

  • fastforlife1
    fastforlife1 Posts: 459 Member
    I have a new blog on "The Beauty of Tracking" if anyone is interested. If you read it, vote for me! http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/fastforlife1
  • JoanMichelleAmena
    JoanMichelleAmena Posts: 13 Member
    Day two of healthy living for the rest of my life (except for inevitable lapses) has gone pretty well. Took my oozy cheesy gooey greasy breakfast casserole to church, left it in the warmer, and didn't look back! Ate oatmeal instead! Went to the buffet at the local cafe after church and ate like a health czar -- ROAST chicken (not the crispy Southern Fried version heaped up in the very next warming tray), steamed squash (not the macaroni and cheese), and turnip greens (not the broccoli cheese casserole or the sweet potato casserole topped with marshmallows). As I strolled away from the serving line, I honestly felt like a deserved a Michelle Obama healthy choice medal of some kind! Vege soup for supper, so feeling pretty good and slightly smug (as long as I don't think about those NINE Mother's Day donuts that settled on my hips last week.) Took a 30 min. walk around a tranquil lake with our 2 pups lurching forward on their leashes and displaying their lack of social skills as we met other folks. Day Two of healthy living went well, and let's just hope day 2,222 goes as well! Wouldn't it be weird if I actually persevere until that day comes?
    Dreamwriter- That evaluation process sounds unfair and frustrating. In my experience, evaluations are sometimes just a paperwork game.
    barbiecat Thanks for the encouragement! I love hearing about all the success stories here.
    naiomi2015 That what I need to do. Thank about logical consequences. Sorry your back is keeping you from exercising.
    cityjaneLondon I love tzatziki sauce! We have a restaurant here called Tzatziki's and my SIL makes fabulous Greek food. Don't think I would care for a glorious fish pie. I am amazed that you can learn so many languages! Not my gift!
    peachstategal Now you are just a down-home girl, telling it like it is, wet pants and all! This is the 50+ group, so we do know it happens!
    joyce in Indiana My heart goes out to you. It sounds like your husband depends on you to be his rock when he can't bring himself to face health problems. I will pray that you find the strength you need and rest from your worries. I hope you can turn to your children and close friends for advice and support.
    Lilymay2 If you have been taking care of a 20 month old GD for 5 days, how can you still formulate thoughts?
    tngram2seven Thanks for the welcome! I really don't merit the title "retired teacher." That's just the shorthand version of the story. I only taught for a total of 13 years, all in 5th grade. Five years in 5th grade Social Studies and Science, then I spent four years at home because time was moving too fast for me during my daughters' teenage years. I returned to teach a maternity leave for a friend, and somehow ended up teaching 8 more years. Those 8 years consisted of 2 years in 5th grade Language Arts and Social Studies, 1 year as a self-contained, nearly insane martyr, 1 year in Science and Math (for all boys class and all girls class), and 4 years in Math. Since I stopped teaching, I have taken care of my 3 year old granddaughter for 2-3 days each week since she was born, except for summers, since my daughter is a teacher. My sister, BIL, son IL, sister IL, and niece are also teachers, so our family gatherings are a steady stream of "teacher talk."
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,383 Member
    Did an hour of baance games on the Wii today. The plan for tomorrow is to do another segment of the 10 Minute Tummy Toner DVD, hold my plank, then do Stephanie Vittorio's Body Target DVD.

    Jane - glad you mom is home and really hope the meds work

    question for barbie or anyone else - how can you find out more information about a person? I was sent a friend request from someone called natcol619. His picture looks like he's in his 30's. He said the reason he sent me an invite to be friends, that the thing that attracted him to me was "my picture". I'd be almost twice his age, he is probably about the same age as my son. But when I went to his profile it just says that his profile is viewable by his friends only. Something deep inside of me is saying "don't get involved", but what if he's a lonely person looking for friends?

    aleta - welcome. Isn't that Tom Venuto's plan? Or am I mistaken. I wish you all the luck in the world. Keep us updated. When do you start?

    Sylvia - I KNEW that you hadn't gained, and those capri's just confirmed it. Congrats!

    Mary from MN
    - hope it isn't anything real serious

    pip - our mothers may exasperate us, but they never stop loving us. Glad you had such a good trip but especially glad that you're back.

