A Frustrated Girl who Runs and Lifts



  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    inb4 inb4's

    What's REALLY important is that THIS was the first reply to the OP. How? How did he know? What sort of precognition is this that he knew this thread would become the festering turd it has? I call wizardry.

    Any thread on running and lifting is pretty much destined for the trash heap. The OP hasn't helped this at all. Neither have the ones posting saying you can't run or that it's automatically going to turn you into a stick. The runners that are sticks don't lift and/or don't eat enough to support their activity. I'm convinced that the reason you don't see more ripped up runners is because the social scene on running and lifting is pretty much zero and you have to fight anyone you work out with and/or speak to about fitness to get them to STFU about how your program is wrong. I have no idea where the "ultimate" balance lies as I've been trying to find it myself. My guess is that it's a bit south of marathons but we shall see.

    OP, you are doing an amazing job with your fitness, but the body shaming and attacks in this thread aren't warranted. I'm honestly not even sure whether the purpose of this thread was to troll, brag, or actually attack the concept of running and lifting together.
  • CrankMeUp
    CrankMeUp Posts: 2,860 Member
    inb4 inb4's

    What's REALLY important is that THIS was the first reply to the OP. How? How did he know? What sort of precognition is this that he knew this thread would become the festering turd it has? I call wizardry.

  • fjrandol
    fjrandol Posts: 437 Member
    /annoyed. I wanted to contribute to the topic, but never mind. The amount of body shaming and attacks is too much.
  • FoxyMcDeadlift
    FoxyMcDeadlift Posts: 771 Member
    I've run a marathon whilst strength training, dont expect to make solid strength gains in the business end of the marathon schedule. The trick is to divide your year into two seasons, the strength season where you increase your lifts, and the running season, where you improve your PBs, also EAT YOUR FOOD!

    I've just started knuckling down on the running side again, i've put on 8kg and added about 30kg to my lower body lifts at the expense of times on my miles, which im now shaving off again. Feel free to PM if you want more details, as with anythings, its just about managing your training/nutrition and listening to your body.

    *Edit* Can the two people having a flame war about their definitions of "lean" please learn to quote!
  • CrankMeUp
    CrankMeUp Posts: 2,860 Member
    /annoyed. I wanted to contribute to the topic, but never mind. The amount of body shaming and attacks is too much.


    no need to even respond. The OP and the body shaming guy have already done a good job making themselves look...


    dont want a strike.

    good luck on your goals OP:flowerforyou:
  • traumaticthrash
    you already seem to lead a healthy lifestyle. do what you love, thats the main thing :)
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    You're mad at the FACT that extreme long distance running creates a body shape that is not feminine nor lean, and certainly not attractive. How the hell can you get mad at such an obvious truth?

    Do I need to break it down for you? Do you want the science of it on a cellular and hormonal level? Lol

    *sigh* long distance runners are not lean?...lololol...

    and finding someone attractive is preference not fact ffs.

    oh...and lol

    Not that lean, no. Not like sprinters. And have no muscle mass. Nobody is attracted to a walking stick.

    Ummm pretty sure men have it programmed into their DNA to be attracted to feminine traits and body shape. Boobs, wide hips small waist, big butt... This is proven fact. Read a book. Damn, even watch a documentary. How are you this ignorant to science?

    Ummm, your science is lacking. Attraction is a spectrum that pretty much included a variety of things and snt as cookie cutter as you would like it to be, it is also influenced by the environment and education. I find these women attractive because my mental make up is such that achievement and dedication are extreme positive factors.

    Second of all, your understanding of long distance running is also lacking. The extreme runner attempts to achieve the most efficient weight to endurance and speed ratio. Low weight = winner. These body compositions are willed and developed by fine tuned diet and programs specifically for a minimum of necessary muscle to achieve results. It isn't that running achieves these results it's that by achieving these results one can be an elite runner.
    There are, for each of these elite runners, as many more higher weight, more muscle carrying long distance runners or triathletes but that just don't make it to the podium because,.... Well, physics.

    OP, I had specific advice with regards to doing both effectively but all I'll bother now with is to suggest to evaluate total calorie needs based on detailed running time evaluations. There are some nice methods out there. Good luck, try not to support the body shaming next time. I'm gone to burn bras.
  • Iron_Duchess
    Iron_Duchess Posts: 429 Member
    WOW! What a disgrace that we still have to deal with body shaming in 2013… Excellent way to introduce yourself to us OP!!! :ohwell:
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    1) the "marathon runner v sprinters" argument is patently stupid and intellectually dishonest:

    see: http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/fat-loss/sprinters-vs-marathoners.html

    2) fat loss is different to weight loss - being 10lbs higher on race day on the scale doesn't mean you have gained 10lbs of fat - particularly if you are carb loading to top up glycogen stores. In addition subcutaneous water may make you appear fatter when in fact you are not.

