

  • italy10548
    italy10548 Posts: 174 Member
    Good morning ladies. What a wonderful group you all are. I'm so glad I happened to find you all a couple months ago.

    My schedule has been so busy lately that my food and exercise have been awful. I continue to try and and mindful that when I blow it food wise it is not permission to continue down that path forever! School ends for my kids here in 3 weeks and I am so ready for the year to be over.

    Last night my DS had 3 kids from school were here making Greek gyros from scratch in MY kitchen. It's a group project and they have Greece. They also made the pita bread and Tzatziki sauce from scratch too. I will heat the meat in the morning and bring it to him at school to serve to his class around 11:30 am. Tonight it's my DD turn. She has Sweden and is making cinnamon buns with 3 kids from school in My kitchen! Dinner was subs from Jersey Mikes since DH really likes their food. I'm always cleaning
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    smiley-cool05.gif Joyce, I love the idea of the rain barrel painted like a ladybug, but since ours is in a discrete back corner of our yard where no one will see it but us and because painting is not my talent, we won't try it.....now if I could knit a hat for it, that would be different
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,147 Member
    edited May 2015
    Good morning ladies! I have to go to the eye doctor. Then I will come back and do my exercise for the day. And will finish marking and getting the moving sale ready. I think that I am just about done.

    Michele - I hope everything goes well for Vince. You are very creative. Did you follow a pattern for the tree skirt? I did a rug years ago and it took me forever. The finished product is beautiful though.

    Janet- bummer! That just doesn't seem fair. You are right about the insurance going up though. Better to take the hit now.

    Joyce - I had to give up the rides at the park as well. I get too dizzy now. It is a tough decision.

    Kalona - congratulations on the 4 pound weight loss!

    Allison-you can do it! Eat right move more.

    Italy-it sounds like you are on cleaning patrol after your kids. It's nice that they come to your house to do the projects. That says a lot about you.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Terri: I love the washcloth/coasters! They look like little flip-flops!

    Leanne: Welcome to a supportive group of women.

    Carol/Peach: The picture is me riding a horse at Cannon Beach, Oregon. It was my 65th birthday, and I rode with DS. We had a guide for just the two of us. My very first ride on a real horse was with my Auntie at the same Cannon Beach stable when I was seven.

    Sue in SD for just a little longer: Are you hauling your horse along with you when you move?

    Heather: I’m happy that your DH has come through his surgery. Your seafood sounds yummy. So many people are considering a move just now. I am not among them. Our kids are worried about us in our ”old age.” Each has a plan to have us move in with them so they can care for us. It is very sweet, but not something we’re eager to do. Maybe someday we’ll have a different opinion on the matter.

    Carey: I love today’s quotation! “I’ve had a lot of worries in my life, most of which never happened” – Mark Twain. I like to think I’m getting braver as I go along, but I doubt it is true.

    Sylvia: Great joke about the man at the Pearly Gates.

    Kim: Your water situation is awful. People on facebook are talking about the absurdity of CA allowing the exportation (across state lines) and sale of bottled water. Is it true that Nestle is selling CA’s precious water all over the country?

    Carol: Enjoy every moment. You seem to be doing a great job taking care of yourself while you’re away. Congratulations on all the steps!

    Michele: “Boob Squeeze” seems like such a friendly little event. I think “boob squash” or “boob flatten” are closer to my experience. :grumble:

    Barbie & others with rain barrels: How do you position your barrels? In my imagination, I locate them underneath rain downspouts so that all the rain that hits my roof goes in. I wouldn’t want to drink that water, but I’d happily use it to water my plants. We haven’t been asked to curtail watering as yet. I use drip irrigation on my flowerbeds pots and tiny garden area. The homeowner’s irrigation system is on and seems to be watering daily. We haven’t been asked to curtail yet, but I won’t be surprised if that happens this summer.