    JoanMichelle - awesome choices!

    Michele in NC
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,383 Member
    Didn't get all of my post. Here's the rest:

    JoanMichelle - welcome. So glad you just jumped right in. In some respects, I think I'm in a way addicted to exercise. I usually exercise about an hour a day. It's rare that I take a day off, but I do sometimes. Good for you changing that belt on your dryer! You got the abbreviations (dh, etc) exactly right! I'm not big on kickboxing. As a matter of fact, I was just viewing Jeannette Jenkins Bikini Bootcamp thinking that I might enjoy it. I found out that I wouldn't, there's too much kickboxing and high impact in it. When I first saw that you were from Trussville, I was looking quickly and thought it was Titusville, I almost fell over. That's where our condo in FL is. But, alas, you're not in FL

    CynthiaT - feel better fast

    Leaving to go to VA Wed then to PA. Denise is graduating (finally!!!!) on thursday. She's making this graduation out to be this real big thing. It's only a graduation, and we didn't say it but she's only getting an Associates.

    For our Christmas decorations, one thing we do is we have these blocks of wood and use twist ties to hold down the extension cord. This way, the wire isn't sitting in a puddle or water should it rain. So what I did today was spray pain (lightly) about 1/2 of them a green, just so that they would blend in with the weeds

    lhannon - wonderful article, you are such a great writer.

    Michele in NC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited May 2015
    This has been a low energy, pain in my neck day. Literally. :ohwell: DH thinks I strained it during my riding lesson Friday but I was fine yesterday morning, so that can't be it. I may have strained it yesterday afternoon cleaning up the mess in our fishing boat after something got in there and ate all the granola bars, leaving shredded boxes, wrappers, and tiny bits of granola bar stuck to the rear passenger seat. I went back and finished cleaning up the mess today. I put in a new supply of granola bars, enclosed in a plastic jar with a lid and then inside a tool chest. I think the food stash will be safe now. DH is diabetic and we need to have emergency calories available. We don't know for sure what got into the boat and looted the food supply, but I'm betting on a raccoon. There are lots of them around here, and the other likely suspect, a river otter, would have left a wet mess.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • fastforlife1
    fastforlife1 Posts: 459 Member
    @Fancy, you are an inspiration. Have you been following a program besides strong lifts? I've been doing strength training at the gym - 15 minutes twice a week. I'm afraid if I start lifting heavy my weight loss will stop.
    @tngram2seven I have taught mostly mostly at community colleges (English) and university (English as a 2nd Language). I substituted for 2 years in the public schools, but it wasn't much fun. :#
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Welcome JoanMichelle, what a lucrative career you had! Do you know what it does to non teaching members of a family when a gathering goes all teaching talk???? LOL, My Mom was a teacher, no formal education, just a love for preschoolers, especially those who come from low income homes. My sister was brave enough that she actually taught in the school Mom was director of. My sister had a bachelors and masters in early childhood but enjoyed working for a church based preschool not making much money. But because of her degrees, Mom was able to have that on her advertisements about the school. My sister is very strong willed but when your Mom is the director, she is the boss. I think the rest of us had a lot of teacher in us. Teaching was my big passion when I was a nurse, my Dad and one brother are ministers and my other brother was in the navy and when he finally got off the submarine, he wrote a lot of the books used in the training facilities. But he is way to dry to actually speak to teach.

    Well, just as I said, church did make me feel better today. I think the subject has just been mutually dropped today. I was looking up this clinical trial and remembered when I was being interviewed for a clinical trial for my psoriasis, they had strict rules, like what shampoo to use. My husband is not a rules kind of guy. I think if it were up to him, he would just leave the whole ulcerative colitis alone, take his Pepto Bismol, Simethicone and Immodium and not bother with any treatment. He doesn't realize though that that would mean surgery. I am just going to do some research myself and try to find out the cost of the infusions. I will also ask the doctors office if we are supposed to call the research people or wait until they call us. So as usual, the wife does all the leg work and the husband just goes to the office at the appointed time. To be fair, he does his own laundry, empties the dishwasher, does all the lab work, changes the oil and all car maintenence.

