

  • maineapple
    maineapple Posts: 133 Member
    SelenaP63 wrote: »
    OK... I hope you don't mind me sharing this but I'm excited and it's late and who else can I tell?

    It was a long day and even though I was away from home, I had a really good day as far as staying on track with eating & such.

    Well, got home tonight just before 10pm and checked my email. Copy editor sent part of the book for us to proofread but his opening comment was, "I've been thoroughly enjoying this story. I sometimes have to remind myself to edit it!"


    Thanks all for listening :)

    Hi Selena:

    That is so cool about your book! I have been putting notes together for a while as I would like to write a book at some point. I've had other articles and so forth published, but a book is so much larger in scope. What genre is your book?
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy sun.On hold for daughter`s graduation,due to possible storms and out door ceremony.Suppose to find out at 3 for 7 pm ceremony.Kinda sucks as everyone can`t make plans.It is what it is.
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Happy Sunday, all, and off for my run. Going to try to break three miles this morning.

    Had to get my article for the newspaper finished this morning... and since I wrote about food and lifestyle changes this morning, thought I'd give y'all the preview. They don't pay me to write them, I kinda do it out of love for the whole small-town newspaper vibe. However, I am finally putting a set of them together--these are the op/ed columns I write under the heading of "Thinking Out Loud" that I'm collecting for the next book, which I'm trying to have out by June. Hope you enjoy it, and hope everyone has a great week!

    Lisa from West Texas

    No eyeballs for dinner, chicken for breakfast

    Have you ever noticed, when you can’t do something, it’s all you think about? Or is it only me and 5-year-olds do that?

    Well, as I have been all up in the middle of dieting, excuse me, “changing my lifestyle” of late, I’ve been thinking about food a lot. While I was happily pulling the legs off a shrimp the other night, and yanking it out of its shell, I got to thinking about how much it looked like a bug.

    Now, I don’t know about you, but I pretty much won’t eat a bug. Bugs are not kosher, either with those who actually do follow kosher law, or with me. Now, shrimp aren’t actually kosher, either, but I love them, and make my own cocktail sauce.

    The recipe is three tablespoons of Heinz Chili Sauce to one tablespoon of cream horseradish. Stir. If your face explodes at the three to one ratio, you can thin it down with some ketchup, you big sissy. Or is it spelled catsup? I never know. If you want it hotter, you brave soul, increase the level of horseradish a little bit at a time until it makes you say “hoo!” when you eat it, and just a teensy tear come to your eye.

    But I digress.

    Now, I loved lobster, or at least I thought I did, once upon a time. A century ago, my ex-husband took me to a swanky restaurant for my birthday. They didn’t have lobster tail, which is the only part of a lobster I’d ever eaten before. They did, however, have whole lobster, so I ordered one. I was trying to figure out how to eat the monstrous beastie, which was hanging all over the edges of the plate, and accidentally flipped the thing over.

    All I could see was legs. Hundreds of them. Okay, not hundreds, but lots. Looked to me like the biggest dang bug I ever saw, and all of those legs were pointing at me. I completely lost my appetite, and that was not easy, as I was way chunky at the time. That $50 lobster we could not afford went down my ex-husband’s gullet instead of mine.

    Haven’t ordered any form of lobster since.

    I’ll try to get back to my point, and I’m sure I’ve got one here somewhere besides the best and simplest cocktail sauce recipe ever. Why did lobster freak me out and the acknowledged resemblance of shrimp to bugs didn’t bother me one darn bit?

    Could be the di- sorry, lifestyle change. I was hungry, and while I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have eaten a cockroach, that was still shrimp. And there was cocktail sauce. So I ate it.

    I think it may have also been the fact the lobster was presented with its head still on. Not fond of my food looking at me. Seriously--you have to read menus carefully. When I see “whole fish” on a menu, for instance, I know to avoid it, ‘cause that thing is going to come out looking at me, eyes accusing me of murder with every jab of knife and fork.

