Ok. I give up. I open my diary to your judgement.



  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    rainbowbow wrote: »
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    half_moon wrote: »
    While I don't really see anything wrong with what you're eating - I do not see a lot of weighed food. Or rather, your weighing is really inconsistent.

    You do eat out a lot, but I do, too and I've lost a lot of weight, so I don't think that will hold you back.

    Do you scan barcodes, or do you use generic entries?

    When is the last time you had a physical?

    I had surgery in February, and have been to the doctor several times since then for check ups. I scan barcodes when available, and I ALWAYS over estimate what I am eating. If I don't finish my meal, I don't change my log. I do my best to make up for variances.

    I just give up. It shouldn't be this hard. If I have to weigh every bite I put in my mouth and resign myself to never eating out of the house, it isn't worth it. I could have laid around on my *kitten* all summer and still be here. *kitten* ridiculous.

    Wow, what a poor attitude.

    I weigh everything I eat. I work full time and have two kids. It really is not that hard. It literally involves keeping a scale on your counter (OMG so hard) and setting your bowl/plate on top of the scale instead of the counter. I guess it could be considered inconvenient because you have to press a button.

    Good grief, if you're not willing to put in a little effort to be accurate, then you're not ready to lose weight, period. Just take a break and try again when you're genuinely ready.

    Sums up the whole thread right there. OP isn't ready yet.

    I also find it a little ridiculous that she opens this thread and her diary to be reviewed and then jumps straight on the defensive.

    Being defensive and playing the victim role will get her nowhere.

    OP, To the person who said it's obvious you're overeating. It is. Otherwise you'd be losing weight. You are not being accurate in what you are counting, otherwise you'd be seeing the results you want to see.

    You are putting all sorts of estimates in your diary "1/3 of this" or "7/8ths this" and then some days are not logged. Some other days it's just a generic database entry.

    Until you realize that the problem is you overeating, period. You will continue to fail. Paleo or otherwise.

    Also, i dont think it's "too difficult". This is more of an emotional response than a logical one. I suppose it may be difficult to come to terms with the fact that your own successes and failures in life are a direct result of your actions. And that you have no one to blame but yourself when you haven't met your goal. My advice would be to accept it for what it is, make a plan to change it, and then do it.

    Yes, this, exactly.

    OP: Please look at my diary, and tell me why I'm not losing weight. I'm desperate!

    "Mean" person: Looks like you're eating more than you think, start weighing everything, problem solved.

    OP: What are you saying? Is it my sodium intake? Maybe it's because I'm not eating enough?

    "Mean" person: No, you need a food scale. You're not logging accurately.

    OP: Well eff that then! Why would I want to weigh everything that I eat? That's a lot of work!!! I said I was DESPERATE, not willing to put in the work! Looks like I'll just be going paleo then!

    OP, I know that you're having a hard time coming to terms with the fact that yes, it takes effort to get the results that you want. But if you're not losing weight, you're simply not eating at a calorie deficit. No ifs, ands, or buts. That's the way weight loss works and the only way you're going to see results is to be completely honest with yourself and crack down on your logging. If all you're going to do is poop all over that and stomp and curse CICO, then you're going to have a bad time in the forums.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    half_moon wrote: »

    I just give up. It shouldn't be this hard. If I have to weigh every bite I put in my mouth and resign myself to never eating out of the house, it isn't worth it. I could have laid around on my *kitten* all summer and still be here. *kitten* ridiculous.

    Well, okay then. We all accept your heartfelt thanks for the honest feedback we've given you. ;)
  • sjohnson__1
    sjohnson__1 Posts: 405 Member
    ncboiler89 wrote: »
    half_moon wrote: »
    I'm not sure what to change or what to do at this point, so I give up. I have made my diary open to the public and will lay out my current regime for you here.

    And I am begging you for your advice.

    Problem: I have been working out and cutting calories now for six weeks, and literally not one pound has fallen off. Prior to the exercise, I was cutting calories for two weeks. So in total, two months of crap for not one pound. I know not to go by the scale, but after two months, I will admit when I need to reevaluate.

    Exercise: I go to CrossFit on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. That's five days a week. I burn anywhere from 300 to 650 calories each WOD. We are running, doing bear crawls, lifting heavy weights, lifting small weights, jumping -- you get the idea. We are doing everything.

    Diet: Not on a diet perse-- but I count every calorie that I consume. I'm not exactly paleo, but I measure and make smart choices when I can. You can see for yourself. I am consistently in line or under my calorie goals for the day, depending on how many calories I burned in a workout. The occasional nieces birthday doesn't even phase me too much.

