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What's your secret!!



  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    miriamtob wrote: »
    The op asked what our secret was, I answered what worked for me, didn't preach. I didn't even choose the lifestyle for weight loss; I had medical reasons, but weight loss was a very welcome side effect.

    So same as for us...your calorie deficit makes you lose weight. Not eating a specific diet as Paleo

    Not always true. The "style" of diet does play a factor when you consider that Paleo doesnt allow for any sort of "fake" or "artificial" ingredients. I was on a more reg Americanized diet with calorie deficit and only lost a few lbs, then ended up starting to gain more. I finally figured out if I wanted my weight fixed, I needed to fix the inside of my body, their cells, blood, organs, etc Then the weight would take care of itself.

    Some people can successfully loose weight with a reg diet, or any diet out there, but that doesnt mean that anyone can. Everyones bodies are diff and what works for some doesnt always work for the next.

    The only thing important and works for losing weight is eating in a deficit. It really is that simple.
    When you gain you eat surplus.

    the fact that people gain after a "fat" diet or any other diet is because they eat in surplus thats all.
    They didnt learn or stick to their (learned habit) of moderation and portion control

    Choosing to cut out salt, sugar, go Paleo, cut down carbs, vegan, or any other is a life style choice or for medical reason. It wont cause weight loss. Maybe help you with your journey because you love to eat only vegetables But the fact remains when you eat to much on any or these diets you will gain weight.

    So calorie deficit is the only factor needed for weight loss.
    And even when you eat all the "fake" food and eat less calories than you burn you will lose weight too. If it is healthy is a whole other discussion.

    How fast or how slow is effected by many factors, like how big is the deficit, your age and how tall you are etc.

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    miriamtob wrote: »
    Weston A Price and Paleo

    so that leads to question...which one?

    something tells me that question will go unanswered too
  • maxit
    maxit Posts: 880 Member
    Here are my approaches:
    1. Eat food that gives me the most nutritional "bang" for the calorie. That helped me maintain a deficit of calories without excessive discomfort or health consequences, and seems to be working for "maintenance."
    2. Have a deficit reasonable for me - around 500 calories initially, and a lower deficit as I approached a healthy weight. Looking back on it, it amounted basically to eating around my TDEE for my healthy weight all along.
    3. Increasing physical activity through walking and strength training.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    miriamtob wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    miriamtob wrote: »
    I lost significant weight before I ever counted a calorie by choosing the the Paleo WOE. So you can "lol" away until your food scale breaks.

    The thing is... No WOE guarantees that you're going to lose weight.

    I ate paleo before Cordain wrote the book on it and didn't lose weight. Neanderthin came out in the '90's, and that's what I followed. Why didn't I lose weight? I ate too many nuts and too much avocado. Simple. Too many calories, no weight loss.

    So, you can bang the drum all day about your "secret", but that's not what's really doing it for you. It might be a naturally satiating group of foods for you, and if it is? Great. But make no mistake, you're simply creating a calorie deficit.

    So in other words, the poster finds it easy to maintain a calorie deficit by following the paleo WOE – that's useful information. Constantly banging on about how all you need to do is have a calorie deficit isn't doing any more than stating the obvious. Everyone knows that, but clearly not everyone finds it easy to do (hence the need for sites like this) and following certain food plans helps some people to achieve it.

    Personally I'm finding it much easier to create a calorie deficit on a low-carb diet. I feel more full and am not tempted to binge on sugary crap.

    the point is paleo is totally unnecessary for anything, and is totally ridiculous because no one really eats how people did 10,000 years ago ...

    ETA - as paleo is totally unnecessary for weight loss it is not a "secret" for losing weight ...

    Exactly. It's just one way some people find of creating a deficit. So is low carb. It's not a weight loss "secret". The deficit created is.

