I am never hungry I have to force myself to eat and I just gain gain gain weight



  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    edited May 2015
    OP: You say you take Wellbutrin and anxiety meds.

    Did you start the medications after your father died?

    When you started the Wellbutrin and other medicines, is that when you experienced a loss of appetite?

    If yes, you need to speak to the doctor who is prescribing these meds and ask them to put you on a different medication.

    she still would lose weight when she lost her appetite.

    So i dont see the real problem there.

    she says she doesn't lose weight while eating nothing the whole day.

  • futuremanda
    futuremanda Posts: 816 Member
    OP: You say you take Wellbutrin and anxiety meds.

    Did you start the medications after your father died?

    When you started the Wellbutrin and other medicines, is that when you experienced a loss of appetite?

    If yes, you need to speak to the doctor who is prescribing these meds and ask them to put you on a different medication.

    she still would lose weight when she lost her appetite.

    So i dont see the real problem there.

    Weight loss aside, having a normal appetite and a healthy relationship to food (not hating it) is a desirable outcome. So yes, I agree, if her meds are making her hate food, she could consider changing them, depending on her options for alternatives. She's probably still consuming more *calories* than she's burning (or has been, if she's no longer gaining, but was gaining), but her relationship with food could be improved regardless.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    thorsmom01 wrote: »
    Op like others have stated, nobody here is trying to make you cry. People don't gain weight magically. You have only logged breakfast today and other then that, your log is empty. Your not weighing your foods properly, because 0.6 of a sausage patty isn't the correct way to enter how much sausage you've eaten. Weigh things on a scale, in grams.
    If you truly believe that your gaining all this weight without eating at a surplus, then you need to find a specialist to help you and access your medical situation. But just know that they'll also ask you to weigh all your foods and log them so they can see how much you consume. So either way, you need to start weighing foods and logging correctly if you want to pursue this.
    I'm sorry you feel attacked, but you truly haven't been. Ppl are just trying to show you how it is and for whatever reason, you don't seem to want to hear it.

    I was on medicine for my thyroid but I stopped taking it someone else asked me that. I am on Wellbutrin and anxiety medicine. I weighed the sausage a whole one weighed .08 ounces I only ate half so I really don't know how to log it since it doesn't show a weigh go log food via ounces.

    Ok then you really truly need to make a doctor appt as soon as possible. Start with weighing and logging so you can show them exactly what your consuming and you can show them that you've tried but something else is wrong. The depression and anxiety meds shouldn't cause something like this, but it's possible that you have other stuff going on. To be safe, definitely make an appt tomorrow. From your pic, it looks like your a mom. Your kids deserve the healthiest mom possible, so go to the doctor and explain your situation asap. Nobody here is a doctor, well there are some but they can't diagnose or help you online. So please do this for kids and get your health sorted out.
  • booksandchocolate12
    booksandchocolate12 Posts: 1,741 Member
    rainbowbow wrote: »
    Let me guess... this is one of the OP types that posts with self-pity, ignores valid advice, listens to those who echo the invalid and factually impossible, and then never makes changes they need to and never finds success because they'd rather be coddled than face the facts...

    Yep. It went exactly as I suspected it would.

    OP, please see a doctor asap. Preferably one who doesn't fill your head with the bs that is "starvation mode".
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    ok I agree she needs to weigh everything and log it but,Im going to put this out there. my daughter was the same way,never hungry and didnt eat much food. most days it was under 1200 calories. she kept gaining weight even though she was barely eating, BUT, come to find out she has hyperthyroidism and insulin resistance(but not diabetic yet). she has only lost 14 lbs since april 2nd. she is on low carb and 1200 calories and some days she struggles to eat that much food. so yes it is possible to gain weight when you have health issues and arent eating enough food.my daughter sees an endocrinologist because of all of it. I know a lot of you said that its not possible but it is. you can also have insulin resistance and not know it. she has had it for years and all her blood work would come back normal until recently.

    When I was a kid my mother could not figure out why I was gaining weight either because she moderated what I ate at home. The problem was that I went other places to get food, therefore I was indeed eating enough food to gain weight. In other words, it's possible your daughter eating more food than your realize. This has no reflection on your as a mother, but simply goes to say that there is no possible way to know exactly how much she is eating unless you are with her 24/7.