    I’m well aware I’m a carnivore. But I’m perfectly OK with not having the cow looking at me while I’m inhaling my hamburger. It will, of course, be minus the bun. I can sometimes have cheese, and all the veggies I want. Hooray. Think about it, though. If you eat a hot dog, you could end up having a pig, chicken, cow and turkey looking at you. And what if all that was staring at you was the parts they used to make it? Pass. Ew.

    Even with shrimp, I don’t mind peeling the shrimp shell and legs off, but won’t buy the ones with the heads still on. Yuck. No eyeballs. Or feelers, thank-you-very-much.

    I honestly don’t even like it when they serve two sunny-side up eggs looking up at me like big old yellow eyeballs. That might be a hangover from my hangover days, before I was old enough to realize alcohol and I didn’t mix well.

    Now I’m the designated adult. It’s much easier on my system.

    Speaking of eggs, while I’m thinking out loud about food, why don’t we eat chicken with breakfast, like in omelets? We eat every other kind of meat in omelets; we eat steak and eggs, even chicken-fried steak. But you never see chicken with breakfast.

    Does the chicken look at you funny if you do?

    “You can have my egg, but you’ll never touch this thigh!”
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited May 2015
    Strong Lift 5 x 5 12 week update for the last 3 week period
    Inches lost 3 2/8
    Total for 12 week -
    17 1/2 inches
    Weight loss the last 3 week period-
    1.2 lbs
    Total weight was a gain of 3.8 lbs

    As you can see from the results I have lost 17 1/2 inches of fat total body and gained 3.8 pounds of muscle.

    I am eating a lot more food. I am eating between 1400 to 1500 cal per day. I used to feel like I was starving myself at only the 1200 cal that M FP told me I could eat. Those of you that view my diary will notice that I have not cut out any of my favorite foods but I do try to stay with in my calorie goal.

    I have decreased cardio drastically. From 3 to 4 hours per day which was 18 to 24 plus hours per week. I am down to doing 45 minutes to in hour and 45 minutes per day.To about 8 to 9 hours per week. This has freed me up dramatically to do other things during the day. The philosophy of the program is to only do 45 minutes to one hour three times a week. I still feel that I want to keep my kickboxing as part of my program. Now if I miss it or miss a day I do not worry about gaining weight or inches.

    I am transitioning between pant sizes. At this point I am between a size 7 and size 5. I used to be that size but when I was I was 16 pounds lighter. 12 weeks ago I was a size 10. From October 2014 until March 2015 I lost 38 pounds and only dropped from a size 14 to a size 10. It is very important to note that from October to March I lost 38 pounds and was at a size 10 and from March until now I gained 3.8 pounds and went from a size 10 to a size almost 5. I have not reached my weight goal yet. I still have 14.8 pounds to go. I believe that if I hadn't started strong lift 5 x 5 I would have reached my goal of 125 pounds but I also believe that I would be much bigger in size. I no longer worry about what the scale says. I am just trying to be strong and healthy. I think that I will continue to tighten and lose fat. I also think I may have to eat more food because of weightlifting. I also no longer worry about doing any cardio as long as I get my 45 minutes to one hour of SL5X5 in 3 to 4 times per week.

    When I started here on M FP I weighed 178 pounds. Prior to that I was much heavier but did not want to face the truth and get on a scale. I know I at least was in the 190 pound range.

    Have a great day ladies!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,786 Member
    Lisa~ how bout' chicken and waffles? do they consider that breakfast or do you order that at dinner time?lol
    skyped with my DGD for a bit but our video wasn't working couldnt see her :'( went and checked out the house for sale up the street, they did a beautiful job staging it... and has a lovely view of the river from there... That will be sold in no time.. they are asking 294.9 for it.. and I hope they get it, as it will be good for when we sell ours.. visiting for a few minuts with the neighbors next to them, and she showed me around the house.. they did lovely job doing over there house..
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Greetings from Omaha where we missed all the bad weather yesterday. The party was great; about 50 people came, but no one ate much, so that's lunch and dinner today and tomorrow then I'll freeze what's left. May be hard to freeze chicken salad sandwiches! I think I'll dis-assemble them and freeze the parts separately. Too many posts to reply to today; but will be back tomorrow.