    PS... the problem you all have with binging on sugar? That's a BEHAVIORAL issue. Stop blaming the food. You can pull out all the dopamine blah blah blah you want, but until we see people compulsively raiding pet stores to pet puppies, I'll stick with the idea that you can get control of your impulse to eat hyper-palatable foods simply because they're tasty and learn to eat them in moderation. OR not. If that's your choice. But it's not the food's fault... it's yours.
    Blaming someone for having a mental illness is just as nasty and judgmental as blaming someone for having any other physical illness. You don't think genetics, hormones, and chemistry play into afflictions affecting the mind? Is the brain somehow separate from all other organ systems?

    Eating a bunch of candy is not BED.

    Try again.

  • Liirukka
    Liirukka Posts: 1 Member
    I've only started my own journey a couple weeks back, but I've already seen results and comparing to my previous weight loss attempts I feel more confident about things this time around. The most important things I'm doing differently this time around would probably be:

    Patience - understanding that this is a lifetime thing, there's no deadline so even if I slip it's not the end of the world because I will still have time to pick myself up and continue where I left
    Fasting - Not for everybody, but I started my weight loss with a 3-day juice fast, and I feel like it helped me further motivate myself seeing the weight drop quickly and also made it easier to cut down on my portion sizes
    Meal prepping - cooking all my food on Sunday, dividing it into ready-made portions and uploading the recipes to the database here makes it so much easier and accurate for me to monitor my calorie intake. Also having healthy meals and washed and chopped veggies for snacks waiting in my fridge really leaves no excuses for getting pizza or take-out for dinner, even on those super long and tiring days
  • mojohowitz
    mojohowitz Posts: 900 Member
    edited May 2015
    1. Understanding that indulging in foods to soothe negative feelings is counterproductive.
    2. Understanding that food should be viewed more as fuel than a source of pleasure.
    3. Exercising privately where I am free to pant, sweat, gasp, swear and shake my hamfists in blind rage.
    4. Distancing myself from certain family and social circles that accept their own obesity as normal.
    5. Meditating.
    6. Identifying my food weaknesses. Sometimes self-discipline is knowing what you can't have in the house.
    7. Ignoring trends and fads. Protein, vegetables, fruits, whole grains.
    8. Understanding I am changing habits that have been ingrained by generations of fat family members.
    9. Eating about 70% of my BMR.
  • ncboiler89
    ncboiler89 Posts: 2,408 Member
    well heck yeah I'm serious. We've got it made compared to the caveman days, or whatever you want to call it.
    We have it made compared to the caveman days, but we run from the same number of dinosaurs that they did.

    LOLOLOL....post of the day
  • miriamtob
    miriamtob Posts: 436 Member
    edited May 2015
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    erickirb wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    miriamtob wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    miriamtob wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    miriamtob wrote: »
    Well, all you did is express how much you disapprove of the philosophy. That's your opinion and fortunately it bears no weight. This could be a productive conversation, if people were generally interested in my original answer, but it has been made into a boring discussion with a lot bullying and badgering by many of the usual suspects. Typical. Bye.

    the bullying train is never late, and that is just a fall back because you don't want to answer questions about paleo.

    sorry but disagreeing with your premise about paleo is not "bullying or bashing". I find it ironic that you are complaining about "badgering" when you were attempting to name call people that called you on paleo being a "secret for weight loss"...

    When you asked a member a question they provided you a direct answer; however, you were asked several times for a list of foods that you ate when doing Paleo and refused to answer....

    I was asked to provide a list, randomly and in a mocking tone. The list of foods one can eat on a Paleo/primal/ancestral/Weston A Price diet like mine is crazy long. It's more about food quality, source, and what one is omitting from their menu. I think feeling better helps with weight loss because you can overcome the fatigue that inhibits activity. So, a deficit is great and a deficit while feeling vibrant is even better!

    how do you know it was mocking? You can read into that based on a typed response?

    oh, and no one wanted a complete list, just a sample, so feel free to provide it....

    Yes, and I've been on the forums enough to know where those types of demands lead: jokes and gifs about cauliflower and further attempts to make the declared paleo person look foolish. It is not helpful. You need to work on your delivery; if your intention is to understand more and not just to make jokes.

    funny, you keep complaining about bashing, but the only one bashing is you with your passive aggressive attempts (which are very weak by the way) at name calling.

    so again, where is that temporary list of Paleo foods? I just want to see what paleo specific regional diet you are following...

