What were you really like in high school



  • Ria_StayingFit
    Ria_StayingFit Posts: 6,891 Member
    I was a klutzy absentminded shy awkward person. Wouldn't be unusual to see me trips by over a bench or walking into door frames but get me on a gym mat and I turned into the most coordinated person in the team.
  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,395 Member
    edited July 2015
    I played in the pit "orchestra" for our musicals. I say "orchestra" because it was just random members of our concert band. We were to small to have any string instruments other than a stand up bass and guitar in jazz band, lol.
  • shrinkingletters
    shrinkingletters Posts: 1,008 Member
    (it's okay if it was musical theatre, I was in that, too)

    Jesus now that I think of it, I did a lot of crap in high school. I was also in a crappy punk garage band (guitar/vocals [I'm being generous when I say "vocals"])

    Cool. I've been playing lead guitar and singing in bands for almost 20 years. I've got practice tonight, actually.

    The cool think about punk rock is you can suck at your instrument and no one cares. I'm mediocre at best on the guitar. It was mostly something for me and my friends to have something to do after school that didn't involve actually doing our homework.
  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,395 Member
    Decent athlete, also did well in plays and show choir, goof ball, most likely to tick off the teachers.

    Show choir, you mean musical theatre?
    There's a difference. lol. Severe difference.

    Just checking! I never heard "show choir" and I was in musical theatre. *soft shoes out, stage right*

    Do you watch Glee (I have seen part of one episode)? That's show choir. Musical theater is like actual musical plays, right?
  • shrinkingletters
    shrinkingletters Posts: 1,008 Member
    All that being said: I haven't changed one bit. I'm still self-involved and I keep myself busy with something at all times. Still clueless about men/they still weird me the hell out/I'd rather they leave me alone, mostly. People mistake me for someone who is cool for that reason, still. This is okay, I run with it every chance I get.
  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,395 Member
    Typical horny band geek. Watched a lot of x-files.

    fantastic series!

    I'm actually re-watching it right now!! I stopped watching in after Mulder left and I never watched the last two seasons. I'm on the second to last season now and it's fantastic getting to see episodes I've never seen before!

    favourite villain?? tombs tops my list

    Can I say Krycek, just cause he's so hot?

    ahhhh he was annoying, also he played multiple characters in the series

    Did he now, my x-phile friend. lol. I used to get on the x-phile chat rooms on yahoo chat and roll play with random other geeks, lol.
  • MrsBooBear
    MrsBooBear Posts: 12,618 Member
    Got on with everyone. Loved Art,English. Decent at sports and I.T. Terrible with Maths. Quiet.
  • shrinkingletters
    shrinkingletters Posts: 1,008 Member
    Decent athlete, also did well in plays and show choir, goof ball, most likely to tick off the teachers.

    Show choir, you mean musical theatre?
    There's a difference. lol. Severe difference.

    Just checking! I never heard "show choir" and I was in musical theatre. *soft shoes out, stage right*

    Do you watch Glee (I have seen part of one episode)? That's show choir. Musical theater is like actual musical plays, right?

    With the acting and the dancing, yes ma'am. I did a little tap dance during that time. That was fun. Slipping on edges of things with your tap shoes and busting your shin open: not fun.
  • Johnnycrapcorn
    Johnnycrapcorn Posts: 106 Member
    I was the funny fat guy.
  • Mr_Stabbems
    Mr_Stabbems Posts: 4,771 Member
    Typical horny band geek. Watched a lot of x-files.

    fantastic series!

    I'm actually re-watching it right now!! I stopped watching in after Mulder left and I never watched the last two seasons. I'm on the second to last season now and it's fantastic getting to see episodes I've never seen before!

    favourite villain?? tombs tops my list

    Can I say Krycek, just cause he's so hot?

    ahhhh he was annoying, also he played multiple characters in the series

    Did he now, my x-phile friend. lol. I used to get on the x-phile chat rooms on yahoo chat and roll play with random other geeks, lol.

    its was a great series, i was actually sad with what happened to the long gunmen!
  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,395 Member
    Typical horny band geek. Watched a lot of x-files.

    fantastic series!

    I'm actually re-watching it right now!! I stopped watching in after Mulder left and I never watched the last two seasons. I'm on the second to last season now and it's fantastic getting to see episodes I've never seen before!

    favourite villain?? tombs tops my list

    Can I say Krycek, just cause he's so hot?

    ahhhh he was annoying, also he played multiple characters in the series

    Did he now, my x-phile friend. lol. I used to get on the x-phile chat rooms on yahoo chat and roll play with random other geeks, lol.

    its was a great series, i was actually sad with what happened to the long gunmen!

    cause hey turned that in to a spin off? I never watched it.
  • Mrj183
    Mrj183 Posts: 1,428 Member
    I was an all rounder model student. Student council president, volleyball, football, chess, choir and drama club.
  • cuckoo_jenibeth
    cuckoo_jenibeth Posts: 1,434 Member
    When I went to my last reunion a former classmate introduced me to his wife as, "one of those rare hot chicks that was nice to everyone"! I will gladly be remembered that way!
  • larali1980
    larali1980 Posts: 162 Member
    I was a weird gifted kid that chewed on pencils and skipped pep rallies because they made me sick with anxiety. I spent lunch time in the library (I really did.) I got bullied so much that I missed school for two weeks once. Got kicked off the yearbook staff because I wouldn't talk to anyone. I was horribly shy yet I made myself call the cute guys I liked (with a script, of course). I skipped my senior year and went to college instead. It was a f-ing nightmare.

    College was a whole different story... LOL!!
  • kidcuba176
    kidcuba176 Posts: 95 Member
    A1 everything

  • SuseAndo26
    SuseAndo26 Posts: 54 Member
    I was quiet and known as one of the smart kids but you knew if I was pissed off and I can remember laughing and laughing and laughing until I cried a lot and always in trouble for talking in class.

    Would always go bright red if I got singled out by the teacher...and EVERYONE would comment on it which made it worse. :neutral::wink:
  • _Valhalla_
    _Valhalla_ Posts: 20 Member
    edited July 2015
    I was awkward and shy. It was high school. I played ice hockey in Houston, Texas so not many people at my school could relate. Played football. Refused to do homework, so grades weren't the best. Bottom line, awkward and shy and very disruptive in class, but funny.
  • lesslerz2014
    lesslerz2014 Posts: 24 Member
    Everyone thought I was a punk pothead but I wasn't lol.
    I hung around the metal heads and stoners, I had a good group of friends but I was pretty shy.
  • Mr_Stabbems
    Mr_Stabbems Posts: 4,771 Member
    despite my many clear and jaw dropping character flaws, managed to hook up quite a bit! doodled loads which makes sense now that i'm an artist-ish kinda person. Was often in trouble, great grades though.