

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    csofled wrote: »
    KateKyi wrote: »
    b]@ Cheri[/b]@Kate

    That is the ONE feature of the premium MFP that I really enjoy having. So much easier than having to subtract out those calories and not go into exercise calories if you don't eat them back.


    If you do not add your exercise until after you have added your calories eaten in the first place at the first green button you come to; and water and saved that; it won't enter your exercise as calories eaten back. Save your caloric intake at the first green button; and then enter your water intake at the next block. It will say "Edit" and after you have entered them - enter "Saved"

    @Cheri What are the advantages of the Premium MFP and how much does it costs per month?

    Lenora (GRITSandSLUTS)

    I honestly do not know what the Premium costs.I am a beta tester for a couple of months. I will keep your instructions above for when my "tester stint" ends. On the main MFP page if you click on the Premium tab located in the dark blue under the Community tab it will take you to the Premium page and the details. The only feature I currently use is the ability to turn off the workout calories. A lot of the features are the ability to add more detail to your caloric goals. Another feature that is nice is when adding a Quick Add food item you can break down the macro details versus just the total calories.


  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member

    Good Morning:

    Discovered a water leak in my basement yesterday, now I have to figure out where it's coming from. It seems to be related to my bathtub. Good thing Dad's coming to visit on Wednesday. (I had to call 1-800-DAD-COMEHelp again) :laugh:

    Yannie: I'll be sure to give him a hug for you when I see him. :smile:

    Thought for the day: “ Count your age by friends, not years. Count your life by smiles, not tears. ” — John Lennon

    June Goals:

    1. Do menu planning for June (complete)
    2. Eat 3 meals a day
    3. Log all meals
    4. Plan and Do one fun thing each week
    (W1: Hot stone massage and weekend of Tai Chi with friend...Oops that's 2 things...oh darn
    W2: Lunch with a friend, going away party for co-worker... 2 more...yay!
    W3: Pedicure and manicure, Tai Chi in the park. Bingo with my Aunt, Lunch with a friend (Some not planned, but sure have been fun!)
    W4: Trip with 2 of my favourite people (mom & dad) to visit 2 more of my favourite people (Aunt & Uncle)
    5. Ride stationary bike 3 times a week for 30 minutes.

  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Husband says he needs to reset the router, so just putting a quick marker here to say good morning. I had a lazy, somewhat self destructive weekend... back on track now.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
    morning peeps -

    jmkmomm - cool info about your area and the movies. i loved that baseball movie.
    now that the US Open is done, they will open up the park again, that is a nice run to do.
    lagopus - have fun w/those kids!
    to the person that has a dog trainer that kicks a dog for correction? you need to get another trainer. i've trained all of my 4 and have never had to kick them.
    kateky - how does chinese food sneak into somebodys mouth. did you spit it out?
    sluts - good job on watching what u ate!
    katla - i have never used prepation h. there is some stuff for bicyclists that you can get at sports stores. you should also buy some bike liners. they are padded for bicyclists that don't wear bike shorts and the put them on under regular shorts.
    nccarolb- nice rant.. love the weather over there!
    ssc1958- bummer bout the leak, glad to hear u have a handy dad!
    ydailey - self destructive ? if you didn't elaborate, that sh#$t must have been good!

    didn't ride him or am going to ride home (still riding just not the longer distances). i'm starting to feel my knees a bit.

    i'm also typing slower than usual, the nail that broke is the left finger next to the thumb? u know, the one you use a lot?? why is that it always works out that way! 2 more weeks for vegas then we get to 150 degree weather!! i'm so excited!!
    eyes are better, have an appointment on Wednesday. this doc seems to think that the contacts weren't fitted well but I don't think so because I wouldn't have had ANY days where I could wear them without pain or discomfort of any kind. oh well, whatever

    someone was asking me for my address once? or was I imagining it? I don't remember what for but here:
    1709 South 41st Place
    Tacoma WA 98418-1610
    I hope to get 5k in the mail :0)
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited June 2015
    Ah... quick check-in, probably the only time today, DD and DSIL will be here with those grandbabies that I haven't seen in three months sometime this afternoon. They're on the right side of the Red River finally (in other words, they're in Texas, but still have at least six hours driving to do). They left Fort Leonard Wood last night at midnight. Oh to be young...