    Vicki: did you miss the bad weather too?
    Take care, Meg
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,675 Member
    On the plane gonna get ready to fly back to Washington! Gotta turn off now
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    I have been sitting here reading all your posts, and to all the people struggling, distressed, physically hurting, mentally hurting....well my thoughts are with you <3 It's an interesting fact that when you share your weak side, you feel stronger. I have been struggling thru Mexican leftovers and @fanncy0626 it will go out today. I promise. Alittle sad about the tube looking container of sour cream but that is my hellish thorn of glutteny. I would but sour cream on everything if I had the chance... Our course today when my husband went out to get a newspaper, he brought home two boxes from the bakery. One is labeled "Moms" with a heart and the other "Owain's and Dads". In mine was a vanilla cream filled chocolate iced doughnut, and 2 apple fritters... Bless this sabatoor of a man... So I had the doughnut, but I will cut the apple fritters in half and freeze three. Plus he made coffee, and he hates the coffee scent. Years ago, he would not have even kissed me if I had sipped on coffee, or eaten a tomato. He was that strict, and so I never even drank coffee, or had tomatoes. Fast forward to now, its like night and day. He has loosened his priorities, and realized I have likes, plus he has just mellowed, thank God. So when I ever say I do not just settle for what I get, realize the importance of how far I have come.

    Joyce- My thoughts are with you. You have alot on your plate, and I empathize with you....

    Pip-Yep I agree and most of us do, you have AMAZING skin girl. Your smile radiates!

    @CynthiaT60 -Sending you a mental mason jar of homemade chicken noodle soup. My Mom used to put Vicks on our throats and get out a diaper pin and pin our socks around our necks....(had to be the sock you wore that day uuck)
    @cityjaneLondon -Wow you are one busy woman, with the baking and cooking. I try to make my family meals maybe 4 times a week, the other times its make your own or leftovers... I tell people here that I have a bit of BBC in me in that I adore my teatime, watching a proper game of Rugby, and when sad watching a dose of BlackAdder. My husband I got into Rugby about 5 yrs ago and since then we just can't watch the American football. We chastise all the gear they wear, and when they get a boo-boo they moan and whine. No disrespect to you fans of the teams, its just our observation. I mean with Rugby the players are continuing the play with the doctors on the field treating some dude with blood down his nose.... We have just realized the last couple of games we watched that in the "scrum" the men are not only intertwining arms on shoulders, but in between their legs too. We are recognizing names like Maryweather, and Halfpenny, and some kid with wild blonde hair. Could go on and on about loving watching Rugby..hahaha...

    Well today making a pot roast with hopefully some carrots and small potatoes, and an onion. I am having a bit of the roast beef, but having a wedge of cabbage instead of potatoes. Then drizzling over an oz or two of the sauce. Making it a slim day of eating.. Drinking lots of water! Group hugs to the lot of you! (putting my woes and whines in the corner.... ) :wink:

    Becca from the cloudy coastal tip of NW Oregon
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Ah, grandmallie... I had never even heard of chicken and waffles 'til about a year ago, and have no idea when anyone would eat them, 'cause the idea of syrup on chicken makes me twitch... but to each their own. Perhaps I was stretching a little too hard to try to be funny. I obviously missed the mark.
  • aletaforeman
    aletaforeman Posts: 16 Member
    Hi from Manitoba, Canada. I'm a 57 yo female who used to be really, really fit bout 20+ years ago. I have started rising early and heading to the gym before work recently. Now I am going for the big prize: the 98 day Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle contest. If nothing else it will keep me motivated to get moving and eat right. I worked the upper body yesterday, today I've worked the lower half.
    My goals are:
    Maintain my motivation
    maintain my food diary
    maintain my exercise diary
    Lose fat
    Build muscle
    my current weight as of today 218.8

    Is anyone else here following the BFFM program (or planning to join the 98 day contest) and if you have done this program, how did you do?