    Longtime friends unexpectedly showed up to see us yesterday. Their home is on Orcas Island, WA, and they’ve spent weeks travelling in an old Bounder Motor home that they bought this winter. The RV is cozy and comfortable and they’re treating every day like an adventure. We’ve enjoyed the unexpected pleasure of their company. They store the Bounder off island when they’re not travelling due to the excessive cost of taking it on a ferry. We’ve enjoyed their visit.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    May Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol. Accomplished but here as a reminder.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.


  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Good morning everyone. Feeling much better - only had one coughing fit last night about 2 a.m. and then managed to get a good sleep for a change. It is going to be another hot day so will probably spend most inside. Get myself ready to go back to work tomorrow. Silly to go back to work for one day but I haven't been at work since the 14th of May. Kind of worried about how high the pile is ....eeeeekkkkkk!!!!!

    TOPS was good last night = the girls that went to the PRD convention came back so inspired. really sad I was sick and couldn't go!!

    Best get my butt in gear and get something done today!

    Hugs to everyone
    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    SSC1958 wrote: »

    You can bookmark the thread by clicking the star (yellow one). Once clicked it will turn yellow. You'll then be able to find the thread when you click the star (above the yellow one with the #28 beside it).



    Barbie will be posting a new thread for June so you'll need to bookmark it too and unbookmark this one if you like.
  • JulesAtkinson1
    JulesAtkinson1 Posts: 219 Member
    Good morning everyone! So far, on target except for getting my step count in. My job is date-driven, and sedentary, so end of month activities keep me pretty tied down and it gets difficult to step away from my devil-machine and walk the halls for a short break.
    Registered last month for an exam (working on an advanced degree) and then missed the date yesterday because I got too wrapped up fixing someone else's mistake at work. Bummer for me, I'm out 325.00. :'(
    Can I take it out on the numb-nuts with the helmet-hair at work? Louisville slugger to her new truck's headlights ought to do the trick. :D
    I'm trying to look on the bright side and think maybe it just wasn't to be and I'm better off not sitting for it, but, boy that stinks. I've been smoke free for going on 20 years but man I could smoke one a foot long right now. >:)
    I'm definitely going to walk off that glass of Pinot I'm having when I get home. :#
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,622 Member
    edited May 2015
    morning peeps -

    jmkmomm- i'm so sorry for your water ride experience, it must have been hard, knowing you has given me extra incentive to do my bike ride in september.

    well we are registered for the upcoming furry 5k (this one we walk it cuz we take the 3 kids) and the clam to chowder run. this one is also a 5k. so far I've been in 1st place for my age group each time I've run it. I always told myself the first time I get 2nd place then i'm gonna start doing the 10k. we'll see how it goes this time. also registered for the jingle bell run in December. that one is fun.

    so far I think the compression sleeves are working. glad I got them.

    another light day for working out for me. I am thinking I MIGHT ride home.. I dunno, we'll see how the weather is and how my legs feel.
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member

    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Morning Ladies,

    I have had computer problems so this post has responses from probably 3 days ago. I’m sorry for the length but feel free to skip over it if you’d like.

    Jules, welcome to a great group of ladies who are not only supportive but also full of all kinds of interesting and useful information. Many of us have lost and gained over the years. I had about given up on ever being below 200 lbs. again, until I accidentally discovered this lifestyle of healthy eating and exercise. I have to say that I feel better than I have in years, and I’m only 5/8 of the way to my possible goal weight. Come often and join right in and you will learn that this works. What part of the state do you live in?

    Pip, happy happy Pippity Birthday. I hope it’s been a wonderful one for you. (I know it's late now. :'( )

    Mary, congrats on the new house. I had a feeling things would work out. If you don’t rent out the cabin soon, we can just take turns coming to visit. Lol The packing will go smoothly and before you know it you will be unpacking in your new home. How far is it from your current home?

    Barbara, you will feel like you know many of us if you come and read the posts every day. I haven’t met any of these lovely ladies but can’t explain how close I feel to many of them.

    Heather, will be thinking of you and DH tomorrow. I hope all goes well. Your DGD is a doll.

    , welcome. Eating healthy all the time is not so much fun. The thing is, for me, it’s more fun than being fat all the time. It comes down to a decision and what we want more. Food and fat or healthy eating and weight loss. Come often and join right in. If you chose healthy eating you will find lots of support. Good luck.