    NSV (non-scale victory) - Broke five-mile mark yesterday for the first time running... and today, I made it to a 15-minute mile for the first time! Ran 3.4 miles - had to cut it a little short at that speed, my fastest yet. When I started, it took me an hour and a bit to run three miles, so I'm pretty happy.

    Carey - Tried out the super-high protein thing yesterday. Holy crapolini, it's hard to get in more than 150 grams of protein! Had to resort to a protein shake, finally, and I despise them. Will snag some lo-cal almond milk while I'm in town, which will help a little. Was down a half pound this morning, but know better than to celebrate that... :neutral: How's it going with you?

    Anyway - my husband will be meeting his three-month-old granddaughter, Haley Leann, for the first time today, so there will be pictures. :) I have to make a grocery run into town; even having them here for just today and tomorrow means we need things we just don't keep around, like cereal and milk! Have to go throw a ham in the oven on low and slow, and get my sweaty little self in the shower...

    Later, dazed... and on the move!
    Lisa from West Texas (foggy/misty, no sunny today, yet at least)
  • HoneyRose77
    HoneyRose77 Posts: 42 Member
    DamitJanit wrote: »
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Miriam, your house is darling. How old is it? So sorry about your health issues. So you just have to get older to get any relief? Is that the plan? Hang in there.

    Yannie, fantastic job at Applebee’s! What kind of hot chocolate do you have every day and how many calories? How nice that you can share the brown eyed Susans. I hope they make the move.

    , okay if you want all the help we can give you, you have to make a deal with us. Be totally honest with us about what you eat and drink and your exercise. That doesn’t mean you can’t still lie to yourself (not that you would do that) but be totally honest with us. And we will encourage you and whip up on you when needed, and just ask that you do the same for us. We are all so different and yet so much alike. That is why this group makes this journey so much easier and doable. We can do this!!!

    Nancy, if all else fails on that skin problem, try Blue Star Ointment if you can find it. We had a dog that had such skin problems and had tried everything else when someone told us to try that and it did the trick. They still make it but might not be carried by ever store. LOL

    Lenora, you said, “I'm learning that "Kitty Chow" is low in calories . . . makes a good snack, too! LOL!” I’m not sure about it, but when my DD was real little, she told us that dog food is real salty. Ya might want to check the sodium levels before you snack on too much of it. ROF So happy for you to be getting all that great exercise in the pool while having fun, no less.

    Sylvia, it sounds like an exciting outing. Even without exercise, I know your heartrate was up! It is amazing how fast they can slip a collar and take off and like you said, a whippet can run like the wind. Glad it all turned out. Smart thinking on your orange ball. Love the picture. She is so beautiful!!!

    Shari, welcome. You will find us a very supportive and informative group of ladies. It sounds like you have found the right place both in this group and MFP. Tell us a bit more about yourself to help us get to know you. We ask that you sign each post with the name you want to be called and a location helps too. We are glad to have you so come often and post whenever you feel like it. I know you can do this, too.

    Penny, I’m guessing today is pretty much all daylight for you when you are at home? I still can’t imagine living where some days are all light and some are no light. When I was reading Sylvia’s post, my mind went the same place with Venus and Jupiter, but I had never heard her mention them before. lol

    Joyce, the father’s day gift for Charlie sounds like a winner. I hope he likes it and appreciates it.

    Becca, thanks for sharing about your dad.

    Heather, glad you had a good time at the party and also that you don’t feel guilty.

    Thinn, welcome. Please tell us a little about yourself to help us get to know you. Also, we ask that you sign each post with a name that you want to be called and a location, general or specific. We are happy to have you join us.

    Lisa, nice looking hubby. Yeppers, I’d say he looks like a keeper.

    Yannie, there is something so extra peaceful about a quiet morning before anyone else is up. Glad you enjoyed it for a while.

