneficial but there isn't anything wrong with lots of cardio if you have cardio related goals.
  • JeffseekingV
    JeffseekingV Posts: 3,165 Member

    Can I start a petition to have that listed as "spam"? It gets dragged up almost as frequently as spam.

    Spam is the bomb btw