    You know i had been having trouble sleeping. Some one suggested Melatonin to me. It comes in 1 mg tablets and I read about suggested doses and it can be quite varying. But 2 mg is quite safe. You should see my fit bit sleep tracker with that 2 mg dose. I dont see anywhere on the fit bit flex to push to start my sleep so I start in on my iPad and then put the iPad on the floor, turn over and pull my covers up. In the morning, I get up, pick up the iPad, open it up, and say I am awake. Those are literally the only sings of activity in my sleep record. It used to be way over the top. But I do feel it gives me some what of a hangover. This morning I was really ready to go take a nap but I know that upsets me at night. So is the not feeling totally rested my MS???? Could be. I still haven't gotten the courage to call my neurologist and tell her I stopped my MS medicine. Maybe I should do that at the same time I call and schedule my annual boob squeeze???? My poor family doc gives those prescriptions to me every year and I told him I wallpaper my bedroom with them. That's about how often I actually have them done.

    Love you guys. It is comforting to know that you are always here.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,675 Member
  • italy10548
    italy10548 Posts: 174 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,786 Member
    Oh dear, I am soooo sick.. this stuff is kicking my butt.. but guess what? I have to work.. from10:30-5 this has been going on 6 days now.. I am floating from all the water i am drinking . only good think Is I think im losing a little bit of weight as I am not hungry.. right now having some warm lemon water, then will hop in the shower, then get dressed,the contractor is coming at 8 to rip down the top cabinets in the kitchen,, which means we wont have any lighting over the counter until new ones installed.. will have to use to over head lights..
    Ugg it has to be the pollen, we haven't had but a spit of rain in the last 3 weeks or so and we so need it..
    Michelle~ I got the same request and deleted him
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member
    :) Michele, if I get a friend request from someone I don't recognize and their profile is private or viewable only by friends, I send them a message and ask them how we know each other and what we have in common. Sometimes I get a response that makes sense and I accept the request but if I get no response or the response seems weird, I don't accept.

    :) Joan, on my first day on this journey I got a ride from some friends to an event and when they picked me up they said that they'd gotten me a bagel and cream cheese when they stopped for coffee.....I said "no thank you" and that started off my journey on the right foot and it has continued. The first rule I made for myself was to plan my food for the day and stay with the plan "no matter what".....that even included saying no to my husband when he asked if I wanted a bite of whatever he was having.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif More later, gotta walk the dogs and they like to walk a lot.
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Happy Monday Morning!
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 397 Member
    Happy Monday, everyone! Thanks for the reminder about the Serenity Prayer -- that is really the gist of living, isn't it? I have come to the conclusion that weekends are my weak point diet-wise. Did okay at a party on Saturday, but really wanted some muffins from the store on Sunday morning. Imagine my shock when I saw that with 2 Wegman's muffins I had already reached most of my 1200 cal for the day...back to the weekday food schedule for me.
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Aleta - welcome! Where can I find more information on the BFFM program?

    Joan - DGD was only here over night - she had just spent 5 days in New York with her mom and other Nana. She was so out of sorts from the travel... but we made it. Lots of cuddling, she loves books ...so we read all her favourites. Spent an hour at 1 a.m. cuddling, and trying to get rid of a cough.

    Nice day yesterday... finally made it to a greenhouse. Didn't buy much - frost forecast again for last night. Hopefully that is the last one for awhile. .... No rain in sight - so we will get the outside waterlines ready for watering. We have underground waterlines to taps in the gardens so that I don't have to move garden hoses all over the place... OH Ya !! remember I have a triple EEEEEE yard!! Expensive, Expansive and Exhaustive!!!

    Today ... off to get my mom from Respite Care. she spent the weekend there while her caregiver was off for the long weekend. Will take her to her home and do some yard work for her.

    So best get a move on...
    Take care everyone

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    drkatiebug - The bug eaters kind of fascinate me, while grossing me out right down to the ground. The thought of the legs... yeah. I'll stop there.

    Mary from Minn and Michele in NC – thanks for the compliments, my writer’s ego laps them up like a kitten with milk… *sigh*

    Peach – Happy Monday back...

    Pip - loved reading your adventures and seeing your pictures. You live your life to the utmost, and it shows.