    HoneyRose, welcome. Please tell us more about yourself and sign each post with the name you want to be called. A location, general or specific, also helps us know you. This is a very supportive group so come often and join right in.

    welcome.gif to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I think I have been reading too long here.confused.gif A few of the posts are just confusing me and I have no idea what they are talking about? Maybe they are a follow-up to earlier posts that I missed? I just don’t know, but think I need to get off of here and do some exercises.

    I hope you all have a wonderful Father’s Day, weather you are with a father or not. Be healthy and happy and have some fun.

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Love ya, <3
    Myrtle Beach, SC

    Hi DJ,
    Thanks for the welcome. Well, I turn 51 this August. I've been going back and forth with my weight and with sticking to my goals. Sometimes I think I'm eating a lot, and by the calories, its not even half of what is required so I'm trying to get a handle on that. It is not intentional ladies, trust me. I am originally from Boston and now live in Rhode Island. I live alone with my cat, Lucky who thinks she's a guard dog even tho she's an indoor cat! I'm not the best at meal planning and would like to get better at that. I don't like cooking for one, but I must get over that. I also need to get more veggies into my system. Now that I have a new job, I have to figure out my meals for those days I work as I work either early mornings or evenings. I also have to figure out when and which exercise program I'm doing on those days. I hope to be an active supporter on this forum, but don't want to spend hours on the computer each day. I love to sing and do Karaoke via Sing! app on my phone. I sing just about anything except rap. If anyone is interested in finding out more about the app, let me know - would love to have new partners to sing with.

    I don't know what else to say, so I hope that is a good beginning. You can call me Tonia.
    Happy Monday everyone!
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Barbie, what a sweet card the kids got for Jake. He has a pretty sweet wife, too.

    Lori, great going on the run. I respect anyone and everyone that even starts a run like that. Cool lighthouse.

    Mia, congrats on the 2 lb loss. And how great that the theater sells junior popcorn. Ya can’t do movies without popcorn, which is why I don’t do movies. popcorn.gif

    Mary, is the cabin you talked about, our guest house? The floor sounds great for us. Tee hee hee

    Yannie, I’ll be listening for an explosion and screams, but hope the beets turn out for you. Just not something I care for.

    Linda, what kind of camp are you working at? Is this your regular job? Smart move to take your healthy food with you.

    Joyce, I talk about all of you all the time too. Rather than refer to you as “my ladies over 50 group on MFP.” I had to find something shorter so to DH I call us my “Fat Chat” group. Hope no one minds, and he knows that most of you aren’t any longer fat,, but I thought it had a nice ring to it. whistling.gif It is interesting how we each perceive things. You said, “I have a mild problem that I pass out if I am not getting enough salt.” I think of that as a bit more than a mild problem. I hope you always get enough and don’t pass out.

    , I got chills reading about your friend’s daughter. That is amazing and wonderful that she made such a recovery. You have a marvelous time in London.

    Kate, I also don’t like that MFP adds our exercise calories. Not that I can’t figure it out, but it’s easier without them, so I now wait until the end of the day when I have finished my food diary and then put in my exercise. I just like it better that way.

    Carol, I wish I did feel like you after eating sweets, but I don’t. I’m not a big sweet eater but just some things call my name from time to time.

    Katla, I hate to hear about your saddle sores. Hope you find a quick fix before your car ride.

    CarolNC, I liked your “vent” and agree. It’s going to be another hot one here, too.

    welcome.gif to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I got in some pretty good exercise this morning. Held my plank for 45 seconds. I’m off to the shower then downstairs for lunch.

    Have a great day, my friends. <3

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Love ya,
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    just checking in....
    going to work in an hour, have Homer on my lap and Chester under my feet...
    woke up at 11:30 last night and didnt get back to sleep until after 1.. just laying there, getting up let the dog out.... then get up again because he puked in the living room...
    so I am a little sluggish today. my DB gave me some lettuce from his garden, well have to go look for a led light bulb down stairs while I remember...
  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member
    Hey Ladies! :)

    I missed you all over the weekend. I am promising myself to buy a new computer next week. There are too many pages to catch up on after the weekend.

