

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,096 Member
    edited May 2015

    In high school my son was the only one cut from soccer. I did not complain at the time because he was also his science teacher that year, and he did have a revenge streak. I learned that one of his teammate stuck up for him, and he gave that straight A student a B that year. I wrote my letter after my son did not have him for science and told them about my son and the other young man. I did not want this to happen to another young man. He did lose his coaching position. I don't know if my letter was the only reason he lost that position. I also wrote a letter to the teammate thanking him for standing up to the man at his own personal expense.
    :heart: MNMargaret
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Wednesday ! ! !

    Meg, Michele (and everyone else) – I googled Dustin Pedroia and sent an e-mail to myself, to remind me to talk to DS. I’m still waiting for the Head Coach to contact me, but I know he is busy right now with the start of the season. I’m looking forward to the posting of the kids who made the team, to see if I think the competition was tougher than what DS thinks. We were seriously hoping that since the Freshman coach is fresh out of College, and likely does not know any of the kids, that the political aspect would be less. I realize DS will have many heartbreaks in the future, and he will get over this, too. DS’s personal trainer has a similar story as Michele’s friend. As a freshman, he was told he was too little to be on the football team. Now he is a multiple award winning body builder and strongman winner. The plan is to get some of the boys together that got cut this year, and start them doing some serious weight-lifting. Should be good for me, too, since I can ride the bike while they lift weights. DS has also been talking to and working out with the Junior Varsity Football coach, and plans on trying out for Kick Reciever in the fall. We’ll see what comes of his future. I also told him this morning to get on the Park/Rec Website and apply for a position as a baseball coach for the 1-5 grade kids. Plus, DH looked up last year’s results of the Junior Gold Bowling Nationals, and feels like he needs to work more on DS and his adapting skills, so we may be spending more time in the bowling alley, too (last year's U15 winner averaged 208 for 3 days bowling 15 games). The top scholarship prizes for both Singles and Doubles is in the 4-digits, so DH decided it is worth getting serious. Also, this kid is pretty resilient. I think it's time for me to work on getting over it, too.

    Barbie – How nice that you were able to visit your friend. And how lovely of her hubby to make and transport her food for her. She is indeed lucky to have thoughtful people in her life.

    Joyce – I attended a Southern Baptist church with DS and DD about 10-13 years ago, and I found it absolutely amazing. Yes, we were the only 3 white people, but no one seemed to notice or care. And we always left revitalized, with music in our heads for days. And the potluck always had SO much food ! ! ! Since DS was only 2-5 years old, if he started getting bored or fussy, it would never fail that someone would scoop him up and take him to a play room. or give him colors, or take him outside for a walk or play, whatever they thought would help. And they always dressed so nice, and never cared that I had to be there in t-shirt and jeans, since I had to cook and be a bartender as soon as church was finished. They were all boisterous, and friendly, and hugging all the time. Thanks for the beautiful memory.

    Heather – not the same, but similar. My DH has had knee surgery twice, and varicose vein surgery, and I only took off work the actual day of the surgery. I did, however, do similar to you, which is prepare his meals days in advance. I make a bunch of burgers and hamburger helper, so all he had to do it microwave it, then kick it across the floor to sit down and eat it. Men need to feel wanted and independent at the same time (at least mine does). I just read that you found a solution to make everybody happy. Congrats and best of luck with it!

    Joyce – Don’t those “probably” and such diagnoses make you feel crazy. I was diagnosed Sero-negative RA almost 3 years ago. Since then, my Rheumatologist has also mentioned Lupus and FibroMyalgia when talking about medications. When I read posts on RA forums, I have all the same symptoms that people talk about, just a little less in severity. Why can’t it just be mild-moderate RA, instead of try to give me a different diagnosis several times per year? I think they just want to run more tests. Hugs to you! Your hubby reminds me of a kids song from when I was young. The theme is “why don’t you fix your roof since it is raining in your house?” “I can’t fix it while it is raining.” “The rain has finished, why don’t you fix your roof?” “I like when the sun shines in, why would I fix it if it is not raining inside?” Men are the same way. Why fix my ailment when the symptoms are in remission? Stubborn !