    Katla, sounds like an absolutely wonder sailing trip. So glad you met up with your friends and that DH was willing to go. Hopefully he’ll be ready again soon.

    Sylvia, car shopping can be frustrating at best. The prices are just ridiculous, as far as I’m concerned. Houses didn’t cost that much when we were first married. DH has a Kia SUV and loves it. One reason he looked at it was the 5 year bumper to bumper warranty. He’s had it 2 ½ years and it’s been very good so far. Good luck to you.

    Leal, welcome. This is the right place for support. It sounds like you have a good attitude and know this is a lifetime commitment so I’m sure you’ll be successful. Come often and join right in.

    Terri, you along with many others are such an inspiration for exercising. I know I will never try to work in exercise every chance I get, because that just isn’t me, but you all give me the incentive to do my hours’ worth and I thank you for that. I’m very disappointed in some parts of my body as I lose weight, and surprised at how good some parts look. I know the exercise has to help so I’ll do what I can.

    Joan, what are you doing with 6 sizes in your closet? LOL I know it’s risky to get rid of all my big sizes, but now that I know I can actually lose weight, I will never let myself get that big again. I just hate that I can’t share some of my clothes with those passing through this size on their way to smaller. So sorry you aren’t sleeping well. I’ll tell you what I tell myself, “any exercise is better than none”. I have a friend that sets the timer on her stove each morning and moves around the house for 30 minutes, picking up, putting on wash, vacuuming, and whatever, to just keep moving. I know most of us do the things that she does, but she is making a conscious effort to move nonstop for 30 minutes. Not to mention she gets a lot done in the process. What is this about “blue thread” for your meeting? I thought it was a book club, not a sewing circle? (Just kidding, feeling a bit silly this morning.)
    skuehn48, I know packing up and moving is not all fun, but I always found it an adventure too. Be sure to cull things both as you pack and again when you unpack. That’s the only way I can keep things thinned out. Sounds like you have the pet situation sorted out, so that’s good. I wish you a very smooth transition and safe travels. When do you leave?

    Kim, OMG, I hate to laugh about someone knocking themselves out, but that story about the progressives has me ROFL> I guess it’s a good thing that I have worn progressives from day one. I didn’t realize it was so hard to get used to. I absolutely love them for computer work and never realize I’m looking through a different part.

    , great that you have started the squats. It sounds like you have lots of work=out buddies, but I’d say DGD has a little advantage, so I wouldn’t be making any bets. Lol

    Sylvia, love the sign for make it yourself. That’s me, too. I still have a flower arrangement (than needs to be thrown out) that I did about 25 years ago. I remember when checking out at the Carolina Pottery counter and it came to a little over $75 for the silk flowers. I definitely could have bought it already arranged for way less. In fact, I think I’ll throw out the flowers today.

    TNToni, glad you are back on track, right where you belong.

    Barbie, have fun with your rain barrel. I think a knitted hat for your rain barrel would be very cute. Or maybe just a sweater for the winter?

    Becca, you had me laughing at your wish for going to a Fat Camp and eat healthy and just exercise and cry a lot. I love your "Marriage Therapy". I watch Married at First Sight too, but DH doesn’t watch it.

    Michele, I hope Vince gets good news. If the procedure would prevent tachycardia maybe that is the route they will recommend. Wishing the best.

    Joyce, I am just so impressed that you like those rides. I’ve never been much of an amusement ride person. (I just always went to eat.) We have been to Disney three times that we stayed on the grounds. That is terrific to not have to drive in and park. My back started getting bad enough that I just couldn’t do all the walking so we haven’t been in years. I just feel for large families since it has gotten so expensive. But I’ll admit, it is the only place I have ever been that surpassed my expectations. They really know how to do things right.

    , I know what you mean about missing a day and never catching up. I missed about your move? Are you moving to a new location and what kind of shop? Congrats on the 4 pound loss. Keep it up.

    Lillian, glad you are finally feeling a little better.

