

  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    What a beautiful little flower girl!
  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member
    Happy Tuesday All!

    Sylvia: Loved reading your thoughts of cuisine and fashion in Madrid. Many years ago I worked for the Foreign Commercial Service with an office at the corner of 16th and Pennsylvania Avenue in D.C. There were anti-American marches every week. I often wondered why these people were in America if they hated it so much. I ended up understanding the greatness of a democracy where you can express your anti-American sentiments and still be assured of safety. :) I also think your assessment about them being very willing to take our money is on target. :#

    Heather: The fish pie sounds wonderful. Do you want to pass on the recipe? I am headed to Google to find out what flageolets are.

    Mary: Congratulations on a smooth behind. o:) I am trying to learn the correct way to do a squat and want to work out with kettlebells once I start with a trainer next month. If I can lose 50 percent of my dimples I will be over the moon happy.

    Meg: I have an inherited love of hats. I can’t count how many I have (several from one of my grandmothers and a 5 or 6 from my mom), but I can say I have a bedroom devoted to hat boxes. Not many women wear hats to church here either, but I have noticed that once I begin wearing mine lots of ladies join in. One Sunday I was talking to a young woman and she asked me what my name was. I told her and then she said “I never knew your name and always called you the hat lady and everyone knew who I was talking about”. I absolutely love it. My hats make me feel extremely feminine. I have also found that it makes most men a little flirtatious! Not bad for a single lady!

    Terri: Thanks for the tip about the pitching fence. :)

    Michelle: Today is just Tuesday and I am so ready to go! I am working on convincing the SO not to take any dress up clothes and how much more fun it will be to just do the "grundge" (don't know if I spelled it right >:) ) for the weekend.

    Tsarahlove: I think a 6 pound loss in a month is pretty darn good! Congratulations!

    Tere in Richmond VA
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Just got back from a long weekend visiting my folks and gardening. I'm trying to catch up with everyone.

    Lillian... that is one beautiful grandchild!

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
    morning peeps-ski's -
    back to the old grind...next trip, VEGAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BABYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! not til july but it's coming. felt good to get back on the bike again, really I only missed 2 days of riding, then the weekend but it felt like longer. rode home, it was a nice ride. probably gonna ride home again today. supposed to be in the 70s all week. I forgot my monkey feet at my sisters house :0( i'm glad I have another pair to use til she ships them back to me.
    back later
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Tere and someone else who asked - the fish pie is NOT slimming. In fact I have not had it in 3 years for that reason! ! ! However now I am in maintenance I decided it was safe to have it for guests and I can take a moderate portion. Basically it is white cod, undyed smoked haddock and large prawns in a white sauce made with full milk which has been used to precook the smoked fish. On top of this goes mashed potatoes with a few scallions mixed in. You crumble a bit of crispy cooked streaky bacon over the top and bake until cooked right through. DH will prepare it and I will put it in the oven in the evening when the kids are going to bed.
    It was quite a big stretch for me to buy shop bought canapés, but I am proud of me that I have. It'll make life easier as I will be fixing the kids' teas around 5 pm. I even bought a dip! It's butternut squash, chick pea and cannellini bean. I will also put out chilli sauce for me and DS#2. :laugh:
    I'm just about to make scones with the whey from the yoghourt cheese. These are the English kind you have with jam and clotted cream, though I won't be having any of that! I will put them straight in the freezer for guests. :ohwell: I make them triangular in memory of my father who always made them like that. I like them with no sugar and no raisins. Then you can also have them with cheese. My father was the fancy cook in our family. Even in the 50s he made chocolate eclairs, lemon meringue pie and treacle tart. He also did tapestry and crochet and in his forties took up pottery and was in a county exhibition. Then he taught it to the primary school kids he taught at his pottery club. I got my love of ceramics from him, though not cooking. I'm not really a dessert person. My father was a deeply flawed man, and he caused me a huge amount of problems in my life, but his creativity and intellectual curiosity I think I have inherited.

    Just had to break off to answer the phone! ! ! ! ! It was the HOSPITAL ! ! ! ! ! ! :drinker:
    They are going to do DH's op on Tuesday next week. Hooray! Pre op check this Thursday.
    I am going to York for my two girly nights away on the Wednesday, but he should be out the same day and I can spend Tuesday night with him. Not brilliant timing but I will have to make sure he's got food etc that he needs. I might just see if his sister can come down if she is free for Wed night and the cleaner comes in on Thursday. I do not want to cancel my trip. :ohwell: It's so hard to get us all together at once and it's been planned for months!