    Pip - So sorry about your Mom's opinion regarding drinking and driving. I certainly hope the other lady never gets in the car with her in that condition. Hugs !!!

    I did read, pray about, and would love to respond to everyone, but my day has been crazy again (off and on), so my thoughts are scattered and broken. Please know that I keep you all in my thoughts and prayers, and thank you for the support or bu++kicking that I need.

    Tonight's Little League game is close to downtown Milwaukee, so another parent and I are meeting at an "old" BBQ place for supper. I think I will have the smoked turkey and avacado on ciabatta bread, and only eat 1/2 of the bread.]

    Lunch is coming soon, and I still need to do my planks for today.

    I hope Everyone is able to make wise choices today. Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Pip ~ Your mom sounds like a card! I do drink a lot of wine in the evening but I do not drive. My grandmother and my mom both took up drinking in their 80's. Maybe it has something to do with age.

    Tere ~ I remember there was one lady in the church we used to go to who would wear a hat every Sunday and sing in the choir. We come from the age where when going out to dinner or church, etc. men always wore a suit and women wore dress-up clothes. Life has certainly changed. At my niece's wedding last week end the groom and his groomsmen all wore shorts and shirts not tucked in with their boutineers. All of my relatives had on suits and dresses.

    Carey ~ love your daily quotes.

    I cleaned my screened in porch yesterday and boy is it a mess. The little Pom loves to poke his head at the screen and now it's falling down on one side. Also, the light blue slats have mud stains (again from the dog). I am going to have to hire someone to paint and put the screen back up. DS came over this AM and cut down some limbs on the giant maple tree outside my bedroom window. So glad he can do things like this occasionally instead of always having to pay someone.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Kim: I agree that our “visitor” seems likely to be a raccoon. We’ve been having temperatures ranging from 50 to 70 lately. Some times the 50F is the overnight low, and the day’s high is somewhere between 65F and 71F.

    Heather: I’m happy you’ve made better arrangements for supporting your DH through his surgery. Everybody wins. I’m also happy that he doesn’t have to wait forever for his surgery.

    Joyce: DH takes Aubagio for his MS. It is a pill and is doing a great job for him. The copay is significant, but we meet our deductible by March and then it is fully covered. I don’t know how it compares in cost to the shots. He’s had no new lesions.

    Meg: My mom had a button stash, too. I loved playing with them when I was small.

    Lesley: I’m confused about your training. Have you lost fat or muscle mass?

    Barbie: Sending good thoughts to your friend for a complete and swift recovery. I hope the low BP is not caused by a bleeder somewhere.

    Cynthia: I hope you are feeling better, pronto.

    Naiomi & Heather: Luckily the hospitals near us provide free parking to their patients and families.

    Carey: Thanks for your good wishes for the weekend cruise. I love today’s quotation!

    Pip: Sending hugs your way. Your mama sounds as though she doesn’t understand the implications of what she is doing when she drives after drinking. It is a scary situation but I don’t know what you can do about it. My parents were chain smokers and had horrid deaths because of it. I couldn’t motivate them to change, no matter what I did. I'm afraid you may be in a similar spot with your mom.

    Yoga today, and an estate planning seminar this evening. I don’t look forward to the evening meeting, but we’re way behind in getting our wills and estate in order. I plan to live a long life, but a person needs to be prepared. I want my kids to have whatever is left over, not the tax collector.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    May Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol. Accomplished but here as a reminder.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
    terri_mom - yes, unfortunately, she does get in the car with her. but i am pretty confident that she would not have left my nephews home in that condition because they would not let her drive like that. mom has a saying to this lady, you live in my house, you go under my rules and do what i say, and i guess she does.