    My weight: like a stone, the scale is unmoving at around 172. It has been there since April. It will go down to 169 then the next day up to 174, never really impressing me.

    My body: I am pretty much still wearing the same clothes I was before. I feel great because of the exercise (yay!) but I will be honest with you, vanity is a big factor in my weight loss. Don't judge. I want to be smaller!

    My stats:
    Lost weight two years ago-- went from 185 to 137 with MFP. I've done this *kitten* before!

    Outside of a medical condition there are really only two variables for weight loss. Calories burned and calories consumed. You are either burning less than you think, eating more than you think, or both. It's that simple. You just need to figure out which it is. Typically when people have this issue they are just underestimating the calories they take in.

    A medical condition isn't even a factor really. It just makes it hard to estimate the two variables mentioned above - particularly the calories burned part of the equation - especially when the condition is unknown/undiagnosed.

    Outside of the particularly good advice listed above, I would recommend weighing-in (if that's how you're measuring your success) when you're completely fasted (in the morning, usually) and around the same time each weigh-in. For example, I weigh-in after I've showered and used the restroom in the mornings.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    That went well...
  • gobonas99
    gobonas99 Posts: 1,049 Member
    half_moon wrote: »
    Haha. Ok. Glad to know there are people who have never felt low or frustrated before. How comfortable is your high horse?

    I switched from a private account with no friends a month ago, once I got back into logging, because I thought I was ready to say "I'm back!" to all of my old MFP friends.

    Thanks for all of you who were not mean, and gave some good advice. I will cut down on eating out and watch my sodium levels more.

    As for my drinks, I only drink water and some coffee occasionally. Last time I lost weight, I did exactly this. In fact, because I had no kitchen, I ate out exclusively. Oddly enough, that had no effect on my success to lose weight.

    There have most certainly been times when I've been frustrated. Heck....I didn't lose an OUNCE the entire month of May (just went back and for with the same two pounds), despite weighing and measuring EVERY morsel I put in my mouth, AND working out like a crazy person training for an Ironman 70.3 triathlon. I was ready to pull my hair out. Turns out it was stress and hormones. Came out of Memorial Day weekend (with an extra day off for a 4 day weekend) 5 pounds down, and those 5 pounds have stayed gone - plus another 5 after my 70.3 last week.

    Another thing to bear in mind is that you are older now than you were 3 years ago when this method you're using worked for you. Granted you're still young, but despite what we may wish, losing weight gets exponentially more difficult as we age for the vast majority of people. What worked for you at 23 might not work for you now at 26, and sure as shi!t won't work for you when you're 40 (which sucks, trust me). :)
  • slaite1
    slaite1 Posts: 1,307 Member
    half_moon wrote: »
    While I don't really see anything wrong with what you're eating - I do not see a lot of weighed food. Or rather, your weighing is really inconsistent.

    You do eat out a lot, but I do, too and I've lost a lot of weight, so I don't think that will hold you back.

    Do you scan barcodes, or do you use generic entries?

    When is the last time you had a physical?

    I had surgery in February, and have been to the doctor several times since then for check ups. I scan barcodes when available, and I ALWAYS over estimate what I am eating. If I don't finish my meal, I don't change my log. I do my best to make up for variances.

    I just give up. It shouldn't be this hard. If I have to weigh every bite I put in my mouth and resign myself to never eating out of the house, it isn't worth it. I could have laid around on my *kitten* all summer and still be here. *kitten* ridiculous.

    Chill out. You are on the right path, you're just making mistakes that are VERY COMMON. Like, multiple times a day this kind of thread pops up and it's always the same issue-you are eating more than you think. It's not an attack, I'm sure it's not intentional. And it's very easy to fix.

    You can certainly eat out. In fact, I'm losing more now and I eat out more frequently than ever. I am careful with my choices, stick mostly to chains (tend to be more accurate) and log accurately.

    Weigh your food. You can do crossfit 5x a week but can't spend 30 seconds putting your food on a scale? I would bet a lot of crossfit athletes weigh their food bc. they want to ensure they are hitting their macros appropriately.

    You're obviously capable, why not give it a try? The perception that weighing food is too much or crazy or whatever is just wrong. I've been there. It's actually very easy and quick and makes my life easier.
  • Monklady123
    Monklady123 Posts: 512 Member
    half_moon wrote: »
    While I don't really see anything wrong with what you're eating - I do not see a lot of weighed food. Or rather, your weighing is really inconsistent.

    You do eat out a lot, but I do, too and I've lost a lot of weight, so I don't think that will hold you back.

