Online dating. WTH!



  • AmyJeanMarie84
    AmyJeanMarie84 Posts: 54 Member
    That was just an example of how I've narrowed down results ridiculously.

    I actually don't care about hair color.

    There have been a few who were University of Michigan fans that I ruled out for that reason only though. :laugh:

    And just so everyone doesn't think I'm some douche who only cares about looks that isn't the case. In fact one of my issues with it is that what I DO find attractive just isn't going to come out when talking online.
    attitude/confidence/sense of humor.....It can come out somewhat I guess but not like in person.

    Yeah the online aspect is hard. In the past personality always grabbed my attention first. The physical aspect have been more varied. Although I do have a few firmly set preferences as I suspect most people do.
  • denezy
    denezy Posts: 573 Member
    Do you know how many times a reasonable attractive woman is approached for casual sex on dating websites? For me it was at least 2 time per day, everyday. Since I already has a friend who fulfilled my more causal needs, I also had a note about the type of the relationship I was looking for in my profile. It's difficult when you are a woman in your mid to late 20's - even early 30's -- many men that age aren't interested in a serious relationship, let alone considering marriage yet. If that's the place you WANT to be in, what is wrong with saying that's your goal and not a more casual situation?

  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    I don't think most women are gold diggers, but women do want a man with a nice job, a job that will afford them luxury in the context of procreation and family. So if you don't have a "career job" where you make good money (matters more to women in mid twenties and up), you can and will be judged. Some theorize that the origins are in biology, and others culture. Men are supposed to be protectors and providers; that is their gender role.

    Thanks for the insight. Good job I'm already married, eh?
  • Mrsallypants
    Mrsallypants Posts: 887 Member
    There is nothing morally wrong with desiring only a sexual relationship, it's no more virtuous than a regular relationship. I hate to see people demonized for acting human.
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    I was more talking about the insight into your definitions of "what is important to women (especially those mid-twenties and up)".

    If I had met any women like that (who "weren't" gold-diggers), I would have never had any dates. Luckily, your generalisation is a pretty poor one.
  • Mrsallypants
    Mrsallypants Posts: 887 Member
    No, most of them are not gold diggers, but at a certain age they get into family building mode and "my biological clock is ticking" mode and begin to look for men who can provide with their resources.
  • missybct
    missybct Posts: 321 Member
    I've spoken to hundreds of guys about online dating and have set up profiles of various kinds before, for the majority of men including me it's not easy. I also read a study on Okcupid, not really a study, but an informal analysis.- I'll find the link if you're interested, but you're probably not, so hahaa..

    Nice CV, but I've set up profiles for myself and for friends too. I've also overseen problems in dating sites and spoken publicly about them, so I know some information too. Actually, I am interested - an opinion is not always wrong, it is just subjective. It is also not easy for women either, for your info.
    Girls will initiate the first message sometimes, but it's rare (not the majority) - it's not something you should rely on for success on online dating websites if you're an average male or very unattractive female.

    It depends on the site and the girl in question. Girls who have been on a dating site for longer than about a month are more likely to message someone. It's not as rare as you think, or you've experienced either through yourself or your cross section of men.
    I don't think most women are gold diggers, but women do want a man with a nice job, a job that will afford them luxury in the context of procreation and family. So if you don't have a "career job" where you make good money (matters more to women in mid twenties and up), you can and will be judged. Some theorize that the origins are in biology, and others culture. Men are supposed to be protectors and providers; that is their gender role.

    I'll play Devil's Advocate here. Are you telling me you'd be happy with a woman who doesn't work, has no career prospects and little money? Are you genuinely able to say "I don't care"? Most men can't - I know. I've been ill for a long, long time and my illness has pushed people away online and offline. I am not a "desirable" person to be with, basically. I DO agree that SOME women will look for those attributes but I also know that MEN look for certain parameters too, so it's not one sided.
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    No, most of them are not gold diggers, but at a certain age they get into family building mode and "my biological clock is ticking" mode and begin to look for men who can provide with their resources.