    If you want to see non-paleo food items go check out their diary yesterday. Unless this person thinks those things are Paleo????

    Paleo can be a way to reach a caloric deficit, the caloric deficit is the "secret" to weight loss. Paleo would be a good answer if the OP asked for options of achieving a caloric deficit... then again almost anything would qualify if you counted calories and stayed under maintenance.

    Like I said, I just want to see some of these Paleolithc foods and what region of the world they are from...as we all know, Paleolithic foods were regionally specific. So Paleo man from northern Europe would not of consumed the same foods as say Paleo man from northern Africa....

    For the number of times you've demanded a food list, you could have easily googled and got the information for yourself. That makes it glaringly obvious to everyone here that you don't really want to know the information, rather you just want to badger someone.

    actually, I cannot Google a list because there are about 5000 different versions of Paleo.

    I googled Weston A Price and posted what is on their "rules"...just because I was curious...not sure how this poster can claim to follow it...as their diary indicates they don't.

    They try but it's hard...
    Just stop judging my food diary, k?
    Paleo is a template that people individualize based on their health goals. I'm not saying it's for everyone; I respect whatever makes people feel good and achieve their goals. Paleo/ primal-whatever-you-want-to-call-it has been a helpful tool for me in many regards including weight loss (yes, I know it comes down to a caloric deficit in the end, but there are all sorts of tricks to make achieving that easier). I can eat some dairy without any problems so I'll eat it. I can't do grains, high sugar, or legumes so naturally Paleo blogs and cookbooks provide the best recipes. Weston A Price inspired me to buy organic, make my own bone broth and cultured vegetables (an amazing source of probiotics and a feel-good, low calorie snack).

    ^hopefully, this also helps answer your other question, 'Which one?" ☺️
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    miriamtob wrote: »
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    erickirb wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    miriamtob wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    miriamtob wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    miriamtob wrote: »
    Well, all you did is express how much you disapprove of the philosophy. That's your opinion and fortunately it bears no weight. This could be a productive conversation, if people were generally interested in my original answer, but it has been made into a boring discussion with a lot bullying and badgering by many of the usual suspects. Typical. Bye.

    the bullying train is never late, and that is just a fall back because you don't want to answer questions about paleo.

    sorry but disagreeing with your premise about paleo is not "bullying or bashing". I find it ironic that you are complaining about "badgering" when you were attempting to name call people that called you on paleo being a "secret for weight loss"...

    When you asked a member a question they provided you a direct answer; however, you were asked several times for a list of foods that you ate when doing Paleo and refused to answer....

    I was asked to provide a list, randomly and in a mocking tone. The list of foods one can eat on a Paleo/primal/ancestral/Weston A Price diet like mine is crazy long. It's more about food quality, source, and what one is omitting from their menu. I think feeling better helps with weight loss because you can overcome the fatigue that inhibits activity. So, a deficit is great and a deficit while feeling vibrant is even better!

    how do you know it was mocking? You can read into that based on a typed response?

    oh, and no one wanted a complete list, just a sample, so feel free to provide it....

    Yes, and I've been on the forums enough to know where those types of demands lead: jokes and gifs about cauliflower and further attempts to make the declared paleo person look foolish. It is not helpful. You need to work on your delivery; if your intention is to understand more and not just to make jokes.

    funny, you keep complaining about bashing, but the only one bashing is you with your passive aggressive attempts (which are very weak by the way) at name calling.

    so again, where is that temporary list of Paleo foods? I just want to see what paleo specific regional diet you are following...

    If you want to see non-paleo food items go check out their diary yesterday. Unless this person thinks those things are Paleo????

    Paleo can be a way to reach a caloric deficit, the caloric deficit is the "secret" to weight loss. Paleo would be a good answer if the OP asked for options of achieving a caloric deficit... then again almost anything would qualify if you counted calories and stayed under maintenance.