    Do you scan barcodes, or do you use generic entries?

    When is the last time you had a physical?

    I had surgery in February, and have been to the doctor several times since then for check ups. I scan barcodes when available, and I ALWAYS over estimate what I am eating. If I don't finish my meal, I don't change my log. I do my best to make up for variances.

    I just give up. It shouldn't be this hard. If I have to weigh every bite I put in my mouth and resign myself to never eating out of the house, it isn't worth it. I could have laid around on my *kitten* all summer and still be here. *kitten* ridiculous.

    Did they test thyroid function and/or insulin levels?

    Weighing your food helps a lot though. I weigh everything at home, and guesstimate high when I'm out. I know it sounds ridiculous, but it's a huge eye opener. My scale gets a lot of credit for the 83 pounds I've lost.

    Here's a really good example how easy it is to over-eat without realizing it.


    Wow, that's an eye-opening video. Thanks for posting that. The calorie difference at the end was way more than I thought it would be since each of the differences that he pointed out along the way didn't seem too significant. But all added together they sure are significant!
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    half_moon wrote: »
    While I don't really see anything wrong with what you're eating - I do not see a lot of weighed food. Or rather, your weighing is really inconsistent.

    You do eat out a lot, but I do, too and I've lost a lot of weight, so I don't think that will hold you back.

    Do you scan barcodes, or do you use generic entries?

    When is the last time you had a physical?

    I had surgery in February, and have been to the doctor several times since then for check ups. I scan barcodes when available, and I ALWAYS over estimate what I am eating. If I don't finish my meal, I don't change my log. I do my best to make up for variances.

    I just give up. It shouldn't be this hard. If I have to weigh every bite I put in my mouth and resign myself to never eating out of the house, it isn't worth it. I could have laid around on my *kitten* all summer and still be here. *kitten* ridiculous.

    Did they test thyroid function and/or insulin levels?

    Weighing your food helps a lot though. I weigh everything at home, and guesstimate high when I'm out. I know it sounds ridiculous, but it's a huge eye opener. My scale gets a lot of credit for the 83 pounds I've lost.

    Here's a really good example how easy it is to over-eat without realizing it.


    Holy *kitten*!!!! I know CICO, and I do weigh and measure almost everything I eat, but over 1000 cal difference??? I'm totally watching this every time I feel I'm slipping. Thank you for this video, this blows my mind.
    half_moon wrote: »
    While I don't really see anything wrong with what you're eating - I do not see a lot of weighed food. Or rather, your weighing is really inconsistent.

    You do eat out a lot, but I do, too and I've lost a lot of weight, so I don't think that will hold you back.

    Do you scan barcodes, or do you use generic entries?

    When is the last time you had a physical?

    I had surgery in February, and have been to the doctor several times since then for check ups. I scan barcodes when available, and I ALWAYS over estimate what I am eating. If I don't finish my meal, I don't change my log. I do my best to make up for variances.

    I just give up. It shouldn't be this hard. If I have to weigh every bite I put in my mouth and resign myself to never eating out of the house, it isn't worth it. I could have laid around on my *kitten* all summer and still be here. *kitten* ridiculous.

    Did they test thyroid function and/or insulin levels?

    Weighing your food helps a lot though. I weigh everything at home, and guesstimate high when I'm out. I know it sounds ridiculous, but it's a huge eye opener. My scale gets a lot of credit for the 83 pounds I've lost.

    Here's a really good example how easy it is to over-eat without realizing it.


    Wow, that's an eye-opening video. Thanks for posting that. The calorie difference at the end was way more than I thought it would be since each of the differences that he pointed out along the way didn't seem too significant. But all added together they sure are significant!

    You're welcome! Finding that video helped me realize how sloppy I'd been with my logging and got me out of a two month "stall".
  • dzjulie02
    dzjulie02 Posts: 1 Member
    edited June 2015
    My first time trying the community part of this app so please bear with me: it seems we have similar lifestyles. I did crosscut for about 18 months and are paleo some but watched my weight with no luck to weight loss. I have a body type that I "bulk" quite easily. I would encourage you to try a different exercise refining: I lift at a fast rate doing about 9 machines for 2 rounds. I don't lift for weight but to exhaust my muscles. This burns more calories. When I finish that I do cardio for 20 minutes. (I walk at 3.5/ 6 incline). You are then burning fat. This with a healthy meal plan should help. I started buying "About time" meal replacement bars and keep them on hand for when I need to eat and don't want to eat out or just don't have the energy to fix something. I've lost 25 lbs. (I'm 5'3 and started at 188 lbs) hope this helps!!