    Poor generalisation is poor - again.
  • JessiBelleW
    JessiBelleW Posts: 831 Member
    ha! i totally get the smell thing. a guy has to smell right.
    a canadian flew over to meet me last year and i had him mail a worn t-shirt in advance, just to make sure.

    Wait what? dirty shirt?
    yes! poor guy was seriously self conscious about that.
    but he smelled yummy, so everything was fine.

    Now I want to know what happened? was the guy who flew over to meet you fantastic?
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I mail my dirty laundry to girls all the time. Darn ladycreepers.
  • Ed98043
    Ed98043 Posts: 1,333 Member
    Most people (not a gender exclusive issue) lie to some degree when it comes to appearing attractive. if you're a male and not 6 foot tall, lie about it. That is unless you're really short, then just up it by two inches. Height is an attractive quality to women.

    But why lie about something that's going to be so obviously a lie if you ever meet? For the record, I'm 5'7" and just prefer that the guy be taller than me so I'm not ruling anyone out if they're not 6'. But I *would* rule them out if they're a liar.

    As for people who use old photos or underplay their body size, often times it's because they don't think they're being deceptive at all. They might look at a 10 year-old photo of themselves and think "Yep, I look like that". There was a study proving that people's self-image is usually "set" at a certain point and doesn't really change with time. Look at how many people on this site say they had an "OMG I'm fat!" moment when they saw a photo of themselves. These are people who have functioning eyeballs and look in mirrors on a regular basis, yet they just don't see the way they really look. And pretty much everyone thinks they look younger than they really do. Just last week my mother told me how insulted and hurt she was when someone cheered "Go granny!" when she was driving a go-cart...she's 70 but doesn't see herself as looking like a granny (she does, not that I would tell her that). Self-perception is a funny and complicated thing. It works both ways with weight, too - people who used to be fat often have a hard time seeing themselves as slim after they lose weight.

    HOWEVER - the way someone thinks they look is subjective, but height and age are not subjective numbers. If you put the wrong number in knowing it's wrong, you're just a liar.
  • Mrsallypants
    Mrsallypants Posts: 887 Member
    I'll play Devil's Advocate here. Are you telling me you'd be happy with a woman who doesn't work, has no career prospects and little money? Are you genuinely able to say "I don't care"? Most men can't - I know. I've been ill for a long, long time and my illness has pushed people away online and offline. I am not a "desirable" person to be with, basically. I DO agree that SOME women will look for those attributes but I also know that MEN look for certain parameters too, so it's not one sided.

    I'd prefer if she worked so we could both live independent lives, but as far as career prospects and money goes, not too concerned. I'm more concerned with the person, not their money or career prospects. I've dated doctors before and had nothing in common with them. I'd rather date a waitress at Denny's than a doctor because prestige, wealth, career prospects don't mean that much to me.

    Sometimes she may not have a job either because of a bad economy, so not having a job doesn't disqualify her either, especially if she is hot. haha.

    On what dating sites do females initiate the conversation on a normal basis? I've never seen it and I've used many different types of dating profiles.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    No, most of them are not gold diggers, but at a certain age they get into family building mode and "my biological clock is ticking" mode and begin to look for men who can provide with their resources.

    Poor generalisation is poor - again.

    I'm at that "certain age." All my friends are having babies. I had my tubes tied last year.

    I still want potential relationship prospects to have jobs.
  • Mrsallypants
    Mrsallypants Posts: 887 Member
    No, most of them are not gold diggers, but at a certain age they get into family building mode and "my biological clock is ticking" mode and begin to look for men who can provide with their resources.

    Poor generalisation is poor - again.

    What dating site do you use?
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    ha! i totally get the smell thing. a guy has to smell right.
    a canadian flew over to meet me last year and i had him mail a worn t-shirt in advance, just to make sure.

    Wait what? dirty shirt?
    yes! poor guy was seriously self conscious about that.
    but he smelled yummy, so everything was fine.