    Like I said, I just want to see some of these Paleolithc foods and what region of the world they are from...as we all know, Paleolithic foods were regionally specific. So Paleo man from northern Europe would not of consumed the same foods as say Paleo man from northern Africa....

    For the number of times you've demanded a food list, you could have easily googled and got the information for yourself. That makes it glaringly obvious to everyone here that you don't really want to know the information, rather you just want to badger someone.

    actually, I cannot Google a list because there are about 5000 different versions of Paleo.

    I googled Weston A Price and posted what is on their "rules"...just because I was curious...not sure how this poster can claim to follow it...as their diary indicates they don't.

    They try but it's hard...
    Just stop judging my food diary, k?
    Paleo is a template that people individualize based on their health goals. I'm not saying it's for everyone; I respect whatever makes people feel good and achieve their goals. Paleo/ primal-whatever-you-want-to-call-it has been a helpful tool for me in many regards including weight loss (yes, I know it comes down to a caloric deficit in the end, but there are all sorts of tricks to make achieving that easier). I can eat some dairy without any problems so I'll eat it. I can't do grains, high sugar, or legumes so naturally Paleo blogs and cookbooks provide the best recipes. Weston A Price inspired me to buy organic, make my own bone broth and cultured vegetables (an amazing source of probiotics).

    yea, except it is not. It is a specific manner of eating that is regionalized to how Paleotlithic people ate, and has nothing to do with any kind of "modern diet"...

  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    Wow- lots abuse flags in the first pages for things that aren't even close to abuse.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    Wow- lots abuse flags in the first pages for things that aren't even close to abuse.

    Yup from the usually butthurt crowd.
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member
    exercising daily and making it fun.

    and eating healthy, no processed foods.
  • SconnieCat
    SconnieCat Posts: 770 Member
    miriamtob wrote: »
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    erickirb wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    miriamtob wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    miriamtob wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    miriamtob wrote: »
    Well, all you did is express how much you disapprove of the philosophy. That's your opinion and fortunately it bears no weight. This could be a productive conversation, if people were generally interested in my original answer, but it has been made into a boring discussion with a lot bullying and badgering by many of the usual suspects. Typical. Bye.

    the bullying train is never late, and that is just a fall back because you don't want to answer questions about paleo.

    sorry but disagreeing with your premise about paleo is not "bullying or bashing". I find it ironic that you are complaining about "badgering" when you were attempting to name call people that called you on paleo being a "secret for weight loss"...

    When you asked a member a question they provided you a direct answer; however, you were asked several times for a list of foods that you ate when doing Paleo and refused to answer....

    I was asked to provide a list, randomly and in a mocking tone. The list of foods one can eat on a Paleo/primal/ancestral/Weston A Price diet like mine is crazy long. It's more about food quality, source, and what one is omitting from their menu. I think feeling better helps with weight loss because you can overcome the fatigue that inhibits activity. So, a deficit is great and a deficit while feeling vibrant is even better!

    how do you know it was mocking? You can read into that based on a typed response?

    oh, and no one wanted a complete list, just a sample, so feel free to provide it....

    Yes, and I've been on the forums enough to know where those types of demands lead: jokes and gifs about cauliflower and further attempts to make the declared paleo person look foolish. It is not helpful. You need to work on your delivery; if your intention is to understand more and not just to make jokes.

    funny, you keep complaining about bashing, but the only one bashing is you with your passive aggressive attempts (which are very weak by the way) at name calling.

    so again, where is that temporary list of Paleo foods? I just want to see what paleo specific regional diet you are following...

    If you want to see non-paleo food items go check out their diary yesterday. Unless this person thinks those things are Paleo????

    Paleo can be a way to reach a caloric deficit, the caloric deficit is the "secret" to weight loss. Paleo would be a good answer if the OP asked for options of achieving a caloric deficit... then again almost anything would qualify if you counted calories and stayed under maintenance.

    Like I said, I just want to see some of these Paleolithc foods and what region of the world they are from...as we all know, Paleolithic foods were regionally specific. So Paleo man from northern Europe would not of consumed the same foods as say Paleo man from northern Africa....