    3) logging significant mileage is very hard to balance with a muscle preservation goal even with good peri, intra and post workout nutrition. It can be done but the hormonal environment turns catabolic around 80 minutes which is essentially the opposite of what you want to achieve. Can be done but it is an inefficient set up and will lead to diluted results.

    4) Science yo!

    5) Different men find different things attractive. We do not possess a homogenous hive mind not matter what some punter tells you on t'interwebs.

    6) Learn who to listen to - you will get much further that way.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Well if this ain't a trash heap.

    Everyone has a right to their opinion however
    1) Opinions aren't facts
    2) while body preference is normal and the spice of life, body shaming is never okay
    3) a person's opinion is not a good foundation on which to stand when attacking another person

    I'm still trying to understand how the consumption of ice cream and lattes (and I'm assuming therefore sausages) automatically negates the validity of a person's experience and knowledge base.

    If what you're doing isn't working the way you want do something different, if you don't want to do something different then don't.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Well... it is my understanding that long periods at a higher heart rate does cause your body to resort more to muscle than fat for an energy source. I don't know why. I know it's not fair, but that is just how the body does. Like you said, though, I'm sure it is because protein is a more efficient source of energy than fat.

    You might not like my suggestion, but if I were you, I would load up on more carbs... even some with more fat. Maybe allow yourself to indulge in something less clean on the days you run. It will give your body more to work with than having to depend so much upon itself for energy.
  • darias_mommy
    darias_mommy Posts: 127 Member

    My run sessions were between 3-4 hours long not 30 min. You seem good at math.....imagine how many calories I would need to eat to gain 10lbs while burning that many calories.

    Thanks for your reply but I was interested in advice from someone who can relate with those numbers.

    My trainer told me that after an hour of hard core cardio, the body stops burning fat and burns muscle. LaurenAOK clearly has the right idea. You are a bit more hardcore and need to research on a different site. Congrats on your 16% body fat. I'm 26%. I workout like an animal no less than 5 days a week. Maybe you need a bodybuilding or marathon site. No offense intended, but maybe we are the wrong place for you. good luck with your training.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    13,500 posts in a little over a year. Holy moly. How??? I should have known better. I bet you argue a lot on here. I'm done lol. Have already spent way too much time wasting my breath lol.

    Being a moderator of a very popular fitness group on here would do that, I imagine.

    MFP is the only place on the internet where being active in the forums is seen as a bad thing. Some of us read and type very fast; if it takes you an hour to formulate a 300 word post, I guess I can see how a high post count might be interpreted incorrectly.
  • CrankMeUp
    CrankMeUp Posts: 2,860 Member
  • annemcharles
    annemcharles Posts: 194 Member
    I am training for a marathon and lifting...maybe I should rethink my plan...? I was keeping the lifting in my plan because I tend to get on the scrawny side when I put in the miles and was hoping lifting would help keep some curves. Hmmm...
  • runningchick70
    runningchick70 Posts: 192 Member
    I have a love for distance running & weights too. Usually the first half of the year I can find a great balance between running & strength training because I am only running half marathons. I've done six halfs so far this year. Starting in late June though, I begin training for my fall full. This will be my third year of doing so. By the time the full rolls around in October, my body comp will look different than when I initially began training. I attribute it to the added sodium & carb intake needed to fuel those long runs. You look great! Don't give up doing what you love! Feel free to send me a FR.

    Take care!
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Well this certainly went nowhere.
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    Long distance running is absolutely awful for body compositions. Especially THAT long.

    Diet, lift, and SPRINT. You will be incredibly lean in no time.

    total BS. what if you don't want to sprint???

    Long Distance Running helped me lose over 50 lbs, I'm leaner than I have ever been..including when i played college football.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    So I am going to ignore the useless "debate" part of this thread and give you my opinion/experience.

    First I cannot imagine gaining 10# training for a marathon. When I am in my high mileage weeks, I'm dropping weight like crazy while stuffing down everything I see.

    My first marathon I was doing very minimal strength training and got extremely lean. Probably the leanest I'd been in a long time, and also lost a small amount of overall muscle mass.

    My 2nd time around I upped my strength training and miles, still leaned out a ton, but didn't lose the muscle mass like I had previously.

    Currently I've backed off my running a good bit and whether i go up or down 100% relies on eating above or below maintenance. My body comp is pretty stable. I'm likely to start training for marathon #3 next spring and plan to continue my strength training solidly during it. My suggestions are to try and eat more things that are satisfying and nutrient dense. Get a better handle on what you are eating(calorie wise) & what you are expending, 3600 calories burnt running a day is not realistic. And if you were running that much and only eating 2000 cals, that jsut doesnt add up. Something is off, very off.
  • rassha01
    rassha01 Posts: 534 Member
    Fact: some guys do not speak for all guys.Opinions are not facts.

    Oh yea LOL