

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    edited May 2015
    Tere - I bought a "fascinator" this week from Amazon. Amazingly it was less than £10. The cheapest I have seen in a shop is £35! ! ! It arrived yesterday and it is brilliant! I only wanted it for a garden party the W I are having for a bit of fun where hats are obligatory as part of the fun! I didn't even wear a hat to my son's wedding so this is a first for me! I am truly amazed at the price. I also ordered a "shrug" to cover up my wrinkly arms in my best dress. ( I only have one dress :laugh: ) It was £5 and is basically just arrms. I also bought some hold up stockings with a sandal toe as I'm sure it will be chilly.

    The "garden party" is because the Queen is holding a garden party at Buckingham Palace to celebrste the 100th anniversary of the W I. Only one delegate was invited and she had to pay £36.!!!!!!!!!!!! :noway: So the committee decided we would hold our own simultaneous celebration. Canapés and drinks! Posh frocks and hats! It is in the biggest very old and historical house in our village, which was originally an old mill with a mill pond. Bit damp in the evening though, hence the shrug!

    Love Hesther UK
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,816 Member
    Happy Tuesday. Weigh in this morning was not good and it is my own fault. Working on not letting myself get depressed and give up. New day, new start. Graduations are over and life goes on. Sounds like we are to get rain today and I am working long shift. So will take my break and do some walking. Got my teeth lined yesterday and they are going to take some getting used to. Had some trouble getting the tops ones in this morning. But the bottoms feel a lot better.

    Lisa--Enjoyed your blog. Thanks for sharing

    Meg--We missed the bad weather, did get rain. Sunday evening it was so humid that DH turned on the AC for a couple hours. Then yesterday morning I was so cold I turned on the heat for a couple hours. Good ole Nebraska weather.

    Sylvia--I enjoy hearing about your trip. All the walking is great! How funny about the tub. I can just see a picture in my mind. How fun.

    Mary--Sure hope you are feeling better.

    Michele--I agree that friend request doesn't sound like something I would accept. There are a lot of groups for younger people and males. Sounds creeping to me. Please be careful.

    Mary--Great NSV.

    Lillian--Your granddaughter is beautiful.

    Janet--Good to hear your trip went well and what great memories for you and your friend.

    Terri--Sorry to hear about DS getting cut. Hope your knee feels better soon.

    Do think I am going to have to go back to the dentist, My top denture is so sore. Something at the back is not right. I work till three tomorrow so may try and see if I can get in when I get off. Have a good rest of the day.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sylvia: Thanks for sharing your adventure in bubble baths. You have a way with story telling. It would have made a good “I Love Lucy” episode.

    Terri: I’m sorry that your son was cut from the team by an idiot baseball coach. On the plus side, he won’t have to put up with the man. You are the best sort of mom.

    Lisa: Congratulations on being invited to a “meet the author” in the starring role as Author. WTG!

    Carey: I love the Abraham Lincoln quotation. I’ve never heard it before.

    Heather: Sorry to ask something I think I should know, but what is the W I?

    Vicki: Both of my parents wore dentures, and going back for help is a smart idea. Dentures need to fit properly or they create problems and cause pain.

    I lost my membership card to the fitness center and could not find it so they issued me a new one. Problem solved.

    Our sailing club has a planned cruise to a local anchorage and I’m hoping to go at the same time being filled with doubts that DH will be willing to try it. This location is well protected and we’ve been going there forever. The trip into the anchorage can be tricky if the water levels aren’t high enough. Because of the need for water conservation, the river is being held at a level that will just allow ships to travel to Portland. I hope that turns out to be deep enough in the channel for our keel. The river is usually much deeper this time of year.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    May Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol. Accomplished but here as a reminder.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.


  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Michele – my theory is trust your gut, if the friend request doesn’t feel right, don’t go there.

    Joan Michelle – great choices and attitude

    Katla – hope your neck feels better, your visitor sounds like a raccoon to me…

    Joyce – glad you are in a better place, but wall papering with Mammogram referrals… that’s how I read that…. And just quiting your MS meds????? Ok not a nurse, not interested in medical stuff much…BUT a mammogram every 2-3 years and talking to the Doc prior to stopping a med for a major issue seems just like good sense, and I am sure you are sensible… so did I mis- read that?