    I managed to survive the trainer Sunday morning and felt pretty good about myself. She really is teaching me anything I didn’t know before but she does provide fantastic motivation, education, and advice. The pants I had trouble fitting into earlier this month are becoming a little baggy! The SO had a wonderful Father’s Day. His kids (that said they would never visit him again after the last family gathering blow-out – I said that was great) and grandchildren came over and stayed for dinner. There was so much going on at the house with the unplanned dinner guests that I didn’t eat which was not so good. Not too many left overs but I did manage to hide a T-Bone that I will have for dinner tomorrow.

    Chris: It took me a little bit of time to adjust to working out so early. Now I am up at 5:15 every morning and walking the dog at 5:45. Sometimes I go to the gym at 4:00 a.m. and I have come to enjoy that quiet time in the gym.

    Meg: It was sooo very good to see your post. I have decided that I need to do a better job of taking care of myself. The SO now has to make appointments for a haircut every two weeks and he doesn’t miss out no matter what. So I’ve decided that I need a mani and pedi every three weeks and I’m not going to miss my appointment either.

    Lisa: You always tell such wonderful truths! Logging is so very important for this journey.

    Yannie Jannie: A 2 minute plank! Wow, I’m proud of you!

    Janeter: You are absolutely right. At one point I was a closet eater too. So happy that your DH has an extra $1700 in his budget now. Now why would an ex want to acknowledge your success?

    Poopy Pip: Hope you recover from the sight problems quickly! You look better and healthier than she does!

    Michele: I am happy to say that today I still have the remainder of that brownie in my lunch bag. I’ll look at it this afternoon and see if it is stale yet. It hasn’t even been a thought!

    DJ: I jokingly talk about buying clothes too big but it really is kind of sad that I still think of myself being much larger than I am. So my question for myself is why do I keeping doing it. It has helped that I am conscious of the fact that I am doing it so now I go into the dressing room with the thought that a dress should fit tight enough that I can just see a little of my bulge and I need to suck in my stomach to zip up the pants. After many years I have learned to shop at consignment and big discount stores. I don’t expect to spend more than $30 on any complete outfit. That helps a lot.

    Agnes: We recently had our pastor over for dinner and he whipped out his phone with MFP mobile and logged each item on the table and let that determine how much of what he was going to eat.

    Sylvia: Molly is beautiful. Storm has gotten away from me once or twice. The last time he got away we had just moved into a new neighborhood and I was worried that he would get hit by a car so I tried and tried to get him to come without success. I was having an asthma episode and the SO ordered me back into the house and left to follow Storm with the car. Five minutes later the SO was driving up the street with the Doberman running behind the car. Storm ran into the back fence and waited for me to close the gate. I asked the SO what he had done to get Storm to follow him home. He said he told Storm that he had better get his @#$% home immediately. If someone kicked my dog (even my accident) I would probably need bail money! >:)DeeDee - I'm counting on you coming to get me out! The nerve of that @#$@! Then to have other people say she kicked their dogs too! Where is the grumble grumble grumble emoji?

    Tere in Richmond VA
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Barbie: glad you enjoyed the restaurant!

    Renny: isn’t shopping by bike great? ;)

    Lori: love the lighthouse photo.

    Katla: if anyone advises you to use a sanitary pad as “cushioning” while riding, DON’T. Just DON’T. You will rue the day. I don’t have any good ideas about what you should do, though. Does your instructor have any ideas?

    I got my kneecap taped by the physical therapist on Friday. (I had pain from the kneecap not moving in its “groove”.) Had a lot less pain during the weekend, so I was happy. Today I went down a flight of stairs and had sharp pain beginning at the first step. Biking was also painful. Going back for a retape tomorrow, so I’m curious what he will say.