    He will be so pleased to get it done. (He is at cricket and they rang him on his mobile) They were saying JULY before!

    Love to all. Must get baking. Heather in breezy Hampshire UK.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Lilymay2 wrote: »

    This is my little Granddaughter in her flower girl dress.

    She looks just like the little girl in your picture.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Katla - I thought the same! Sweet sweetie! :love:

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    We just got back to the hotel after spending the day in Toledo. We rode the train from Madrid this morning, then walked all over the old town section. It was beautiful and very historic. We only walked 8 miles so far, but we are going to do a little shopping and go to dinner after we rest a little, so I don't have a final total yet.

    I have to tell you all about something that happened last night. At home, we are going to expand our master bath, and originally I drew it with a whirlpool tub, but we were having second thoughts. Well, this hotel has a whirlpool tub, and I thought it would be a good idea to try one out to see if I wanted one or not. Besides, my back, legs and feet were so sore, I thought it would feel good. (I haven't taken a bath in years because I couldn't fit in the tub.). So, I ran nice warm water, and thought, ooh! A bubble bath! So, I poured in half of one of those tiny hotel bottles of body wash. It made lots of bubbles. I set up my cell phone playing an audio book, and climbed in. Then, I turned on the jets. They were so strong that it swept me to the other end of the huge tub and nearly dunked me! Meanwhile, the jets caused the bubbles to multiply exponentially, and started running over the side of the tub. It looked like something from I Love Lucy! I was squealing, trying to scramble back into a relaxing position, and hubby came in to see what was going on. We were laughing so hard we couldn't even talk. Finally, I managed to get back to the button that turns it off. Hubby wasn't helping at all. He was enjoying it too much. Once I got it shut off, I decided I'd had enough and tried to pull the plug. The metal part of the plug separated from the rubber stopper, and I couldn't get it out. Hubby tried, and couldn't get it either, so he got the scissors out of my suitcase and pried it out. Then, I was stuck in the slippery, bubbly tub and couldn't get myself out. The sides were too high to get leverage and there was nothing to get a hold of. I made hubby leave the bathroom, because he was still laughing, and finally I managed to turn over and get up on my poor arthritic knees and stand up. Then had to rinse off and clean up the bubbles. It was a mess. The moral of this story is that I'm getting a bigger closet instead of a tub.

    Well, hubby woke up, so it's time to go eat. This is our last night in Spain. I'm ready to go home.

    I hope you are having a great day!

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Good afternoon.!
    The weather sure changed here.Was 80`s over the weekend and humid,today 50`s.
    Still sore from graduation and the bleachers.lol
    Have a great day!!
    hugs jane
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Tuesday ! ! !

    Beth – I know you can get back into the swing of this thing. You have done it before, and can do it again.

    Pat – I hear you about keeping kids too clean. I think it’s good for them to build up a natural immunity.

    Michele – I used to do jewelry and watch repair. Depending on the type of watch band, some links are easy to put back in, others are more difficult. Some also have extenders that can just be removed. Having a loose watch band is a nice NSV.

    Tsarahlove – Congrats and good luck. Any loss is good, and an improvement of steps is good. Keep it up ! ! !

    Sylvia – the whirlpool story had me rolling on the floor. Thanks for sharing. I love small whirlpool tubs, and add the bubbles after the jets have already been running, because sometimes you need to let out a little water. But, a bigger closet would be wonderful also !

    Today I am sad. DS got cut from the High School baseball team. The coach told him that it was because he is too short to play second base, but never gave him the opportunity to show what he could do anywhere else, including the outfield. Now all the parents from our Little League team are wondering where to send their kids next year for High School, because they all think my DS is an amazing baseball player. I don't think he's amazing, but I do think he is well rounded.

    Last night I walked about 1/2 mile with a friend who walks very fast, and kept up most of the time. At some point I twisted my knee alittle, so I am now having what feels like an arthitis flare in that knee. I tried riding the bike this morning, and the pain was more than I could handle, so I used the handbike instead. Then today at lunch I took some extra tylenol, and managed to stay on the bike for 10 minutes, but it was torture for that knee. I am, however, proud of what I did in spite of my pain. I made myself a new graph for my wieght loss for the work contest, and I am going to give it everything I've got from now on. No more excuses !