    katla - oh believe me, she understands the implications all right, she just doesn't give a s***t

    everyone that knows a lot of my life say I should write a book. I think my mother should also do the same. she got with my dad when she was 13 and I later found out my father was 29. she had her 1st kid at 14 and had the 7th one (me) at 23. she did not marry for love. apparently her sister sold her to my dad. she's been thru a lot as well. I used to explain her harshness, lack of love and affection and abuse due to her upbringing but I gave up on that deal. I DON'T allow that as an excuse, her upbringing does not explain or forgive it and I STILL don't understand it. her excuse was always, that she did the best she could ::: rolling my eyes as I type this ::: she had no one to teach her, blah blah blah..... you know what I say to that???? I told her when I was with her after her husbands funeral gathering. we didn't have anyone either, no one taught us, we had you! none of us ever beat the kids and did all the crap you did to us. I am the only one that doesn't have kids but the rest of them do and none of them went thru the type of upbringing we had. that comment shut her up. geez, can you tell i'm a bit angry??? lolololol... years of anti-depressants and therapy helped, no more pills and no more shrinks. living out of state has its perks.

    sorry for the rant

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,363 Member
    Pip - I totally understand where you're coming from. Today as part of my "memoir" I wrote a letter to my mum. She has been dead 9 years. In fact I wrote two letters - one as a five year old child and one as an adult. My mother let me down badly by not protecting me and in her own way sometime later she emotionally used me for her own ends. I think I can understand the former as she must have had a lot of fear, but the latter was just selfish and horrible. The letters were a way of trying to understand the former situation. I haven't got round to the latter yet. :s
    Like you, the years of therapy and the messed up life were the price I paid, literally. I never sent her the bill. Now I do feel truly "over it", though I never say never. :noway: In my later years :laugh: I feel truly blessed at last and at peace with myself.

    Hugs to you, Heather UK
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Happy Wednesday. Woke up to cold and rain. Sure seems more like November then May. Called in this morning as my top plate was not right. I could not get it in last evening. In just the one day I have big sores in my mouth. So called and got in first thing this morning and now they feel so much better. So going to get some house work done and enjoy my day.
    Katla--I hope it works out that you can go on your sailing trip.
    Heather--Sounds like the arrangements for DH surgery are good one. Sending prayers that all goes as planned.
    Naiomi--WOW!! I just lucky we do have to pay to park near the doctors office. That is just wrong.
    Allsion--You do so much already for DFIL and DH. He should be grateful. Please take care of yourself.
    Carey--How true is your thought for the day. We can find the good in all things if we look hard enough. I am working on that. Thanks.
    Well time to get somethings done. I have a couple projects that are started and going to work on getting them done today. Keep busy and out of the kitchen. Sending prayers and hugs for each of you.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Pip - I guess I will just keep everyone involved (or who could eventually be involved) in my prayers.

    I have typed, deleted, re-typed, re-worded, deleted, re-typed this note so many times, and when I proof-read it, it sounds like I'm having a pity party, and that's not what I want. Hugs and Prayers for everyone, but successes and struggles, and difficult childhoods, and difficult today's, etc. I just want to hug all of you ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,363 Member
    Sorty ladies for hogging the thread, but I've just heard that there is a national train strike on Tuesday. :sad: :sad: :sad:
    All my plans out of the window! ! ! !
    OK, so in a panic I rang the taxi company and booked a cab into Winchester for that morning. Oh my, the expense, but at least we can get there. Luckily it will be after the rush hour, because I think there will be gridlock earlier and the Park and Ride will be full up. I emphasised to the man that this was VERY important as DH was having an operation. I bet they will be having thousands of calls as HUGE numbers of people travel into Winchester each day from here by train.
    How we get home is another question, but I have no idea of the timing. I might ask my cleaner if she would be available to pick us up and pay her the taxi money. I should think the chances of getting a last minute taxi are NIL. I might see if my yoga friend is available as a last resort. Winchester is gridlock on a normal day. :sad:

    Sorry to vent, but oh my word! ! ! !