    To all of you... I do read all the posts, but feel distinctly unqualified to advise on most of it. I respect those who do, and chime in where I can, but mostly shut up because I feel I can do nothing more than add more sympathy, which everyone gives with great generosity.

    I’m a third of the way through copy edits on the second book I’m trying to get up for publication this summer, and it is so not my bag, dude... :) Copy editing, for me, is like hitting yourself on the head with a hammer because it feels so good when you finally stop.

    And… writers who aren’t writing are much like cranky, sulky children with a head cold. Too annoying to be around, but not quite sick enough to take to someone else to take care of for you, or to drug into submission.

    So I stopped long enough to go on a quick wildflower hunt with the DH yesterday. Which triggered some horrible allergies, but I got my run in before we left, so I was able to just sit and quietly sneeze and blow my nose for the rest of the evening. A few results of the ride are below. Hope it is visible on mobile and tablets without too much scrolling around, but will probably show up best on a full-sized screen.

    You can see we've had tons of rain, and everything is blooming like mad, and greener than I've ever seen this country.

    Now, back to my copy edits for 30 more minutes, I promised myself.

    Writers’ workshop tonight, which always cheers me up, even if it is a 45-minute drive to get there.

    Oh, and my weight is stalled, which makes me cranky, but at least not going up, which makes me clinically insane. Small blessing.

    Lisa H in West Texas

  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member
    Hey Wonderful Ladies! :)

    Hope you all had great weekends. I had two of my grandchildren this weekend and enjoyed them. My GS had me playing baseball with him. He is 7 and small in size, but is big in heart! I threw, he hit the ball and then chased it down. Grannies don’t chase balls! My 8 year old GD is the perfect little old southern lady. Her main thing to do was try on her new dress and match it with one of her many church hats. My DD says she inherited her behavior from me so it’s not bad. ;)

    Anyway, back to work and looking forward to a long weekend at Virginia Beach! We usually do the beach in the spring and fall because the SO wants an ocean front suite and I want a kitchenette and the combination can be awfully expensive during the beach season even with the senior discounts. We both need a vacation badly! B)

    Tere in Richmond VA
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Good morning Ladies, Happy Monday!

    I've been really busy, but able to keep up with everyone just not enough time to say "hi". Definately not enough time to respond individually but know I send hugs to those who need it and hearty congratulations to those who earned it.
    I had the first of my 2 major social events on Saturday, a surprise birthday party for a dear friend. Like Joan (BTW, so proud of your choices), I stayed with the good choices and walked away from the bad ones, except for the cake. It was so good and I enjoyed every bite. Next weekend is a wedding on Cape Cod (or "The Cape" as we refer to it) and it is a 3 day event. I will enjoy but not overindulge as I have in my former life. I decided that I would stay away from the scale until the middle of June. I will continue on my food and exercise plan with modifications on those event days. There is no point in making myself crazy with that number and the real point is that I am happy with how I look now.

    Hope everyone has a great day.
    Chris in MA
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Lisa, love the wild flowers. :)

    We got a really nice rainfall last night so the grass is looking nice and green. I planted wild flowers along my fence and hope they thrive.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,675 Member
    looks like I will be riding to wk from the gym and from wk to home a lot this week, supposed to be in the 70's all week.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Fastforlife: Substitute teaching is not easy or pleasant unless you know the kids really well. Teaching is not easy, but it is rewarding when you do know the kids.

    Joyce: Why did you stop your MS medicine? It was very successfully keeping the MS stable. I know it is costly, but worth it in DH’s expereince.

    Michele: I am probably not one who should offer advice. I have stopped accepting “new friends” if I don’t know who they are for the short while because I’m feeling overwhelmed. I think Barbie’s idea is worth trying and will do that from now on.

    Alison: I hope you get well quickly. You’ve had more than your share of illness lately.

    Tere in Richmond VA: Your beach trip sounds lovely. Enjoy!

    Pip: I hope you get to ride your bike this week. Our forecast shows possible thunder showers today, and either sunshine or overcast for the rest of the week.

    My neck is still grumpy this morning and I’m hoping that yoga will ease that away. DH has asked me to poach eggs for breakfast, so I need to get up and cook. I hope everyone has a great day.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    May Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol. Accomplished but here as a reminder.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.