  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Ahhhhhh! All caught up!

    Didn't I recently say I would never get behind again? Never say never! I didn't take notes so not going to comment as much as usual.

    WELCOME NEW LADIES! This group is great. They never judge and are good listeners. I do much better when I check in with them daily.

    Someone asked about my Y closing (Katla?) - There are several Y's in middle TN. The organization claimed they had lost over a half million dollars from the 3 facilities that they closed. Our Y building is about 40 years old. The up keep of the pools and facilities plus a very high percentage of discounted memberships led to big expenses. It is so sad for this part of the city. A friend and I are going to a 7:00am water class at a different facility. We are going to have coffee and hang around a bit to let the rush hour traffic clear.

    Joan - I am a retired teacher, too. Taught 7 years of second, 9 years of first, 16 of third, and 1 of 4th. What did you teach?

    Sylvia and Pip - love the pictures! So glad you are having/had such a good time.

    I join Heather in a group (((((HUG))))) for so many of you.

    This has been a very hard time for me and my eating has been very emotional. Kind of dread the weigh in tomorrow.

    Love y'all!

    Toni in Tennessee
  • aletaforeman
    aletaforeman Posts: 16 Member
    I forgot to thank Barbie for keeping this board active. I'm starting in the middle of a month, so I have a lot of posts to read. Bear with me.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Hi! It's 10 PM and we just got back to our room. We left at 8 am and walked all stinking day long! Most of it uphill both ways! We racked up 26,832 steps / 11.19 miles. A new record by far! It makes me feel better about the chocolate dipped croissant from a sweet little bakery we found when we were lost, and the ice cream cone after we left the Gaudi House Museum and park which was practically straight up the side of a mountain. I had to stop at a pharmacy to get Tylenol because my feet/hips/back/head hurt so bad. It helped with the headache, but the rest was hopeless. The pharmacy was neat though. She typed Tylenol into her computer and a sort of robotic machine went to a spot on a huge collection of shelves and brought it down and it came out a slot in a window. I've never seen anything like that.

    We went to a history museum where I took lots of pictures of ancient pottery. Got some good inspiration for pots to make back home. I love old pottery!

    There are no words to describe the Gaudi park. It was one visual delight after the other. I'll post a few pictures tomorrow.

    We get up at 6am tomorrow to start the trip back to Madrid on the train. We've really enjoyed Barcelona!

    By the way, this morning I wore my new size 8/10 capris that I got at that thrift store, thinking how tickled I was that they still fit after all I've been eating, and hubby said he thought they looked a little loose! Darned if he wasn't right. The waist was indeed loose. By the time I wore them all day they were downright baggy! (It's good to know he's paying such close attention.) ;)

    I hope you are all having a great night!

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    edited May 2015
    Quick check in. Played the circuit rider this morning and preached at two churches, one at 9:00 and the other at 11:00, then went to my friend's husband's funeral and am now procrastinating walking because it is 85 degrees. I'm feeling guilty for missing the pre-conference briefing (I am a member ar large for my district). but it couldn't be helped since it was at the same time as the funeral.

    Joan from Alabama, welcome! How's your mama 'n 'em?

    Joyce, hugs to you. Although I don't personally understand how you feel, my sister went through very similar feelings. She did a round of chemo (for a disease she got from her husband) and he just was not there for her. Then he got really, really sick and all those feelings of him not being there for her interfered with her feelings for what he was going through. It was very hard on her. Guilt vs anger vs sheer exhaustion. It's tough. No way around it. I'm sorry you are going through it. Just know that you are not alone and your feelings are your feelings and you are entitled to them.

    Naiomi, still laughing over you cleaning all the rooms in heaven. I will probably get bathroom duty, myself!

    Lisa, I have a friend who is an entomologist who eats grasshopper tacos. She is always posting pictures and articles on Facebook about eating bugs. Yuk!