    Heather UK
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Hello Menopals -

    Tried a new water class today. It was a bust. Not aerobic at all. The lady has taught for a long time but I swear that she was just making things up as she went along. I kept waiting for the real workout to begin and it never did! Won't do that one again. After having coffee my friend and I went to a different Y for Yoga stretch. It was awesome! WILL do that one every Wed. am. Tomorrow we are driving south to yet a different Y (one we've been trying out) for a 7:00 am yoga stretch class followed by 8:30 water class. I changed my plan for deep water yesterday because the other class was giving me such a good workout. I might do it tomorrow, though. My friends and I are getting a good feel for what we like. By Saturday I will have done 10 different classes at 4 different Y's. I'M BACK ON TRACK WITH MY EATING. I hope that by the time I weigh again on 6/1 these 4 pounds are gone. Just mad at myself for wasting a month on the food thing.

    Heather - so glad your hubby can get the surgery. He will be in good hands with his nurse/sister to help. You need that reunion trip. Too bad you really don't have much say in when you get surgery. About the class - it is all on DVD with the chef demonstrating and lecturing. So we aren't really cooking but we will learn a lot and he does have good recipes, too.

    Katla - according to the chef in our course - "Flavor" = "Taste" + "Aroma". Your sense of smell is what makes the experience complete.

    Joyce - thank you for sharing about your MS diagnosis. Such a challenge for you. How many years have you had to deal with it?

    Mary - Great NSV about your posterior! I bet it doesn't droop either! Good luck with the moving sale.

    Memere - Cute group hug graphic! Cheered me up!

    Lillian - Darling DGD - she does favor you!

    Pip - Are your monkey feet those running "shoes" that look like gloves? You and I could share Mother stories and not know which mom was which. I wasn't physically abused - just emotionally. Big difference is mine has been gone for 36 years. I feel your pain and frustration! Some of my acquaintances that know about my past are amazed I'm who and where I am today. Just made me stronger! Ditto for you!

    Terri - sorry to hear about your DS's situation.

    Lisa - Good for you on your running! Let us know more details about the book signing. We will get the transporter ready and all come to celebrate with you!

    Becca - It sounds like you did a good TOPS program. I always learn from my TOPS friends. Their support is so important to me.

    Janet - WELCOME HOME! So glad you had a good time with your friend.

    Toni in Tennessee - getting ready for a nap

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
    tngram - "Tried a new water class today. It was a bust. Not aerobic at all. The lady has taught for a long time but I swear that she was just making things up as she went along. I kept waiting for the real workout to begin and it never did! Won't do that one again." LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I will usually give an instructor 3-4 maybe 5 times try cuz it may suck on day one or the music may suck, but everybody can have an off day, but after that.. and they still suck???? well..... I gave them a shot! no gracias!! that's especially true for me and spin instructors. I can always tell the style of the class if they ride outside, or just teach.


    they are called vibrams... I call them monkey feet. my feet are one of those pairs. I ran my marathon in them. I've been exclusively running in them for about 4-5 years now. couldn't dream of going back to tennis shoes.
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 401 Member
    Enjoying the discussions about hats! I love hats and if I could make a few bucks making them my life would be much more fulfilling! There is so much to learn about making them. Seems like the UK has more to offer than anyplace else for millinery instruction. I have tried felting them. I like casual clothes as much as the next person but it is fun to dress up once in a while.
    Not going overboard on eating but the scale is stuck. Sometimes I want to give up but what kind of horrible alternative would I have to accept?
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Hump day!Got a call from the dr.Pap was normal,yay.But I have a yeast infection,probably from the antibodic I took.
    Have a good day!!
    hugs jane
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Hi guys, going to bed early, with cough medicine and hopefully enough restless legs medicine to get a decent night's sleep. Hope everybody has a good night.