    For the number of times you've demanded a food list, you could have easily googled and got the information for yourself. That makes it glaringly obvious to everyone here that you don't really want to know the information, rather you just want to badger someone.

    actually, I cannot Google a list because there are about 5000 different versions of Paleo.

    I googled Weston A Price and posted what is on their "rules"...just because I was curious...not sure how this poster can claim to follow it...as their diary indicates they don't.

    They try but it's hard...
    Just stop judging my food diary, k?
    Paleo is a template that people individualize based on their health goals. I'm not saying it's for everyone; I respect whatever makes people feel good and achieve their goals. Paleo/ primal-whatever-you-want-to-call-it has been a helpful tool for me in many regards including weight loss (yes, I know it comes down to a caloric deficit in the end, but there are all sorts of tricks to make achieving that easier). I can eat some dairy without any problems so I'll eat it. I can't do grains, high sugar, or legumes so naturally Paleo blogs and cookbooks provide the best recipes. Weston A Price inspired me to buy organic, make my own bone broth and cultured vegetables (an amazing source of probiotics and a feel-good, low calorie snack).

    No. No it isn't.

    You're not Paleo. That's fine. Just don't tout yourself as following "Paleo" lifestyle when it clearly isn't. You follow some Paleo principles but you're not eating in a Paleo manner.
  • Allelito
    Allelito Posts: 179 Member
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    SconnieCat wrote: »
    miriamtob wrote: »
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    erickirb wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    miriamtob wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    miriamtob wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    miriamtob wrote: »
    Well, all you did is express how much you disapprove of the philosophy. That's your opinion and fortunately it bears no weight. This could be a productive conversation, if people were generally interested in my original answer, but it has been made into a boring discussion with a lot bullying and badgering by many of the usual suspects. Typical. Bye.

    the bullying train is never late, and that is just a fall back because you don't want to answer questions about paleo.

    sorry but disagreeing with your premise about paleo is not "bullying or bashing". I find it ironic that you are complaining about "badgering" when you were attempting to name call people that called you on paleo being a "secret for weight loss"...

    When you asked a member a question they provided you a direct answer; however, you were asked several times for a list of foods that you ate when doing Paleo and refused to answer....

    I was asked to provide a list, randomly and in a mocking tone. The list of foods one can eat on a Paleo/primal/ancestral/Weston A Price diet like mine is crazy long. It's more about food quality, source, and what one is omitting from their menu. I think feeling better helps with weight loss because you can overcome the fatigue that inhibits activity. So, a deficit is great and a deficit while feeling vibrant is even better!

    how do you know it was mocking? You can read into that based on a typed response?

    oh, and no one wanted a complete list, just a sample, so feel free to provide it....

    Yes, and I've been on the forums enough to know where those types of demands lead: jokes and gifs about cauliflower and further attempts to make the declared paleo person look foolish. It is not helpful. You need to work on your delivery; if your intention is to understand more and not just to make jokes.

    funny, you keep complaining about bashing, but the only one bashing is you with your passive aggressive attempts (which are very weak by the way) at name calling.

    so again, where is that temporary list of Paleo foods? I just want to see what paleo specific regional diet you are following...

    If you want to see non-paleo food items go check out their diary yesterday. Unless this person thinks those things are Paleo????

    Paleo can be a way to reach a caloric deficit, the caloric deficit is the "secret" to weight loss. Paleo would be a good answer if the OP asked for options of achieving a caloric deficit... then again almost anything would qualify if you counted calories and stayed under maintenance.

    Like I said, I just want to see some of these Paleolithc foods and what region of the world they are from...as we all know, Paleolithic foods were regionally specific. So Paleo man from northern Europe would not of consumed the same foods as say Paleo man from northern Africa....

    For the number of times you've demanded a food list, you could have easily googled and got the information for yourself. That makes it glaringly obvious to everyone here that you don't really want to know the information, rather you just want to badger someone.

    actually, I cannot Google a list because there are about 5000 different versions of Paleo.