    Jules, that’s a bummer that you are not only out the money but missed the exam. Will it be offered again any time soon?

    Welcome to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    When I got back from the cruise I had gained 10 pounds. It was only a 5 night cruise, for pete’s sake. That did actually count 3 extra days with my friend, eating things I normally don’t. I could eat my normal diet on the cruise and gain weight, because of drinking and the fattening mixes. But that’s a price I’m willing to pay. Anyway, this morning I was down 11 pounds from when I returned from the cruise. Yay!!!! And Thank you, lord.

    I hope you all have the most wonderful, positive and healthy day. <3

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Good morning friends,

    Lesley: You're doing so well keep up the great work!

    Lillian: glad you're feeling better

    LisaH: Good idea about the reminders.

    Katla: Love the picture with the horse on the beach one of these days I'd love to do that. Have to learn to ride first though. Ahhh maybe when I retire.

    Terri: I try to remember to "be kind to me", it's a work in progress.

    Joan in Alabama: I can't even imagine only eating a 1" square piece of cake...good for you!

    NCCarol: Your trip sounds very interesting thanks for sharing!

    TNToni: I'd be keeping the cabinent too. Have a good Wednesday!

    Meg: I was overcome by Kerri Orozco's story too. It is so sad. Sending healing thoughts

    Pip: You mentioned that your heart rate tells you how many calories you've burned... how does that work?

    The sky is looking overcast, here's praying for rain...it is so dry! Have dinner out planned with a couple of friends tonight that I'm looking forward to.

    Thought for the day: “Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” ~ Theodore Roosevelt

  • JulesAtkinson1
    JulesAtkinson1 Posts: 219 Member
    Janet, I live in Florence county, a little burg called Johnsonville. How's that traffic today? :)
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Wednesday ! ! !

    Sylvia – I totally agree with the picture. My “yarn closet” is practically full to the top with buckets of yarn, fabric, thread, etc.

    Carol NC – I have never eaten from a food truck either. I hope you had an enjoyable experience. Nice job on all those steps.

    TnToni – Glad you are “back on track”. Memorial Day certainly can be tough when it comes to loss and reflection. Very romantic story. Congrats on keeping up the exercise level.

    Pip – yes, too fast for shifting gears into reverse. All he had to do was drive 2 more miles, and drop off DS at my work, because that is where we lift. I just can’t imagine how DH ever had the initiative to work-out and lift weights during his late teens and early 20’s to make him good enough to play AAA baseball ?!?!? Instead DH brought home pizza, I only ate my 2 slices of thin crust, and I brought DS into the room for his push-ups, and for us to do planks together. I’m still at 60 seconds front and 40 seconds each side, so it was super easy for him, but better than nothing. However, another baseball Mom texted me yesterday, and she will be scheduling weight lifting sessions with my DS, so I can probably convince her to drive both of them to my work in exchange for free access and training. Now, if I only had someone to physically get into my face to help keep me motivated. Don’t get me wrong – you all do a wonderful job, and the thought of keeping my joints as loose as possible for as long as possible, and still being around and mobile to see my DS graduate, those are all motivation as well, but I wish I had someone to get right in my face when I am not at work.

    Mary in MN – thanks for the 5x5 suggestion, but since DS is only 14, he has a personal trainer that writes his programs specifically for his growing changes and his sports. I was even corrected yesterday when I mentioned that I don’t see the pectoral development on him that I see on some other kids on his teams. Based on things you have mentioned, his program isn’t too much different, in that he does 3-5 sets of every lift, and adds a little weight with each set. He does most of it behind me while I ride the bike, but he does the crunches in front of me, and holds a 50 pound weight on his chest for those, so I know he is strong (and has a killer 6-pak if I do say so myself).