  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    Start weighing your food. Why is it that hard for you? You slap something on a scale. Bam. Work done.
  • fr33z3n
    fr33z3n Posts: 17 Member
    It seems the general consensus is that you're not logging properly. You're also complaining that its not worth it to weigh everything you eat, I, and I'm sure there are plenty of others here, who do exactly that with out disrupting our lives.
    I feel you're looking for an excuse to just dismiss CI/CO, its up to you, but I don't think you'll find anyone here who will agree.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Diary is closed again. I don't think OP is going to de-lurk....
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Start weighing your food. Why is it that hard for you? You slap something on a scale. Bam. Work done.

    Like I said comical thread.

    OP: I cannot lose weight

    advice use a food scale

    OP: excuses.

    It's the same story everytime.
  • zoetropico
    zoetropico Posts: 4 Member
    I'd echo what everyone else said about weighing your food. I use a food scale and weigh in grams. It's the best way to be accurate. It is also possible that you are over-training and not getting enough nutrients to support that. If that's the case, your body will go into a stress cycle where it retains fat in order to survive. Do some research on that... stress is a very real contributor to not being able to lose weight. I didn't look at your diary, but I'd also make sure that you are getting the right balance of macros - carbs/protein/fats. With all that crossfit, you may need more protein than you think to repair muscle. There are a lot of good resources on this site and online (medical sources) to help you determine the ratio that's right for you.
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    It's the MFP version of "Does this dress make my *kitten* look big?"

    Getting the truth isn't the purpose of the question.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    half_moon wrote: »
    Haha. Ok. Glad to know there are people who have never felt low or frustrated before. How comfortable is your high horse?

    I switched from a private account with no friends a month ago, once I got back into logging, because I thought I was ready to say "I'm back!" to all of my old MFP friends.

    Thanks for all of you who were not mean, and gave some good advice. I will cut down on eating out and watch my sodium levels more.

    As for my drinks, I only drink water and some coffee occasionally. Last time I lost weight, I did exactly this. In fact, because I had no kitchen, I ate out exclusively. Oddly enough, that had no effect on my success to lose weight.

    So then if something doesn't work anymore lets keep doing the same thing and it will work. Does this make sense? This is a question that I would love to hear an answer for.
  • QueenKristine77
    QueenKristine77 Posts: 67 Member
    dont give up now, it's only been 6 weeks. I lost 9 pounds but it took me 3 months! Weigh EVERYTHING!
  • Emily3907
    Emily3907 Posts: 1,461 Member
    Dang that video!! I resisted weighing for a while because I was one of those that thought "how much of a difference can it really make"........well according to my weigh ins it makes a BIG difference. I am an official food weigher now.
  • Yoshirio
    Yoshirio Posts: 242 Member
    I'll never understand why people find it so hard to weigh stuff.. It takes literally two minutes per meal to weigh and log my food.A total of ten minutes a day(and that is being generous) to make sure I do not overeat.Seems like it would be worth it if you wanted it bad enough.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    half_moon wrote: »
    While I don't really see anything wrong with what you're eating - I do not see a lot of weighed food. Or rather, your weighing is really inconsistent.

    You do eat out a lot, but I do, too and I've lost a lot of weight, so I don't think that will hold you back.

    Do you scan barcodes, or do you use generic entries?

    When is the last time you had a physical?

    I had surgery in February, and have been to the doctor several times since then for check ups. I scan barcodes when available, and I ALWAYS over estimate what I am eating. If I don't finish my meal, I don't change my log. I do my best to make up for variances.

    I just give up. It shouldn't be this hard. If I have to weigh every bite I put in my mouth and resign myself to never eating out of the house, it isn't worth it. I could have laid around on my *kitten* all summer and still be here. *kitten* ridiculous.

    Did they test thyroid function and/or insulin levels?

    Weighing your food helps a lot though. I weigh everything at home, and guesstimate high when I'm out. I know it sounds ridiculous, but it's a huge eye opener. My scale gets a lot of credit for the 83 pounds I've lost.

    Here's a really good example how easy it is to over-eat without realizing it.


    Holy *kitten*!!!! I know CICO, and I do weigh and measure almost everything I eat, but over 1000 cal difference??? I'm totally watching this every time I feel I'm slipping. Thank you for this video, this blows my mind.

    Glad you came back and found some useful information in the thread. We are trying to help, we just wanted to make sure you realize that logging accurately is more difficult than some people think (but once you realize how to do it, it's not that difficult or time consuming).