What were you really like in high school



  • hannibalholt89
    hannibalholt89 Posts: 101 Member
    I was athletic, ignorant, immature, lost, shallow, arrogant, blessed.
    now im the opposite of all except blessed.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Good student, above average athlete, quiet, humorous. Had one girlfriend through High School. Had one best friend. Didn't fit in with any groups. Had a great time in HS.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    I was a person that knew everyone and was in a lot of cliques.
    I ran cross country but was a partier
    I was in English honors but failing other classes
    Played guitar in a rock band, hand long hair, but most time I was working at neighbors ranches and farms.
    Grew up really poor in a single wide with 7 of us, but my best friend was one of the richest kids at the school.
    I dunno...I was awkwardly acceptable and the most poplar average kid around.
  • pechepanda
    pechepanda Posts: 7,939 Member
    I was super quiet. I did all AP classes and hung out in the library or had classes/volunteer things during lunch and after school. I hung out with random people everyday, I had lots of friends, just not really any close friends or groups I fit into. I tried my best to blend into the walls but did not succeed.
  • ohmscheeks
    ohmscheeks Posts: 840 Member
  • yusaku02
    yusaku02 Posts: 3,472 Member
    3 sport varisty athlete (cross country, nordic skiing, track)
    AP and honors classes out the wazoo
    Big into skateboarding and video games and football
    Very quiet and shy.
    I had to have about 4 different groups of friends because my interests were too varied.
  • dgoodie92
    dgoodie92 Posts: 624 Member
    i was the bully i knee how to box and loved a fight