    Hope we all have a good day! <waving to check whether I’m invisible or not>

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:

  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 399 Member
    Hi, Ladies -- had a very busy weekend and just was able to log, not read or post and now I see 258 posts? Will get to them sometime, I hope. Just wanted to let you know about my doctor visit with the cholesterol situation. According to his scale, I have lost 13 pounds since December -- more than since February when I started MFP. So he was able to tell me that I really am doing everything I can do help my cholesterol down, and if I cannot do it it probably just is one of those genetic things I will have to control with meds. I said I wanted 6 more months to see if I could make any difference at all, and then I would just try the statins. It was important for me to hear him acknowledge that I was really trying my best, I think. On the plus side, my blood pressure is down to the point where I might be able to go off those meds soon. So it is back to the drawing board with my 1200 a day plan to see how much more weight I can lose by Christmas! I am not stressed out about the meds anymore, even though I do not like taking them. And it was nice to have some confirmation that I really was doing all I could and not being a slacker. I can fight with weight loss and exercise but maybe I can't win the genetics part any other way than medicine. So a big thank you to the people who offered support and advice on here! And you are all inspiring me when you post your struggles and successes. It makes me feel that there really is hope for this journey. Still going to eat right and exercise and feel better and look better, even if I wind up not being able to do this without meds. Hope you all have a wonderful afternoon/evening/morning!
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Monday ! !

    Today is my final "real" day at work, so I must get caught-up on my paperwork, so I don't leave it for the person working my spot this week.

    Janetr – Cute pic. Love the sippy cup.

    Barbie – I love the ability to speak to the people around me whether I know them or not. You are lucky to have such a trait. Congrats on the positive experience. Update: the picture of that meal is amazing. Yum ! // We watched much of the US open as well. That course is crazy. I expected it to be as green as we are here. Now I know. I hope I can visit the area some day. One of my best friends from a few years ago lives somewhere in that area. DH sure wishes DS would put as much effort into golf as he does basketball, mostly for the travel and scenery.

    Renny – thanks for sharing your story. I know we can win this fight, if we keep doing it together.

    Miriam – Sorry you had to go through all that because of a negligent neighbor and landlord.

    Poop – I hate when nails break so low down that they bleed. It seems to take forever for them to heal. Sympathies, and I hope it heals quickly.

    Joyce – I do believe the Hotel room has a mini-fridge, so I plan on taking a case of water and some yogurt and fruit, and filling my belly before leaving as much as possible. If no mini fridge, I don’t mind room-temp water. The problem will be the venue. They search everything, and you can’t carry-in anything, and I mean anything. I’m hoping I can sneak in my powder packets of PropelZero + calcium (I’m sure they don’t sell that product). And I will definitely give every food vendor the third degree, and blame food allergies until I get what I want (and feel your energy while I do it). Hopefully my sister and I can agree to share meals, as that will help, too. She will drink plenty of beer, so I will drink plenty of water. Right now I’m having a hard time being motivated. I tried so hard to behave with all the problems I encountered over the weekend, and didn’t lose anything (yes, I weigh myself every day, I just can’t help myself). But, for NSV – Hubby did say “. . . since you are losing weight . . .” yesterday, so that felt good. I better force myself to focus on that, not on the scale. Happy face !

    Sharon – Hugs. I hope things get better quickly.

    Heather – what a moving story about your school-friend and her daughter.

    Carey – Hugs for your water leak. I hope you find the source quickly, and that you have minimal damage.

    TX Lisa – Congrats on the NSV. Enjoy your family.

    Hi Tonia – I love to sing, but don’t use hardly any apps on my phone. I really miss karaoke - I used to go 1-3 times a week before we moved. I’ll sing with you in my heart and head.

    I say “my friends from My Fitness Pal”.

    This morning's storms were pretty bad. Funny little DS thinks there is a magic switch that Grandpa can flip and bring power back to the house, because his phone battery is almost dead (convenient, since that means I can't text him extra chores), and he can't play videogames without electicity. According to the radio news, the second wave that is due around 5:00pm tonight will be much worse. Maybe I'll get my work-out in afterall (no lunch break since vacation starts tomorrow, and not willing to try to drive in hail).