    Joyce – I hear your pain regarding the Amusement Park. Here’s what I would do (and I seriously mean me, in the exact situation, so take it with a grain of salt): Get 2 scooters, and skip the waterpark part of the trip, and see the shows that only you and DH would enjoy. In advance, make plans to meet up as a group, like meals, or between shows to go on the other rides that everyone will enjoy, etc. Would DH get the UC work done even if money were not an issue? I know my DH is so tight with his money that he squeaks when he walks (and he rarely admits any health issues). You all can make this as much fun as you wish. // On a slightly side note: there was a year that my Mom had a broken pelvis, and needed to be cared for 24 hours a day at home, in order to have MediCare still available for a Rehab Home after the surgery. DS Birthday fell during that time, so we scheduled his party to be in the front yard, with multiple kiddie pools and sprinklers and sidewalk chalk, anything creative and cheap that I could think of at the time. Not to mention unlimited ice cream, hot dogs, and lemonaide. DS was turning 10, so he was certain his party would be the most boring ever. Well, every boy had the time of their life, because I just let them be crazy, and be boys. My Mom, who would pass away 2 months later, also had the best time ever, because she could sit in her wheelchair, pushed up to the window, and watch these boys act like typical boys. She felt like she was part of the party, and that’s really all I could ask for – Mom and Son both having a memorable time, together yet separate.

    Kalona – Congrats on the loss.

    Italy – that’s a lot of kids making food in your kitchen. I hope they help with the cleaning after. I hate cleaning.

    Allison – The walk with hubby sounds wonderful. I am envious.

    Katla – a few years back I bought a Duplex with my Mom and Dad. This way we were in the same building, but also had our own homes. It came in really handy when she broke her hip, then pelvis, and needed 24 hour care. Now, my Dad enjoys having a place of his own but so close to us at the same time. It can really be a struggle for me, since Dad and DH have different opinions on how to care for a home, but it’s nice to know if something happens, I am close by. We mostly act like we live far apart, but have the convenience of doing things together when we wish. The whole thing did have to happen at the right time, as prior to the purchase, I would NOT have wanted to live so close. // I’m glad the washcloths look like flip flops, because that was my goal, and I don’t like patterns. DD wants one in pink, but I don’t have pink cotton, so I think I’m going to try acrylic yarn for the straps of the flip flop and see if that works.

    Jules – how sad about missing the exam. That is WAY too much money to just throw away. I hope the situation works out soon. I certainly hope you can avoid the smoke, and enjoy the pinot and the walk. I hope your weather is as good or better than ours right now.

    Janet – Isn’t it wonderful that we can all do what works for us, and everyone is right ?!?!? The mere thought of exercising for an entire hour straight is exhausting to me. Plus, just not an option with my RA most days. But getting up for a few minutes every hour or so is definitely do-able. Thank YOU for being motivating. Thank you for being you ! ! !

    I got DS out of the house in time for me to work-out this morning; 15 minutes on the bike. I will do another 10 on the hand bike during lunch, and do my planks at home. If we take DS and other boys to the batting cages, I will walk in place as much as possible. I also prepared my mushrooms and onions for breakfast tomorrow and Friday, so all I have to do is add the eggs, then microwave when I get to work.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited May 2015
    Dipping into the posts like a hummingbird… so many, too many to touch all…

    Welcome to all the newbies… I’ve been here just over a month, felt so welcome here…

    Lesley in Tasmania, and the rest who worry - we live nowhere near where the floodwaters are… we are in far West Texas. So far, all my family in East Texas is fine, as well. We’re supposed to go over to the Dallas area next week 4th, 5th and 6th, for my favorite niece’s high school graduation. Fingers crossed all has calmed down by then.

    Heather in the UK – glad the hubby’s done and dusted. Hope he continues well. I’m a bit of a seafood nut, myself.

    Cynthia – hope the bronchitis has improved by now…

    Lillian – so glad your respiratory troubles are getting better.

    Terri in Milwaukee – LOVE the flip-flop washcloths… might steal that idea!

    Sue, soon to be in WA – much luck with the move. Done that way too many times in my life… Ex-military wife.

    Vicki in NE – I envy the squats… my knees will not tolerate those or lunges. Maybe someday, once I’ve got the little buggers replaced.

    Carol from NC (temporarily in Dallas) – stay dry and have fun!

    TNToni – The cabinet sounds wonderful. I love old wooden pieces.