    Now I want to know what happened? was the guy who flew over to meet you fantastic?
    Yes! He's lovely. Charming, attractive, fun and twisted in all the right ways.
    He'll make a lucky woman very happy some day.
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    No, most of them are not gold diggers, but at a certain age they get into family building mode and "my biological clock is ticking" mode and begin to look for men who can provide with their resources.

    Poor generalisation is poor - again.

    What dating site do you use?

    None. I have a feeling that my wife would have slight issues if I did. :bigsmile:

    However, I have been on actual dates with actual people, you know, prior to getting married and you can't put the entire of one gender into a "wants this out of life" box.
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    No, most of them are not gold diggers, but at a certain age they get into family building mode and "my biological clock is ticking" mode and begin to look for men who can provide with their resources.

    Poor generalisation is poor - again.

    I'm at that "certain age." All my friends are having babies. I had my tubes tied last year.

    I still want potential relationship prospects to have jobs.
    I've dated men who were between jobs. These are tough times and it happens, and not just to losers.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    No, most of them are not gold diggers, but at a certain age they get into family building mode and "my biological clock is ticking" mode and begin to look for men who can provide with their resources.

    Poor generalisation is poor - again.

    I'm at that "certain age." All my friends are having babies. I had my tubes tied last year.

    I still want potential relationship prospects to have jobs.
    I've dated men who were between jobs. These are tough times and it happens, and not just to losers.

    I would argue that they should be more focused on the financial/career aspect of their life if they are between jobs rather than being concerned about their romantic life.
  • Mrsallypants
    Mrsallypants Posts: 887 Member
    Most people (not a gender exclusive issue) lie to some degree when it comes to appearing attractive. if you're a male and not 6 foot tall, lie about it. That is unless you're really short, then just up it by two inches. Height is an attractive quality to women.

    But why lie about something that's going to be so obviously a lie if you ever meet? For the record, I'm 5'7" and just prefer that the guy be taller than me so I'm not ruling anyone out if they're not 6'. But I *would* rule them out if they're a liar.

    As for people who use old photos or underplay their body size, often times it's because they don't think they're being deceptive at all. They might look at a 10 year-old photo of themselves and think "Yep, I look like that". There was a study proving that people's self-image is usually "set" at a certain point and doesn't really change with time. Look at how many people on this site say they had an "OMG I'm fat!" moment when they saw a photo of themselves. These are people who have functioning eyeballs and look in mirrors on a regular basis, yet they just don't see the way they really look. And pretty much everyone thinks they look younger than they really do. Just last week my mother told me how insulted and hurt she was when someone cheered "Go granny!" when she was driving a go-cart...she's 70 but doesn't see herself as looking like a granny (she does, not that I would tell her that). Self-perception is a funny and complicated thing. It works both ways with weight, too - people who used to be fat often have a hard time seeing themselves as slim after they lose weight.

    HOWEVER - the way someone thinks they look is subjective, but height and age are not subjective numbers. If you put the wrong number in knowing it's wrong, you're just a liar.

    Wear shoe inserts if you're a guy. The average height for a man is about 5'9, so shoe inserts can add 2-3 inches. Don't take your shoes off until the deed is done, then the balance of power sways in your direction. How Machiavellian I know, but dating websites are anomalies where you can be instantly disqualified for the most superficial reasons due to the availability of so many men.

    Women always lie about their age, weight, and number of sex partners, but I understand because people judge her for those things, but people judge men too, and height (and age, he is must be 2.5 years older and no more!) is one of those things.

    People who use old photos are using deception to generate attraction, but to protect their ego (I'm not a liar!) they will justify it as something else.
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member

    I would argue that they should be more focused on the financial/career aspect of their life if they are between jobs rather than being concerned about their romantic life.

    Firstly, you can meet someone you like whatever else is going on in your life. Who knows, it could be the girl that works in the Job Centre.

    Secondly - You can't spend 100% of your time looking for work if you are out of work, you'd go crazy. Jobs aint that easy to come by at the moment and to put your life on hold because of economics is odd, to say the least.