Adding MFP Friends as a married guy



  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    I may be alone in this sentiment, but I think it's fair for your wife not to be happy about your female friends and for her to be snoping your account. My husband and I have a joint Facebook account and would have a joint MFP too if it was physically possible.

    I have exactly one friend on here who is male. I have a lot of respect for him and he doesn't come around the forums anymore. If not for that specific situation, it would be zero.

    Same rules apply in real life. Unless I have to talk to men as a requirement for my job, I don't without my husband present.

    If I was your wife, your MFP account would've been deleted long ago.

    This makes me very sad for you.

    yes me too.
    Like i said it has to do with trust and self confidence
    I trust my husband, he trusts me
    I am self confident enough to now that i am the only one.

    And my hubby is/was an entertainer for a long time. He had lots and lots of female "fans" but he always made sure that people knew i was and am the only one for him.
    So the knife cuts on both sides.

  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    edited July 2015
    I may be alone in this sentiment, but I think it's fair for your wife not to be happy about your female friends and for her to be snoping your account. My husband and I have a joint Facebook account and would have a joint MFP too if it was physically possible.

    I have exactly one friend on here who is male. I have a lot of respect for him and he doesn't come around the forums anymore. If not for that specific situation, it would be zero.

    Same rules apply in real life. Unless I have to talk to men as a requirement for my job, I don't without my husband present.

    If I was your wife, your MFP account would've been deleted long ago.

    You aren't alone -- plenty of people choose to express their insecurity in hilariously public ways like joint facebook accounts.

    And usually one party has another acct. on the sly. HI-larious. :P
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    Wow, I have never posted anything before, and the only hope was to collect MFP friends. The opinions range from toxic date site blah, blah to actual guys that know what it's like to fear being perceived as gay. To those, thanks. To the others, get back on the treadmill or whatever and relieve some of that pent up tension.
    Thanks. I guess this attempt was in the least interesting, and somewhat successful.

  • nora_gettingfitnow
    nora_gettingfitnow Posts: 108 Member
    Wow, I have never posted anything before, and the only hope was to collect MFP friends. The opinions range from toxic date site blah, blah to actual guys that know what I'm saying. To those, thanks. To the others, get back on the treadmill or whatever and relieve some of that pent up tension.
    Thanks. I guess this attempt was in the least interesting, and somewhat successful.

    bet you never thought you'd have all those mental response'

    Best of Luck in finding people (male or female) on a similar journey to you and hope you succeed in your goals :smile:
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    randomtai wrote: »
    I may be alone in this sentiment, but I think it's fair for your wife not to be happy about your female friends and for her to be snoping your account. My husband and I have a joint Facebook account and would have a joint MFP too if it was physically possible.

    I have exactly one friend on here who is male. I have a lot of respect for him and he doesn't come around the forums anymore. If not for that specific situation, it would be zero.

    Same rules apply in real life. Unless I have to talk to men as a requirement for my job, I don't without my husband present.

    If I was your wife, your MFP account would've been deleted long ago.

    You aren't alone -- plenty of people choose to express their insecurity in hilariously public ways like joint facebook accounts.

    And usually one party has another acct. on the sly. HI-larious. :P

    I remember a few threads on MFP that got publicly busted by an MFPers significant other in the aforementioned chit-chat forum. Talk about cringe-worthy.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    I've sent out maybe 2 or 3 FRs ever. I've accepted every one I've received except maybe one. And the majority of my friends are female. I've had quite a few younger ones on here, and quite a few of them seem to FR me after I say something reasonable/useful/funny on a friend's wall. I think what matters is not how many of who is on your friends list, but how you interact with them. Would you prefer your SO have a bunch of (whatever) that they never flirt with, or only a few that they're constantly flirting with?
    I may be alone in this sentiment, but I think it's fair for your wife not to be happy about your female friends and for her to be snoping your account. My husband and I have a joint Facebook account and would have a joint MFP too if it was physically possible.

    I have exactly one friend on here who is male. I have a lot of respect for him and he doesn't come around the forums anymore. If not for that specific situation, it would be zero.

    Same rules apply in real life. Unless I have to talk to men as a requirement for my job, I don't without my husband present.

    If I was your wife, your MFP account would've been deleted long ago.

  • OldAssDude
    OldAssDude Posts: 1,436 Member is the issue:
    I have an imbalance of female MFP friends to male. My wife (who is not part of MFP) thinks its a bit weird (me too, I guess). The reason I have not requested male MFP friends is because it seems weird to ask because, well, just because. There are some guys that have really similar self improvement and similar goals, but I suppose the issue is that requesting is weird. That said, if your a dude and are serious about getting (and staying) fit, please add me.

    Thanks....i hope.

    I've been married for over 30 years and have mostly girl friends because their prettier than dudes... :)

    My wife just laughs at me... :D
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I may be alone in this sentiment, but I think it's fair for your wife not to be happy about your female friends and for her to be snoping your account. My husband and I have a joint Facebook account and would have a joint MFP too if it was physically possible.

    I have exactly one friend on here who is male. I have a lot of respect for him and he doesn't come around the forums anymore. If not for that specific situation, it would be zero.

    Same rules apply in real life. Unless I have to talk to men as a requirement for my job, I don't without my husband present.

    If I was your wife, your MFP account would've been deleted long ago.