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Sylvia...as soon as you wrote, "ooh! A bubble bath!" I knew what was coming next and said "OH NO!!" The discription of the events that ensued was priceless, I got the visual! I am still laughing!!
    Have a safe trip home!
    Chris in MA LMAO!!
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good afternoon!

    Sylvia - I am thoroughly enjoying your travel tales! As I get older, I really have no use for a tub in my home--I'd much rather have a nice big shower with a built in seat that I can actually get in and out of.

    My mind is rather scattered this week. I leave Monday for my week in Dallas so I am double timing it at work to get everything done ahead. Luckily, the pastor I work with at this job is on vacation this week, so I can hunker down and work, then get up and walk without interruption (for the most part). On top of the normal stuff, I have a wedding bulletin to get ready for Saturday. Luckily the folks are easy to please and it is to be a small wedding.

    My shoulder is getting worse instead of better so I am putting in a call to my regular doctor for some pain meds to take with me on my trip. I've taken the couple of tablets I had left over at home and they really helped me get some rest at night by dulling the pain. I go back to the orthopedist on June 4 and I'm anxious to hear what he will have to say.

    Joyce - I'm so sorry for all that you are going through. It is so difficult to take care of yourself properly when you are under such stress. Even if you don't have MS proper, there is obviously something going on that needs to be addressed, so good for you for calling your doctor!

    Janet - Happy you had a good trip and visit with your friend. I love Charleston and am ready to get back down there for another visit. I've never been to Pawley's Island and I'd love to go. I need someone to accompany me who is not chicken to explore!

    Mary - I am so freaking jealous of your ability to lift! I want this shoulder fixed so that I can begin that. I am not so unhappy with my size (not to say that I wouldn't like to be smaller), but I'm very unhappy with the floppies that are going on all over.

    Tere - Glad to see you back! I'd been wondering what was going on in your life.

    Lillian - Beautiful little girl!

    Alison - Take care of yourself! I'd have already told your DH to stick it where the sun don't shine, but everyone has their own method of relating.

    My daughter had a little meltdown yesterday. She is the paid nursery attendant at this church for worship on Sundays. The rule is that the nursery is for those 3 and under. She had a Sunday where no one wanted to follow the rules and she ended up with kids from 18 months to aged 8/9. Following protocol, she reported the problem to the person in charge of youth and children who wimped out and said it was okay. Katherine was ready to quit even thought she depends on the income because she doesn't want to be responsible for the injury of a toddler because older children are running wild and not obeying instructions. I truly don't get people who won't do the right thing for little children who are defenseless without adults looking our for their best interests. This church says it wants to draw young families, but it is shooting itself in the foot by not making the nursery safe and inviting. I keep reminding myself: Not my circus, not my monkeys.

    Okay, I'm off to get a few steps in and eat some lunch! Hope everyone has a great day filled with good choices!

    Carol in NC

  • memere101
    memere101 Posts: 461 Member
    Sylvia-I just had to say thanks for the great laugh. I'm still laughing every time I think about it. Glad you made it out safely and didn't fall and get hurt.
    Terri-sorry about your son being cut from the team. Had a similar experience with my daughter when she was in HS many moons ago. Some people have no business being coaches. Maybe the coach should be cut because he has no heart.
    Lily-you have an adorable granddaughter
    Tere-I have such a hard time wearing hats, they give me terrible headaches.
    Hope everyone is having a great day. Have spent most of the day cleaning and moving a dresser, file cabinet, and assorted boxes upstairs. I will definitely be feeling it tomorrow. I hope my post doesn't get cut off again like earlier today, lol.
    Linda from Fredericksburg,VA
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Sylvia - loved the I Love Lucy story! You should be a film star!

    Sorry you didn't have more time to explore Madrid. It's a stern city that doesn't give up its treasures on a plate , but there are so many. I was there for 5 days for my 60th.
    Hope your journey home goes without hitch. :flowerforyou:

    DH is home and thrilled to be getting his operation so early, but I can tell he is nervous about me going away the next day. I'm going to ring his sister tonight.
    He has never even been in a hospital, let alone had an op. :ohwell: I have had all my major ops on my own and with hardly anyone to look after me afterwards. :( I do feel bad, but I don't feel I can cancel my friends when I KNOW he will be fine.