    Even with a medical condition, could it be that when she was gaining weight on "under 1200 calories," because she was eating more than both you or she realized?
    she doesnt go anywhere(shes a homebody so to speak) and if she does she is always with me. her dr said due to her insulin resistance that everything she ate was being stored as fat and her body was not converting it properly.no she was not eating more than 1200 calories.most days she would only eat 6-800 if that. she was eating a lot of carbs which did not help her insulin levels. she has lost some weight. but the dr is trying the 1200 calorie low carb diet to see if that helps. it is helping with her insulin resistance some. she was even in marching band in high school and had gym every day and still was not losing weight.even when she ate healthier.Her thyroid condition was just diagnosed in the last 6 months. even though over the years from the age of I'd say 10 she would gain weight,no matter what she did or what she ate or how little.she is going to be 20 and she hasnt gained weight since she started the diet but there are still days she cant eat 1200 calories.

    I want to know how her body was functioning daily? How did her muscles repair? How did her hypothalamus function? How did her organs run? Etc. What did her whole body use for energy if all the food she ate was stored as fat?
    I dont know you tell me. Im just saying what the dr said. she had no energy though.

  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    When my dad passed, it was hard. I was Daddy's little girl. Part of how I got through it was thinking "Is this what he'd want for me?" He loved me and would not want me making bad choices because he left.

    In my opinion, you're not hungry because you're depressed about your dad passing away. If you're only taking in 300-600 calories a day, you're not eating enough to sustain yourself and that adorable little baby will soon have a sick momma.

    I know you're on Wellbutrin and something for anxiety and seeing a therapist. I think you need to be assertive with your therapist about how much you're struggling. Because the feelings you're experiencing seem to be severe enough to negatively impact your health if they continue.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    I shared with the OP the possible causes of gaining weight while not eating a lot,by telling her about my daughter,letting her know it was possible with a health condition. where a lot of people were saying its not. hope that cleared up any confusion

    If you have a health condition it doesn't change CICO. It just means that it's harder to get the CO side of the equation. For example, hypothyroidism may lower your BMR, so you're not burning as many calories throughout the day as someone with a normal BMR. Calories in calories out still applies.
    never said it did, she has insulin resistance as well.

  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    edited May 2015
    OP: You say you take Wellbutrin and anxiety meds.

    Did you start the medications after your father died?

    When you started the Wellbutrin and other medicines, is that when you experienced a loss of appetite?

    If yes, you need to speak to the doctor who is prescribing these meds and ask them to put you on a different medication.

    she still would lose weight when she lost her appetite.

    So i dont see the real problem there.

    she says she doesn't lose weight while eating nothing the whole day.

    @TheOwlhouseDesigns I'm aware that she would still lose weight.

    That wasn't what I was getting at. My point is that the medications may be the cause of her lack of appetite because loss of appetite is a side effect of many of those drugs. If the meds are the culprit, she needs to try a different medicine because she shouldn't want to puke when she thinks of food. That isn't normal and the real problem.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Psychgrrl wrote: »
    If you're only taking in 300-600 calories a day,

    no worries there
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    I came here to provide input, but I honestly have no idea where to begin.
  • galgenstrick
    galgenstrick Posts: 2,086 Member
    I shared with the OP the possible causes of gaining weight while not eating a lot,by telling her about my daughter,letting her know it was possible with a health condition. where a lot of people were saying its not. hope that cleared up any confusion

    If you have a health condition it doesn't change CICO. It just means that it's harder to get the CO side of the equation. For example, hypothyroidism may lower your BMR, so you're not burning as many calories throughout the day as someone with a normal BMR. Calories in calories out still applies.
    never said it did, she has insulin resistance as well.

    You did say it:
    it is possible to gain weight when you have health issues and arent eating enough food.

  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    Shouldn't this Charlie Bean person start his own thread? It's confusing to read this whole thing.
  • FitForL1fe
    FitForL1fe Posts: 1,872 Member
    not tracking food

    confused about weight gain

    makes sense
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    OdesAngel wrote: »
    Shouldn't this Charlie Bean person start his own thread? It's confusing to read this whole thing.

    Seriously. Talk about hijacking the thread.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    OdesAngel wrote: »
    Shouldn't this Charlie Bean person start his own thread? It's confusing to read this whole thing.

  • ereck44
    ereck44 Posts: 1,170 Member
    This thread is an MFP classic

    No kidding!

  • ogmomma2012
    ogmomma2012 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Depression can manifest in many ways, including the lack of appetite. Go get some anti-depression medication, montior your food and liquid intake. /thread
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    Depression can manifest in many ways, including the lack of appetite. Go get some anti-depression medication, montior your food and liquid intake. /thread

    She is on an anti-depressant as well as anxiety meds.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    polly1970 wrote: »
    OP, do you drink alcohol?

    I had the same thought when she said she drinks her calories.
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