  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I may be alone in this sentiment, but I think it's fair for your wife not to be happy about your female friends and for her to be snoping your account. My husband and I have a joint Facebook account and would have a joint MFP too if it was physically possible.

    I have exactly one friend on here who is male. I have a lot of respect for him and he doesn't come around the forums anymore. If not for that specific situation, it would be zero.

    Same rules apply in real life. Unless I have to talk to men as a requirement for my job, I don't without my husband present.

    If I was your wife, your MFP account would've been deleted long ago.

    This just makes me feel so happy I'm in the relationship that I'm in. And reminds me how wonderful my boyfriend is.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    randomtai wrote: »
    I may be alone in this sentiment, but I think it's fair for your wife not to be happy about your female friends and for her to be snoping your account. My husband and I have a joint Facebook account and would have a joint MFP too if it was physically possible.

    I have exactly one friend on here who is male. I have a lot of respect for him and he doesn't come around the forums anymore. If not for that specific situation, it would be zero.

    Same rules apply in real life. Unless I have to talk to men as a requirement for my job, I don't without my husband present.

    If I was your wife, your MFP account would've been deleted long ago.

    You aren't alone -- plenty of people choose to express their insecurity in hilariously public ways like joint facebook accounts.

    And usually one party has another acct. on the sly. HI-larious. :P

    In the wise words of Fat Joe and Ashanti "It should be about us, be about trust."
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    I think weight loss is more of a female thing. Seems to be more females on mfp, weightloss products seem to be aimed at women. Female coworkers discussing diet and weightloss. Female only gyms etc that probably explains the more female friends to male on this site.

    I also find it odd to add people as friends, women included but worse adding men.

    I think in social media in general like Facebook, MySpace etc I have made one friend request and that was to my mum. Anyone else I would request, requests me first.

    Feel free to add me, I might like your posts, like if you rack up consecutive days.
  • barbecuesauce
    barbecuesauce Posts: 1,771 Member
    I may be alone in this sentiment, but I think it's fair for your wife not to be happy about your female friends and for her to be snoping your account. My husband and I have a joint Facebook account and would have a joint MFP too if it was physically possible.

    I have exactly one friend on here who is male. I have a lot of respect for him and he doesn't come around the forums anymore. If not for that specific situation, it would be zero.

    Same rules apply in real life. Unless I have to talk to men as a requirement for my job, I don't without my husband present.

    If I was your wife, your MFP account would've been deleted long ago.

    I'm laughing so hard at this because I knew a woman who had a joint FB account that her husband used to chat up her friends, but we didn't realize we were talking to him and not her. One day the account was nuked and they sent me separate friend requests and I found out later he had been sleazing on her married friends.

    OP, most women find men who have strong gender imbalances on their FLs creepy so adding some bros will both keep your wife happy and allow you to lure in more honeys. Why do you have that imbalance, anyway? Is it because you're only adding people you feel attracted to and you're not into dudes?
  • sun_tzu
    sun_tzu Posts: 21 Member
    I think you are due some serious kudos for respecting your wife in this way. It is not about what everyone here thinks is right or not, it is about what the two of you think that matters.

    If my wife had concerns with anything I was doing, or who I was doing it with, I would stop immediately.

  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    lana0715 wrote: »
    so if i understand it right...
    As a married man it is weird to ask a man to friend him...but woman is oke?
    What about a married woman asking woman to friend them??? weird too?

    >:)o:) Kinda a tough one lol
    What about a gay dude? Should all his MFP friends be female?

    And I guess anyone who's bi shouldn't have any online friends. That must suck.
  • 85Cardinals
    85Cardinals Posts: 733 Member
    edited July 2015
    Y'all are really piling on pollypocket here. After about 40 posts slamming her, I think she's got the idea.
  • barbecuesauce
    barbecuesauce Posts: 1,771 Member
    Y'all are really piling on pollypocket here. After about 40 posts slamming her, I think she's got the idea.

    It's a forum. Sometimes people don't read the replies before they post. Didn't see one where she asked for a white knight either.
  • 85Cardinals
    85Cardinals Posts: 733 Member
    edited July 2015
    lol, don't let my chivalry stop you now! Go ahead and weigh in, bbq.
  • Cryptonomnomicon
    Cryptonomnomicon Posts: 848 Member
    I may be alone in this sentiment, but I think it's fair for your wife not to be happy about your female friends and for her to be snoping your account. My husband and I have a joint Facebook account and would have a joint MFP too if it was physically possible.

    I have exactly one friend on here who is male. I have a lot of respect for him and he doesn't come around the forums anymore. If not for that specific situation, it would be zero.

    Same rules apply in real life. Unless I have to talk to men as a requirement for my job, I don't without my husband present.

    If I was your wife, your MFP account would've been deleted long ago.


  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Y'all are really piling on pollypocket here. After about 40 posts slamming her, I think she's got the idea.

  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    I may be alone in this sentiment, but I think it's fair for your wife not to be happy about your female friends and for her to be snoping your account. My husband and I have a joint Facebook account and would have a joint MFP too if it was physically possible.

    I have exactly one friend on here who is male. I have a lot of respect for him and he doesn't come around the forums anymore. If not for that specific situation, it would be zero.

    Same rules apply in real life. Unless I have to talk to men as a requirement for my job, I don't without my husband present.

    If I was your wife, your MFP account would've been deleted long ago.


    Bad_Example and I would love to have a joint account -- with a couples total of calories to draw from.