    Lisa – do you cook with prickly pear? I have a friend that make prickly pear syrup which is good, but better is when she makes the syrup into Prickly Pear margaritas!

    Tere – the beach trip sounds great!

    Pip – in the 70’s !!! Why can’t N.Cal get out of the low 60’s… I have the heat going, it is 55 at noon… grrrrrrr

    Meg – can you share some of that with a friend or family member - I have a couple of folks that I know have a hard time financially and when I get a “windfall” of food I pass some around.

    Beth – an idiot would ask how it happened, you my friend are NOT an idiot, you know what you need to do and are implementing it, GREAT JOB!

    Sylvia – LOL - I have a friend with a jetted tub (don’t know which brand) and imprinted on the bottom of the tub is DO NOT USE BUBBLE BATH AND JETS TOGETHER – now I know why!!!!

    Carol – I wish I had the funds to fly out I would love to travel with you!

    Heather – Glad for DH and sorry about the timing, I would really encourage you to get someone in DSIL or someone, for some of us being alone after surgery is really stressful. I had to do it alone twice and the fear was worse than reality.

    Today I was back at Brushy Peak for the 5 mile hike that I had been doing every week, I missed a few with the twisted ankle then back for 1 or 2 and out again due to company… so finally back and think I’ll be making the next few. It was great to do, but hard! And my thighs are talking to me about it. Levi wants a walk as he doesn’t come with me. The last thing I want to do right now is another walk, but late afternoon I’ll get him out.

    May goals:
    Walk every day
    Log everyday
    Eat slower
    Plan and do a fun thing every week
    Week 1 – had a friend visit for a couple of days – went to our big second hand store (Savers) and for $23 got 3 pair of walking shoes and a pair of hiking boots – all very gently used. Score!

    Week 2 – had Mom for a 4 day visit, tried some new recipes, salmon, shrimp and clams…. Yummy. Did a new walk with the dog that had a long tough hill, and we made it!

    Kim from N. California
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    JOYCE........just read this article about a new MS drug.You might find it interesting. Pat

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Katla - W I is the Women's Institute. This year is the 100th anniversary. It was founded to be a club for rural women, but has become more than that. It has quite a clout in pushing social issues. People think it is all "Jam and Jerusalem" but these days it has branched out. ( Jerusalem is a popular hymn celebrating a pre industrial England) I joined it because I needed to meet local women as I recently moved here. We raise money for charity and learn lots of new things at our meetings.

    Heather x x x x
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    @cityjaneLondon When I think of WI, I think of that movie "Calendar Girls" where the local WI make a semi nude calendar...very cute movie...lol the one lady is holding these buns with cherry's on top in front of herself, and the lady looking at the shot before the scared camera dude comes in, says simply..."Um we need bitter buns!"....priceless...
    Today I didn't push myself swimming. There were people waiting to get their turn swimming laps, and I didn't wish for them to wait. Came home and had my leftover soup broth.
    Enjoy the day all. Tomorrow I have my TOPS meeting and I am doing the program. I will be reading my "Becca's Healthy Hints" that I have been doing for a couple of months now. Just index cards of mantras, uplifting words, inspirational quotes that I have been accumulating for a bit now. Hopefully they will get a kick out of it, and spark some great discussions.
  • JoanMichelleAmena
    JoanMichelleAmena Posts: 13 Member
    naiomi2015 Sorting buttons makes me think about how my DH is always saying that he loves mindless activities when he is tired, and I know several grown-ups who color to relieve stress. I was thinking this morning that I want to start substituting other activities for eating out on special occasions.
    Joyce in Indiana It is inspiring to me that you are posting in the midst of your current problems. Hoping that your health and your husband's health improve soon. Glad you will be seeing the doctor.
    HeatherinUK I love children's books! The local librarians might say I'm addicted. When my girls were small, I was the library storytime lady and a preschool teacher (ran from accounting!) Now I check out all the books that my tote bag will carry. Went to Amazon and several of your books looked familiar. Running four directions at once right now, but I plan to investigate all of them further next week. I (along with a few million other dreamers) have toyed with the idea of writing children's books. It could happen.
    damitJanit I have a younger sister named Janet who annoyed me my entire childhood, and has made me proud ever since....Nevertheless, your username sounds like a phrase from my past. Love the words to live by.