    Meg from Omaha – Thanks for letting us know about Kerrie Orozco’s funeral.

    Becca – I like Extreme Makeover too, but I have to fast-forward through the tears. Makes me want to throw something at the TV after a while.

    Mary from Minn – Don’t envy the sale… done THAT way too many times, too! Hope you make a mint, though.

    Janet – sorry about the ticket… Those unexpected budget blows just stink, as do the unexpected pounds. At the same time, you made memories with your friend that will last the rest of your life. You can make the pounds go away in a few months… and considering what travel does to me, five of them are probably water!

    Joyce – One of my favorite sis-in-laws also has MS and has to make similar decisions, and I know it’s tough. You know your strengths better than anyone… but it’s also your life to live. The need for assistance at the end is not so high a price to pay for something you love doing that much! We all worry so much about what other people think, but most people are looking inward, rather than outward, and if they glance our way, they forget moments later, as their minds are on their own problems. I hate to see you forgo something you want to do for a moment’s embarrassment, when it obviously brings you so much joy. I once saw a gentleman in a Las Vegas casino wearing a T-shirt that said on the back “I’m not stoned, I have Parkinson’s” in really big letters. I thought it was both funny and a really good way to get people to just shut up… he staggered when he walked, and I’m sure he got tired of the looks and whispers. I’m not saying you should or shouldn’t advertise your MS. But at the same time, your need for assistance is your business, not theirs.


    Woke up thinking about the quilt, which just shows I’m in the middle of a project. They usually occupy most of my brain, the big projects… and I solve the design problems while I’m asleep, often waking up with solutions.

    Writing again, too, which makes me even happier. Putting together the quarterly “Best of” for the writers’ workshop that I’m part of in the nearby town, and this quarter, the theme is “summers and seasons.” Wrote a piece of verse about my husband, titled “Summer Smile.” Makes me happy when I’m writing again.

    Set the pieces of the quilt into the fabric frame, NOT sewn together yet, just making sure I haven’t buggered the sides of the panes at left and bottom of each panel… below is a quick and dirty peek at it. As I said, these are just set down on a flat surface. The colored bits of paper are stickies so that when I go to sew them together, I put them in order!

    May goals: So far, other than the “Get on the scale once a week,” and “don’t obsess,” which go together, and both of which I’ve had suck-all success at accomplishing, I’ve done well on my May goals.
    Weigh less than April – check.
    Keep protein at 64+ grams daily – check
    Calories at 1000+ daily – check – actually at 1300 – 1400 this week, doing quite well on that one
    Add flex/core/wts before running – finally sorting that one out this week, the last two days .

    Best to all, finally cooled down from this morning’s run. Off to the showers!
    Lisa H in West Texas

    (for an idea of the size, there will be about an eight-inch border around the whole panel set on a queen-size bed)


  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Well, we finally rolled our new van into the garage at about 12:15 am! We got up to the car dealer about 6:00pm last night and it took till about 10:00pm to get the paperwork done, then two hours to drive home. I HATE car shopping. We searched online and found the one we thought we wanted, then went to the dealer. Once there we "negotiated" the best deal we could and were quite happy with the numbers. They "gave" us about $5,000 in rebates/incentives which brought the price down to where we wanted it. That was just great. Then, the salesman turned us over to the man in the finance office to do the paperwork. That was where it got ugly.

    This guy was desperately trying to sell us a "mantenance plan" that was about $6,000! We kept saying no, and he kept dropping the price, and trying to scare us about how much things would cost to repair. After about an hour of badgering, the price was down to about $1,700. The way he presented it, we were meant to assume that it was somthing from Chrysler, but when I asked directly, he said it was a third party company. I whipped out my ipad and googled it, and found that the Better Business Bureau called it a scam, and said that it has five different aliases, the two owners of the company have gone to jail for 5 years and 4 years each (but somehow the company keeps on going), and over a thousand complaints have been filed against it for fraud. So, after I googled it, the guy stopped pushing and we were done pretty quickly after that. I had been thinking that this was a good reputable dealer (if there is such a thing), but then I found out otherwise.