    Okay, work is calling (well, the paperwork anyway), so I better get moving to earn my pay.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
    lhannon - great job on your run! i have a protein shake at lunch, you need to soup it up a bit to make it a smoothie. freeze a banana, put crushed ice in it. you cn do all kinds of crap.

    terewilliams - yeayyyy baggiepants!!!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
    CynthiaT60 wrote: »
    Hello everyone!

    Barbie: glad you enjoyed the restaurant!

    Renny: isn’t shopping by bike great? ;)

    Lori: love the lighthouse photo.

    Katla: if anyone advises you to use a sanitary pad as “cushioning” while riding, DON’T. Just DON’T. You will rue the day. I don’t have any good ideas about what you should do, though. Does your instructor have any ideas?

    I got my kneecap taped by the physical therapist on Friday. (I had pain from the kneecap not moving in its “groove”.) Had a lot less pain during the weekend, so I was happy. Today I went down a flight of stairs and had sharp pain beginning at the first step. Biking was also painful. Going back for a retape tomorrow, so I’m curious what he will say.

    Hope we all have a good day! <waving to check whether I’m invisible or not>

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:


    I definitely would have used a sanitary napkin as cushioning had I had the smarts, you're darn tootin I would have!! I just used plain ol bike shorts.

    hope your knee gets better
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Joyce: I hate the way the Dr's office does blood pressure too ... it always shows up higher than it should. I LOVE salt, at least I used to... I haven't added it to my cooking for a year now (except for potatoes and pasta when boiling). I'm finding that food at restaurants is starting to become too salty for my taste buds. I'm on beta blockers too but my heart rate hit 166 today while riding my bike.. probably working too hard.

    Penny: I love trees... I've planted about 1500 in the last few years. Maple, spruce, pine, willow, apple, cherry, honey berry, hawthorne, birch and a few other types.

    Sharon: Hope you get some answers and that all goes well in court. my-fingers-are-crossed-smiley-emoticon.gif

    Kate: I love beets. I'm going to try them in the microwave too.

    Katla: Sorry about the saddle sores. I wonder if a donut cushion or witch hazel would help for the travelling?

    Carol NC: Good for you for speaking up!

    LisaH: I'm having a hard time getting in that much protein as well. I managed 88g yesterday but went to Costco and bought some protein powder and protein bars. My son gave me a protein shake this morning that has 30g of protein. It was vanilla and didn't taste too bad (I made sure it was really cold!). I tried some of it at Costco yesterday and it was room temp and tasted gross. I jumped on the scale this morning and was up .5 lb but that is way better than 1.5 :smile: Like you, I know better than to let that bother me. I'll wait and see what the average is this week.

    Pip/Terri: Thanks for the kind thoughts on the plumbing issues

    June Goals:

    1. Do menu planning for June (complete)
    2. Eat 3 meals a day
    3. Log all meals
    4. Plan and Do one fun thing each week
    (W1: Hot stone massage and weekend of Tai Chi with friend...Oops that's 2 things...oh darn
    W2: Lunch with a friend, going away party for co-worker... 2 more...yay!
    W3: Pedicure and manicure, Tai Chi in the park. Bingo with my Aunt, Lunch with a friend (Some not planned, but sure have been fun!)
    W4: Trip with 2 of my favourite people (mom & dad) to visit 2 more of my favourite people (Aunt & Uncle)
    5. Ride stationary bike 3 times a week for 30 minutes.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Hi all!
    Back home now and knackered (as we say over here!) :laugh:
    The lunch was great. With reference to my friend's daughter, she got married a couple of years ago and had a bit of a PTSD breakdown, linked to the encephalitis. Being able to "let it all out" to her new husband brought it all back. After therapy she is fine now, but we hope the new baby in September doesn't trigger something. She absolutely had to learn how to feed herself, walk and read. Amazing! ! ! ! Her dad has had Dengue Fever recently from doing charity work in India. That was touch and go. All his students lined up to deliver blood and platelets in tears. :love:
    Our meal was very expensive for what it was, but we nattered for ages, catching up.
    I have gone over calories for today. Back on track tomorrow. :D It was later on the train that I let tiredness get the better of me. Plus the fact that I only had a bit of walking about to set off against it. :grumble: I always eat back my exercise calories as I would never be able to sustain such a restricted diet. That is the joy and the whole point of mfp . And it works. Hopefully for the rest of my life, not for a quick fix that doesn't last. Today however, I wasn't able to do much so I do feel a bit guilty. The guilt made me overindulge, but I will put all that behind me. Yoga tomorrow. :D

    Night, night. Heather UK
  • SlenderClassyElegant
    SlenderClassyElegant Posts: 62 Member
    edited June 2015
    *Carey: Wow!-- 1500 trees? Do you live in a forest?