    Read all posts, but I have to run now. Planning bridal teas and helping with year end preschool party. Doing well on healthy eating. Oatmeal. Chose Arby's classic roast beef and water, instead of high calorie, high fat jumbo combo. Baked chicken, broccoli and sweet potato planned for supper. Had another dance party with my favorite three year old. Moving better, feeling better. Thinking about logging and posting really helps me!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Greetings from a very chilly Omaha! It was 38 this morning for heaven’s sake! I had a quiet day at the office and did get a few things done. It’s so nice in the summer; very quiet! The majority of the food leftovers are frozen and we are finishing the wings tonight and the veggies.

    Joan: sounds like you had a great day!

    Jane: I hope mom is doing better today. I’m sorry you are having such trouble with your sibs. I agree with terri; they should help out with rides.

    Beth: great motivation for a new start!

    TNToni: you’ll get those pounds off quickly I’m sure. I find that with my schedule that changes every 8 weeks I have to change classes at my Y, so I get lots of “new to me” instructors!

    Patceoh: actually there is lots of research on kids being kept too clean and it’s link to disease…allergies, asthma, typical colds and sniffles…all worse these days due to the overly clean way some people try to live.

    Michele: our food pantries/soup kitchens won’t take food from individuals due to health concerns. Like these chicken salad sandwiches; they don’t know that I kept them in the fridge all that time. I guess I could eat one in front of them to show they are not poison! That is such a good idea though. I think I’d avoid that friend request!

    Mary: another party! Woo hoo! Come on over…you can have the M&Ms…I actually don’t like chocolate so that doesn’t tempt me, but the chips do! I could eat bag after bag.

    Lillian: no can do with the food pantry…see my note to Alison above. It’s kind of a shame!

    Naiomi: your story reminded me of my mom’s button stash. She had a huge bucket of them and I used to play with them for hours.

    Joyce: none of my business, but why is your diagnosis “probable”? Have you had an MRI? You can always tell me to myob and I won’t get mad! 

    Heather: great news on the lack of weight gain on holiday!!!

    Katla: we have a “dog alarm” that goes off at 4:30 precisely every morning!!!

    Mary: hoping for a run-of-the-mill bug!

    Memere: hope you are feeling better soon!

    Lilymay: what a darling picture!

    Damnitjanet: ok have to ask….is your screen name related to the Rocky Horror Picture show?

    Hat Lady AKA Tere: what a great compliment. I do wear a hat to church on Christmas, but everyone here wears jeans etc except there is one lady who goes to the later service who is always dressed to the nines, including hats. We are talking about combining the services, and if so, I’ll sit by her!

    Sylvia: omg I was laughing so hard at your story. I had a similar experience on my honeymoon but I flooded the suite! DH took several nakkie pictures of me, but there were so many bubbles, you can’t tell! Boy was that embarrassing! My dh started laughing as soon as I said “little bottle of body wash” because he knew what was coming! OMG I have tears running down my face! PS I hate my whirlpool tub and when we remodel, it’s going bye-bye!

    Terri: that’s too bad about your son! Tell him to look at Dustin Pedroia of the boston red sox to see a shorty who is a superstar!

    Carol: I found that is true of so many other things too besides schools…everyone has rules and no one will enforce them or back up the people who want to enforce them

    Heather: I missed the reason hubby is having surgery, but that’s pretty typical…middle aged men who have never been in the hospital! Will you remind me of the name of your book?

    Ilhannon: wow such great happenings for you!

    Vicki: we are having the same good ole NE weather too! The heat’s on right now!

    Kim: I did sent a big plate to DD#1 last night of party food.

    OK time to get busy. Need to color my hair before Deadliest Catch comes on LOL. Take care, Meg from really chilly Omaha
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Wednesday here here and rain again
    I posted my starting photos to Tom's Big Burn and CRIED. I have lost all I gained in 12 months. Only way is to train and listen to Brian and do as I am told
    Food today = 1733
    Before breakfast = Wii Gold's boxing
    1 hour after breakfast = JJ's Bikini boot-camp II, JM's Body rev weights I, BH ripped core
    After lunch = 1 hour walk, yes even in rain
    My BF% has gone down 1% in 3 days, needs to keep going DOWN
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
    72 degrees... guess i'll b riding home
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Lilymay2 wrote: »

    This is my little Granddaughter in her flower girl dress.

    Lillian,that is a sweet picture.What a lovely Granddaughter you have. Pat

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,092 Member
    Lillian she is darling.