    Love Heather UK
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Heather in UK - hope you like the second half of the book as well... :) I did mention that I gave yours a 5-star review on Amazon, didn't I? I meant to. I reviewed it as a "Kindle Customer," as Amazon will delete reviews if they think the reviewer knows the author. I still wake up thinking about "Windows." And congrats for not gaining weight on holiday! That is indeed a huge NSV!

    Lillian in Sask - your granddaughter is cute as a bug's ear.

    Sylvia - your hot tub story made me giggle.

    Kudos and commiserations as needed for all else--there were so many others today, and I did read, but needs must get back to my formatting...

    Quick like a bunny, one NSV, and I needed it, as the stall continues... but I finally broke three miles on my run today. So, one May goal realized, to "run farther than April."

    And last, but not least, also got invited by the local coffee shop to do a "Meet the Author" read and sign from This Little Pig, my mystery novel, in June. Could've knocked me over with a feather. :blush: Such an interesting summer this is turning out to be.
  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member
    Two posts in one day from me is reflective of how much work I’m getting done. I am soooo ready for Friday! ;)

    Sylvia: Loved reading about your tub experience. :D I had the same thoughts about a jetted tub for my house. I have learned from you that I don’t need that. One of my colleagues attended a “Homerama” here and was shocked that only one house out of four had a tub. All of them had beautiful showers instead. Now isn’t that a thought. My muscles need a good long soak once in a while. Perhaps they just use the sauna and hot tub at their gyms?

    Terri: Please be careful of that knee. My doctor warns me about working out when my joints are inflamed. She says utilizing a part of your body that is already “Injured” is just asking for long term misery. :o

    Mary: Today I ordered my Kathy Smith’s kettlebell set with DVD, manual, and kettlebells! :) They will be here Thursday. I am so excited about that. Heather: I also ordered The Trouble With Herbert. It may take a little longer to arrive.

    Linda: There have these beautiful little hats called Facinaters now (no I am not sure of how to spell it). They are pretty lite weight and are big and small each creatively crafted. They tend to have one of two clips (like hair clips) to hold them on your head. My sister is in love with them. I don’t have one yet but I’m thinking about them. However, they would be perfect when you wanted to wear a hat. I don’t know if they have Burlington’s in Fredericksburg but I know they carry them as well as Dillards and J.C. Pennys.

    Guess I had better get some work done now..... >:)

    Tere in Richmond VA
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Good afternoon my friends,

    Pip: What a beautiful smile you have! I really love the new pic you've posted.

    Joyce: You are in my thought and prayers.

    Sylvia: Your hot tub experience is hilarous, could even double as the joke of the day :laugh:

    Terri: Hope your knee feels better quickly. Hope your graph goes in the right direction. Too bad your son got cut from the baseball team. Kids don't always know the best position for them to play.

    Thought for the day: The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time. - Abraham Lincoln

    I have to run, a lot of things to get caught up on.

    Have a great afternoon,
    Carey - Edmonton
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Linda - Thanks for the support. I get it that he will likely get cut eventually. I just feel like "you are too short" is a load of $hi+, and I just want to know the truth. Last year he was cut from a Select baseball team that only took "homerun hitters". The problem was, if a kid did NOT hit a homerun, he couldn't run fast enough to get on base, so the team that my son did play on beat them every time. When he got cut from basketball I was not as surpised. This just all seems so unfair. The Head Coach said at the Mandatory meeting that he would tell the truth to any parent that wanted it, he just would not be will to compare kids to each other. So, I sent an e-mail asking for the truth, so we can work on that over the next 11 months. It also amazes me how I feel hurt for something that happened to my son; like it makes me a bad Mom or something, you know?!?!?

    Anyway, I better work myself through this, before I drown my sorrows when I get home tonight.

    Again, thanks everyone ! ! !
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    It's me again. Just back from dinner. I had fettuccini alfredo and I'm NOT sorry! My total steps today were 22,846 / 8.9 miles. We ate nothing but fruit on our trip to Toledo, so I was needing some calories.

    I'm going to try attaching some of my pictures from the Gaudi House Museum and Park yesterday. I shrunk them down, but I'm afraid they're still sideways. The rooftops and front panels by the stairs are all covered with mosaics.