    No time to comment more, but I did read. Love to all,


  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited May 2015
    Hello ladies! I think I am sick from the wood tick bite. Last year I got annaplasmosis which is very similar to Lymes disease. I have the same symptoms as I had last year. I feel really lethargic, my body is achy and I have a headache. The place where I got it is still itchy and red. It is about the size of a nickel. It has been one full week since I got bit. Although it sounds like a few of you have been having issues. So maybe I just have a virus. If not better by tomorrow morning I will go see the doctor again.

    Sharon-you could be really tired because of your blood sugar. Did you like the movie insurgent? We have had rain for about five days. It would be nice to see the sun!

    Cynthia-hope your cold goes away.

    Allison-taking it easy is a good idea.

    Naomi 2015 - once you get back to exercising and logging you should be fine.

    Heather- thanks for the group hug. .You do eat very unique food items. They sound delicious.

    Kayla - too bad about the critter on your boat! You're right he could have done a lot more damage.

    Vicki - have fun at the graduation party!

    Maineapple - coconut oil pulling is where you take 2 teaspoon of coconut oil and squish it between your teeth for 20 minutes. You do it on an empty stomach. It dissolves plaque and helps to detour gingivitis. It whitens your teeth, give you fresh breath, get rid of the bacteria on your tongue and dissolves plaque.

    Lisa-thanks for sharing your article it was very amusing!

    Becca- you and I are having the same thing for dinner! I know I'm going to enjoy it I'm sure you will too.

    Aleta- welcome to this site! I am not doing the 98 the contest or the BF FM. I am lifting heavy. It seems like a lot of the ladies are walkers and bike riders. A lot of them do strength training. Even getting up and just moving more than you used to is good.. It sounds like you have good goals and a good exercise plan.

    TNToni - have fun swimming at your new Y!

    Sylvia- it sounds like you are having a wonderful trip. I can hardly wait to look at your pictures.

    Drkatiebug- you did have a busy morning. Sorry about your friends DH.

    Have a good night everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,675 Member
    well peepheads, finally home!!
    got to unpack, put a load of laundry in and have a minute to type.

    MOLE - it is made with chicken, the actual "mole" is the sause, it is pronounced, "MOE-LAY" accent on the first syllable.
    i have stopped ordering at any restaurant cuz it doesn't taste like moms, alot of people make it sweet, ewww..

    WHERE I WAS RUNNING - out in the san juaquin valley in California, the middle part of the State where i'm from, Mendota, and Firebaugh. the roads are never going to be repaired, it's farming country, that's just the way they have always been, it's very flat, so easy running compared to here in the Pacific Northwest.

    MY SKIN and TAN - awwww thanks ladies!!!!! i have always been complimented for that. in my mind, one of the few assets i have always had.

    Mom gave me $100 check, just because i guess she feels she needs to. AND I got a $100 chk donation from her for my MS ride!!, I got another donation from my bro for $100. then i went online and found that a friend donated $200!!!!!!! i was so overwhelmed!! i already passed my first goal of $250 (requirement to ride). a nephew gave me a bottle of some kind of coffee liquer, that would have gone good w/coffee but i had to leave it at the airport (only do carry on, no check-in). i don't pay to check baggage so it stayed behind.

    Mom tested my patience the night i was there. she is always right, she has NEVER done enything wrong, EVERYONE HAS to do what she says and her recollections of the past are always right no matter if she's wrong or not. there was a point when i had to leave the kitchen and go to the living room. but when she and my bro dropped me off at the airport, she's doing the sign of the cross on my forehead with tears in her eyes blessing me and telling me she loves me. she will never change and that's just the way it is and always will be for the days she has left. i am glad i am home.