    Jane: prayers for you mom.

    Sylvia enjoyed you hot tub escapade. Great pictures.

    Worked in the garden on and off all day. Tired.

    Heather I now have Windows on my Kindle. Now I need the chance to read it.

    Meg we got the cool snap too. So just to be safe covered the annuals with old sheets. We were a low of 35 this morning. 39 tomorrow and 43 Thursday. Hopefully that is the end of that. I would like to keep my hibiscus out but I don't leave it out until it is 50 at night.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
    stats for the day:
    ride home 2 gym- 11.05min, 15.9amph, 2.9mi =85c
    jog - 35min, 13.39ap, 5.0incline, 4.4-4.5speed, 2.56mi = 301c
    ride gym 2 dome- 6.07min, 13.3amph, 1.3mi = 69c
    ride wk 2 tan- 51.09min, 13amph, 11mi = 434c
    ride tan 2 hm- 5.37min, 11.7ampm 1mi = 61c
    total cal 950
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif Stats for today:
    nap with hubby and pets
    20,000 steps
    three hours walking dogs in beautiful weather
    over an hour on the exercise bike
    an hour working in the yard

    smiley-happy110.gif Today I visited my friend who had knee replacement surgery. She is in a rehab/convalescent place because she was dizzy and had very low blood pressure and needed more care. She is the one who follows a strict no sugar or flour, three weighed and measured meals food plan. The facility wasn't able to accommodate her food plan so her husband has been bringing food to her. I admire her so much and it was a joy to visit her.

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Did an hour of Bob Harper's Cardio Conditioning DVD today. Tomorrow's plan is to do a Get Ripped by Jari Love DVD that I downloaded. Not sure if it's one that I already have, guess I'll find out!

    Mary from MN - is there anything you need to do just in case it IS Lyme disease. I sure hope it isn't. Haven't started on the turtle yet, still thinking of the colors. I know that I want to make his body green with bright red toenails. Just not sure of the color/s for the shell. I do want him colorful. I have three coats of paint on the shell of the snail, two coats on the underside of the body, and only one on the top of the body. I thought when we went yesterday that I would be able to get the top and bottom of the body done, but there's no way I had enough time. Hope everything goes well with the inspection

    Have to leave in a bit to volunteer at the Green Room. It's not going to be busy, this is the day they sell tickets for the next show for the Benefactors. So I'm going to take the christmas Tree skirt that I'm crocheting with me.

    naiomi - I remember what my grandmother used to do is when she had a few buttons the same, she'd take a piece of thread and just put them all together.

    I know that I've been low on calories the past few days, but I'm trying to save some up since we'll be leaving tomorrow to go to VA and then PA for Denise's graduation. She's talked about us taking her out to dinner, but we haven't been there for 8 years so we really don't now any restaurants. We're going to have to rely on her. But knowing Denise, wouldn't surprise me one bit if she doesn't do anything about it.

    - good for you not gaining weight. You keep active, and I'm sure that's what does it. so glad your hubby is going to get his operation soon

    tsarahlove - sounds like you're doing wonderful, keep it up!

    - what a precious gd you have there

    Janet - glad you had such a great time on that cruise

    Sylvia - your whirlpool story had me in stitches

    terri - I'm so sorry for your son. Great NSV keeping up with your friend

    NC Carol
    - hope the doc can help you out

    Off to the pool now!

    I did decline that friend request.

    terri - when a friend of our's son was in middle school, he was told that he wasn't good enough for the football team. Today he has a scholarship from his football and teams are trying everything to get him to play for them.

    Lisa - congrats on that NSV of running

    pip - I agree with Carey - you DO have a beautiful smile. Why do your posts frequently come up empty?

    katla - one time I lost my membership card to the Y, they issued me a new one. then, when I was vacuuming my car out a few months later, I found it under the seat!

    Well, for the first time this year, Vince went in the pool. The water temp was 83. He was complaining -- get this -- that it was too cold. I've been in the pool for weeks!

    - what have you been crying about?? I thought you were sad but not crying sad about Mildred.

    Michele in NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
    exermom and cary - thanks for the compliment of my smile, that's sweet. i put a period in some spots so i can mark my spot. kinda lifting my leg and taking a pee to "mark my spot"
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Yes my little grand daughter is a cutie. And the little girl in my profile picture is me at probably about the same age.