    Hubby did the test drive and drove it home, so the first time I got to drive it was this morning. He had to back it out of the garage for me. It seems so much bigger than the old one, and I was scared I'd hit the door frame getting it out. It drives nicely and seems comfortable. Now I can't wait to take the kids somewhere fun! The old van wasn't safe on the highway at all. It did zero to 60 in about 5 miles. This isn't a fancy van, and doesn't have as many bells and whistles as my old van, but it should be fine for what I need. I can carry the kids and the dogs and load it with stuff for craft fairs. That's all I need.

    The bad news is that I didn't get to exercise yesterday and I ate restaurant food, so this morning my weight was up 2 pounds. Hopefully salt and water.

    Now, I'm trying to finish up some drafting. Then go to the grocery store. I'm hoping the kids will come over tonight for dinner.

    Well, I have to get back to work. Have a great day!

  • italy10548
    italy10548 Posts: 174 Member
    Going for my mammogram aka "boobie squeeze" now then home to heat and drive Greek food to DS at school. With the end of the month my work really picks up so I will have to work later today and the rest of the week.
    I wanted to mention that my posts keep getting cut off so I'll add this again- prayers for all you ladies and your DH with health challenges. Congratulations to all that exercised today and/or met calorie goals. So far I'm on track for today. Walked 2 miles in my neighborhood and will do my CS stretching video at 1:30 before I sit at the computer to work.
    Maryanne in So Cal
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,622 Member
    my heart rate monitor is connected to my iphone on the app that I use and the app tells me what I burned. I never go by the what the machine says or MFP, I go by my heart rate monitor reading. if I went by the machines, it would say I would b burning like 2000 a day!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,622 Member
    talk to the hand damnit!!! :'( my feelings are hurt
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,147 Member
    Hello everyone! I just got back from the eye doctor and he is having trouble getting me a prescription for contacts that works for me. Most of the time I have a hard time reading. I feel like I wasted the whole morning. I will do my exercise first then I have to get out and mow the lawn. We have had a lot of rain and I was unable to mow because of the grass being so wet. I notice a lot of people count yardwork and gardening as exercise. So I should be able to get an hour and a half worth of extra calories to eat! Which probably amounts to an apple or an orange.

    Karla - it is nice to get a visit from old friends. When my DH retires we are planning on getting a pull behind camper and travel during the winter.

    Jules - that is too bad about the money you lost by not being able to take that exam. Have a great night and relax. You deserve it.

    PIP-you have quite the running agenda! It is nice to see that you enjoy it with your whole family. Your kids (furry) probably enjoy spending the time with you.

    Janet-we are about 20 minutes away from our old house to our new. The new one is going to save my DH travel time and gas money. Great job on losing 11 pounds!

    Carey - I hope you get rain soon!

    Terri - I like how you fit in your exercise throughout the day. Your DS exercise program does sound similar to mine. It's nice that you can work out side-by-side. I would still consider that quality time.

    Lisa-I think that the best time to find a solution to a problem is while we are sleeping. The only problem with me is, I have a hard time falling to sleep because of prepping for that solution. I am glad that you are able to get some writing done. Your quilt is beautiful.

    Sylvia-next time I am looking for a vehicle I will take you with me! I hope you enjoy your new van. You will lose that extra 2 pound really quickly.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota

  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Hi Ladies...I'm back from my mini vacation.
    Time to get back to the program.
    Will post more when I have a chance.

    Chris in beautiful MA
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    I could go on and on about how great my job is (and complain, too, but that's just a fact of life). But one of the best parts, besides being able to use the Fitness Center on my lunch, is when my co-workers or other people working out start praising or cheering for me. It really helps me want to be there, even when I have pain, and don't really want to be there. Today was a little boring, because I can't see the TV from the last row, I haven't loaded my new mp3 player, and I didn't like the radio station that was on at the time. But when my Physical Therapist started chanting my name, it made it all worth doing.

    Chris - Welcome back.

    Hugs All Around ! ! !