  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    "Lesley - what is the main ingredient in your sugar free protein balls? Are you using a sugar substitute so that is why they are "sugar free"? What are the "pumpcakes"? Pumpkin????"
    Protein balls uses MALT
    7.5 oz pumpkin
    1/3 cup oatmeal
    1/3 cup buck wheat pancake mix
    26 g vanilla protein powder
    4 egg whites
    1 tsp nutmeg
    1 tsp cinnamon
    1/2 tsp ginger
    1/2 tsp vanilla extract
    Mix and add to frypan, makes 2 pumpcakes, taste awesome
    1 cake = 292 g, 25.6 g protein, 41.6 g carbs, 2.3 g

    I signed on for tom venuto's BIG BURN this morning
    Food = 1555 cals
    Wii Gold's boxing - before breakfast
    JJ Cardio kick-boxing and JJ Circuit A - after breakfast
    walk dog 1 hour after lunch

    Lesley in Tasmania
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,653 Member
    Michele – I don’t like mint but if you like it I bet that would be great. Everyone eats at my classes!

    Joyce – LOL mole is said with an accent on the mol… and it is NOT a rodent. It is a sauce that is a very dark brown, and it is roasted chile and chocolate and other spices, not spicy hot, but amazingly full of flavor.

    Do not hate yourself for eating M&M’s – you sometimes have to get support where ever you can. You have EVERY right to feel hurt and angry! DH has not acted ethically, but he is what he is and you do love him. Can the kids or local friends give you the support you need? Will DH sign the appropriate paper work to allow you to have all the conversations you need to and get around the hippa law? OK I am rambling!!! Sorry. Hang in !!!!!!!!!! Love ya!

    Joan – welcome ! Wow you jumped in good for you! DH is DHusband, and the D is variable from darling to dumb *kitten*.... you get to figure it out from the rest of the comments.

    Sharon – the stress you are under would be exhausting… take care of you.

    Heather – I googled New Forest, can I go too? I only speak English and very horrible Spanish but found that a smile and good cheer help a ton, I spent a week in Italy and week in Costa Rica, and both times found that by being immersed in the language help tremendously.

    Logged today!!! First day in too long… I am getting back on the journey and off of practice maintenance!

    May goals:
    Walk every day
    Log everyday
    Eat slower
    Plan and do a fun thing every week
    Week 1 – had a friend visit for a couple of days – went to our big second hand store (Savers) and for $23 got 3 pair of walking shoes and a pair of hiking boots – all very gently used. Score!

    Week 2 – had Mom for a 4 day visit, tried some new recipes, salmon, shrimp and clams…. Yummy. Did a new walk with the dog that had a long tough hill, and we made it!

    Kim from N. California
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member
    :) Pip, isn't it great to be home? My mom tested my patience most of my life. Since she died I have made peace with our relationship by focusing on the good things I learned from her and her good traits. I was fortunate to live in the same town with her at the end of her life so I could be there for her and not have to travel to support her before she died or to tend to her business affairs after. I was her only living child so the job was all mine.....you look fabulous in your picture....I loved the dog picture but you are so much more beautiful.

    :o Mary, keep us posted about your possible tick bite...we are all concerned and want the best for you.

    :) Aleta, your new exercise program sounds ambitious....good luck....my exercise is more moderate (walking and dancing)

    smiley-happy110.gif 26,000 steps today from an extra long dog walk this morning and a walk with a friend this afternoon. While Jake was gone this morning I did a 40 minute session of yoga mixed with strength training while watching reruns of "Grey's Anatomy".

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif
    Resolutions for May (with mid-month comments)
    *walk at least 15,000 steps a day (every day but two, but kept the average high)
    *strength training twice a week (still floundering on this one)
    *act the way I want to feel (this is what made my trip go so well)
    *work in the yard 30 minutes three times a week (several days but not three times a week)
    *write the two letters I've been putting off for too long (haven't started)
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,084 Member
    Pip love the picture of you. You are glowing.

    Mary sorry about the tick bite. When I got bit two years ago they said if I had flu like symptoms I should come in and go on antibiotics. They did test me for Lymes but it came back negative. It doesn't always show up right away in the test. The doctor also asked me if my joints ached. That is a hard one when you are almost 60.

    When I come in from working in the yard I try to remember to wipe any exposed skin with a paper towel and I try to spray myself with an essential oil blend before I go out into the yard. The blend I use is rose geranium, orange and lavender mixed in some water. This also helps keep off the mosquitoes. I also avoid grassy areas when I can.

    :heart: MNMargaret