    Cynthia (thanks for the good wishes; means a lot! keep 'em coming ;))
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Today my co-worker and I did our planks together. She convinced me to hold my center plank for 60 seconds, but neither of us wanted to hold our side planks for longer than 40 seconds. Still, it was motivating to have someone else count down, and just to have someone else there while doing the planks. My Hat's off to Beth!
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good afternoon/evening. Today has been pretty much a disaster for eating. I think I've kept within calorie goal--just horrible food choices.

    I'm too tired to respond individually, but I have read everything and send good health wishes and hugs all around.

    It is 5:40 p.m. here and I have a work meeting at 6 that will easily last until 7:30 p.m. I'm so tired and sleepy, I'm afraid I will fall asleep in the middle of it. I don't know how folks who consistently work 12 hour days manage it!

    Carol in NC
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Thursday here and feeling MUCH better.
    Just got home from walking dog yesterday and Betty rang. So Stan drove me to her house. Blaize ran and play fighted her dog Honey, and we had coffee and chatted. She wants us to drive to Somerset beach and walk the 2 dogs, fine by me.
    Food = 1792
    Before breakfast = Wii Gold's boxing
    After breakfast = Jm kick boxing, JM's BR weights 2, JJ's belly blast
    After lunch = walk Blaize
    House = 3 loads of washing, iron dry clothes, vac carpets and mop hard floor.
    READ Tom's BFFM book and relax

    In 4 days I have lost 1 Kg total weigh and 1% body fat

    Lesley in Tasmania
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
    total stats for the day:
    ride hm 2 gym- 11.58min, 15amph, 2.9mi = 90c
    spin- 40min, 84ar, 99aw, 11-15g, 10.8mi = 316c
    ride gym 2 dome- 6.23min, 13.2amph, 1.4mi = 63c
    ride wk 2 hm- 49.38min, 12.2amph, 10mi = 400c
    total cal 869
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Lesley – It is scary to look in the mirror or at a photo and see your mom… I had someone – as a complement – tell me I looked just like my Mom, thanks; but NO thanks!!!

    Cynthia – wish we lived closer so I could bring you soup!

    Heather – I am so glad of your new choice… it will ease DH’s mind…

    More Herbert!!!! Yeah – it is a quicker read than Windows (LOL) I am full of questions about Windows, mostly as I read it from a different mindset, knowing the author. I have met an author here and there but it has always been at a meet and sign event, so feeling like I know you – changes how I read the book. But I want to finish before I ask, and I may do it in email so not to spoil it for anyone yet to read it.

    Could I work out a way to get a Herbert book signed for a friend who is going to be a grandma?

    Naiomi – what do you do? I have tried to guess, but all the travel, and calls and stuff with a church twist… so I have decided you are a baker delivering communion bread….

    Carey – great thought for the day

    Tere – I so agree with you that kids want an adult to be an adult – an approachable adult but still one that will give guidance and limits.

    Pip – Oh dear! That is crazy, maybe you need to take her to one of the local pd offices and have her blow into a DUI machine….

    Heather – what a drag on the strike! I bet a friend would be able to help, how far are you talking hours of driving? Or not, while I imagine with a strike there will be loads of folks in cars that usually take the train, and traffic will be horrid!

    May goals:
    Walk every day
    Log everyday
    Eat slower
    Plan and do a fun thing every week
    Week 1 – had a friend visit for a couple of days – went to our big second hand store (Savers) and for $23 got 3 pair of walking shoes and a pair of hiking boots – all very gently used. Score!

    Week 2 – had Mom for a 4 day visit, tried some new recipes, salmon, shrimp and clams…. Yummy. Did a new walk with the dog that had a long tough hill, and we made it!

    Week 3 – reconnected with my hiking friends and hiked Brushy Peak. Also made divinity as a test run for a candy class I am teaching this summer, excellent, and even better gave most of it away.

    Kim from N. California
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Made my 3 mile run, but am at 11-day stall on my weight loss. Measurements continue to drop, and have dropped body fat % from 42 to 38 and still going down. Am happy where I can see some progression, and trying not to let the scale blow me off my perch.

    Lisa H in West Texas