    *Heather: "Knackered" and "nattered". Almost rhymes :)

    *Pip-- You inspired me with your bike marathon the other day: I rode for 20 minutes to my son's basketball game y'day and so many friends complimented me on my effort once I got to his gym. Fun stuff, and kept the cardio going!

    *bkrimpet: Good for you that you are staying so determined on your quest for good health.

    *Carol Peach: OMG Angel Food Cake sounds so good; I want some now :)

    * Lenora: I love the photo of where you live in Austria. Brings back good memories of Switzerland from a trip years and years ago. Europe is magical.

    Finished sanding my back fence this morning and got the holes filled. I just love a new coat of paint on anything! It will take a while and DH is skeptical, but I am DETERMINED to get this done this summer. Also, we are going to La Jolla (San Diego area) for my son's basketball tourney, then to Riverside for a visit with my dad. Leaving this Saturday-- it'll be so nice to get out of town for a week.

    Happy day and evening to all of us. Keep smiling and keep your chin up all.
    WE CAN DO THIS!nodding-yes-by-a-very-happy-smiley-emoticon.gif
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Bkrimpet- on Dr Oz they said to eat banana, nuts or seeds prior to things that contain cholesterol and it prohibits your liver from absorbing the cholesterol and it is removed from your body. It is supposed to be 100% effective. Try not to eat roasted or salted nuts or seeds. He also had a recipe for peanut butter banana flaxseed balls. There was also another thing to eat I will re watch and let you know.
    bkrimpet wrote: »
    Hi, Ladies -- Just wanted to let you know about my doctor visit with the cholesterol situation. According to his scale, I have lost 13 pounds since December -- more than since February when I started MFP. So he was able to tell me that I really am doing everything I can do help my cholesterol down, and if I cannot do it it probably just is one of those genetic things I will have to control with meds!

    Genetics don't matter according to him.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Carey ~ I too am curious about all those trees! Please fill us in.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good day ladies! We just got back from a visit to an attorney to discuss my son's exwife's attempt at taking him back to court for joint custody. He has to submit some paperwork asap because the hearng is on July 7th. It went pretty well and we all felt a little better afterward. We figured it up and the ex is $10,008 in arrears in child support. In fact she has not paid a single penny of the court ordered payments. So, that can't work in her favor. We are curious to see what she has up her sleeve - besides tattoos.

    This morning I had a little talk with the swim teacher and told her the girls are really frustrated and want to quit because they don't understand what she is asking them to do. (She is really a terrble teacher.) I told her they needed more instruction. My hope was that she would actually get in the water and help them, but no. She had them get out of the pool, lie down on the concrete, and practice the strokes on dry land. The girls were not happy with that either. I also told her that the oldest was NOT to be made to climb out on the side of the pool, as it was painful and humiliating to her. I told her that my hope is to get her to be more physically active, and swimming is a big part of that, but when she is embarrassed over and over, she wants to quit which would mean less physical activity, not more. The poor thing is somewhat overweight and really has to struggle to get out on the side of the pool while everyone watches, and leaves with bruises on her legs every day. So, at least that part of my talk worked. She had ALL the kids climb out on the ladder instead of the side. But now the younger girl wants to know why she has to do it that way just because it's hard for her sister. You just can't win.

    I found some cute sun dresses at Walmart on clearance for $3 each, and got each girl two. One of the oldest's doesn't fit, so that will have to go back, but the other three are really cute and comfy looking.

    Well, I have drafting to do. I hope you're all having a great day.