    I googled Weston A Price and posted what is on their "rules"...just because I was curious...not sure how this poster can claim to follow it...as their diary indicates they don't.

    They try but it's hard...
    Just stop judging my food diary, k?
    Paleo is a template that people individualize based on their health goals. I'm not saying it's for everyone; I respect whatever makes people feel good and achieve their goals. Paleo/ primal-whatever-you-want-to-call-it has been a helpful tool for me in many regards including weight loss (yes, I know it comes down to a caloric deficit in the end, but there are all sorts of tricks to make achieving that easier). I can eat some dairy without any problems so I'll eat it. I can't do grains, high sugar, or legumes so naturally Paleo blogs and cookbooks provide the best recipes. Weston A Price inspired me to buy organic, make my own bone broth and cultured vegetables (an amazing source of probiotics and a feel-good, low calorie snack).

    No. No it isn't.

    You're not Paleo. That's fine. Just don't tout yourself as following "Paleo" lifestyle when it clearly isn't. You follow some Paleo principles but you're not eating in a Paleo manner.

    I am sure @Nony_Mouse would love to detail Paleo in greater detail for us...
  • mojohowitz
    mojohowitz Posts: 900 Member
    Good luck, OP, filtering though all of this.
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    Here are some of the things that are working for me.

    1. I set a reasonable calorie goal. With less than 50 pounds to lose I set my weekly weight loss goal for one pound a week to avoid the 1200 trap.

    2. Purchased a digital food scale.

    3. Read the sticky notes on the forums and learned how to use MFP and accurately log.

    4. I'm keeping things simple. No strict food plans, no making things more complicated than they need to be.

    5. Nothing is off limits. Instead I limit the frequency and portion sizes. Knowing that I can have whatever I want when I want makes it a lot less tempting for me to binge on it.

    6. I took personal responsibility for what brought me here. I could blame it on being in a tough situation, but once I realized that I didn't handle things in a healthy manner and found solutions for handling it better in the future I feel more in control.

    7. I experimented with exercise until I found a routine that I enjoy. I no longer exercise just to hit a calorie burn goal and it doesn't feel like a burdensome chore anymore.
  • SconnieCat
    SconnieCat Posts: 770 Member
    jkal1979 wrote: »
    Here are some of the things that are working for me.

    1. I set a reasonable calorie goal. With less than 50 pounds to lose I set my weekly weight loss goal for one pound a week to avoid the 1200 trap.

    2. Purchased a digital food scale.

    3. Read the sticky notes on the forums and learned how to use MFP and accurately log.

    4. I'm keeping things simple. No strict food plans, no making things more complicated than they need to be.

    5. Nothing is off limits. Instead I limit the frequency and portion sizes. Knowing that I can have whatever I want when I want makes it a lot less tempting for me to binge on it.

    6. I took personal responsibility for what brought me here. I could blame it on being in a tough situation, but once I realized that I didn't handle things in a healthy manner and found solutions for handling it better in the future I feel more in control.

    7. I experimented with exercise until I found a routine that I enjoy. I no longer exercise just to hit a calorie burn goal and it doesn't feel like a burdensome chore anymore.

    *slow clap*

    IMO, this is wonderful advice, OP.... if you're still following along ;)
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    I shouldn't be surprised about how these discussions go, but somehow I always am.


    1. No Attacks or Insults and No Reciprocation

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    b) If you are attacked by another user, and you reciprocate, you will also be subject to the same consequences. Defending yourself or a friend is not an excuse! Do not take matters into your own hands – instead, use the Report Post link to report an attack and we will be happy to handle the situation for you.
    2. No Hi-Jacking, Trolling, or Flame-baiting

    Please stay on-topic in an existing thread, and post new threads in the appropriate forum. Taking a thread off-topic is considered hi-jacking. Please either contribute politely and constructively to a topic, or move on without posting. This includes posts that encourage the drama in a topic to escalate, or posts intended to incite an uproar from the community.
This discussion has been closed.